

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

A high quality scientific journal with an international readership
Official publication of the Alfediam, Diabetes & Metabolism , publishes high-quality papers by leading teams, forming a close link between hospital and research units. Diabetes & Metabolism is published in English language and is indexed in all major databases with its impact factor up to 2,175 in 2006 (IF 2005).

Diabetes & Metabolism contains original articles, short reports and comprehensive reviews. The latter are updates written by internationally recognized specialists carefully edited in order to help clinicians and researchers keep informed about the latest developments in the field of diabetes.

Une revue scientifique de haute qualité
Diabetes & Metabolism réunit des articles originaux, des cas cliniques, des lettres à l'éditeur et des travaux indispensables pour la compréhension du diabète et de ses conséquences multiples, ainsi que des Recommandations de l'Alfediam. Elle est destinée aux cliniciens et aux chercheurs qui souhaitent suivre de près les récentes évolutions de la diabétologie.

Une revue à diffusion internationale
Diabetes & Metabolism publie en langue anglaise les travaux des meilleures équipes francophones et étrangères de la spécialité et rencontre un facteur d'impact qui ne cesse de progresser. La revue est indexée dans les plus grandes bases de données internationales : Current Contents (Life Sciences), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), Research Alert, SCI Search.

Instructions to Authors

Diabetes & Metabolism publishes studies on diabetes, metabolism or nutrition. Contributions may be submitted in the form of:

  • Original articles which should not exceed 15 typewritten page including the bibliography, plus a maximum of 8 figures and tables;
  • Letters to the editor, which should not comprise more than 3 pages with references and one table or figure;
  • Rapid communications regarding observations of particular importance. Acceptability will be determined within 2 weeks. Rapid  communications should not exceed 8 typewritten pages including a maximum of 10 references and 2 illustrations; results and discussion may be combined;
  • Review papers, editorials and educational notes. Editorials and educational notes should not exceed 8 typewritten pages.

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to Pr. Serge Halimi, Editor-in-Chief, Diabetes & metabolism, CHU de Grenoble, service de Endocrinologie et Diab tologie, BP 217 X, 38043 Grenoble Cedex, France. Submit the original and four copies of the manuscript. Two sets of glossy prints are required for figures. Authors should consult a recent issue of Diabetes & Metabolism and imitate the stylistic conventions when preparing their manuscript.

In their cover letter, authors are welcome to suggest the names (address/Fax/email) of up to 5 potential reviewers (who cannot be recent co-authors or collaborators).

The covering letter must provide the address, telephone, fax number and email of the corresponding author. It must include the following  statement signed by all authors: We approve the submission of this paper to Diabete & Metabolism for publication. We confirm that neither the manuscript submitted nor any part of it has been published or is being contidered for publication elsewhere (abstracts <300 words excepted). We confirm that the paper has been read and approved by all authors.

The title page should contain: a) title without abbrevations; b) initials of first and middle name, and last name of each author; c) name and address of departement(s) and institution(s); if several institutions are involded, they must be indentified with the corresponding author(s) by an arabic numeral in parentheses ; d) a short running title of no more than 40 characters; e) address, phone and fax number of the corresponding author.

The summary should not be longer than 250 words and separated in four parts - background - methods - results - conclusion. Provide up to five keywords at the end of the summary.

Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Articles in press may be quoted (designate the journal and add in press¡ in parentheses), but a copy of the manuscript must be provided. Use the style of the examples given below:

1) Standard journal articles - List all authors when six or fewer; when seven or more, list only the first three and add et al. Yalow RS, sssBerson SA. Immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in man. J Clin Invest, 1960, 39, 1157-1175.

2) Abstract in a journal supplement -Abstract¡± must be mentioned between brackets at the end of the title, and the volume number  sssmust be followed by (suppl.). Example:¡ bone marrow scan [Abstract]. Blood, 1979, 54 (suppl. 1), 26.

3) Chapter in a book (the authors are the editors)-Marks V, Rose RC, eds. Hypoglycaemia. Oxford: Blackwell, 1965, 240-258.

4) Chapter in a book (the authors are not be the editors)-Loubatres A. Pharmacological aspects of insulin secretion. In: Rodriguez RR, sss Vallance-Owen J, eds. Diabetes. Proc 7th Congress Internat Diabetes Fed. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1971, 137-158.

Figures must be numbered with arabic numerals and have explanatory legends. Titles and detailed explanations belong in the legends for illustrations not on the illustrations themselves. Illutrations must be unmounted glossy prints, usually 127 * 173 mm. Photomicrographs must have internal scale markers. Illustrations in colour will be published only if the author pays the extra cost. Each figure should  have a label pasted on its back indicating the number of the figure, author's name, and top of the figure. Type legends for illustrations starting on a separate page, with arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations.

