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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 The European Review of Agricultural Economics is now firmly established as the pre-eminent forum for the discussion and dissemination of theoretical and applied agricultural economics research in Europe, with a readership that extends worldwide.

The Review covers a wide range of topics within and related to agricultural economics. Topic areas include, for example: production economics and farm management, agricultural policy,agricultural environmental issues, regional planning and rural development, factor markets, supply and demand analysis, marketing of agricultural and food products, international trade and development, and methodology. The Review publishes new theoretical and empirical research, as well as papers discussing policy issues.

Shorter features supplement the main content. These features include book reviews and comments on previously published articles. In addition, the journal publishes the plenary papers of the triennial congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists in the month of the congress itself, thus enabling the international scientific community to have immediate access to the papers.

The Journal has an impact factor of 0.404 and is ranked 104/166 in the Economics category of the ISI Journal Citation Reports (2003).

Instructions to Authors

Submissions. Articles should be submitted to the Editor by e-mail, either as a fully anonymised PDF file or prepared in a recent version of Word for Windows. No identifying information (names, acknowledgements, logos etc.) should be included in this file. The title page should be sent in a separate electronic file, identifying the author(s), listing all acknowledgements, and with the name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author. One printed copy of the complete article should be sent via post. A submitted article must be accompanied by a covering letter in which the author states that it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless rejected by the Editor or withdrawn by the author. The author should inform the Editor if some of the content of the paper has been used in another published, forthcoming or submitted paper or book. The Editor may request that copies of other publications or submitted publications are sent. Articles should be written in English. The Editor reserves the right not to forward papers for review on the grounds of poor English or presentation. Reactions to articles previously published in the Review may be sent to the Editor; critical comments and suggestions are always welcome. Publishers and authors are invited to send books published in major languages for review to the Book Review Editor. Anyone wishing to write a book review for the Review should contact the Book Review Editor.

Refereeing process. New submissions are sent to three independent, anonymous reviewers, selected by Editorial Board members and the Editor, for judgement on their appropriateness for publication in the Review. The recommendations of the refereeing panel are made known to the authors by the Editor. Revised articles should be sent directly to the Editor in the same way as first submissions. When an article has been accepted, the Editor will inform the author(s)in which issue of the Review it will be published. On submission, an article receives a manuscript number. This number should be quoted in all corrrespondence relating to the article.

Proofs. PDF proofs are sent to authors for proof reading and correction directly by the publisher and a date for return of proofs will be given; corrections arriving after the stated date will only be incorporated if time is available in the production schedule.

Length. Articles should not exceed 8,000 words, or word-equivalents, including abstract, tables, figures, and graphs. Shorter articles will also be considered. In assessing the contribution of tables and figures to the length of an article, note that a printed Review page contains about 475 words.

Presentation and layout. An abstract of no more than 100 words should precede the text of the article. The abstract should give a clear idea of the main conclusions of the article, the methods employed and some indication of the line of reasoning. Provide a maximum of five key words below the abstract.
General acknowledgements and background information to the article, such as sponsoring bodies of the research project, should appear as a footnote on the first page of the manuscript. The name and affiliation of the author(s) should be given on the first page only to protect their anonymity in the reviewing process.
Manuscripts should be divided into sections, each with number and section heading. Use no more than three grades of headings. Footnotes should appear at the end of the page in which they are inserted. Collect references, tables and figures, in that order, at the end of the manuscripts.
A translation of all foreign words should be included in parentheses, and acronyms should be spelt out in full in parentheses at their first appearance. Use single quotation marks and British English spelling throughout.
Use only essential mathematical notations and number formulae consecutively. References are cited in the text by giving the name of the author/editor, year of pucliation and - in the case of quotatons or an exact reference - the page number, all in parentheses (Swinnen, 1997: 12) or (Zeller et al., 1997). Postscript multiple entries by one author in the same year by a, b, c, etc., (Koester, 1988a,b). The reference section should contain all works referred to in the text, and only those. They should be listed fully in alphabetical order of the author/editor with complete bibliographical details (including publisher and place of publication). Journal and book titles must be given in full. Page references must be given for articles in books and journals. References should conform to the following examples:

Book Swinnen, J. F. M. (ed.) (1997). Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Article in a book Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. (1997). Dynamics in consumer behaviour with respect to agricultural and food products. In Wieringa, B., Tilburg, A. van, Grunert, K., Steenkamp, J.-B. E. M. and Wedel, M. (eds), Agricultural Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in a Changing World. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 143-188.

Article in a journal Monier-Dilhan, S. and Ossard, H. (1998). Producers' loss due to asymmetric information: An application to a specific case. European Review of Agricultural Economics 25: 155-169.

Dissertations, reports, conference papers Zeller, M., Schrieder, G., Braun, J. von and Heidhues, F. (1997). Rural Finance for Food Security for the Poor: Implications for Research and Policy. Food Policy Review 4, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Washington DC: IFPRI.
Tables should be numbered consecutively and their position in the text must be indicated. When submitting tables, consideration should be given to the limits imposed by the journal page size. Tables spread across double pages are difficult to read and typeset. Avoid vertical lines. Computer printouts are not acceptable. Type table column headings with an initial capital only.
Number figures consecutively and indicate their position in the text. Reproducible originals (camera-ready copy) of line drawings should be submitted. Type captions with an initial capital only.

Twenty-five offprints of each article will be sent to contributors free of charge. Additional offprints may be ordered, but they must be ordered prior to printing. State your address for proofs and offprints at the end of an article. It is important to keep the editor and/or the publisher informed of your current postal and e-mail addresses, and your telephone number.

Editorial Board

Dr Alison Burrell
Department of Economics & Management
Wageningen University
Hollandseweg 1
6706 KN Wageningen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 317 482 049
Fax: +31 317 484 736
Email: Alison.Burrell@wur.nl

Book Review Editor:

Erik Mathijs

Editorial Board:
Luis Miguel Albisu, Agricultural Research Service, DGA, Zaragoza
Jean Cavailhès, INRA, Dijon
Linda Fulponi, OECD
Thomas Heckelei, University of Bonn
Nedka Ivanova, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia
Kostas Karantininis, Royal Agricultural & Veterinary University, Copenhagen
Chantal Le Mouël, INRA, Rennes
Steve McCorriston, University of Exeter
Alfons Oude Lansink, Wageningen University
Kyösti Pietola, Agrifood Research Finland
Jutta Roosen, University of Kiel
Paolo Sckokai, Catholic University, Piacenza
Spiro E. Stefanou, Pennsylvania State University (US Editorial Consultant)
Arild Vatn, Agricultural University of Norway
Christoph Weiss, University of Economics, Vienna
Trevor Young, University of Manchester


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