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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Epidemiologic Reviews is a leading review journal in public health. Published once a year, issues collect review articles on a particular subject. Recent issues have focused on prostate cancer, cohort study, vaccines, genetic epidemiology, and injury prevention. The 2004 issue will focus on social epidemiology.

Instructions to Authors

The department provides a number of services relating to the rights of the Oxford Journals, including:

  • Processing permission requests to reproduce content from the Oxford Journals
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The department is staffed from 8.30-17.00 (GMT), from Monday to Friday. To contact the department at any other time, please send an email message or a fax.


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The following additional policy information and guidelines are provided for the benefit of our authors:

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Editorial Board


Board of Overseers
Alfred Sommer, Chairman
Lisa Berkman
Tom Koepsell
Noel R. Rose
Jonathan M. Samet

Michel A. Ibrahim, Baltimore, MD

Editorial Advisory Committee
Lisa F. Berkman, Boston, MA
Richard S. Cooper, Maywood, IL
Rosa Crum, Baltimore, MD
Ana Diez-Roux, Ann Arbor, MI
George A. Kaplan, Ann Arbor, MI
Stanislav V. Kasl, New Haven, CT
Michael Marmot, London, England
Anthony McMichael, Canberra, Australia
Ezra Susser, New York, NY
S. Leonard Syme, Berkeley, CA


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