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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for EMBO reports

Online ISSN: 1469-3178

About EMBO Reports


EMBO reports publishes scientific research in all areas of molecular biology, as well as expert reviews from leading researchers and editorial content that offers insight into the broader issues affecting science and society. These diverse article types provide a distinct perspective.

Aims & Scope

EMBO Reports publishes short-format papers that communicate a single major finding, offering novel physiological/functional insight of wide interest that is robustly documented by independent lines of evidence. Papers can be in any area of molecular biology, including:

  • Membranes & Transport
  • Cell & Tissue Architecture
  • Signal Transduction
  • Chromatin & Transcription
  • RNA
  • Proteins
  • Cell Cycle
  • Genome Stability & Dynamics
  • Development
  • Differentiation & Death
  • Cellular Metabolism
  • Neuroscience
  • Immunology
  • Plant Biology
  • Microbiology & Pathogens
  • Molecular Biology of Disease
  • Genomic & Computational Biology
  • Structural Biology
  • Molecular Evolution
  • Molecular Ecology
  • Biotechnology


Article Types

Scientific Reports

Short-format, original research papers that report ground-breaking advances in any aspect of molecular biology. Scientific reports should communicate a single major finding, offering physiological/functional insight of wide interest that is robustly documented by independent lines of evidence.


Concise and accessible overviews of cutting edge science, written and peer-reviewed by leading scientists.

Science & Society

Essays and articles on the impact and application of science: uses and abuses of science, communication and education, policy and practice.


Howy Jacobs shares his thoughts.


Leading scientists and others offer commentary and opinion on topics on and beyond molecular biology.

Hot off the Press

EMBO reports papers highlighted and contextualized.


News, highlights and insight from the latest meetings.


Transparent Editorial Process


EMBO reports has a fair and transparent process to rapidly publish important science.

Transparent Review

  • No confidential referee remarks
  • Published anonymous referee reports and editorial correspondence
  • Editors respect requests to exclude specific referees
  • Editors justify editorial decisions in detail and specify what is required for a revision

Flexible Formatting

  • No journal-specific formatting required at submission; manuscripts are assessed for science, not for style

Scooping Protection

  • Similar findings that are published by others during review or revision are not a criterion for rejection
  • In exceptional circumstances, editors may consider manuscripts that have just been scooped

Cross-Referee Commenting

  • Referees are invited to comment on each other's reports before the editor makes a decision, ensuring a balanced review process

Single Round

  • Papers rarely undergo more than one major round of revision
  • Referees are asked to focus on essential revisions and to consider the feasibility of experiments they suggest
  • Revisions are invited only if they are possible in a realistic time frame
  • Editors ensure that referees do not raise new non-essential points upon revision
  • More than 95% of invited revisions are published at EMBO reports

Fast Process

  • Editorial decisions are returned within a week and referee comments in less than a month
  • After acceptance, we can publish fully edited papers within 10 days

Approachable Editors

  • Authors can discuss manuscripts with editors at any stage in the process, including during revision and following rejection. Editors may invite author feedback on referee reports before reaching a decision

Informed Evaluation

  • Scientific editors undertake a comprehensive evaluation of each manuscript. Editorial board members advise rapidly on manuscripts

Source Data

  • Authors are encouraged to publish the unprocessed source data underlying graphs, gels and micrographs alongside the figures to promote data transparency and reuse
  • Supplementary information is restricted to essential data supporting key claims in the main paper. Structured datasets, models and detailed protocols are also permitted

Manuscript Transfers

  • Authors can elect to transfer manuscripts with referee reports between the EMBO publications. Editors prioritize transfers and base decisions on the available information, ensuring exceptional manuscripts can be published without delay

Review Process Files

EMBO reports invites authors to have a Peer Review Process File included alongside their published papers. Authors can decline to participate in this initiative.

A Peer Review Process File documents the timeline and all the correspondence relevant to the processing of the manuscript at the Journal. It contains the referee reports from each round of review, alongside the author responses and the editorial decision letters, and, where appropriate, additional correspondence between the editors and the authors. Importantly, referees remain anonymous.

The time line includes the actual dates of each submission, resubmission and decision.

De-emphasis of confidential comments

As part of our transparency initiative, we now forego 'confidential referee comments'. We actually rarely encounter comments that are at odds with the main referee report, although referees sometimes repeat their views in more straight language. Nevertheless, the existence of this additional layer of commenting begs the question 'What went on behind the scenes?'. Confidential comments are clearly appropriate in the rare cases where there are concerns about ethical standards, data integrity, biosecurity or conflicts of an academic or commercial nature, which should be communicated directly to the editor.

Cross-peer review

In order to optimize the peer review process, we now actively encourage referees to comment on each other's reports. For the majority of manuscripts, we send the reports to all referees a day before the decision is made encouraging feedback. It is essential to emphasize that we do not expect every referee to comment on every other report—this will be exception, not the norm. The lack of a post-review comment will in no way lessen our appreciation of the primary report filed. We envisage two major scenarios where post-review feedback is important: if a referee wants to note that one of the other referees has raised erroneous or non-essential issues, or indeed if a bias is perceived, or if a referee has overlooked an essential point raised by another referee and wishes to reinforce that point. Importantly, we will not always go with the last word— the additional feedback will help us think in a more integrated way about the decision, and, if need be, engage in further consultation. Note that this additional step does not delay the editorial process.


We subscribe to referee confidentiality rules. On the other hand, we are aware of the relatively common practice of handing a review onto someone else in the laboratory. If carried out correctly, this can in fact be an important part of training, but it should be reserved for experienced postdoctoral researchers. Thus, EMBO reports allows co-refereeing with one other senior member of a referee's laboratory as part of the mentoring process only if the primary referee has independently evaluated the manuscript and agrees with the report filed. For co-review, conflict of interest and confidentiality rules apply to both referees. In order to provide accountability and appropriate credit, we request that the name of the co-referee be documented to the editors. If an invited referee does not have the time to review, another member of the laboratory or institute can be recommended to the editors.


Impact Factor (2012): 7.2 (Thomson Reuters)
5-year Impact Factor (2012): 7.4 (Thomson Reuters)
Immediacy Index (2012): 1.7 (Thomson Reuters)
SJR (2011): 3.0 (JournalM3trics)
SNIP (2011): 1.0 (JournalM3trics)
h5 (2007-2011): 61 (Google Scholar)
Eigenfactor (2011): 0.05 (eigenfactor.org)
Article Influence (2011): 3.75 (eigenfactor.org)

Open Access

Authors of research articles can also opt to pay an article processing charge of $3,900 (+VAT where applicable) for their accepted articles to be open access online immediately upon publication. By paying this charge authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server, immediately on publication.

Please note that EMBO OPEN charges will have to be levied in addition to the page charges, in order to cover some of the costs associated with the production process for a paper.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Preparation

The following guidelines are separated by article type as follows:

The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with the instructions. However, a manuscript will not be rejected out of hand for format reasons: while published manuscripts are expected to conform tightly to the following guidelines, this is not a requirement at first submission.

Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English and be intelligible to a broad readership. Prior to submission, authors may benefit from having their manuscript reviewed for clarity by colleagues and/or by using one of the many English language-editing services that are available.

Guidelines for Scientific Reports

EMBO reports publishes short-format papers that report a single, key message. Papers published in the journal should present compelling data to support a significant conceptual advance in any area of molecular biology, with a special emphasis on functional insight and potential applications. When considering submissions, the journal focuses on the novelty and the physiological/functional significance of a finding, rather than the level of mechanistic detail reported. Manuscripts will be selected on the basis of conceptual advance, general interest and technical quality.

You do not need to reformat or edit your manuscript for submission. EMBO reports will consider all manuscripts submitted to the journal without prejudice. Revised manuscripts, however, should be up to approximately 25,000 characters in length including title page, abstract, references, figure legends and spaces (but excluding tables and Expanded View content). At revision, EMBO reports will still not dismiss manuscripts that slightly exceed this length, but if the manuscript is accepted, the authors will be asked to shorten the manuscript to fit the journal's format. In general, display items (figures and tables) should be limited to 4 and the total length of the published paper should be between 6 and 7 pages of the journal. The Methods section must contain sufficient information to understand the paper, with more detailed, Materials and Methods provided in the Expanded View to allow reproduction of the experiments. In general, Expanded View content should be kept to an absolute minimum, as appropriate to a short-format report (see below for more details).

