

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Differentiation, the official publication of the International Society of Differentiation, recently has undergone a number of substantive changes that will result in a more dynamic and exciting Journal. There is a new Editor-in Chief, a group of five Senior Editors, and a reorganized Editorial Advisory Board consisting of experts in a wide variety of areas relating to cellular differentiation, animal and plant development, and cancer biology. This group of outstanding scientists will ensure high scientific standards and that only manuscripts of the highest quality will be published in Differentiation.

Submissions can be forwarded to any of the five Senior editors or to the Editor-in-Chief. Blackwell and the Editors have reduced the publication time by instituting a more rapid review and manuscript handling procedure and the use of a fast-track system to expedite the publication of outstanding articles. Also, to make publication in the journal more attractive we will provide 25 free reprints and free color reproduction for at least one page or more at the discretion of the Editors. In the near future we will institute electronic publishing that will permit manuscripts to be handled from submission to publication online. This will further reduce publication time. Blackwell and the new Editors will insist on the highest standard of quality in the reproduction of images. I believe that these changes will place Differentiation among the top journals in the field.

Published on behalf of the International Society of Differentiation

Edited by:
Laurence D. Etkin

Print ISSN: 0301-4681
Online ISSN: 1432-0436
Issues per Volume: Ten times a year
Current Volume: 72
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2002: 19/33 (Developmental Biol); 80/153 (Cell Biol)
Impact Factor: 2.353

Instructions to Authors

1. Aims and Scope

Differentiation is a multidisciplinary journal dealing with all problems relating to cell differentiation, development, cellular structure and function, and cancer. Differentiation of eukaryotes at the molecular level and the use of transgenic and targeted mutagenesis approaches to problems of differentiation are of particular interest to the journal. The journal will publish full-length articles containing original work in any of these areas. High quality manuscripts of a descriptive nature and those describing novel techniques are also encouraged. We will also publish reviews on topics of current interest. In most cases, reviews will be solicited by the editorial board; however, proposals for review articles can be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Senior Editors for consideration.

Original contributions in the following areas will be welcome:

  • molecular biology of differentiation
  • embryonic patterning
  • carcinogenesis and cancer
  • mechanisms involved in cell growth and division especially relating to cancer
  • establishment of cellular polarity
  • cell and tissue interactions in vivo and in vitro
  • signal transduction pathways in development and differentiation
  • transgenic and targeted mutagenesis models of differentiation organogenesis
  • plant cell differentiation
  • biology of stem cells evolutionary aspects of cell differentiation

2. Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be sent to any of the following editors:

Laurence D. Etkin (Editor-in Chief)
Department of Molecular Genetics
University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Box 45
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030, USA
phone  +1 713 792-8933
fax +1 713 794-4394
e-mail: lde@notes.mdacc.tmc.edu

Gerald R. Cunha
University of California San Francisco
Box 0452
San Francisco, California 94143
phone  +1 415 496-4140
fax +1 415 496-4845
e-mail grcunha@itsa.ucsf.edu

Naoto Ueno
Department of Developmental Biology
National Institute for Basic Biology
38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki 444-8585
phone  +81-564-55-7570
fax +81-564-55-7571
e-mail nueno@nibb.ac.jp

Christof Niehrs
Division of Molecular Embryology
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
phone  +49 6221 423400
fax +49 6221 423404
e-mail a.wohlfahrt@DKFZ.de

Hugh R. Woodland
Dept of Biological Sciences
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
phone  +44 24 7652 3536
fax +44 24 7652 3701
e-mail Hw@dna.bio.warwick.ac.uk

Please submit your manuscript on diskette, zip, or CD-ROM along with one original and 3 copies. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on standard-size paper and with margins at least 1 inch wide on either side. Manuscripts must conform to the journal style and should be submitted in the final version containing all revisions. Please complete and include the signed  Copyright Assignment Form. Color printing charges are explained below in Section 3.4, Illustrations and Tables.

The publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of the manuscript or its parts.

Evaluation of the papers is conducted by reviewers and the editors will make the final decision regarding acceptability for publication in Differentiation. For overseas shipment, please mark all packages "No commercial value".

3. Requirements for manuscripts

3.1. Format
The manuscript should be organized as follows (each section beginning on a new page): title page, abstract (limited to 300 words), key words listed at the bottom of the abstract page, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references. The title page should contain the full names of authors, their affiliations, and the name, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Tables and figure legends should be typed on separate pages. In anticipation of the online edition, present the main information in the first 60 characters of the figure legend. Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must have a reference in the text. For all figures please include reproducible artwork (marked with the author's name, short title, figure number, print scale and print size).

