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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

front cover image for Faraday Discussions, Volume 145, 2010

Faraday Discussions documents a long-established series of Faraday Discussion meetings which provide a unique international forum for the exchange of views and newly acquired results in developing areas of physical chemistry, biophysical chemistry and chemical physics. 

The papers presented are published in the Faraday Discussion volume together with a record of the discussion contributions made at the meeting. Faraday Discussions therefore provide an important record of current international knowledge and views in the field concerned.

The latest (2009) impact factor of Faraday Discussions is 3.70

Published Faraday Discussions papers - dating back to 1947 - can be accessed by following the links in the left-hand navigation bar.  Full details on future Discussion meetings, including information on how to register and the scientific programme for forthcoming Discussions, are available by following the link below.


Future Faraday Discussions

Full details, including information on submitting an abstract, registration and the scientific programme for forthcoming discussions

Previous Faraday Discussions

Browse an index of previous Faraday Discussions, dating back to 1960

Suggest a Discussion

Proposals for new Faraday Discussions are always appreciated. Contact details and advice on preparing a proposal are given here

Purchasing an Individual Volume

Purchase a recent Faraday Discussion as an individual volume

Sample content

Read examples of the different types of article and discussion published in Faraday Discussions, for free!

Spiers Memorial Lecture and Prize

The Spiers Memorial Lecture and Prize is made to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of the Faraday Discussion.

RSC Conferences

Major conferences centrally organised by the RSC

Instructions to Authors


In addition to important technical details which are set out below, these notes provide general information and guidance on the required style, content and submission of Faraday Discussion Papers.

¡¤         Nature and Content of a Faraday Discussion Paper

A Faraday Discussion paper must contain new and unpublished research work. Review-type articles are NOT accepted and the paper must not contain more review material than is necessary to set the context for the novel work.

A Discussion paper differs from a typical research paper only in that a degree of latitude is allowed concerning inclusion of remarks or questions which may stimulate interesting scientific discussion.

¡¤         Length of Paper

A Faraday Discussion paper should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words of text plus tables and figures.

¡¤         Refereeing Procedure

The papers will be assessed prior to the meeting by members of the Organising Committee to ensure that they fall within the general guidelines given above.

¡¤         Submission of Manuscripts

Authors are informed of the exact deadline for the submission of manuscripts; it is normally five months prior to the meeting. This is to allow time for refereeing, revision of the paper if necessary, creation of pre-prints and circulation of the pre-prints to the Discussion participants.

Online submissions [E-submissions]

Manuscripts may be submitted to the Editor to arrive on or before the deadline using the RSC file-upload service: www.rsc.org/submissions

Please supply the following to the Editor:

  1. A PDF version of the manuscript as a single file (containing text and figures). This file will be used for online refereeing where possible. (A MS Word file may alternatively be supplied)
  2. Crystallographic data in CIF format, if applicable
  3. Data for deposition with the ESI service, if applicable
  4. A completed Licence to Publish should be forwarded to the Editor by fax or post. The form can be found at www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/coplic.htm

Manuscripts sent by file upload will be acknowledged by email. A printed copy of the manuscript will not be required. Authors should contact the Editorial Office if they have not received an acknowledgement within 4 working days.

Postal submissions

Manuscripts must be sent to arrive on or before the deadline to:

Dr Susan Appleyard, Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WF.

Please supply the following to the Editor:

  1. Fax and e-mail details for correspondence
  2. Three copies of the manuscript with artwork presized
  3. Artwork originals
  4. Crystallographic data as a CIF e-mailed to the Editorial Office
  5. Disk version of manuscript: Text (PDF or MS Word) and artwork (TIF, ChemDraw or EPS). PDF files may be suitable for online refereeing
  6. Items 3-4 from the e-submissions section above

¡¤         Requirements for revised articles and materials for proof preparation

Revised manuscripts may be sent to the Editorial Office either by electronic file upload (www.rsc.org/submissions) or by post to the address above. Revised manuscripts sent by post can be accepted on 3.5-inch disk, ZIP disk or CD-ROM and should be accompanied by a printed copy of the manuscript. Please ensure that the electronic version is identical to the hardcopy. The revised files should be sent in the formats given in the separate guidelines on submitting files for proof preparation below.