The editors encourage the use of a combined Results and Dicussion section, given the short format of papers published in EMBO reports.
Submitted manuscripts should be divided into the following sections:

For specific formatting information about these sections, please see the information below, or click the individual sections above. For details of preparing Figures and Tables and more general formatting guidelines not specific to a single article type, see the General Formatting Guidelines below.

Guidelines for Reviews

Review articles in EMBO reports should cover an aspect of molecular biology that is topical and constitutes a novel analysis of the field at the time of submission. EMBO reports publishes Reviews that balance interest for the general reader with usefulness for specialists. When commissioning or assessing Reviews, the editors focus on articles that report the latest developments and newest insights in a given field and set them in a wider context.

EMBO reports Reviews are concise and should occupy up to 8 pages of the journal. Therefore, initial submissions should be 30,000 characters, including spaces, figure legends and sidebars. Reviews should contain around 75 references (not included in the character count), but this is not a strict limit. References and the Bibliography should conform to the format listed below. The exact character count should be stated on the front page of the manuscript. Submissions that are over this length will be returned for shortening prior to peer-review, unless previously discussed with the editor.

We can accommodate up to four figures, and we encourage authors to maximize the use of these visual elements, which will increase the accessibility of the piece to a non-specialist readership.


Suggestions may be submitted to the Editorial Office in the form of a one-page proposal for consideration. The submission of complete manuscripts as Review proposals, without prior arrangement with the appropriate editor is not permitted. The content of the Reviews section is usually commissioned by the editors and, given the high pressure for space in the journal, those proposals that are accepted must conform to rather stringent standards of novelty, timeliness and interest to a broad readership.

All manuscripts submitted to this section are peer-reviewed and, if accepted, may be extensively edited in-house.

Submitted manuscripts should be divided into the following sections:

For specific formatting information about these sections, please see the information below, or click the individual sections above. For details of preparing Figures and Tables and more general formatting guidelines not specific to a single article type, see the General Formatting Guidelines below.

Guidelines for Science & Society

EMBO reports welcomes submissions to its Science & Society section. The Science & Society section is intended to cover the wider aspects of biological research and the impact and application of science: uses and abuses of science, communication and education, policy and practice.

Science & Society articles should both inform and, where appropriate, entertain the reader, but should also be grounded in documented facts or findings. Numerical information should be presented in a historically accurate as well as statistically rigorous way. Inferences or assertions that are the opinion of the writer rather than constituting a widely accepted view are permitted, provided this is made clear.

The style of Science & Society articles may therefore be more similar to a science magazine or even a general newspaper article, rather than a scientific paper or review.

All contributions to the Science & Society section are subject to editorial review and may be rejected if they are deemed to be outside the scope of the journal or of insufficient general interest. Submissions that are accepted in principle will be edited in-house. We aim to work with the author(s) to ensure that the final version of any article is both correct and interesting to a broad readership. All changes must be approved by the author(s) to ensure that the edited article accurately represents the facts and their viewpoint, but must also conform to the journal's editorial standards. Articles are not peer-reviewed, although editors may ask members of EMBO reports Advisory Editorial Board for advice and guidance.

The editors also reserve the right to reject any manuscript if they consider the content to be inappropriate, libelous, not of general interest to EMBO reports readership or if it involves a conflict of interest that would significantly undermine the credibility of the article.

EMBO reports welcomes the submission of Science & Society articles in the following areas:

  • Economics and business
  • Ethics
  • Evolution, environment and agriculture
  • Genetically modified organisms
  • Health and disease
  • Science infrastructures and publishing
  • Science policy and funding
  • Philosophy and history of science
  • Societal issues and politics
  • Scientific training and careers
  • Technology, development and applications

Submitted manuscripts should be in the format of an essay with a Title page, and should be no longer than 35,000 characters including spaces, references and figure legends. References should be limited to fewer than 20, and should follow the style outlined below. It is possible to include items as part of the Expanded View.

For details of preparing Figures and Tables and more general formatting guidelines not specific to a single article type, see the General Formatting Guidelines below. To return to this list, click your browser's back button.

Author photographs

Science & Society are normally accompanied by a photo of the author(s). Author(s) should send their photos either in print (with a minimum height of 9 cm) or by e-mail (with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum height of 6 cm).

Guidelines for Opinions

Opinions are commissioned and should not be submitted without an invitation from the Editorial Office. These articles essentially take the form of an op-ed column and allow the author to present his/her view of a scientific, social, ethical or other topic in a brief, thought-provoking format. A single, small figure is possible, though the length of the text will need to be shortened to accommodate this.

Submitted manuscripts should be in the form a short essay. References should be limited to 10, and should follow the style outlined below.

The total word count for an opinion, including affiliation and references may not exceed 4,500 characters. The article must fit on a single printed page of the journal. The Opinion could feature a figure, but prior agreement must be obtained from the commissioning editor and the text must be shortened so that the article still fits in one page (a good rule of thumb is to subtract 250 words).

Please note that Acknowledgments and Expanded View content are not permitted for this article type.

See details of preparing Figures below.

Guidelines for Hot off the Press

Hot off the Press reports are commissioned and should not be submitted without an invitation from the Editorial Office. These articles should focus on one or more original articles that are of fundamental relevance to a general readership, and which are due for publication in the same issue of EMBO reports and/or cognate journals.

Hot off the Press reports contextualize and underscore the significance of original articles and may be extensively edited in-house.

Submitted manuscripts should be in the form a short essay. References should follow the style outlined below.

The total character count for a Hot off the Press, including spaces, figure legend and references, may not exceed 9,000 characters and the exact character count should be stated on the front page of the manuscript. The report can feature a maximum of one figure, and the authors are asked to make use of this element to maximize the accessibility of the piece for a general readership. The total length of the report when printed may not exceed two pages. Please bear in mind this limit when preparing the figure and any accompanying table.

Please note that Acknowledgments and Expanded View content are not permitted for this article type.

See details of preparing Figures below.

Guidelines for Correspondence

EMBO reports considers two kinds of correspondence: refutations and comments.

In general, both kinds of Correspondence should occupy a maximum of two pages of the journal. For refutations, the author(s) may include the figures necessary to present his or her evidence. For comment on other journal content, figures are not permitted.

For both types of Correspondence, the authors of the original article will be shown the Correspondence and invited to respond. Submission of a response does not, however, guarantee its publication. After one round of Correspondence, EMBO reports will consider the matter closed and will not take further Correspondence on the topic.

The total character count for a Correspondence commenting on an article, including spaces, figure legend and references, should not exceed 9,000 characters. The total character count for a Correspondence refuting an article is obviously more flexible. In both cases, the exact character count should be stated on the front page of the manuscript.

Refutations will be peer-reviewed.

Where appropriate, submitted manuscripts will include the following:

For specific formatting information about these sections, please see information below, or click the individual sections above. For details of preparing Figures and Tables and more general formatting guidelines not specific to a single article type, see the General Formatting Guidelines below.

Formatting and Requirements of Specific Sections

Title Page (Scientific Reports, Reviews, Outlooks, Features, Correspondence, Hot off the Press)

The title should be short and informative, and should not contain any abbreviations (for example, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition should not be abbreviated to EMT). However, commonly used gene or protein acronyms are acceptable. The total length of the title should not exceed 100 characters (including spaces). Serial titles are not accepted.

The full name of each author should be given. Multiple first-authorships are acceptable and should be indicated. Numbers in superscript should be used to indicate the department, institution, city with postal code and country, for each author. Any changes of address may also be given in numbered footnotes. It is possible to name more than one author as the correspondent of a published article, although we will by default address all correspondence to the single author listed as Corresponding Author upon submission.

Please provide a running title of no more than 50 characters including spaces.

Up to five keywords, which may or may not appear in the title, should be given in alphabetical order, below the abstract, each separated by a slash (/).

Abstract (Scientific Reports)

This should be a single paragraph not exceeding 100 words. The Abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper, and abbreviations should be avoided where possible (as for the title). Reference citations within the abstract are not permitted. The abstract should should convey the single, key finding of the paper and explain its significance for the field.

Abstract (Reviews)

This should be a single paragraph not exceeding 100 words. The abstract should summarize the scope of the Review and highlight the interest of the article to the general reader.

Introduction (Scientific Reports)

The Introduction should be succinct and without subheadings. It should provide only the necessary background information, rather than comprise a comprehensive review of the field. Citation of the primary literature is required where appropriate.

Introduction and other Sub-titled Sections (Reviews and Meeting Points)

The Introduction should be succinct and without subheadings. The rest of the Review or Meeting Point (optional) should be divided in to sub-titled sections, with each title not exceeding 32 characters, including spaces.

