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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Developmental Psychobiology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers from the disciplines of psychology, biology, neuroscience, and medicine that contribute to an understanding of behavior development. Research that focuses on development in the embryo/fetus, neonate, juvenile, or adult animal and multidisciplinary research that relates behavioral development to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, or evolution is appropriate. The journal represents a broad phylogenetic perspective on behavior development by publishing studies of invertebrates, fish, birds, humans, and other animals. The journal publishes experimental and descriptive studies whether carried out in the laboratory or field.

The journal also publishes review articles and theoretical papers that make important conceptual contributions. Special dedicated issues of Developmental Psychobiology, consisting of invited papers on a topic of general interest, may be arranged with the Editor-in-Chief.

Developmental Psychobiology also publishes Letters to the Editor, which discuss issues of general interest or material published in the journal. Letters discussing published material may correct errors, provide clarification, or offer a different point of view. Authors should consult the editors on the preparation of these contributions.

Overall scholarship including soundness of experimental design, appropriate controls and procedures, and importance and significance are the major criteria for publication.

Developmental Psychobiology is the official publication of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Membership in the Society is not a prerequisite for submission or publication.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts (an electronic copy and 1 hard copy, with signed copyright agreement form) should be emailed to gmichel@depaul.edu and sent via courier or postal mail to George F. Michel, Editor-in-Chief, Dept. of Psychology, DePaul University, 2219 North Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60614-3504. All other correspondence should be addressed to the Publisher (c/o John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River St., Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A.). Authors should feel free to provide the names and affiliations of potential reviewers. However, the actual choice of reviewers will be made by the editors of the journal. Papers must not be submitted simultaneously to, or have been published previously in, another journal except as abstracts or brief, preliminary reports.

Submissions to Developmental Psychobiology that involve animal subjects must be accompanied by a statement certifying the standards that were followed in the care and use of the animal subjects. Appropriate standards include conformity with local, state, and national laws and regulations such as the local Institutional Care and Use Committee and, at the national level for the United States, the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (HHS publication 85-23, 1985 or subsequent revisions). This information will be considered as part of the peer-review. Only investigations that have followed high standards for the care and use of animal subjects will be published in Developmental Psychobiology.

Copyright. No article can be published unless accompanied by a signed publication agreement, which serves as a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. A publication agreement may be obtained from the editor or the publisher. Only original papers will be accepted and copyright in published papers will be vested in the publisher. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material that has appeared in another publication. A copy of that agreement, executed and signed by the author, is now required with each manuscript submission. (If the article is a "work made for hire," the agreement must be signed by the employer.)

Authors should follow a clear, concise style, presenting the material as economically as possible. Articles should be written on one side of 22 x 28-cm paper of good quality, double-spaced throughout with a wide margin all around, and should be submitted in 3 sharp copies complete with tables and illustrations. All pages should be numbered serially, including the tables, beginning with the title page.

Research reports should be subdivided into the following sections: Abstract (no heading required), Introduction (no heading required), Methods, Results, Discussion, Notes (if applicable), References, Tables, and Captions (for figures). The name, address, and telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author should be typed at the bottom of the first page. E-mail addresses should be provided for all authors if possible.

Language. English is the accepted language for publication.

Title. The title should be typed on Page 1 of the manuscript, together with the names of the authors and their complete institutional affiliation. A short, running title of not more than 49 characters (including spaces) suitable for alternate page headings should be typed on a separate, unnumbered page, if the full title exceeds this limitation.

Abstract. The abstract should adequately summarize the paper in no more than 150 words and be typed on Page 2. It should be self-contained without abbreviations or other reliance on the text of the manuscript. In addition, 3?2 key words (including vernacular name of species used) should be typed directly below the abstract.

Notes. This section should include all acknowledgments and be typed on a separate page following the Discussion.


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Authors cited in the text should be indicated by family name followed by year of publication (e.g., Lorenz, 1994). When a reference has more than 2 authors, all names should be used in the 1st citation (e.g., Hofer, Brunelli, & Shair, 1993) and only the 1st author on subsequent citation (e.g., Hofer et al., 1993). Where more than one paper by the same author(s) has appeared in one year, the convention is to indicate alphabetically (lower case roman letters) the appropriate articles cited following the year of publication (e.g., Winslow & Insel, 1991a, 1991b). Full journal titles should appear in reference lists and format should follow the style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, fourth edition, but without the use of italic type.
Examples follow:


Gould, J. L., & Towne, W. F. (1988). Honey bee learning. Advances in Insect Physiology, 20, 55-86.


von Frisch, K. (1967). The dance language and orientation of bees. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Edited Book:

Nash, L. T., & Wheeler, R. L. (1982). Mother-infant relationships in nonhuman primates. In H. E. Fitzgerald, J. A. Mullins, & P. Gage (Eds.), Child nurturance (pp. 21-61). New York: Plenum Press.

Units of Measurement and Symbols. Standard International Units (SI) should be used throughout. See APA Publication Manual.

Tables. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and numbered (in arabic numerals) consecutively, and paginated with the rest of the manuscript. The approximate point of insertion should be indicated in the text. Table footnotes should be lettered consecutively within each table with superscripts in lower-case roman.

Figures: Figures should be professionally prepared and submitted in a form suitable for reproduction (camera-ready copy). Computer-generated graphs are acceptable only if they have been printed with a good quality laser printer. Prints should be sharp, clear, and glossy (approximately 13 x 18 cm), ready for publication and suitable for reduction, if necessary. Halftones should also be glossy, strongly contrasted prints. Captions of figures should not be given on these prints but should be typed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. The approximate point of insertion should be indicated in the text. Dimensional scales, where necessary, should be indicated on all photographs, and all reproductions of records (e.g., of EEGs). For optimal artwork reproduction, you may concurrently submit an electronic file in TIF or EPS format, of resolution 300 dpi or higher, with artwork sized to 8.25 cm, 13.3 cm, or 16.5 cm, as appropriate to the content.