The data carriers (diskette, etc.) must be PC/Windows-compatible or in RTF format and may not contain any files other than those for the current manuscript. Please include a list of the files, noting the file name, the computer program and its version number. Please do not import the figures into the text file. The text should be prepared using standard software (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) or saved in rtf format; do not use automatic or manual hyphenation. Please do not include footnotes.

For guidance on how to style a paper, it is advisable to check a recent issue of the journal. The editor may alter manuscripts wherever necessary to make them conform to the stylistic and bibliographic conventions of the journal. Papers must be written in standard grammatical English. This is the responsibility of the author. Manuscripts may be rejected solely on linguistic grounds.

Please visit http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/dif

3.2. Length
Original articles should include an abstract (limited to 300 words) and should not exceed 30 typewritten pages, including illustrations, tables, and references. The number of illustrations and tables must be kept to a minimum. The author should bear in mind that Differentiation is a multi-disciplinary journal and that the abstract should not be a mere summary but should be comprehensible to those who are not familiar with the author's discipline. Furthermore, this abstract should state the significance of the work. General statements such as "further work along these lines is in progress" should be avoided.

3.3. Units, abbreviations, and nomenclature
The S. I. system must be adhered to throughout the manuscript. Concentrations of chemical solutions are to be given in mol/l. All other concentrations should be given in % (volume or weight). Abbreviations of chemical, biological, medical, or other terms should only be employed when it is certain that they are internationally known. The full name must be given in brackets when the abbreviation is first used.

All biological, medical, chemical, or other terms should be used according to the most recent recommendations of the relevant international nomenclature. Enzymes should be given in I.U. (International Units), according to Enzyme Nomenclature (Elsevier Publishing Co., 1965).

3.4. Illustrations and tables
Figures should be saved in a neutral data format such as TIFF or EPS with a resolution of 400 dpi, and a printout should always be included. Please do not use Power Point, Harvard Graphics, or PC Paint and do not import graphics into Word. Photographs or drawings submitted for publication with the manuscript must be of high quality, distinct, and well-focused. Scanned figures (only in TIFF format) should have a resolution of 400 dpi (halftone) or 600 to 1200 dpi (line drawings) in relation to the reproduction size. For figures to be printed in black and white, please submit the data in black and white. Color photos can be reproduced in black and white (with a possible loss of contrast). Authors will be allowed one color page per article in Differentiation at no charge to allow a better communication of their results. Additional color pages will require a contribution from the authors of $ 550/ € 615 for the first page and $ 280/ € 310 for each additional page, plus VAT. Color print charges may be waived at the discretion of the editors. Color graphics should be created using the CMYK color palette (print colors), not RGB (monitor colors). There is a charge for alterations to figures when carried out by the publisher. Under no circumstances will photocopies of photographs be accepted.

Please note that figures will generally be shrunk to fit within the column-width or the print area. This means that numbering and lettering must still be legible when reduced in size (e.g,. maps) and that the scale might not correspond with the original (microscopic pictures), thereby invalidating references to scale in the text. If a figure is to be cropped, please mark the lines on a photocopy or tracing paper. Printouts should be made with a laser printer at the highest resolution (>600 dpi). Line drawings should only be contour drawings without halftones (shades of grey). Please do not use patterns; rough hatching is possible. Graphs with an x and y axis should not be enclosed in frames; only 2-dimensional representations, please. Do not forget the labels and units. Captions for the figures should give a precise description of the content and should not be repeated within the figure. Tables should be created using the table function. In the case of figures or tables taken from already published material, their source must be stated, and copyright waivers must be obtained.

3.5 References
( please note new reference format: effective immediately)

All newly submitted manuscripts will be required to use the new reference format. Otherwise, it will result in a delay in publication. References should be cited in parentheses by author and date in the text, e.g. (Colissimo and Katz, 2000) or in cases with more than 2 authors (Kurata et al, 2000). Multiple references should be made in chronological order. To avoid ambiguity, references which would otherwise be cited identically in the text should be differentiated with the letters a, b, etc.

The reference list should be alphabetical and contain the name(s) of the author(s), year, title of the article, volume number, and first and last page number. References with identical author(s) should be listed chronologically. References with the same first author but differing co-authors should be listed alphabetically. References should be presented as follows:

Journals: Gong, S-G., and Kiba, A. (1999) The role of msx-2 in anterior-posterior patterning of the mesoderm in Xenopus laevis. Differentiation 65:131-140.

Books: Diberardino, M.A. (1997) Genomic potential of differentiated cells. Columbia University Press, New York.