Results and Discussion (Scientific Reports)

The editors encourage the use of a combined "Results and Discussion" section to better fit the short format of EMBO reports papers. However, separate Results and Discussion sections are permitted. The text and its associated figures, tables and Expanded View content must accurately describe the findings of the study. Figure order should follow the text. Detailed methodological descriptions should be restricted to the Methods section. 'Data not shown' is not permitted (see section on Unpublished Data below): all significant data should be displayed in the main figures. Figures in the Expanded View should not present novel data, but should support experiments within the main text. Authors are encouraged to discuss their work in the broader context. Related published data must be appropriately discussed and cited. Speculation is allowed but should be clearly labelled as such.

Methods (Scientific Reports)

This section should contain sufficient detail so that all experimental procedures can be repeated by others, in conjunction with cited references. Reagents must be described in such a way as to allow readers to identify them unequivocally and/or reproduce them. For example, antibodies epitopes should be described and siRNA and other probe sequences must be provided. In cases where detailed methods cannot be described within the length limits of the article, additional Methods can be included as part of the Expanded View. This additional information should, however, not be of immediate importance for the understanding of the manuscript, and it is not permissible to move the entire "Methods" section into the Expanded View.


These should be placed at the end of the text and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies. Grant numbers are permissible. Dedications are discouraged. The Acknowledgements may not exceed 500 characters.

Author Contribution

EMBO reports requires a statement specifying the contributions of every author. Further details on authorship can be found in the Authorship Guidelines section above.

Conflict of Interest

EMBO reports requires a statement specifying whether or not the authors have a Conflict of Interest. If you have no conflict of interest, the statement: "The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest" must be added to your manuscript. In the case of a Conflict of Interest, this must be specified. For the purposes of this statement, conflicting interests are defined as those of a financial nature that, through their potential influence on behaviour or content, or from perception of such potential influences, could undermine the objectivity, integrity or perceived value of a publication. They can include any of the following: Funding: Research support (including salaries, equipment, supplies, reimbursement for attending symposia, and other expenses) by organizations that may gain or lose financially through this publication. Employment: Recent (while engaged in the research project), present or anticipated employment by any organization that may gain or lose financially through this publication. Personal financial interests: Stocks or shares in companies that may gain or lose financially through publication; consultation fees or other forms of remuneration from organizations that may gain or lose financially; patents or patent applications whose value may be affected by publication. We do not consider diversified mutual funds or investment trusts to constitute a competing financial interest.

Figure Legends

Figure legends should contain sufficient information to allow the reader to follow the data presented without referring back to the text, but should not be redundant with the Results or Discussion sections. Each figure must contain a heading, and each panel a subheading. All symbols and abbreviations used in the figure must be defined. Experimental details should, where possible, be given in the "Methods" section, and not repeated in the figure legends. Figure legends should be formatted such that each panel, or group of panels, has its own entry with the panel letter (or range) on the left and the description on the right. The description of specific panels can be preceded or followed by free text describing features, statistics or values pertinent to all panels. For example:


Figure 1 - Generation of hiPSCs from a patient with type-2 long-QT syndrome.

    A  Genetic screening in the patient revealed the heterozygous single-nucleotide mutation Aright arrowT in exon 13 of the KCNH2 gene, in position 2987 of the coding sequence (CDS) (c.A2987T, NM_000238.3), resulting in the substitution of an asparagine with an isoleucine at position 996 of the protein (N996I, NP_000229.1).
    B  The N996I mutation (red dot) is located in the C-terminal of the HERG protein, which is made of six trans-membrane domains (S1-S6), an amino (NH2) domain, a carboxyl (COOH) domain, and a pore (P) region.
    C  Example of a hiPSC colony harbouring the c.A2987T (N996I) KCNH2 mutation (LQT2-hiPSCsN996I). Scale bar: 400 mu;m.
    D  Immunofluorescence analysis of pluripotency markers SSEA4 (green) and NANOG (red) in a representative LQT2-hiPSCN996I clone, with nuclear staining (DNA, blue). The image on the right is a magnification of the area framed in the left image. Scale bars: 100 mu;m (left image); 50 mu;m (right image).


    Expanded View

    Expanded View content is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusions of an article that cannot be included in the printed version owing to space or format constraints. It is posted on the journal's web site and linked to the published article, and may consist of additional figures, movies or tables, as well as their accompanying legends. Rather than citing "data not shown", such supporting material should be included as part of the Expanded View.

    The printed article must be complete and self-explanatory without the Expanded View content. Expanded View content should enhance, but not be essential to a reader's understanding of the paper. Expanded View content should not introduce new results to the manuscript, but should be used to support figures within the main text. While EMBO reports encourages authors to supply additional, extensive descriptions of the Methods used in a study as part of the Expanded View, it is not permissible to move the entire "Methods" section (or any other section of the manuscript) into the Expanded View.

    Please refer to each Expanded View item in the body of the text or the figure legends. You should also include the text “Expanded View information is available at EMBO reports Online’ at the end of the article and before the references.

    For more information about preparing Expanded View content, see the section below.

    Unpublished Data

    EMBO reports does not permit citation of “Data not shown”. All data referred to in the paper should be displayed in the main or Expanded View figures. "Unpublished observations" may be referred to in exceptional cases, where these are data peripheral to the major message of the paper and are intended to form part of a future or separate study. Personal communications (Author name(s), personal communications) must be authorised in writing by those involved, and the authorisation sent to the editorial office at time of submission. Care should be taken that embargo policies are not contravened. References to manuscripts in preparation or submitted, but not yet accepted, should be cited in the text as (Author names(s), in preparation), and should not be included in the list of references. Copies of such manuscripts should be enclosed at submission for reviewing purposes where relevant, as should manuscripts in press, which should be cited in the reference list.

    Conventions and Abbreviations

    In general, the journal follows conventions given in Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors and Publishers (1994) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 6th edn. Please follow Chemical Abstracts and its indexes for chemical names. For guidance in the use of biochemical terminology follow the recommendations issued by the IUPAC-IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature. In general, genes and genotypes should be indicated in italics; proteins and phenotypes should not be italicized.

    Authors should use approved gene and gene product nomenclature and apply the italicization and capitalization formatting as appropriate for each organism’s standard nomenclature. Please consult the appropriate nomenclature databases for correct gene names and symbols. Some useful general resources are: Entrez Gene (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene); UniProt (http://www.uniprot.org/).

    Try to restrict the use of abbreviations to SI symbols (standard units of measurements) and those recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). In all article types except Reviews, abbreviations should be defined in brackets after the first mention in the text, not in a list of abbreviations. For Review articles, abbreviations can be expanded in the text (where this is vital for clarity) or listed in a Glossary of abbreviations (preferred). SI symbols and symbols of chemical elements may be used without definition in the body of the paper. Abbreviations of standard biochemical compounds, e.g. ATP, DNA, nucleotides in nucleic acids, and amino acids in proteins, need not be defined. Common language abbreviations, such as e.g. or i.e., should not be used.

    Bibliography and Reference Formats

    Note: from January 2011, our reference format has changed to use the Vancouver style: numbered citations in the text in square brackets, then listed in order of appearance in the reference list. All manuscripts should now please use the following guidelines.

    Bibliography and Reference Formats: Scientific Reports and Reviews

    As a matter of policy for these article types, EMBO reports requires the citation of primary literature (over review articles) wherever appropriate. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the related literature is accurately and comprehensively discussed and cited. Review articles should only be cited for general background information, the proposal of certain concepts or similar purposes, whereas primary research articles should preferentially be referenced to introduce the question being addressed or to support the conclusions and interpretations of the results. Articles in press can be cited with the explicit permission corresponding author of the study; the journal name has to be included and, where available, the Digital Object Identifier.

    In the text, a reference should be cited by a number in square brackets: [1]. The citation should appear within the punctuation. Where more than one reference is cited, commas should be used to separate non-sequential references, and a hyphen used to separate sequential references: [1,4,8] or [1-5], respectively. In the reference list, the citations should be listed in the order in which they appear in the text and numbered accordingly: all the references in the main text should be numbered, followed by references present in the figure legends and then tables. Expanded View content should have its own reference list in the same style and order. In the reference list, the authors' surnames and initials should be inverted; 'et al' should be used if there are more than ten authors. The name of each journal should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus and italicized. The issue in which the article appeared should be given in bold face followed by a colon and the page range. We have created an EndNote style file for your convenience. Instructions for its use can be found on the EndNote support pages. We apologise that at this time we can only provide a style file for EndNote.

