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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Ecography is a journal issued by the Nordic Ecological Society OIKOS, representing ecologists in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Ecologists from all countries are invited to publish original results on its pages.

Ecography publishes papers centred towards pattern and diversity in ecology, which includes studies in biodiversity, biogeography, ecological conservation and natural history of species. Studies in landscape ecology, and gene ecology are welcome together with palaeoecological and quaternary ecological studies explaining present ecological patterns. There is no bias as regards taxon, biome, or biogeographical area.

Forum is intended for short notes on new ideas or new or different ways of evaluating existing information. Comments, viewpoints or suggestions arising from earlier published papers as well as notes on methodology are welcome.

Ecography is published in close co-operation with OIKOS. OIKOS publishes theoretical and empirical work in all areas of ecology, where theoretical papers should more than elaborate on previously published analyses, and empirical studies should test explicit hypotheses and/or theoretical predictions.

Ecography is sponsored by the Nordic Publishing Board in Science (NOP-N). Ecography is published in co-operation with Intecol, the journals Oikos, Lindbergia, Nordic Journal of Botany, Journal of Avian Biology, and the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. Manuscripts may be transferred between these journals according to journals profile.


Instructions to Authors

General editorial practice

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has been read and approved by all authors. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to the journal if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. This work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the journal. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation

rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or videocassettes or in electronic databases and the like or reproduced photographically without the prior written permission of the journal. Manuscripts are submitted to reviewers for evaluation of their significance and soundness. Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within three months. Decisions of the editor are final.

Manuscripts are edited to improve communication between author and reader.

Authors will receive two sets of first proofs, with the original manuscript. Correct only printer’s mistakes. You may be charged for excessive corrections beyond such mistakes.

No offprints will be supplied. Instead authors will receive a locked PDF file to use at their discretion. There are no page charges.


Language. Manuscripts should be in English. Linguistic usage should be correct. Avoid the use of the passive voice. Avoid extensive reviews in the Introduction and Discussion. Cite only essential sources of a theory or opinion.

Title. The title should be brief and contain words useful for indexing and information retrieval.

Text. The first page should contain only the title and the author’s name, address, fax and emailaddress.

Page two contains the abstract. It should amplify but not repeat or rephrase the title. The result of the work should be briefly presented in the abstract. Begin the introduction on page three. When using word processor, avoid right margin justification and hyphenation. Submit the manuscript in four copies, each copy including copies of tables and illustrations. Submit the manuscript in four copies, each copy including tables and illustrations, to the managing Editor, address ass below. You are welcome to submit your manuscript in digital format. please email a wordprocessor file (MS Word preferred) or a PDF to .

Illustrations. All illustrations should bear author’s name. Tables and legends of illustrations should be written double-spaced on separate sheets. Do not incorporate the legend in the figure itself. Tables and illustrations should be comprehensible without reference to the text. Colour plates may be included at the author’s expense.

Plan your illustrations for the smallest size possible (one column). Do not submit originals until so instructed.

Units. Use SI units as far as possible. Nomenclature. Binomial Latin names should be used in accordance with International Rules of Nomenclature. The first time a binomen is used in the main text the name of its author should be included.

References. In the list of references (double-spaced), the following usage should be conformed to:

Journal: Haila, Y. and Järvinen, O. 1983. Land bird communities on a Finnish island: species impoverishment and abundance patterns. - Oikos 41: 255-273.

Book: Mayr, E. 1963. Animal species and evolution. - Harvard Univ. Press.

Chapter: Goodall, D. W. 1972. Building and testing ecosystem models. - In: Jeffers, J. N. R.

(ed.), Mathematical models in ecology. Blackwell, pp. 173-194.

Reference lists not conforming to this format will be returned for revision. In the text references are given: Mayr (1963) or, at the end of a sentence, (Mayr 1963).

Titles of journals should be abbreviated following Biological Abstracts. If in doubt, give the title in full. Do not refer to unpublished material.

Acknowledgements. Keep them short.

Authors are recommended to follow the guidelines set out in: O’Connor, M. 1991. Writing successfully in science. - Harper Collins Academic, London, and to examine the latest issues of ECOGRAPHY. Manuscripts not conforming to the requirements will be returned for revision.

Submit the manuscript in four copies to:

Editorial Office
Ecology Building
SE-223 62 Lund
phone +46-462223792
fax +46-462223790
email: Ecography@ekol.lu.se
Website: http://www.oikos.ekol.lu.se

or submit your ms as an email attachment. 

Download instructions to authors for Ecography.

            Download Copyright Assignment Form

Editorial Board
Editorial Information

Martin Zobel
Tartu, Estonia

Deputy Editors-in-Chief
Mikko Mönkkönen, Oulu, Finland
Professor John R. Spence, Dept of Renewable Resources, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Managing Editor
Linus Svensson, Lund, Sweden

Editorial Office
Dept of Ecology
Lund University
Ecology Building
S-223 62 Lund
Tel. +46-46-222-3791
Fax +46-46-222-3790

Editorial Board

Advisory Panel
Alexei Ghilarov, Moscow, Russia
Lennart Hansson, Uppsala, Sweden
Pedro Jordano, Sevilla, Spain
Catherine Toft, Davis, USA
Mark Williamson, York, England

Publication Board
Henning Adsersen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Thomas Alerstam, Lund, Sweden
Jan Ekman, Stockholm, Sweden
Pehr H. Enckell, Lund, Sweden
Gísli Már Gíslason, Reykjavik, Iceland
Veijo Kaitala, Jyväskyl? Finland
Anders Klemetsen, Troms? Norway
Nils Malmer (Chairman), Lund, Sweden
Esa Ranta, Helsinki, Finland
Martin Zobel, Tartu, Estonia


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