Proofs of the papers are sent to authors shortly after the Discussion meeting. Only typographical corrections are allowed at proof. In exceptional circumstances, and with the agreement of the editor, revisions may be allowed but the cost of modifying the proof will be charged to the author. Please note that authors are responsible for the final proof-reading of manuscripts. It is imperative that authors check the proofs (including any tabulated data and figures) very carefully. All proof corrections should be sent at the same time. Papers are published as Advance Articles on the web as soon as possible after we receive proof corrections from the authors. Late corrections cannot be incorporated after publication of the Advance Article.

¡¤         Administration

Receipt of a paper will be acknowledged, and the paper will be given a reference number which authors are asked to quote on all their subsequent correspondence. If no acknowledgement is received after a reasonable period of time authors should check with the Editorial Office (Email faraday@rsc.org) as to whether the paper or the acknowledgement has gone astray.

¡¤         Licence to Publish

The whole of the literary matter (including tables, figures, diagrams and photographs) in Faraday Discussions and any Supplementary Material is subject to a Licence to Publish. The paper may not be reproduced without permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry or the copyright owner of the paper as may be indicated.

¡¤         Notes on the Preparation of Papers

1.    Manuscripts must be typed with double-line spacing, single sided on A4 paper, with margins at top, bottom and left-hand side of at least 4 cm.

2.    The first page should be set out as follows:



Name and address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent
Title of the paper, with capitals for the first letter of the first word only
Authors' names, including one forename for each author
The address where the work was carried out; if this is different from the current address a footnote indicating the present address of the corresponding author should be included
Abstract, preceded and followed by a horizontal line, and typed in double-line spacing

3.    Suitable headings and sub-headings should be used in the main text as appropriate.

References should be numbered serially in the text by means of superscript arabic numerals.

4.    Bibliographic references (not footnotes) should follow the main text and should have the following format:

    1. C. Jarque and A. D. Buckingham, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1992, 88, 1353.
    2. R. M. Barrer and R. J. B. Craven, in New Developments in Zeolite Science and Technology, ed. Y. Murakame, A. Iijima and J. W. Ward, Kodansha, Tokyo, 1986, p. 521.

Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). See www.rsc.org/is/journals/authrefs/jabbr.htm

5.    Tables should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscripts.

6.    Diagrams and schemes presented on separate sheets should be accompanied by a separately typed set of captions. Extensive identifying lettering should be placed in the caption rather than on lines on graphs, etc. Original art-work should be supplied whenever possible. Colour photographs will be accepted only when a black-and-white photograph fails to show some vital feature.

7.    Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI). Authors are encouraged to deposit bulk information (such as primary kinetic data, spectra, programs etc), free of charge, with the RSC's ESI service. In particular, publication of lengthy tables of raw data is discouraged and such material should be deposited. Such data, which should be submitted at the same time as the manuscript, will be made freely available via the Journal's Web pages (www.rsc.org/faraday_d). The electronic data should be supplied in one of the formats below (other formats may also be acceptable):

o                                Word

o                                Wordperfect

o                                TeX/LaTeX

o                                JPEG/GIF/TIF/EPS (max 640x480 pixels)

o                                MOL (or PDB)

o                                Crystallographic Information File (CIF)

The electronic files should be supplied either by file upload or on disk with three printed copies for use by the referees. For papers submitted by file upload printed copies of the manuscripts are not required. CIFs should be emailed (see below). Further details from www.rsc.org/esi

8.    Publication of X-ray Crystallographic Work. Authors should submit all supplementary crystallographic data electronically as a Crystallographic Information File (CIF) file, which should include: a table of final fractional atomic coordinates; any calculated coordinates (e.g. hydrogen); a full list of bond lengths and angles with estimated standard deviations; a full list of displacement parameters in the form Bij or Uij (in Å2 or pm2); FULL details of the refinement.

