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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high-quality, original papers that contribute to the practice of decision making. EJOR contains the following types of papers:
Invited Reviews explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over the past five years
Case Studies describing the solution to an actual problem
Theory and Methodology papers, including applications of theoretical developments without real data but capable of being used in the foreseeable future
Articles which focus on the role of the computer
Concise articles which contribute to the practice of OR
Short Communications.
In addition to these types of papers, EJOR contains OR Software News and Book Reviews. Apart from regular issues, EJOR publishes Feature Issues which focus on an OR topic of current interest.

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Researchers and practitioners working in the area of operational research/management science

Abstracting / Indexing

  • Bio Systems
  • CompuMath Citation Index
  • Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  • Decision Sciences Web
  • Engineering Index
  • Executive Sciences Institute
  • International Abstracts in Operations Research
  • Management Contents
  • Mathematical Reviews
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Instructions to Authors


1. The editorial policy of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) is to publish high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational research (OR) and to the practice of decision making. With application papers, originality may be demonstrated by applying OR to a problem with interesting new aspects or by providing fresh insights leading to successful implementation. Practitioners often suffer from the need to conceal commercial secrets. Referees will take this into sympathetic consideration when advising on an application paper, but it will not be allowed to detract from clarity of the presentation.

2. Each paper will be classified into one of the eight headings:

1. Continuous Optimization
2. Discrete Optimization
3. Production, Manufacturing and Logistics
4. Stochastics and Statistics
5. Decision Aiding
6. Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology
7. O.R. Applications
8. Interfaces with Other Disciplines

The above classification will be based on the EJOR keywords (see the list at the end of the instructions). Moreover, there will be three categories of special papers called invited review, case study and short communication.

A review may be either on a specific research topic, a tutorial, or a bibliographic survey. Anyone interested in writing a review is requested first to suggest a topic to one of the editors or to a member of the editorial board of EJOR.

A case study should describe an actual problem solved in an innovative way. A case study may be worthy of publication simply because it can be used to convince managers of the value to be gained by applying OR to particular problems.

A short communication category includes technical notes, comments on published papers, papers contributing to the debate on perspectives or a present status of OR in education, practical management, etc.

All submitted papers that conform with the editorial policy will be refereed. However, the manuscripts that do not, will be rejected without refereeing.

3. Authors of articles within the scope of EJOR are invited to submit four copies of their papers to one of the editors as described in Section 9 (Keywords) of these Instructions to Authors. Submission to EJOR implies that the paper is not submitted to any other journal at the same time. The refereeing process will only start after the editors have received four copies of the paper which contains an abstract and keywords (see Section 9). Authors not conforming with this policy will be requested to provide four complete copies; the editors will not make insertions.

4. Manuscripts should be written in English. Authors are encouraged to obtain assistance in the editing of their papers for proper use of English prior to submission. Manuscripts must be typed on one side of the paper in double or one-and-a-half line spacing throughout, with wide margins. Pages should be numbered consecutively. A duplicate copy should be retained by the author.

5. Titles, both of the article itself and of the sections, should be brief and specific.

6. Name(s) of the author(s): for information retrieval, please specify your name always in exactly the same way; initials or given name first, and family name last.

7. Full mailing address(es), including e-mail, of the author(s) should be given, at the institution where the research has been done. If the current mailing address differs, this should be supplied in a footnote. Please indicate the corresponding author.

8. An abstract should be given with every article. It should be self-contained and understandable by the general OR reader outside the context of the article. It should be free from formulae, specialized jargon, acronyms and references. It should be specific and between 50 and 150 words of length.

9. Keywords must be included and at least the first one should be selected from the list on the last page of these Instructions to Authors. Some keywords from outside the list may be added but the total number of keywords should not exceed five. The letters before the keywords on the last page are those of the surnames of the three editors. To reduce the length of the refereeing time, the paper should be submitted to the editor whose initial is given before the most important keyword selected from the list.

10. Sections should be decimally numbered. Titles should be specific, except "Introduction", "Summary" and "Conclusions".

11. Paragraphs should be indented in the manuscript to avoid ambiguities when a line ends on a full stop.

12. Tables hardly ever need vertical lines. They should be numbered consecutively and have a self-explanatory title. In designing tables please take the column and page width of EJOR into account.

13. Figures should be numbered consecutively and have a self-explanatory caption. Special care should be given to the drawing. Except for a reduction in size, they will appear in the final printing in exactly the same form as submitted by the author; normally they will not be redrawn by the printer. In order to make a photographic reproduction possible, all drawings should be on separate sheets, with wide margins, drawn high quality, large size, bold lined and bold lettered. Exceptions are diagrams containing only formulae and a small number of straight lines (or arrows); these can be typeset. It is also possible to accommodate photographs. Original figures should not be included with the papers sent for refereeing (see 17 below).

14. Formulae should normally be displayed on a separate line and numbered, if referred to, in parentheses on the right. They should be typed. If this is impossible and handwritten symbols are used, these should be listed separately. Keep formulae as simple as possible. The solidus / is preferable to the horizontal division line. Avoid the letters o and 1. Avoid super- or subscripted super- or subscripts.

