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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry publishes full papers, short communications, and microreviews from the entire spectrum of inorganic, organometallic, bioinorganic, and solid-state chemistry formerly contained in:
  • Chemische Berichte
  • Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
  • Bulletin de la Sociét?Chimique de France
  • Gazzetta Chimica Italiana
  • Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
  • Anales de Química
  • Chimika Chronika
  • Revista Portuguesa Química
  • ACH - Models in Chemistry
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry continues to keep you up-to-date with important inorganic chemistry research results.


European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry veröffentlicht Originalbeiträge und Microreviews aus allen Bereichen der anorganischen, metallorganischen und bioanorganischen Chemie sowie der Festkörperchemie, die bisher in folgenden Zeitschriften erschienen sind:
  • Chemische Berichte
  • Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
  • Bulletin de la Sociét?Chimique de France
  • Gazzetta Chimica Italiana
  • Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
  • Anales de Química
  • Chimika Chronika
  • Revista Portuguesa Química
  • ACH - Models in Chemistry
Damit ist dies das Forum, welches Ihnen einen Überblick über Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Bereich der Anorganischen Chemie bietet.


German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) http://www.gdch.de
Royal Chemical Society of Belgium (Sociét?Royale de Chimie)
Royal Flemish Chemical Society (Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging)
French Chemical Society (Sociét?Française de Chimie) http://www.sfc.fr
Italian Chemical Society (Societ?Chimica Italiana) http://www.sci.uniba.it
Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging) http://www.kncv.nl
Royal Spanish Chemical Society (Real Sociedad Española de Química) http://www.ucm.es/info/rsequim
Association of Greek Chemists
Portuguese Chemical Society (Sociedade Portuguesa de Química)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tadományos Akadémia) http://www.mta.hu
Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker http://www.goech.at
Czech Chemical Society http://www.csch.cz
The Swedish Chemical Society http://www.chemsoc.se

Instructions to Authors

The Author Guidelines for Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. and Eur. J. Org. Chem. may be obtained from the Editorial Office

P. O. Box 101161, 69451 Weinheim, Germany

For Courier Services: Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany

Phone: + 49(0)6201/606-255, -0
Fax: + 49(0)6201/606-203, -328
E-mail: ejic-ejoc@wiley-vch.de

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Editorial Board
Editor Karen J. Hindson
Deputy Editor Andrew Frankland
Managing Editor Udo Eberhardt
Associate Editor Robert Temme
Editorial Assistants Ursula Lerch
Linda Nocera
Fay Wolter
Administration Audrey Bauer
Carola Goldenstein
Production Meike Blaschke
Silke Lautenschläger
Margitta Schmitt
Chairman of the Editorial Board Ivano Bertini, Firenze
Editorial Board Jaíme Casab? Barcelona
Bernard Meunier, Toulouse
Jan Reedijk, Leiden
Günter Schmid, Essen
International Advisory Board Giulio Alberti, Perugia
Robert G. Bergman, Berkeley
Guy Bertrand, Riverside
Jean-Luc Brédas, Atlanta
Henri Brunner, Regensburg
Chi-Ming Che, Hong Kong
Dimitri Coucouvanis, Ann Arbor
Eric Derouane, Liverpool
Michel Devillers, Louvain-la-Neuve
Kim R. Dunbar, College Station
Cornelis J. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Gerhard Erker, Münster
Pablo Espinet, Valladolid
Anton W. Gal, Nijmegen
Jos?M. González-Calbet, Madrid
Hansjörg Grützmacher, Zürich
Brian F. G. Johnson, Cambridge
Nikos Katsaros, Athens
Tamás Kiss, Szeged
Thomas M. Klapötke, München
Peter Klüfers, München
Bernt Krebs, Münster
Lechoslaw Latos-Grazynski, Wroclaw
Kazuko Matsumoto, Tokyo
Dan Meyerstein, Beer-Sheva
Giovanni Natile, Bari
Paul O'Brien, Manchester
Luis A. Oro, Zaragoza
Maurizio Peruzzini, Firenze
Michel Pfeffer, Strasbourg
Fernando Pina, Monte da Caparica
Rinaldo Poli, Dijon
Carlos C. Romão, Oeiras
Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky, Madrid
Myunghyun P. Suh, Seoul
Alejandro J. Vila, Rosario
Dieter Vogt, Eindhoven
Dirk Walther, Jena
Yoshihito Watanabe, Nagoya
Manuscripts should be submitted online: http://webeos.wiley-vch.de/osm/jsp/osm.jsp
Editorial Office Dr. Karen J. Hindson
P. O. Box 10 11 61
69451 Weinheim

For Courier Services:
Boschstr. 12
69469 Weinheim
Phone: +49(0)6201/606-255
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-203
E-mail: ejic-ejoc@wiley-vch.de
Homepage http://www.eurjic.org
Subscriptions Customer Service
Phone: +49(0)6201/606-400
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-184
E-mail: service@wiley-vch.de
Marketing Claudia Barzen
E-Mail: cbarzen@wiley-vch.de
Coordinating Managing Editor
European Journals
Karen J. Hindson
Publisher Eva-E. Wille
Publishers WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
P. O. Box 10 11 61
69451 Weinheim
Phone: +49(0)6201/606-0
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-328
Publication twice monthly


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