    References should therefore be listed (and will subsequently appear in print) as follows:

    Research article/review
    1. Shih SC, Sloper-Mould KE, Hicke L (2000) Mono-ubiquitin carries a novel internalization signal that is appended to activated receptors. EMBO J 19: 187-198
    2. Hackmann A, Gross T, Baierlein C, Krebber H (2011) The mRNA export factor Npl3 mediates the nuclear export of large ribosomal subunits. EMBO rep 12: 1024-1031

    Essay in a collection
    1. Gehring W (1994) A history of the homeobox. In Duboule D (ed.), Guidebook to the Homeobox Genes pp 1-10. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    1. Lewin B (1994) Genes V. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    Bibliography and Reference Formats: Science & Society

    Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. References in these articles are limited to fewer than 20.

    In the text, a reference should be cited by a number in square brackets: [1]. The citation should appear within the punctuation. Where more than one reference is cited, commas should be used to separate non-sequential references, and a hypen used to separate sequential references: [1,4,8] or [1-5], respectively. In the reference list, the citations should be listed in the order in which they appear in the text and numbered accordingly: all the references in the main text should be numbered, followed by references present in the figure legends and then tables. In the reference list, the authors’ surnames and initials should be inverted; 'et al' should be used if there are more than ten authors. The name of each journal should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus and italicized. The issue in which the article appeared should be given in bold face followed by a colon and the page range.

    References should therefore be listed (and will subsequently appear in print) as follows:

    Research article/review
    1. Shih SC, Sloper-Mould KE, Hicke L (2000) Mono-ubiquitin carries a novel internalization signal that is appended to activated receptors. EMBO J 19: 187-198
    2. Hackmann A, Gross T, Baierlein C, Krebber H (2011) The mRNA export factor Npl3 mediates the nuclear export of large ribosomal subunits. EMBO rep 12: 1024-1031

    Essay in a collection
    1. Gehring W (1994) A history of the homeobox. In Duboule D (ed.), Guidebook to the Homeobox Genes pp 1-10. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    1. Lewin B (1994) Genes V. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    Other citable items

    Articles in press can be cited with the explicit permission corresponding author of the study; the journal name has to be included and, where available, the Digital Object Identifier.

    Documents from governments, agencies, societies, think-tanks and companies should be cited following EMBO reports citation rules whenever possible. Any other documents, articles or press releases should be included in the reference list only if they are identifiable as individual documents online or in print.

    Websites - including blogs at the discretion of the editor in discussion with the author - should only be cited in the text or as reference if they are likely to be available long-term. URLs to individual documents should be shortened whenever possible. If the document can be easily found using the website or blog's search engine, only the URL to the homepage should be given. It is preferable to cite websites and blogs in parentheses in the text. Online documents from individuals (as opposed to organizations or groups) or private homepages should be avoided.

    Newspapers or magazine articles should comply with EMBO reports citation style. No URL is needed if it is a well-known publication, but the exact date of publication (and page number, where applicable) should be given:

    Bosman J (2006) Reporters Find Science Journals Harder to Trust, but Not Easy to Verify. The New York Times, 13 Feb, pC1

    Bibliography and Reference Formats: Opinions, Correspondence and Hot off the Press

    Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. We strongly encourage authors to cite 7 references or fewer. If absolutely necessary and in agreement in with the handling editor, a maximum of 10 references can be accommodated. For Correspondence refuting a paper published in the journal, more references will be accommodated.

    In the text, a reference should be cited by a number in square brackets: [1]. The citation should appear within the punctuation. Where more than one reference is cited, commas should be used to separate non-sequential references, and a hypen used to separate sequential references: [1,4,8] or [1-5], respectively. In the reference list, the citations should be listed in the order in which they appear in the text and numbered accordingly: all the references in the main text should be numbered, followed by references present in the figure legends and then tables. In the reference list, the authors' surnames and initials should be inverted; 'et al' should be used if there are more than three authors. The title of the paper should NOT be included. The name of each journal should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus and italicized. The issue in which the article appeared should be given in bold face followed by a colon and the page range.

    References should therefore be listed (and will subsequently appear in print) as follows:

    Research article/review
    1. Shih SC, Sloper-Mould KE, Hicke L (2000) EMBO J 19: 187-198
    2. Hackmann A, Gross T, Baierlein C, Krebber H (2011) EMBO rep 12: 1024-1031

    Essay in a collection
    1. Gehring W (1994) Guidebook to the Homeobox Genes pp 1-10. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    1. Lewin B (1994) Genes V. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

    General Formatting Guidelines


    The Editorial Office will only accept text files in RTF or MS Word format. The final character count must be clearly indicated on the title page of the manuscript. Manuscripts that do not comply with the formatting guidelines, or exceed the length restrictions, may be returned to the authors for amendment.

    Please submit the full text (including figure legends, tables, and references) as a single MS Word or RTF file.


    Figures and Expanded View figures should be presented in the order they are mentioned in the text. Instructions for writing figure legends can be found here.

    Figures should be labelled in consecutive Arabic numerals. The final size of figures will be between 82 mm and 172 mm wide on the printed page. Please bear this in mind when submitting your manuscript for review and allow for sufficient resolution at a suitable size.

    Figures divided into parts should be labelled with an upper-case, bold letter (Helvetica Font). Figures with several parts should also be in proportion, with consistently sized lettering so that the whole figure can be reduced by the same amount to the smallest size at which the essential details are visible. Use Courier font for sequence data and Symbol font for any symbols.

    All lettering should be done using standard fonts (Helvetica, Times, Symbol, Courier) and retained in a separate layer (if possible) so that the production team can adapt any labels to the Journal’s style if necessary. All fonts used for labelling the figures should also be embedded in the final files if the software package offers this option.

    Scale bars, rather than magnification factors, should be used, with the length of the bar defined in the legend rather than on the bar itself. In general, visual cues on the figure itself are preferred rather than verbal explanations (for example, ‘broken line’ or ‘filled black triangles’) in the legend.

    When preparing figures of microscopy images, please note that we strongly encourage the use of colours that are suitable for colour-blind readers: for example, the use of magenta/green is preferred over red/green for 2-channel images.

    For publication, we use TIFF and EPS files in PC or Macintosh format, preferably from PhotoShop or Illustrator software. We cannot accept Freehand, Canvas, CorelDRAW or MacDrawPro files. These files must be converted to postscript (eps) format. For any figures submitted in photoshop or tiff format we require layered files to be sent whereby all text, arrows or additional attributes are placed on individual layers within the file. For line art/charts/graphs we prefer to work with Adobe Illustrator AI or EPS files. We can also accept high-resolution PDF files.

    All colour artwork must be submitted in CMYK colour mode. When converting files from RGB, please consider that the final figures will be printed on coated paper, using Euroscale process inks. If you are not familiar with these specifications, or are not sure how to apply them within your software package, please consult a local graphics expert. Ultimately, it is important that all colours look satisfactory after conversion to CMYK, both on screen and when printed on different printers.

    Non-vector graphics should be preserved at high resolution: 300 dpi minimum at final size for greyscale or colour halftone images, and 1,000 dpi minimum for bitmap (b/w) artwork.

    EMBO reports does not have colour charges for figures, and the authors are therefore welcome to submit full colour figures. Details on page charges can be found in the Charges section below.

    Illustrations and Figures in non-Scientific Reports content

    Figures that accompany manuscripts for the Reviews, Upfront and Science & Society sections should be sufficiently clear and detailed for the refereeing process. However, the figures of accepted manuscripts will be re-drawn according to EMBO reports' style. As such, we strongly encourage the submission of hand-drawn, 'rough' versions of figures to be developed with the graphics editors. All changes will be checked with the author prior to publication and no further amendment of figures should be done at the proofs stage. If it is absolutely necessary to replace or alter a figure, permission must be obtained from the editor.

    Data presentation

    Figures must accurately reflect the results of the experiments. Appropriate controls, markers and scale bars should be included in all panels. Statistical tests must be clearly defined and appropriate to the data.

    Image Processing
    Images submitted with a manuscript for review should be minimally processed (for instance, to add arrows to a micrograph). Authors should retain their unprocessed data and metadata files, as editors may request them to aid in manuscript evaluation. If unprocessed data are unavailable, manuscript evaluation may be stalled until the issue is resolved. All digitized images submitted with the final revision of the manuscript must be of high quality and have resolutions of at least 300 d.p.i. for colour, 600 d.p.i. for greyscale and 1,200 d.p.i. for line art.