Articles in books: Elton, C.A., and Twichell, I.M. (2000) Differentiation of neural stem cells. In: Hong, T.T. (ed) Biology of stem cells. Academic Press, San Diego, pp 40-56.

Titles of publications should be abbreviated in accordance with the Chemical Abstracts' List of Periodicals or given in full without abbreviation. References to unpublished observations, articles in preparation submitted for publication but not accepted etc., should be included in the text but not in the reference list.

4. Copyright

Publication in the journal is subject to the condition that the article (as a whole or in part) has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. In submitting the manuscript to the publisher, the author certifies that neither the author's contribution nor any text or figures procured and included by the author infringes upon the rights of a third party, and that the author alone is authorized to dispose of the existing right of utilization with regard to copyright. The author will refrain from any other duplication and distribution or digital transfer and reproduction (e.g., on the Internet) during the period of the contract. For the duration of the lawful copyright, the author grants the publisher, regardless of location, the exclusive right of duplication and dissemination (right of publication) without restriction as to the amount or number of downloads and for all print and electronic editions in tangible or intangible form as well as the issuance of licences to third parties nationally and abroad for the exercise of the ancillary rights granted. The publisher is authorized to make use of the utilization rights to which he is entitled; however, he is not obligated to do so.

For U.S. authors, the copyright is transferred to the extent transferable. See the Copyright Assignment Form and accompanying Notes.

5. Proof correction and offprints

You will receive proofs of your article that should be corrected and returned without delay. As changes to proofs are costly, we ask that you only correct typesetting errors.

Additional offprints can be ordered on the form attached to the proofs. Orders placed at a later date are subject to a higher charge. Offprints will be sent to the corresponding author for distribution unless otherwise noted on the order form.

6. Research materials

All authors agree that as a condition of publication in Differentiation they will make available all reagents such as DNA constructs, genetic strains of organisms, and monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to the scientific community for research purposes.

Editorial Board


Laurence D. Etkin
Department of Molecular Genetics
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Box 45
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
phone  +1 713 792-8933
fax +1 713 794-4394
e-mail lde@notes.mdacc.tmc.edu

Senior Editors

Gerald R. Cunha
University of California San Francisco
Box 0452
San Francisco, California 94143
phone  +1 415 496-4140
fax +1 415 496-4845
e-mail grcunha@itsa.ucsf.edu

Christof Niehrs
Division of Molecular Embryology
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
phone  +49 6221 424512
fax +49 6221 424692
e-mail Niehrs@dkfz.de

Naoto Ueno
Department of Developmental Biology
National Institute for Basic Biology
38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki 444-8585
phone  +81-564-55-7570
fax +81-564-55-7571
e-mail nueno@nibb.ac.jp

Hugh R. Woodland
Dept of Biological Sciences
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
phone  +44 24 7652 3536
fax +44 24 7652 3701
e-mail Hw@dna.bio.warwick.ac.uk

Editorial Advisory Board

N. Auersperg, Vancouver, Canada
P. Benfey, New York, NY, USA
A. Brandli, Zurich, Switzerland
M. Busslinger, Vienna, Austria
J. Campos-Ortega, Cologne, Germany
B. Capel, Durham, NC, USA
E. DeRobertis, Los Angeles, CA, USA
M.A. DiBerardino, Philadelphia, PA, USA
I.J. Fidler, Houston, TX, USA
N. Fusenig, Heidelberg, Germany
G. Gabbiani, Geneva, Switzerland
J.D. Gross, Oxford, United Kingdom
S. Grimmond, Brisbane, Australia
P. Gruss, Goettingen, Germany
J. Kitajewski, New York, NY, USA
M. W. Klymkowsky, Boulder, CO, USA
C. Larabell, Berkeley, CA, USA
N. Le Douarin, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
E. Lehtonen, Helsinki, Finland
H. Lipshitz, Toronto, Canada
S. Marcus, Houston, TX, USA
R.E. Maxson, Los Angeles, CA, USA
M. McBurney, Ottawa, Canada
R.G. McKinnell, St. Paul, MN, USA
H. Okano, Osaka, Japan
M. Osborn, Goettingen, Germany
J. Richter, Worcester, MA, USA
N. Satoh, Kyoto, Japan
R.A. Schulz, Houston, TX, USA
J. Shay, Dallas, TX, USA
T.T. Sun, New York, NY, USA
E. Tahara, Hiroshima, Japan
P. Tam, Sydney, Australia
D. Tarin, La Jolla, CA, USA
C. Tickle, Dundee, United Kingdom
S. Waxman, New York, NY, USA
T. Yamada, Brisbane, Australia †

Editorial Assistant

T.T. Hong, Houston, TX, USA
e-mail tthong@mdanderson.org


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