

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Current issue


Emergency Medicine Journal (formerly Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine) is a leading international journal of developments and advances in emergency medicine and critical care. It represents all specialities involved in emergency care in the hospital and prehospital environment. Each issue contains Editorials, Reviews, Original articles, Short reports, Research series, Best evidence topic reports, Journal scan, Prehospital care, Case reports, Letters, Book reviews and more.

EMJ is the journal of the British Association for Accident & Emergency Medicine and is the official journal of the British Association for Immediate Care and the Faculty of Prehospital Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

This page last updated 24th August 2004

ISSN EMJ 1472-0205 ,ISSN EMJ Online 1472-0213


Instructions to Authors


Our Guidelines have moved to: http://emj.bmjjournals.com/misc/ifora/
Please update your bookmarks. Thank you!

Welcome to the Emergency Medicine Journal guidelines for authors and reviewers. These guidelines have been compiled to provide maximum support and assistance for authors and reviewers throughout all stages of the publication process. 

Authors: please follow the journal and manuscript preparation guidelines closely. The Editors reserve the right to return papers if submitted incorrectly. 

EMJ uses an online submission and review system (Bench>Press) to track the peer review process, all manuscripts must now be submitted via Bench>Press. Please
contact the editorial office for guidance if you are unable to submit in this way.

All papers must be submitted through Bench>Press, our online submission and review system

EMJ welcomes:

original papers
papers on all aspects of prehospital care
review articles
short papers
case reports (usually published online only)
emergency casebooks

EMJ will consider rapid review and publication for articles of outstanding interest

Supplementary data for articles and electronic correspondence are available on EMJ Online

Further information is available in the Instructions to Authors and from the Editorial Office


Editorial Board


EMJ Editorial Board

Peter Driscoll
Hope Hospital
Salford, UK

Jim Wardrope
Northern General Hospital
Sheffield, UK

Associate Editors
Colville Laird
(Pre hospital Care) 
St Margaret’s Health Centre
Auchterarder, Scotland

Roderick Mackenzie
Deputy Associate Editor, Pre hospital Care
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge, UK

BETS Editor
Kevin Mackway-Jones
Royal Manchester Infirmary
Manchester, UK

Web Editor
Jonathan Wyatt

Royal Cornwall Hospital
Truro, UK

Editorial Assistant
Craig Raybould
BMJ Journals, BMJPG Ltd
BMA House
Tavistock Square
London, W1T 6JA
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7383 6795
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7383 6668
Email: emjeditorial@bmjgroup.com

Technical Editor
Jackie Foulds
Manger Cottage, The Street 
Wissett, Nr Halesworth 
Suffolk IP19 0JH 
Email: jfoulds@btinternet.com  

Managing Editor
Andrea Horgan
BMJ Journals, BMJPG Ltd
BMA House
Tavistock Square
London, W1T 6JA

Email: ahorgan@bmjgroup.com

Editorial Board
George Alberti
University of Newcastle Medical School, Newcastle, UK

Rui Araujo
Hospital Geral de Santo AntÛnio, Polivante, Portugal

Thomas Beattie
Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK

Mike Beckett
West Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK

Kenneth Boffard
Johannesburg Hospital, Houghton, South Africa

Chris Brookes
Hope Hospital, Salford, UK

Anthony Brown
Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

Chris Carney
East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust, Norwich, UK

Mike Clancy
Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

Tim Coats
Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK

Matthew Cooke
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Robert Crouch
Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

Ffion Davies
The Royal London Hospital, London, UK

Christine Dearden
Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK

Rhid Dowdle
Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Glamorgan, UK

Steve Goodacre
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Peter Goode
Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle, UK

Alistair Gray
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Henry Guly
Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UK

Richard Hardern
University Hospital of North Durham, Durham, UK

Jerris Hedges
Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, USA

John Henry
St Mary's Hospital, London, UK

John Heyworth
Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

Tim Hodgetts
Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, UK

Geoffrey Hughes
Wellington Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand

Diana Hulbert
Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

Robin Illingworth
St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK

Alison Jones
National Poisons Information Service, London, UK

Kevin Jones
Royal Bolton Hospital, Bolton, UK

Tom Judge
LifeFlight of Maine, Bangor, USA

Michael Lambert
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norwich, UK

Campbell MacFarlane
Gauteng Provincial Government, Johannesburg, South Africa

Iain McNeil
Surrey Ambulance Service, Copthorne, UK

Steve Meek
Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK

Francis Morris
Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK

Patrick Nee
Whiston Hospital, Manchester, UK

Keith Porter
Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, UK

Brian Robertson
The Ash Centre, Ash, UK

Aruni Sen
Maelor Hospital, Wrexham, UK

Martin Shalley
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK

David Skinner
The John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK

John Sloan
Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK

Paul Sullivan
Hope Hospital, Salford, UK

Robin Touquet
St Mary's Hospital, London, UK

David Watson
Royal United Hospitals, Bath, UK

Hasnain Zafar
The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan

J Nolan Anaesthetic representative
Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK

D Pedley Registrar representative
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, UK

Editor BMJ


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