    A certain degree of image processing is acceptable for publication (and for some experiments, fields and techniques is unavoidable), but the final image must correctly represent the original data and conform to community standards. The guidelines below will aid in accurate data presentation at the image processing level; authors must also take care to exercise prudence during data acquisition, where misrepresentation must equally be avoided. Where appropriate, manuscripts should include a Methods section as part of the Expanded View that describes for each figure the pertinent instrument settings, acquisition conditions and processing changes, as described in this guide.

    Authors should list all image acquisition tools and image processing software packages used. Authors should document key image-gathering settings and processing manipulations in the Methods.

    Images gathered at different times or from different locations should not be combined into a single image, unless it is stated that the resultant image is a product of time-averaged data or a time-lapse sequence. If juxtaposing images is essential, the borders should be clearly demarcated in the figure and described in the legend.

    The use of touch-up tools, such as cloning and healing tools in Photoshop, or any feature that deliberately obscures manipulations, is to be avoided.

    Processing (such as changing brightness and contrast) is appropriate only when it is applied equally across the entire image and is applied equally to controls. Contrast should not be adjusted so that data disappear. Excessive manipulations, such as processing to emphasize one region in the image at the expense of others (for example, through the use of a biased choice of threshold settings), is inappropriate, as is emphasizing experimental data relative to the control.

    When submitting revised final figures upon conditional acceptance, authors may be asked to submit original, unprocessed images.

    Electrophoretic gels and blots
    Positive and negative controls, as well as molecular size markers, should be included on each gel and blot. For previously characterized antibodies, a citation must be provided. For antibodies less well characterized in the system under study, a detailed characterization that demonstrates not only the specificity of the antibody, but also the range of reactivity of the reagent in the assay, should be published as part of the Expanded View.

    The display of cropped gels and blots in the main paper is permitted if it improves the clarity and conciseness of the presentation. Cropped gels in the paper must retain all important bands, and space (several band-widths) should be retained above and below the relevant band(s). Vertically sliced images that juxtapose lanes that were non-adjacent in the gel must have a clear separation or a black line delineating the boundary between the gels.

    Quantitative comparisons between samples on different gels/blots are discouraged; if this is unavoidable, the figure legend must state that the samples derive from the same experiment and that gels/blots were processed in parallel. Loading controls must be run on the same blot.

    High-contrast gels and blots are discouraged, as overexposure may mask additional bands. Authors should strive for exposures with gray backgrounds. Multiple exposures should be presented as part of the Expanded View if high contrast is unavoidable. Immunoblots should be surrounded by a black line to indicate the borders of the blot, if the background is faint.

    For quantitative comparisons, appropriate reagents, controls and imaging methods with linear signal ranges should be used.

    Authors should be prepared to supply the editors with original data on request, at the resolution collected, from which their images were generated. Cells from multiple fields should not be juxtaposed in a single field; instead multiple supporting fields of cells should be shown as part of the Expanded View.

    Specific guidelines: Adjustments should be applied to the entire image. Threshold manipulation, expansion or contraction of signal ranges and the altering of high signals should be avoided. If ‘Pseudo-colouring’ and nonlinear adjustment (for example ‘gamma changes’) are used, this must be disclosed. Adjustments of individual colour channels are sometimes necessary on ‘merged’ images, but this should be noted in the figure legend. We encourage inclusion of the following with the final revised version of the manuscript for publication: In the Methods, specify the type of equipment (microscopes/objective lenses, cameras, detectors, filter model and batch number) and acquisition software used. Although we appreciate that there is some variation between instruments, equipment settings for critical measurements should also be listed.

    A Methods section as part of the Expanded View (or part of a larger Methods section) titled ‘equipment and settings’ should list for each image: acquisition information, including time and space resolution data (xyzt and pixel dimensions); image bit depth; experimental conditions such as temperature and imaging medium; and fluorochromes (excitation and emission wavelengths or ranges, filters, dichroic beamsplitters, if any).

    The display lookup table (LUT) and the quantitative map between the LUT and the bitmap should be provided, especially when rainbow pseudocolor is used. If the LUT is linear and covers the full range of the data, that should be stated.

    Processing software should be named and manipulations indicated (such as type of deconvolution, three-dimensional reconstructions, surface and volume rendering, ‘gamma changes’, filtering, thresholding and projection). Authors should state the measured resolution at which an image was acquired and any downstream processing or averaging that enhances the resolution of the image.

    Statistical analysis
    The description of all reported data that includes statistical testing must state the name of the statistical test used to generate error bars and P values, the number (n) of independent experiments underlying each data point (not replicate measures of one sample), and the actual P value for each test (not merely ‘significant’ or ‘P < 0.05’).

    Descriptive statistics should include a clearly labelled measure of centre (such as the mean or the median), and a clearly labelled measure of variability (such as standard deviation or range). Ranges are more appropriate than standard deviations or standard errors for small data sets. Standard error or confidence interval is appropriate to compare data to a control.

    Graphs must include clearly labelled error bars for cases where more than two independent experiments have been performed (error bars for replicate samples are less useful). Authors must state whether a number that follows the ± sign is a standard error (s.e.m.) or a standard deviation (s.d.) Figure legends should contain a basic description of n, P and the test applied, and the Methods should contain further discussion of statistical methodology.

    Since for complex biological experiments the number of independent repeats of a measurement often has to be limited for practical reasons, statistical measures with a very small n are commonplace. However, statistical measures applied to too small a sample size are not significant and they can suggest a false level of significance. We recommend that the actual individual data from each experiment should be plotted if n < 5, alongside an error bar. In cases where n is small, a justification for the use of the statistical test employed has to be provided. Presenting a single ‘typical result’ of n experiments is sometimes unavoidable, but should be accompanied by an indication of the variability of data between independent experiments. If n is not based on independent experiments (that is, n merely represents replicates of a measurement), statistics may still be useful, but a detailed description of the repeated measurement is required.

    Authors must justify the use of a particular test and explain whether their data conform to the assumptions of the tests.


    Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV,). Tables should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. Footnotes to tables indicated by lower-case superscript letters are acceptable, but they should not include extensive experimental detail.

    Expanded View (replaces Supplementary Information)

    [Note: authors do NOT need to reformat their manuscript at first submission. The guidelines below are to be followed when submitting a revision.]

    All data and information that are essential to support the scientific arguments made in the paper should be presented in figures that will be included in the main paper. Figures, tables or text sections that are not required by the general reader to understand the principle findings of the paper and that would disrupt the flow of paper should be submitted as 'Expanded View', which will be displayed in collapsible form and will replace Supplementary Information.

    Expanded View Figures, tables or text represent an integral part of the published paper and benefit from the same peer-review and editorial production process as the other sections of the paper. Please note the Expanded View items are restricted to information essential to support the scientific arguments made in the paper. Peripheral, tangential or further reaching data and information should not be presented. Reference to 'data not shown' is discouraged'.

    Expanded View items (Figures, Tables, Text) are displayed inline in the HTML version of the paper and are individually expandable/collapsible [note: currently files are linked to for download but full HTML rendering will come in the near future].

    The article should be self-explanatory without the Expanded View sections. The scope of Expanded View sections should therefore be limited to the following categories:

    • controls and results from technical optimization experiments
    • replication or confirmation of previous results
    • negative results
    • extended methods and detailed protocols
    • mathematical demonstrations, algorithms, computer code and models
    • datasets

    Note that controls and replicates to directly support the data presented in a figure should be supplied as 'Source Data' file linked to the relevant figure.

    All Expanded View items should be cited in the text as "Figure E1", "Figure E2", Table E1", "Table E2", etc..., throughout the text.

    Every Expanded View item should be accompanied by a legend that explains the content of the item. Expanded View legends should simply be included in the main manuscript file after the legends to the Figures and use the conventional format:

    • "Figure E1. Title of the item. Explanatory legend."

    Each Expanded View item should in principle be supplied as an individual file. If this is not possible due to the nature of the information provided in Expanded View and the way it needs to be presented, a single PDF file (including a Table of Contents) can also be provided in exceptional cases and in agreement with the editors.

    The following formats are accepted:

    • Expanded View Figure: jpg, gif, tiff, eps, pdf
    • Expanded View Tables (less than 50 rows): Word, Excel
    • Expanded View Text: Word, LaTeX
    • Expanded View Datasets and large tables (more than 50 rows): Excel, tab-delimited text, comma-separated values (csv), XML
    • Expanded View Code and Models: plain text, XML, ZIP compressed archives (including a README text file at the top level to detail the content and nature of each file included in the archive)
    • Expanded View Movie: mpeg, mov, avi

    For the PDF version of the article, all displayable Expanded View items (Figures, Text and small tables) are automatically converted into PDF format and appended to the end of the article as part of a single downloadable 'PDF+' file. Files marked 'PDF' display the paper without Expandable View Items.

