

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingAims and scope
Official Journal of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
The aim of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging is to provide a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information for the nuclear medicine community and allied professions involved in the functional, metabolic and molecular investigation of disease. The European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging will remain of primary interest to those practising the field of nuclear medicine but will also report on original works relating to physics, dosimetry, radiation biology, radiochemistry and pharmacy. The Journal will welcome original material reflecting the field of molecular imaging probes, reporter gene assays, cell trafficking, targeting of endogenous gene expression and antisense methodologies.
The Journal will continue to publish in depth Reviews of topical interest, Short communications, Controversies, interesting images and Letters to the editor. Case reports are not published.
Instructions to Authors
Manuscript submission

Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities ?tacitly or explicitly ?at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Online Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink “Submit online?on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.
Types of papers

The manuscripts should be divided clearly into an introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and References . The text should be concise and consistent as spelling, abbreviations, etc. British English is preferred.

EndNote offers a bibliographic style for the EJNMMI to format your references.

Short communications should contain a maximum of 1500 words and no more than 6 tables and/or figures. References should be confined to 10.Titles should be concise and to the point.

The following points should be respected when submitting an article as an Image of the month:
?It should be an interesting image with a relevant commentary, not a report of a case
?The complete article (including figures and references) should fit on one page
?The text should not exceed 250 words including description of the figure
?No separate figure legend
?Figure parts should be kept to a minimum and should be grouped as a plate
?No more than five References

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board
I. Carri? Barcelona

Associate Editors
M. Schwaiger, Munich
N. Tamaki, Sapporo
A. Bischof Delaloye, Lausanne
A. Al-Nahhas, London
L. Mortelmans, Leuven
G. Lucignani, Milano

Honorary Editor
W. H. Knapp, Hannover

Editorial Assistant
E. Mena, Barcelona

Editorial Board
H.M. Abdel Dayem, New York
W. Acampa, Naples
D. Agostini, Caen
A. Alavi, Philadelphia
S. Askienazy, Paris
P. Bartenstein, München
S. Basu, Bombay
R.P. Baum, Bad Berka
J.J. Bax, Leiden
O. Belohlavek, Prague
F.M. Bengel, Baltimore
H. Bergmann, Vienna
L. Biassoni, London
H. Biersack, Bonn
J.A.K. Blokland, Leiden
A. Bockisch, Essen
O. Boerman, Nijmegen
E. Bombardieri, Milano
M.H. Bourguignon, Paris
B. Brans, Maastricht
A. Britten, London
J. R. Buscombe, London
E.E. Camargo, Campinas
P. Camici, London
J.L. Carreras Delgado, Madrid
J.M. Carril, Santander
J.-F. Chatal, Nantes
X. Chen, Stanford
A. Chiti, Milano
T. Chua, Singapore
J.-K. Chung, Seoul
P.S. Conti, Los Angeles
G. Cook, Sutton
A. Cuocolo, Naples
J. Czernin, Los Angeles
M. de Jong, Rotterdam
C. Decristoforo, Innsbruck
D. Delbeke, Nashville
R.A. Dierckx, Groningen
A. Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Heidelberg
C.R. Divgi, Philadelphia
R. Dudczak, Vienna
H. Durak, Izmir
M. Eisenhut, Heidelberg
P. J. Ell, London
K. Endo, Gunma
M. Estorch, Barcelona
A. Fattah, Cairo
F. Fazio, Milano
J. Fettich, Ljubljana
A. Fischer Thom, Sao Paulo
J.S. Fleming, Southampton
A. Flotats, Barcelona
I. Fogelman, London
L.M. Freeman, New York
L. Friberg, Copenhagen
S.S. Gambhir, Stanford
E. Garcia, Atlanta
G. Germano, Los Angeles
R. Giubbini, Brescia
P. Gonzalez, Santiago de Chile
U. Haberkorn, Heidelberg
C. Halldin, Stockholm
Z.-X. He, Beijing
K. Herholz, Manchester
B. Hesse, Copenhagen
R. Hicks, Melbourne
D.J. Hnatowich, Worcester
L. Højgaard, Copenhagen
R. Hustinx, Liege
B. Hutton, London
H. Iida, Osaka
O. Israel, Haifa
A. Jacobs, Cologne
L. Kapucu, Ankara
P. A. Kaufmann, Zurich
M. Kelly, Victoria
B. A. Khaw, Boston
E.E. Kim, Houston
M.J. Knuuti, Turku
L. Kostakoglu, New York
J. Kotzerke, Dresden
K. Kubota, Tokyo
T. Kuwert, Erlangen
D.J. Kwekkeboom, Rotterdam
A.A. Lammertsma, Amsterdam
M. Lassmann, Wuerzburg
D.S. Lee, Seoul
M.-C. Lee, Seoul
D. Le Guludec, Paris
V. Lele, Bombay
G.S. Limouris, Athens
P. Lind, Klagenfurt
H. Macapinlac, Houston
H.R. Maecke, Basle
J. Malamitsi, Athens
L. Mansi, Naples
C. Marcassa, Veruno
G. Mariani, Pisa
P.Y. Marie, Nancy
J. Martin-Comin, Barcelona
C. Martinez-Duncker, Mexico City
T. Massardo, Santiago de Chile
A. Mateo, Valencia
S.J. Mather, London
V.R. McCready, Sutton
J.H. McKillop, Glasgow
D.H. Moon, Seoul
J.L. Moretti, Paris
J. Narula, Orange
T.O. Nunan, London
M.J. O'Doherty, London
W. Oyen, Nijmegen
G. Paganelli, Milano
A.C. Perkins, Nottingham
A. Piepsz, Brussels
P. Pieri, Cesena
F. Pons, Barcelona
V.C. Prassapoulos, Athens
A. Pupi, Florence
C. Reiners, Wuerzburg
S.N. Reske, Ulm
D. Rubello, Rovigo
M. Salvatore, Naples
G. Sambuceti, Genoa
M.P. Sandler, Nashville
H.B. Sayman, Istanbul
M. Schäfers, Muenster
H.R. Schelbert, Los Angeles
O. Schillaci, Rome
O. Schober, Muenster
P.A. Schubiger, Zurich
A.M. Scott, Victoria
M. Senda, Kobe
B.A. Siegel, St. Louis
A. Signore, Rome
H.W. Strauss, New York
L. G. Strauss, Heidelberg
Y. Suzuki, Yamanashi
J. Szilvasi, Budapest
J.-N. Talbot, Paris
K. Tatsch, Munich
B. Tavitian, Orsay
M.L. Thakur, Philadelphia
M. Tian, Hangzhou
M. Ünl? Ankara
R.A. Valdes Olmos, Amsterdam
T. Vander Borght, Yvoir
A. Verbruggen, Leuven
M. R. Vieira Batista, Lisboa
I. Virgolini, Innsbruck
G. von Schulthess, Zurich
R. Wahl, Baltimore
J. Yamazaki, Tokyo
Y. Yonekura, Chiba
H. Zhang, Hangzhou

Book Review Editor
L. Mansi, Naples


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