

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The European Journal of Pain is a multi-disciplinary international journal that aims to become a global forum on all major aspects of pain and its management. The journal differs from existing pain journals in its clinical and educational emphasis. Submissions from all over the world are welcome.

Under the guidance of an international multi-disciplinary Editorial Board, the journal publishes articles on clinical and basic research relevant to many medical specialities.

Instructions to Authors


Free colour reproduction. There is no charge to authors for publishing colour illustrations.

Authors should supply the editorial office with a copy of the manuscript on disk together with 4 typescript copies. Ensure the disk and typescript match exactly. The Editor will accept a 3.5 inch disk in any IBM or Macintosh word processing format. Please indicate on the label attached to your disk, your name, address, typescript title and name of the word processing package used.

Alternatively, the files may be sent as attached files to the e-mail of the Editorial Office (ejp.office@uah.es).

Please ensure that all sections of your article are double spaced, in a single file in the order set out above and with references in the correct style. Tables, with their captions, and figure legends should be supplied on disk in a separate file. Line illustrations may be supplied on disk but must be in a separate file and not embedded in the text. Photographic prints will be handled separately and should not be supplied on disk.

Manuscripts may be submitted to:

Professor Fernando Cervero
Departamento de Fisiologia,
Edificio de Medicina,
Universidad de Alcala,
Alcala de Henares,
28871 Madrid
Fax: +34 91 885 48 07
E-mail: ejp.office@uah.es

All experimental work should be in accordance with the ethical standards of a responsible committee, the Helsinki Declaration and IASP's guidelines for pain research in animals (Pain 1983; 16: 109-110) and humans (Pain 1995; 63: 277-278).

Number of Copies
A covering letter must accompany all submissions and should be signed by all authors. The authors must acknowledge in their covering letter that the work the article represents has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. If the work or an abstract of it has been published, for instance, in another language, then this fact should be made clear in the covering letter. Submissions from all over the world will be welcome.

Manuscript Preparation: Original Articles Papers must be written in English and printed on one side of the paper only, with double spacing and 3cm margins. Each of the following sections should begin on a new page and all the pages should be numbered serially.

(i) Title page (ii) Abstract (iii) Text (iv) Acknowledgments (v) References (vi) Tables (vii) Legends for illustrations

The title page should give:
(i) The title of the article.
(ii) The authors? names (first name, middle initial and last name of each author) and institutes of origin.
(iii) The name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence.
(iv) The category for which the manuscript is being submitted (original article, review, case study).
(v) About five key words and a short title of not more than 50 characters for each page (running head).

The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should describe the background, the aims, the methods, the results and the conclusions reached. It should contain only standard abbreviations and no references.

Reference Format
References should be typed with double spacing. In the text, references should be cited at the proper point (in parentheses) by author(s) and year in chronological order. References with more than two names should be cited by the first author, the abbreviation ?et al.? and year. If two or more references with the same first author and year are cited, use lower-case letters a,b, etc., after the year both in the text and in the reference list. References to cited materials should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article.

The sequence for a journal article should be author(s), title of paper, journal name abbreviated as in Index Medicus (written in full if no abbreviation quoted), year of oublicaiton, volume number, first and last pages. Include all authors. Do not use ?et al.? except in text. The sequence for a book is: chapter author(s), chapter title, editor(s) or compiler(s), book title, edition number, place of publication, publisher?s name, year of publication, first and last pages (if relevant).

Example 1: Mustola ST, Baer T, Metsa-Ketela T, Laippala P.A District General Hospital pain management programme: first year experiences and outcomes. Anaesthesia 1995; 50: 114-117.

Example 2: Stubhaug A, Breivik H. Post-operative analgesic trials: some important issues. In: Breivik H, editor. Post-operative Pain Management. London: Balli¨¨re Tindall Ltd, 1995: 555-584.

Personal communications, manuscripts in preparation and other unpublished data should not be cited in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text in parentheses.

All colour illustrations will be published free of charge. The European Journal of Pain does not charge authors for colour reproduction.

All illustrations must be cited in sequence. If line drawings are submitted, they should be in black indelible ink and drawn to approximately 1.5 to 2 times their required size for publication. These may be in the form of high-quality laser- generated graphics. Four copies are required. Photographs should be in the form of glossy prints, ideally half-plate (127 x 173 mm). Four prints are preferable but the original and three photocopies are acceptable provided they are of sufficient quality to send to the referees.