    Data deposition

    Large-scale datasets, sequences, atomic coordinates and computational models should be deposited in one of the relevant public databases prior to submission (provided private access is available at the database) and authors should include accession codes in the Methods section. The suggested wording for referring to accession identifiers in a manuscript is the following: “The [protein interaction | microarray | mass spectrometry] data from this publication have been submitted to the [name of the database] database [URL] and assigned the identifier [accession | permalink | hashtag].” If necessary, please include in the manuscript the relevant information (username and password) for confidential access by peer-reviewers.

    Data for which no suitable public database exists should be included, if possible, as dataset files as part of the Expanded View. In cases where data can not be confidentially deposited in a public database, and is too large to be included in the Expanded View, please contact the editorial office for advice on how to make these data available for refereeing purposes.

    Functional genomics data:

    Microarray and sequencing-based functional genomics data should be deposited in the ArrayExpress (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/), GEO (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) or CIBEX (http://cibex.nig.ac.jp/index.jsp) databases in compliance to the MIAME (http://www.mged.org/Workgroups/MIAME/miame.html) standards and the MINSEQE (http://www.mged.org/minseqe/) draft proposal.

    Proteomics and molecular interactions

    Mass spectrometry datasets should be deposited in a machine-readable format (e.g. mzML if possible) in one of the major public database, for example Pride (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/) or PeptideAtlas(http://www.peptideatlas.org) and authors should follow the MIAPE recommendations (http://www.psidev.info/index.php?q=node/91).

    Molecular interaction data should be deposited with a member of the International Molecular Exchange Consortium (IMEx, http://www.imexconsortium.org) prior to submission of the manuscript. Authors should follow the MIMIx recommendations (http://www.psidev.info/index.php?q=node/278).

    Sequence data

    Nucleotide sequence data should be submitted to an International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration member: GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/), EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/) or DDBJ (http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/).

    Structural data

    EMBO reports accepts and follows the recommendations of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), with regard to the deposition and release of macromolecular structural data. These guidelines are set out in the article by the IUCr Commission on Biological Macromolecules in Acta Crystallographica (2000), D56, 2. In summary, they state that all publications must be accompanied by deposition of both the atomic coordinates and the structure-factor amplitudes in the appropriate database (PDB or NDB). In the case of low-resolution structures for which only a chain trace is reported, a set of C alpha positions and structure-factor amplitudes may be sufficient.

    For NMR structures, data deposited should include resonance assignments, and all restraints used in structure determination (NOEs, spin-spin coupling constants, amide exchange rates, etc) and the derived atomic coordinates for both an individual structure and for a family of acceptable structures.

    Structures of biological macromolecules solved by electron microscopy must be submitted to the EMDB database at http://emdatabank.org. For a brief description of the database, see Lawson et al. (2011) Nucleic Acids Res. 39: D456-D464.



    Presubmission Enquiries

    Presubmission enquires allow authors to receive rapid feedback on whether a manuscript in preparation is likely to be of interest to the journal. Presubmission enquiries should be submitted via our online submission system (http://embor.msubmit.net) or by e-mail (contact@emboreports.org) and should minimally include a list of all authors, a cover letter and an abstract.

    If you have already prepared a manuscript, please submit this via our online system as an article, rather than sending a presubmission enquiry. This allows the editors to make a more informed decision as to whether or not the manuscript is potentially appropriate for the journal. Initial editorial assessment of full submissions at EMBO reports is usually rapid, with an average decision time of four days.

    How to Submit

    We use an online manuscript submission and tracking system: http://embor.msubmit.net

    In order to submit, you must have registered for an account. After this, please consult the following instrutions for submission via our secure server. Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Our tracking system requires cookies for proper operation.

    Please refrain from submitting your manuscript by e-mail attachment.

    For original submissions, you will need to upload a cover letter, a Word file of the text of the manuscript (including figure legends), and a PDF file containing all the figures. Alternatively, individual figure files can be uploaded separately but please note that this can be more time-consuming than a PDF submission. Additional files for the Expanded View can also be uploaded when applicable (please refer to the section ‘Expanded View’ above).

    Once you have submitted your files and the conversion is in progress, it can take up to 30 minutes before the PDF, created in the conversion process, is ready for approval. Please contact the editorial office [contact@emboreports.org] if the conversion engine takes longer than this. It is important to check the quality of the figures in the converted PDF before approving the submission. Please remember that your manuscript will not be submitted until you have approved the converted files.

    To avoid any unnecessary delays, please refer to the most current electronic formatting guidelines when preparing your manuscript for submission. Authors using computer systems with non-Western type encoding are strongly encouraged to eliminate all occurrences of non-standard fonts in both the manuscript and the figures. We suggest using only the fonts Times, Symbol, Courier and Helvetica.

    We will acknowledge receipt of a submitted manuscript by e-mail as soon as the quality check (appropriate manuscript format and image quality) has been completed. All further correspondence will also be by e-mail. Please ensure that your servers are set up to allow e-mails from the journal, and contact us if you do not receive an acknowledgement e-mail within a few days of submission.

    Manuscript Status

    You can check the status of your manuscript at any time in the review process by:

    1. Accessing the system with your password or link sent to you in the acknowledgement e-mail.
    2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
    3. Clicking on the “Check Status” link at the bottom of the displayed page.

    This procedure will display tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.

    Please feel free to contact the editorial office [contact@emboreports.org] with status queries.

    Submission of Revisions

    When a manuscript is returned to authors for revision, the revised version should be submitted within three months of the authors’ receipt of the referee reports, unless another date is specified in the decision letter. Please contact the editor by the deadline in cases where extra time is required for revision. Additional time may be granted upon request at the Editors’ discretion, assuming the conceptual advance of the study stands (with regard to the current literature). As a matter of policy, we do not consider any competing manuscripts published during the specified revision period as negatively impacting on the conceptual advance presented by your study. However, we request that you contact the editor as soon as possible upon publication of any related work, to discuss how to proceed. Only a single round of revision is generally permitted.

    The initial decision letter on the original version of the manuscript provides a URL that should be used for submission of revised manuscripts. Please do not upload revisions as new submissions.

    Revisions should be accompanied by a point-by-point response to the referees’ comments as well as the editorial decision letter, in PDF or Word format. To facilitate the re-evaluation, we encourage authors to intercalate their response with the referee comments.


    Acceptance and Publication

    Before acceptance and transfer to our publishers, manuscripts will be checked for appropriate formatting and image processing, and for plagiarism. We cannot proceed to acceptance until data are available in public databases when required; see above for details.

    Speed of publication

    The journal aims for rapid publication of papers, using Advance Online Publication of every paper to expedite the process. Please help the Editors and publisher avoid delays by providing current e-mail address(es), telephone and fax numbers at which author(s) can be contacted.


    Authors will be emailed a link from which to download the proof. Proofs can either be marked up using the commenting function in Adobe Acrobat, or they can be printed, annotated for necessary corrections and then returned by FAX (with a cover letter listing the changes). In the interests of speed, corrections should be returned within 48 hours. Essential changes of an extensive nature may be made only by insertion of a 'Note added in proof', and only with the approval of the editors. A charge will be made to authors who insist on extensive amendment within the text at the page proof stage. Excessive alterations may delay publication of the article.

    Press Embargo

    When discussing unpublished data (including data in accepted papers not yet published) with the press, authors should take care not to break the journal embargo policy (see above for details)


    The pricing structure for EMBO reports has changed for all articles accepted on or after March 1st 2011. The new Page Charge covers some of the costs of processing and producing the article for online and print publication. After final layout for publication, each page of an article will incur a fixed charge of 140 EUROS (other currencies are accepted). There are no additional charges for colour, and - in line with our citation policies - we will not charge for reference only pages.

    It should be noted that the new page charges generate a similar income to the previous charges, and that these charges had not changed for five years.

    Taxes may need to be added to the total page charge amount upon invoicing.

    Please note that if EMBO OPEN is chosen, in addition to the page charges an Article Processing Charge of $3,900 will apply.

    Open Access & Self Archiving

    Authors of original research articles are encouraged to submit the author’s version of the accepted paper (the unedited manuscript) to their funding body’s archive, for public release six months after publication. In addition, authors are encouraged to archive this version of the manuscript in their institution’s repositories and on their personal websites, also six months after the original publication. This is in line with EMBO Press' self-archiving policy.