All papers will be reviewed by peer-referees. The final decision is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. When the article is considered as suitable for publication but with appropriate revisions, authors must resubmit a revised manuscript within six weeks. Four copies of the manuscript are required, one of which should show the modifications underlined.

Authors are encouraged to submit the final version of their revised article on computor disks together with the typed revised manuscript and sent by mail.

Microsoft Word must be used. Disks must be labelled with the article title and the author's name.

The use of disks will speed up the processing of manuscripts if authors adhere to the following conventions:

  • Do not try to approximate the format of the typeset page. Format your manuscript as you normally would.
  • Use only "Words" "Times Romans" for text and tables.
  • Make sure that special characters (including mathematical and Greek ones) are correctly reproduced on the hard copies of the manuscript
  • Place figure legends after the text of the article, followed by the tables.
  • Put references in the style set forth by Diabetes & Metabolism. If references are not in the proper style, disks will be returned to authors.
  • Never type the letter  for the numeral  or the letter  for the numeral.
  • Do not divide words by manually hyphenating at line ending. If your processor has automatic hyphenation, turn it off.

Once the article is accepted for publication, authors will receive galley proofs which must be sent back within 48 hours.

Editorial Board



Jean Canivet and Pierre Lefèbvre (1975)


Gabriel Rosselin, PhilippeVague, Gérard Reach, Pierre Saï, Serge Halimi



Pierre-Jean Guillausseau (Paris)


Frédérique Lefèvre


José Timsit (Paris)


Beverley Balkau (Paris), Jacqueline Capeau (Paris), Pascal Ferré (Paris), Étienne Larger (Paris), Pascale Massin (Paris),

Louis Monnier (Montpellier), André Scheen (Liège), Dominique Simon (Paris), Paul Valensi (Paris)


Annick Fontbonne (Montpellier)


Erol Cerasi (Jérusalem), Guiseppe Paolisso (Napoli), Remi Rabasa-Lhoret (Montréal), Mohamed Belhadj (Oran),

Nikolas L. Katsilambros (Athenes), Stefano del Prato (Pisa), Eugène Sobngwi (Yaoundé) and the General Secretary of the

ALFEDIAM ex officio member


Prof. P.-J. Guillausseau - Service de médecine B

Hôpital Lariboisière - 2, rue Ambroise-Paré - 75010 Paris - France - e-mail : diabetes-metabolism@wanadoo.fr

Diabetes & Metabolism (ISSN 1262-3636) 2010 (volume 36) bimonthly 6 issues. See complete rates on the subscription form included in this issue.

Address order and payment to Elsevier Masson SAS, Service Abonnements, 62, rue Camille-Desmoulins, 92442 Issy-les-Moulineaux cedex: payment

by check or credit card (CB, EuroCard, MasterCard or Visa: indicate no, and expiration date); La Banque Postale, centre de Paris, n° RIB 20041 00001

1904540H020 95.

Subscriptions begin 4 weeks after receipt of payment and start with the first issue of the calendar year. Back issues and volumes are available from

the publisher. Claims for missing issues should be made within 6 months of publication. Includes air delivery.

Journal manager – Marie-Aude Bolignano. Tel.: (33) 01 71 16 54 33. Fax: (33) 01 71 16 51 66. E-mail: m.bolignano@elsevier.com

Commercial manager – Advertising – Marie Pierre Cancel. Tel.: (33) 01 71 16 51 09. Fax: (33) 01 71 1 51 51. E-mail: m.cancel@elsevier.com.

Website: www.compharma.fr

Subscriptions – Tel.: (33) 01 71 16 55 99. Fax: (33) 01 71 16 55 77. E-mail: infos@elsevier.fr

Publisher – Freya Weise. E-mail: f.weise@elsevier.com

General manager and publishing director – Stéphanie van Duin

Author enquiries

For enquiries relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission where available) please visit Elsevier’s Author Gateway at

http://authors.elsevier.com. The Author Gateway also provides the facility to track accepted articles and set up e-mail alerts to inform you of when

an article’s status has changed, as well as detailed artwork guidelines, copyright information, frequently asked questions and more. Contact details

for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided after registration of an article for publication.

Subscription conditions, instructions to authors, the contents of each issue as well as the abstracts of the articles published in Diabetes & Metabolism

are available on the website of Elsevier: www.em-consulte.com

Printed in France by Jouve, 53101 Mayenne. CPPAP: 1009 T 82195

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ISSN: 1262-3636


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