15. Please avoid excessive use of footnotes. Other short notes can be incorporated in the text in parentheses or square brackets; lengthy notes can be presented as appendices.

16. References should only be made to literature with which there is a direct and important interface. Dragging along a cumulative list of everything published on the subject should be avoided. Journal names should be written out in full. For referencing one should choose either system A or system B, examples of which are given below for a paper in a journal, for a book, for a contributed paper in a volume and for an unpublished but obtainable paper, respectively. We encourage references to downloaded electronic papers and relevant websites.

System A. References in the text are indicated by arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. In the list of references they are listed alphabetically, e.g.:

[1] M.J. Alves, J. Cl¨ªmaco, Using cutting planes in an interactive reference point approach for multiobjective integer linear programming problems, European Journal of Operational Research 117 (3)(1999)565-577.
[2] A. Jensen, Traffic, Operational Research, Futurology, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
[3] M.J.D. Powell, A view of nonlinear optimization, in: J.K. Lenstra, A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan, A. Schrijver (Eds.), History of Mathematical Programming, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1991, pp. 119-125.
[4] D. Sarkar, W.I. Zangwill, File and work transfer in cyclic queue systems, Technical Paper, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, 1990 (Downloadable from website http://...).

System B. References in the text are indicated by authors' names and year of publication in parentheses:

Alves, M.J., Cl¨ªmaco, J., 1999. Using cutting planes in an interactive reference point approach for multiobjective integer linear programming problems, European Journal of Operational Research 117 (3) 565-577.
Jensen, A. 1980. Traffic, Operational Research, Futurology, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Powell, M.J.D., 1991. A view of nonlinear optimization. In: Lenstra, J.K., Rinnooy Kan, A.H.G., Schrijver, A. (Eds.), History of Mathematical Programming, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 119-125.
Sarkar, D., Zangwill, W.I., 1990. File and work transfer in cyclic queue systems, Technical Paper, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ (Downloadable from website http://...).

17. Electronic manuscripts are welcomed by the publisher, to whom they must be sent directly only after the paper has been accepted for publication by the editors, together with a copy of the manuscript in its final form, with the original figures and with the form provided by the editors. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. The preferred storage medium is a 3.5 inch disk in MS-DOS format, although other systems may be used, e.g., Macintosh (in this case, the file must be saved in the usual manner; the option "save in MS-DOS format" should not be used). Authors should make absolutely sure that the file on the disk and the accepted version of their paper are identical. A new and correctly formatted disk should be used and labelled with the author's name; the software and hardware used should be specified as well as the title of the file to be processed. The file should not be converted to plain ASCII. Authors should make sure that the letter "l" and digit "1", and also the letter "O" and digit "0" are used properly, and should format their article (tabs, indents, etc.) consistently. Characters not available on one's word processor (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should not be left open but indicated by a unique code (e.g., "gralpha", alpha, "@", etc., for the Greek letter " "). Such codes should be used consistently thoughout the entire text; a list of codes used should accompany the electronic manuscript. Authors should not allow their word processor to introduce word breaks and should not use justified layout. Authors should adhere strictly to the general instructions above on style, arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal.

18. Corrections in the proof stage, other than printer's errors, should be avoided; otherwise, cost arising from such extra corrections will be charged to the authors. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. No page charge is made. Fifty reprints of each contribution are available free of charge. Additional reprints can be ordered. A reprint order form will be sent together with the proofs.

19. The publisher will inform authors of the issue in which a paper is to appear immediately it has been scheduled for publication. Invited reviews and case studies will continue to receive the top priority. However the editors will also give a high priority to the shorter theory and methodology papers. Consequently authors cannot be given an indication of publication dates but the editors will attempt to maintain a backlog of accepted papers which is no larger than necessary to produce attractively balanced issues.