    Authors of research articles can also opt to pay an article processing charge of $3,900 (+VAT where applicable) for their accepted articles to be open access online immediately upon publication. By paying this charge authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server, immediately on publication.

    Please note that EMBO OPEN charges will have to be levied in addition to the page charges, in order to cover some of the costs associated with the production process for a paper.

    EMBO Press' publishing policies ensure that authors can fully comply with the public access requirements of the major funding bodies worldwide - please see www.sherpa.ac.uk for more information. However, it is the author’s responsibility to take the necessary actions to achieve compliance. These may include self archiving, opting into EMBO Press' manuscript deposition service and / or choosing open access publication.

    Author licence agreement

    The corresponding author must complete and sign the Licence to Publish form upon acceptance of the manuscript. Failure to do so will result in delays to the publication of your paper. The corresponding author will receive instructions in the decision letter sent from the journal. Signing the license will involve following a link to the Wiley Online Author Serivces system.

    EMBO Press does not require authors of original research papers to assign release copyright of to their published contributions. Authors grant EMBO Press and its publishing partners an exclusive licence to publish, in return for which they can re-use their papers in their future printed work. Authors are encouraged to submit their version of the accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript to their funding body’s archive, for public release six months after publication. In addition, authors are encouraged to archive their version of the manuscript in their institution’s repositories (as well as on their personal websites), also six months after the original publication. Authors should cite the publication reference and DOI number on any deposited version, and provide a link from it to the published article. This policy is consistent with the policies of the US National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust and other research funding bodies around the world. EMBO and its publishing partners recognise the efforts of funding bodies to increase access of the research they fund, and strongly encourages authors to participate in such efforts. Upon submission, authors of original research articles can opt for EMBO Press and its publishing partners to deposit their author accepted paper on PMC and UKPMC via EMBO Press' manuscript deposition service automatically after six months.

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    EMBO Press and its publishing partners assign a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI initiative is an international effort for electronic content identification and is guided by the International DOI Foundation, composed primarily of academic publishers and societies. The DOI appears on the title page of the article. It is assigned after the article has been accepted for publication and persists throughout the lifetime of the article. It is important to include the article’s DOI in the reference, as volume and page information is not always available for articles published online.


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    If you need additional help, you can click on the help signs (icon) spread throughout the system. A help dialogue will pop up with context sensitive help. For questions regarding our policies and guidelines, please contact EMBO reports editorial office (contact@emboreports.org).


    Editorial Board

    Editors & Advisory Editorial Board

    CONTACTS US: contact@emboreports.org


    Advisory Editorial Board
    Special Advisors


    Editorial Team

    Howy Jacobs - Chief editor

    Howy took over as Senior Editor of EMBO reports in 2009. He is Academy Professor and Professor of Molecular Biology at the Institute of Biomedical Technology, University of Tampere, Finland. His research covers a wide portfolio of topics, ranging from the replication mechanisms of mitochondrial DNA to the roles that mitochondria play in both disease and ageing. He concerns himself also with several areas of science policy, notably the application of molecular biology to global health.


    Nonia Pariente - Senior Editor

    Responsible for:
    Autophagy; Microbiology, Virology & Host-Pathogen Interaction; Immunology; Cell Cycle; Cancer; Molecular Biology of Disease; Ageing; Post-translational Modifications & Proteolysis; Signal Transduction

    Nonia joined EMBO reports in August 2007. She studied biochemistry and molecular biology in Madrid's Autónoma University, where she also gained her PhD on the generation of new antiviral strategies against RNA viruses. She did a four-year post-doc at UCLA focusing on the development of new strategies for gene therapy.

    tel: +49(0)62218891305

    Barbara Pauly - Editor

    Responsible for:
    Cell Adhesion, Polarity & Cytoskeleton; Cell Death; Channels; Genomics; Membrane & Intracellular Transport; Molecular Evolution & Ecology; Stem Cells; Systems and Computational Biology; Signal Transduction

    Barbara joined EMBO reports in September 2008. She completed her PhD at the University of Munich, focusing on signal transduction in the fresh water polyp Hydra. She worked at the University of California at Berkeley as a post-doctoral researcher, studying the role of the actin cytoskeleton in endocytosis in mammalian cells.


    Esther Schnapp - Editor

    Responsible for:
    Developmental Biology; DNA Replication, Repair & Recombination; Chromatin & Epigenetics; Metabolism & Cell Physiology; Neuroscience; RNA Biology; Transcription; Protein Biosynthesis & Quality Control; Plant Biology

    Esther joined EMBO reports in October 2008. She was awarded her PhD in 2005 at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, where she studied tail regeneration in the axolotl. As a post-doc she worked on muscle development in zebrafish and on the characterisation of mesoangioblasts at the Stem Cell Research Institute of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy.


    Holger Breithaupt - Senior Editor

    Responsible for:
    Science & Society

    Holger joined EMBO reports in 2000. He currently handles Science & Society content for the journal. Holger earned his PhD at the University of Düsseldorf’s Institute of Enzyme Technology and then studied science journalism at New York University's Science and Environmental Reporting Program. He worked as a freelance journalist before joining EMBO reports as Features Editor at the journal’s inception.


    Samuel Caddick - Editor

    Responsible for:
    Science & Society; Journal Co-ordination

    Sam joined EMBO reports in April 2007. He currently handles scientific content for the Upfront section, as well as Science & Society content. He also coordinates the journal. Sam was awarded his PhD in plant molecular biology by the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, in 2005. He continued his research into inositol phosphate kinases and pathways of inositol hexakisphosphate metabolism as a post-doctoral researcher at the same university.


    Susanne Hofner-Harris - Editorial Assistant


    Uta Mackensen - Graphics Editor


    Sandra Krahl - Graphics Editor



    Head of Scientific Publications

    Bernd Pulverer

    Following undergraduate studies in Cambridge, Bernd received his PhD in 1992 from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, London, for uncovering the posttranslational regulation of the transcription factors c-Jun and c-Myc by the JNK and MAP kinases. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle and at the University of Innsbruck. Bernd was senior editor at Nature from 1999 until 2002 and chief editor of Nature Cell Biology until he joined EMBO in 2009 as chief editor of The EMBO Journal and Head of Scientific Publications.

    tel: +49 6221 8891 501

    Editorial Policies

    Submission of a manuscript implies that it reports unpublished work and that neither itself, nor parts of it, have been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript to EMBO reports, the authors guarantee that they have the appropriate authority from their employers and/or funding agencies to publish the work. Any related work under consideration, review, revision or accepted for publication elsewhere must accompany the submission if they are relevant to its scientific assessment.

    EMBO reports reserves the right not to publish material that has already been pre-published (either in electronic or other media). EMBO reports does allow prior publication on recognized community preprint servers (e.g. arXiv or Nature Precedings) for review by other scientists in the field before formal submission to the journal. The details of the preprint server concerned and any accession numbers must be included in the cover letter accompanying submission of the manuscript.

    Authorship Guidelines

    Submission of a paper implies that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript and its contents, and that they are aware of the responsibilities connected to authorship. Signatures from all the authors are not required; it is the corresponding author’s responsibility to obtain agreement from all authors supporting the submission. All authors will be notified upon receipt of a new manuscript and upon acceptance of a manuscript, but the editorial office corresponds only with the Corresponding Author, whose responsibility it is to communicate with all other authors.

    The nature of every author’s contribution must be specified both in the manuscript submission system and in the manuscript under the heading “Author Contributions”.

    Our authorship policies conform to international standards (see, for example, http://www.icmje.org/ethical_1author.html).

    Animal Welfare

    For experiments involving animals, authors must include with their submission a statement that the experiments have been approved by the appropriate review board and conform to local laws and regulations. The editors reserve the right to consult with board members or external experts and to reject manuscripts that contain experiments with animals which do not adhere to internationally accepted standards for animal welfare. For further information see the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals (1985) from CIOMS and the European Commission's legislation and guidance on laboratory animals.

    Human subjects

    For experiments involving human subjects, authors must include with their submission a statement that informed consent was obtained from all subjects and that the experiments conformed to the principles set out in the WMA Declaration of Helsinki and the NIH Belmont report. Editors or referees may request further documentation confirming that this is the case. Additionally, authors must identify the institutional committee that approved the experiments. The editors reserve the right to consult appropriate board members or external experts.