Each illustration should have a label on the back giving its number, principal author?s name and an arrow indicating the top.

The legends for illustrations should be listed on a separate page in numerical order and should contain brief but comprehensible explanations.

All authors wishing to use illustrations already published must first obtain the permission of the author, publisher and/or copyright holders and give precise reference to the original work. This permission must include the right to publish in electronic media.

Tables should be numbered in series and must be cited in the text in sequence. Each table, with an appropriate brief legend, comprehensible without reference to the text, should be typed on a separate page and four copies submitted. For footnotes, use superscripts 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., not asterisks or other symbols.

The acknowledgements section should specify acknowledgement of technical help, sources of financial and material support and a ?Declaration of Interests?.

Units & Abbreviations
Abbreviations, numbers and SI lengths Measurements of length, height and volume should be reported in metric units (metre, kilogram, litre). Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius and blood pressures in millimetres of mercury or kPa with the alternative units in parentheses. All other measurements including laboratory measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System of Units (SI).

Abbreviations should be limited and defined after the first use of the term.

Drug Names
Generic names of drugs should be used where possible. When quoting from specific materials on proprietary drugs, authors must state in parentheses the name and address of the manufacturer.

Disk/Electronic Submission
Please follow as detailed in the first paragraph.

The Editor-in-Chief encourages submission of review articles on topics of interest to the readers of the journal which have not been covered recently in other international journals. Any topic will be considered, but priority will be given to those addressing a major current problem and those with up-to-date literature reviews. Reviews will be subjected to the usual refereeing process. An outline of the review should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief before submission. The guidelines for the preparation of review articles are the same as those for original articles.

Clinical and Experimental Notes and Short Communications

Clinical and experimental notes and short communications should not exceed about 1500 words, with references as appropriate and a few illustrations. The guidelines for the preparation of the manuscripts ar ethe same as those for original articles, as far as applicable. For rapid publication these communications would be more quickley reviewed than full papers.

Letters to the Editor
Letters containing critical assessment of papers recently published in the European Journal of Pain will be considered for publication in the correspondence section. Letters should not exceed two printed pages (1000 words including references, one table or one figure). At the Editor's discretion, a letter may be sent to authors of the original paper for comment, and both letter and reply may be published together. Letters should be typed in double spacing, should have a heading and no abbreviations. Two copies should be sent to the Editor.

The Publisher reserves the right to charge the authors the cost of changes made to the text or the figures at the proof stage when such changes are extensive. No charge will, of course, be made for correction of errors made during the editorial process or by the printer.

The Publisher will supply 25 offprints of each paper. Further offprints may be ordered at extra cost using order forms supplied with the proofs.


Editorial Board



Professor Fernando Cervero
Departamento de Fisiologia,
Edificio de Medicina,
Universidad de Alcala,
Alcala de Henares,
28871 Madrid
Fax: +34 91 885 48 07
Email: ejp.office@uah.es
Deputy Editor
Professor Harald Breivik
Founding Editor
Professor Ulf Lindblom
Basic Science of Pain - Section Editor
F. Cervero
Basic Science of Pain - Associate Editors
A. I. Basbaum
J.-M. Besson
M. Devor
A. Eschalier
S. P. Hunt
D. Lima
R. Maldonado
S. Mense
Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin
W.D. Willis jr.
Experimental Studies in Humans - Section Editor
R.-D. Treede
Experimental Studies in Humans - Associate Editors
L. Arendt-Nielsen
M.C. Bushnell
A.K.P. Jones
R. Kakigi
L. Plaghki
Clinical Medicine - Section Editor
H. Breivik
Clinical Medicine - Associate Editors
E. Alon
S. Arn¨¦r
M.R. Bond
F. Boureau
M.J. Cousins
M.A. Giamberardino
P. Hansson
E. Kalso
U.E. Kongsgaard
U. Lindblom
J.D. Loeser
N. Memran-Pourcher
H. Merskey
B.A. Meyerson
M. Puig
Clinical Psychology - Section Editor
C.J. Main
Clinical Psychology - Associate Editors
G.J.G. Asmundson
H.D. Basler
H. Flor
J. Turner
B. van Houdenhove
J.W.S. Vlaeyen
The Netherlands
A.C. de C. Williams


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