List of keywords*

  • (S) Agriculture
  • (T) Airlines
  • (T) Applied probability
  • (S) Artificial intelligence
  • (S) Assignment
  • (W) Auctions/bidding
  • (W) Banking
  • (S) Biology
  • (S) Branch and bound
  • (W) Business process reengineering
  • (S) Combinatorial optimization
  • (S) Complexity theory
  • (S) Computing science
  • (T) Constraints satisfaction
  • (T) Control
  • (T) Convex programming
  • (W) Cost benefit analysis
  • (S) Cutting
  • (W) Data envelopment analysis
  • (W) Decision analysis
  • (S) Decision support systems
  • (T) Developing countries
  • (T) Distribution
  • (T) Dynamic programming
  • (W) Economics
  • (W) Education
  • (S) Energy
  • (W) Environment
  • (S) Evolutionary computations
  • (S) Expert systems
  • (T) Facilities planning and design
  • (W) Finance
  • (W) Flexible manufacturing systems
  • (T) Forecasting
  • (T) Fractional programming
  • (S) Fuzzy sets
  • (T) Game theory
  • (W) Gaming
  • (S) Genetic algorithms
  • (T) Geometric programming
  • (T) Global optimization
  • (W) Goal programming
  • (W) Government
  • (T) Graph theory
  • (W) Group decisions and negotiations
  • (W) Health services
  • (S) Heuristics
  • (W) Human resources
  • (T) Integer programming
  • (T) Interior point methods
  • (W) Internet
  • (T) Inventory
  • (W) Investment analysis
  • (S) Knowledge-based systems
  • (T) Large scale optimization
  • (T) Linear programming
  • (T) Location
  • (T,W) Logistics
  • (T) Maintenance
  • (W) Manpower planning
  • (W) Manufacturing
  • (W) Marketing
  • (T) Markov processes
  • (S) Medicine
  • (S) Metaheuristics
  • (T) Military
  • (S) Modelling systems and languages
  • (S) Multi-agent systems
  • (S,W) Multiple criteria analysis
  • (S,W) Multiple objective programming
  • (T) Multivariate statistics
  • (W) Natural resources
  • (S) Network flows
  • (S) Neural networks
  • (T) Nonlinear programming
  • (W) Organization theory
  • (S) Packing
  • (S,T) Parallel computing
  • (T) Parametric programming
  • (T) Penalty methods
  • (S) Petri nets
  • (S) Polyhedra
  • (W) Pricing
  • (W) Production
  • (W) Productivity and competitiveness
  • (S) Project management and scheduling
  • (W) Psychology
  • (W) Purchasing
  • (T) Quadratic programming
  • (T) Quality control
  • (W) Quality management
  • (T) Queueing
  • (T) Regression
  • (T) Reliability
  • (T) Replacement
  • (W) Research and development
  • (W) Retailing
  • (T) Risk analysis
  • (W) Risk management
  • (T) Robustness and sensitivity analysis
  • (S) Rough sets
  • (T) Routing
  • (W) Scenarios
  • (S) Scheduling
  • (S) Search theory
  • (T) Semi-definite programming
  • (S) Simulated annealing
  • (T) Simulation
  • (S) Societal problem analysis
  • (T) Stochastic processes
  • (T) Stochastic programming
  • (W) Strategic planning
  • (W) Supply chain management
  • (S) Systems dynamics
  • (S) Tabu search
  • (S) Telecommunications
  • (T) Time series
  • (S) Timetabling
  • (T) Traffic
  • (T) Transportation
  • (T) Travelling salesman
  • (S) Uncertainty modelling
  • (W) Utility theory
  • (W) Visual interactive modelling

*Codes of editors: (S) - Roman Slowinski, (T) - Jacques Teghem, (W) - Jyrki Walle


Editorial Board



R. Slowinski, IDSS/EJOR, Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965 Poznan, Poland. Tel.: +48-61-8790790; E-mail: slowinsk@man.poznan.pl Fax: +48-61-8771525
J. Teghem, MATHRO/EJOR Facult¨¦ Polytechnique de Mons, 9, rue de Houdain, 7000 Mons, Belgium. E-mail: teghem.ejor@mathro.fpms.ac.be Tel: +32-65-374680, Fax: +32-65-374689
J. Wallenius, Helsinki School of Economics, P.O. Box 1210, 00101 Helsinki, Finland. Tel.: +358-9-43131; E-mail: walleniu@hkkk.fi Fax: +358-9-43138613

Editorial Board:

S. Axsäter, Lund University, Sweden
E. Balas, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
J.-P. Brans, Free University Brussels, Belgium
C.M. Brugha, University College Dublin, Ireland
D.W. Bunn, London Business School, UK
R.E. Burkard, Technical University of Graz, Austria
C. Carlson, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo, Finland
W.W. Cooper, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
D. de Werra, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
L.F. Escudero, University of Madrid, Spain
A.A. Farley, Monash University, Clayton, Australia
P. Hansen, GERAD, Montreal, Canada
T. Ibaraki, Kyoto University, Japan
J.P.C. Kleijnen, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
R. Kruse, University of Otto-von-Guericke, Magdeburg, Germany
B. Matarazzo, Universita di Catania, Italy
K. Ohno, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
V. Paschos, University of Paris Dauphine, Paris, France
G. Plateau, Universite de Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France
C. ReVelle, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
B. Roy, Universit¨¦ de Paris-IX-Dauphine, Paris, France
Y. Siskos, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
E. Taillard, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
L.V. Tavares, Universidade T¨¦cnica de Lisbon, Portugal
T. Terlaky, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
L. Thomas, University of Southampton, UK
P. Toth, University of Bologna, Italy
J. Ulhøi, The Arhus School of Economics and Business Administration, Arhus, Denmark
P. van Beek, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
L.N. Vicente, University of Coimbra, Portugal
J. Weglarz, Technical University of Poznan, Poland
L.A. Wolsey, Catholique Universite de Louvain, Belgium
G. Wäscher, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
U. Yechiali, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Editor Book Review Section:

D. Vanderpooten, University of Paris Dauphine, Place du Mal de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris Cedex 16, France



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