    Any restrictions on the availability or use of human data or samples should be clearly specified in the manuscript. Such restrictions may undermine reproducibility and violate the journal's materials & data sharing guidelines. Any restrictions that might detract from the overall impact of a study and that are central to the findings reported will be taken into account in the editorial decision. The ultimate decision whether to publish the paper as submitted or with suggested changes is the prerogative of the editors after consultation with board members or external experts.


    Planned research and results from experiments should be evaluated at an early stage for possible dual use concerns. In such cases, authors should first consult with an appropriate local body concerning the implications for biosecurity and public health. For further information see the U.S. National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity's recommendations and the US National Select Agent Registry.

    Authors should explicitly describe any potential biosecurity implications and the local body’s assessment in their cover letter at submission. The threat posed by the potential abuse of certain experimental data or material for bioweapons, terrorist or other criminal activities may require that editors balance the risks and benefits of publication. The ultimate decision whether to publish the paper as submitted or with suggested changes is the prerogative of the editors after consultation with board members or external experts in biosafety, biosecurity, or public and environmental health.

    Availability of Published Material and Data

    It is understood that by publishing a paper in EMBO reports the authors agree to make available to colleagues in academic research all new reagents, including organisms (or means to produce them), viruses, cells, nucleic acids and antibodies, that were used in the research reported and that are not available from public repositories or commercial suppliers. Human patient samples and data should be made available in accordance with the relevant ethical standards. Materials must be made available at a reasonable cost that reflects production and distribution. The distribution of published materials does not automatically confer a right of co-authorship.

    EMBO reports will only review and publish manuscripts if the authors agree to make all data that cannot be published in the journal itself (e.g. novel nucleotide sequences, structural data, or data from large-scale gene expression experiments) freely available, where possible in an appropriate public database (detailed guidelines can be found below).

    Conflicts of interest

    In the interests of transparency and to help editors and reviewers assess any potential bias, EMBO reports requires authors of all articles published in the journal to declare any competing commercial interests in relation to the submitted work. It is difficult to specify a threshold at which a financial interest becomes significant, but as a practical guideline, we would suggest this to be any undeclared interest that could embarrass you were it to become publicly known. Referees and editors are also subject to Conflict of Interest regulations. The final decision concerning whether a Conflict of Interest invalidates and makes unpublishable the research manuscript or other article submitted remains at the discretion of the editor.

    Scientific Integrity

    The editorial staff of EMBO reports is strongly committed to maintaining high standards of integrity of the published scientific record. The journal requests that authors take note of and adhere to guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (http://ori.dhhs.gov). The journal will investigate suspected instances of scientific fraud, inappropriate image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate publication and other cases that violate research ethics. Depending on the outcome of these investigations, the journal may opt to publish errata or corrigenda, or, in cases of serious scientific misconduct, either to ask authors to retract their paper, or to impose retraction on them. In such cases, the authors’ employers may also be contacted. As a matter of policy, the journal will collaborate with independent institutional investigations into misconduct and usually accept the outcome of such investigations.

    An erratum is notification of an important error made by the journal, whereas a corrigendum is notification of an important error made by the author(s).

    Refutations of articles published in EMBO reports can be considered for the Correspondence section of the journal. Such correspondence will almost always include data to support the arguments of the correspondent. The original authors of that article will be offered the opportunity to respond side-by-side with the correspondence. Both pieces will be peer reviewed at the discretion of the editor and acceptance depends on the strength of the arguments raised as well as the importance of the matter to a general readership. Publication of the correspondence does not automatically entail publication of a response of the authors of the challenged research paper. After one round of correspondence, EMBO reports will consider the matter closed and will not publish further exchanges.

    EMBO reports is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

    Data collection and presentation

    Presented data must represent the findings in a fair and accurate manner. This includes appropriate statistical analysis and image processing. For further details, please refer to these guidelines.

    The Editors reserve the right to request original versions of figures and the source data that were used to assemble the figure from the authors of a paper under consideration, or of a paper already published in EMBO reports.

    Originality & Plagiarism

    The editors require that any information published in the journal represents a substantially novel contribution to the scientific record. Any manuscript submitted to EMBO Reports should therefore not contain content that has been formally published in a peer reviewed journal or another formally citable manner, whether in print or electronic. This includes websites, blogs and the news media.
    Subject to licensing restrictions, EMBO Reports will consider for publication manuscripts based on information that has been previously discussed by the authors at scientific conferences in the form of posters, talks, abstract books, meeting reports or webcasts. Manuscripts may be posted prior to submission on recognised non-peer reviewed pre-publication platforms dedicated to discussion among peers, including the preprint servers bioRXiv and arXiv, and Faculty1000 posters. The details of the preprint server concerned and any accession numbers must be included in the cover letter accompanying submission of the manuscript. EMBO Reports will also consider manuscripts based on unpublished academic theses released in accordance with institutional rules.
    Any text, data, material, images, ideas or quotes should be attributed to the original source, even if it is by the same authors. If necessary, authors should seek permission to use the material from the copyright holder in accordance to licensing stipulations. EMBO Reports' policies on attribution follow the standards set by the Associated Press. It is at the discretion of the editors whether prior publication of such related material prevents subsequent publication in the journal.
    Plagiarism includes both the theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another's work. EMBO Reports uses CrossCheck, a multi-publisher initiative to screen submitted content for plagiarism, to detect overlapping and similar text (including self-plagiarism) prior to publication. To find out more about CrossCheck visit http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html.

    Embargo Policy

    The content of papers and any associated press releases is strictly embargoed until the official date of publication of a manuscript. Accepted contributions can be discussed with the media from one week before the publication date provided the journalist respects the embargo date. We will press release selected papers with summaries. Authors may arrange their own publicity, but must adhere to the embargo conditions. Further details can be provided by the editorial office (contact@emboreports.org).


    Comprehensive and accurate citation of the relevant literature is essential. We require citation of the primary literature wherever appropriate. References must be included in your character count.

    Editorial Process

    All submissions are initially assessed by a dedicated in-house editor focused on the scientific topics covered in the manuscript, and may also be evaluated by an appropriate Editorial Advisory Board member, or other external expert advisor. Only manuscripts judged by the editors to be potentially suitable for publication in EMBO reports are sent out for formal peer review, so that manuscripts with a low probability of success can be returned to the authors without delay. Manuscripts are generally reviewed by three appropriate experts selected by the editors. Based on their arguments and recommendations, the decision concerning publication, revision or rejection is taken, sometimes after further consultation with the referees, the Editorial Advisory Board or, indeed, the authors. Revisions are invited only for manuscripts that have a high probability of acceptance after one major round of revision. Authors may appeal decisions if there is concrete evidence for a misunderstanding or mistake at the editorial or referee level. Appeals are evaluated in depth and without prejudice.

    EMBO reports makes the editorial process transparent for all accepted manuscripts, by publishing as an online supplementary document (the Peer Review Process File, PRPF) all correspondence between authors and the editorial office relevant to the decision process. This will include all referee comments directed to the authors, as well as the authors’ point-by-point responses. Internal communications and informal consultations between editors, editorial advisors or referees will remain excluded from these documents. Importantly, referee anonymity will be strictly maintained. Authors have the possibility to opt out of the transparent process at any stage prior to publication.

    To further facilitate transparency, EMBO reports has removed the “Confidential Comments” field from our referee reporting forms. This is to ensure that the authors receive all information pertinent to the decision made on a manuscript. Referees should be aware that all comments will be transmitted to the authors and the other referees. Should there be any issues with the manuscript, in particular concerns about ethical standards, data integrity, biosecurity, or conflicts of an academic or commercial nature that need to be communicated directly and confidentially to the editor, this can be done by email (contact@emboreports.org).

    To enhance the fairness and consistency of the peer-review process, EMBO reports routinely asks referees to comment on each other's reports.

    Please see the following editorials from The EMBO Journal for more information on these policies, which apply to all the EMBO titles.
    EMBO reports 2009: New Initiatives
    A Transparent Black Box

    Transfer policies

    EMBO reports is editorially independent of the other EMBO Scientific Publications.

    Authors can choose to transfer manuscripts rejected from EMBO reports to any of the other three EMBO Publications (The EMBO Journal, Molecular Systems Biology, EMBO Molecular Medicine) by following the instructions appended to the editorial decision letter. Manuscripts transferred post-review will automatically include the referees' reports and identities, and the editors will aim to use these reports in arriving at a rapid decision. Editors may choose to seek additional advice from referees or editorial advisory board members in cases where this would enhance informed decision-making.


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