Authors wishing to submit X-ray crystallographic work are strongly encouraged to consult the full guidelines before submitting such work (available from www.rsc.org/is/journals/authrefs/cryst.htm)

Deposition of Material at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre- Supplementary crystallographic data will be passed to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) as part of the assessment process. Each structure will be assigned a separate CCDC number, which will be detailed in the subsequent crystallographic report. Data will be held in their confidential archive until publication of the article, when they will be entered into the Cambridge Structural Database (if an organic carbon is present) while purely inorganic data will be forwarded to the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe. Enquiries for data can be directed to CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, UK CB2 1EZ, Email deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk, Fax +44 (0) 1223 336033

If the article is not published by the RSC, these data will remain in the CCDC's confidential archive. If the crystal structure(s) are then published elsewhere, the CCDC Deposition Number(s) detailed in the crystallographic report should be quoted in that publication and the CCDC advised of the new journal and the appropriate reference.

¡¤         Units and Symbols

The recommendations of IUPAC should be followed. Their basis is the Syst¨¨me Internationale d'Unit¨¦s (SI). A detailed treatment is given in the so-called Green Book. Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1988 edn.

¡¤         Nomenclature

Current IUPAC nomenclature and symbolism should be used.

Attention is drawn to the following publications in which the rules themselves and guidance on their use are given:
Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
, 1993
Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
, 1990
Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, Portland Press,
, 1992
Compendium of Chemical Terminology: IUPAC Recommendations, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Oxford, 1987.

¡¤         Guidelines on submitting files for proof preparation

Successful use of your electronic files should speed up the production process and avoid errors being introduced. Authors should ensure that files submitted at this stage contain the final version of their manuscript. Proof corrections should only correct errors from the Production process and should not be used to make general changes to the text.

Uploaded files
The electronic files for proof preparation (for formats see below) should be for the revised version of the manuscript. At this stage do not provide PDF files. Please supply the manuscript text (incorporating any revisions) and the graphics (for formats see below) as separate files, since these have to go through different production stages.

Posted files
Please submit paper copies of the manuscript in addition to the electronic version. The electronic files should be for the revised version of the manuscript; so please ensure that the hardcopy to be edited and the data on the diskette are identical. Diskettes: Please use PC or Macintosh 3.5" (preferably high-density rather than double-density) diskettes and label them clearly with the author name, word processor type, file format and filenames and manuscript number.

File types
We prefer to receive Microsoft Word files, although we will endeavour to use other electronic versions wherever possible. For other word processors, also save the file as Rich Text Format (.rtf) if possible. For Faraday Discussions, LaTeX files will be accepted. Graphics: ChemDraw files (saved as filename.cdx) are preferred, but we can also accept ChemWindows (saved as filename.chm) and Isis/Draw (exported as filename.tgf). Please do not integrate your graphics files into the word processor document, since these are difficult to separate out for the proof preparation process.

Text details
Please supply the text file as unjustified, ranged left, and without end-of-line hyphenation. Auto-referencing features that bury references within the text should not be used.

Please include any tables at the end of the text file, and use either the word processor's table editor or tabs for formatting (but not a mixture of the two).

Chemical structures as ChemDraw, ChemWindows and ISIS/Draw files submitted separately to the manuscript.

Artwork (other than structures) as TIFF, EPS or PDF at 600 dpi or greater resolution. It would be helpful if PDF graphics were produced using the "PDF Creation Files" job options from our web site: www.rsc.org/is/journals/templates/templates.htm. Please supply these separately to the word-processed file.

Check the manuscript carefully for consistency, particularly in the representation of chemical formulae, compound names and words with alternative spellings.

We will try to use the supplied data in our production process, but mathematical equations and tables in particular may be re-keyed by the typesetter. It is imperative that authors check their proofs (including any tabulated data and figures) very carefully. Papers are published as advance Articles on the web as soon as possible after the return of proof corrections. Late corrections cannot be incorporated after publication of the Advance Article.
Editorial Board


Publishing Staff - concerned with all stages up to final acceptance

Dr Susan Appleyard

Managing Editor

Miss Katie Daniel

Mr Philip Earis

Dr Katharine Sanderson

Assistant Editors

Miss Jackie Cockrill

Publishing Assistant



Production Staff - concerned with all stages from acceptance to publication

Dr Stephen Wilkes

Team Leader, Serials Production

Mrs Carolyn Knighton


Dr Colin Batchelor

Dr Katherine Davies

Dr Gisela Scott

Technical Editors

Mrs Sonya Spring

Editorial Secretary

Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK, tel +44 (0) 1223 420066 ext 2286, fax +44 (0) 1223 420247, Email faraday@rsc.org


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