Color Artwork: A limited number of color figures that are of critical importance and that significantly enhance the presentation will be considered for publication at the publisher's expense. Color separations or transparencies (negatives or positives) are optimal. Color slides are preferable to color prints. Any cropping of the color figure should be clearly indicated. Final decision on publication of color figures will be at the discretion of the Editor.

Proofs. Page proofs will be sent to the designated author prior to publication. Authors are requested to return the corrected proofs within 48 hours of receipt. Printer's errors should be noted marginally on all proofs; excessive author alterations will be charged to the author.

Reprints. The designated author will receive with the page proofs a reprint order form which must be completed and returned with the proofs.

Disk Submission Instructions

Please return your final, revised manuscript on disk as well as hard copy.
The hard copy must match the disk.

The Journal strongly encourages authors to deliver the final, revised version of their accepted manuscripts [text, tables, and, if possible, illustrations (TIF or EPS format, resolution 300 dpi or higher after artwork sizing)] on disk. Given the near-universal use of computer word-processing for manuscript preparation, we anticipate that providing a disk will be convenient for you, and it carries the added advantages of maintaining the integrity of your keystrokes and expediting typesetting. Please return the disk submission slip below with your manuscript and labeled disk(s).


Guidelines for Electronic Submission

Storage medium. 3-1/2" high-density disk in IBM MS-DOS, Windows, or Macintosh format.

Software and format. Microsoft Word v. 6.0 or higher is preferred, although manuscripts prepared with any other microcomputer word processor are acceptable. Refrain from complex formatting; the Publisher will style your manuscript according to the Journal design specifications. Do not use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress. If you prepared your manuscript with one of these programs, export the text to a word processing format. Please make sure your word processing program's "fast save" feature is turned off. Please do not deliver files that contain hidden text: for example, do not use your word processor's automated features to create footnotes or reference lists.

File names. Submit the text and tables of each manuscript as a single file. Name each file with your last name (up to eight letters). Text files should be given the three-letter extension that identifies the file format. Macintosh users should maintain the MS-DOS "eight dot three" file-naming convention.

Labels. Label all disks with your name, the file name, and the word processing program and version used.

All print reproduction requires files for full color images to be in a CMYK color space. If possible, ICC or ColorSync profiles of your output device should accompany all digital image submissions. Artwork submitted electronically should be in TIF or EPS format, of resolution 300 dpi or higher. For optimal artwork reproduction, artwork should be sized to 8.25 cm, 13.3 cm, or 16.5 cm, as appropriate to the content.

Storage medium. Submit as separate files from text files, on separate disks or cartridges. If feasible, full color files should be submitted on separate disks from other image files. 3-1/2" high-density disks, CD, Iomega Zip, and 5 1/4" 44- or 88-MB SyQuest cartridges can be submitted. At authors' request, cartridges and disks will be returned after publication.

Software and format. All illustration files should be in TIFF or EPS (with preview) formats. Do not submit native application formats, and do not embed your graphics in Microsoft Word documents.

Resolution. Journal quality reproduction will require greyscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 dpi. (Bitmapped line art should be submitted at resolutions yielding 600-1200 ppi.) These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if you anticipate that your images will be enlarged or reduced, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly. (For optimal artwork reproduction, artwork should be sized to 8.25 cm, 13.3 cm, or 16.5 cm, as appropriate to the content.)

File names. Illustration files should be given the 2- or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .eps).

Labels. Label all disks and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, and compression schemes (if any) used. Hard copy output must accompany all files.

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you have questions about figure preparation that cannot be answered in the following section, please see our extended artwork preparation guidelines.

The submission of completed, high-quality illustrations with your manuscript is critical to the timely publication of your article. Usable illustrations can be in the form of line drawings, halftones (photographs), or a combination of the two. (Please refer to your journal's home page for specific instructions, especially with regard to color images.)

General guidelines for the submission of illustrations

  • A hard copy of each illustration must accompany the electronic file. The hard copy should be either an original or as clear a rendering of the image as possible. This hard copy acts as our guideline, to ensure that our rendering of the electronic file matches as closely as possible what you expect to see. Also, in the event that an illustration file cannot be used, the hard copy is scanned and used in its place. Photocopies and faxed images are not acceptable.
  • Gray shading (tints) should be avoided in line drawings. Instead use hatching patterns or line shading to differentiate between specific areas. Within halftone figures, ensure that shaded areas are of sufficient contrast. In the case of histograms with multiple shaded bars, for example, each bar should be very distinct from those adjacent (white bar, light gray bar, black bar, darker gray bar is a preferred order).
  • Incorporate any keys to shading, hatching, etc. within the body of the figures. Keys should not be included as part of the figure captions.
  • In order to distinguish between colored areas, shades should differ by at least 20%. Do not provide color artwork for reproduction in black and white, as the resulting image will invariably be of poor quality.
  • Lettering and labels within figures should be consistent in font and size, and should be no less than 8 point after sizing for reproduction.
  • To ensure quality reproduction, please submit your artwork as close to publication size as possible. Refer to individual journals for figure sizing guidelines.
  • All illustration files should be in EPS or TIFF format. Do not submit native application formats. Most graphing software will not output a consistent printed product; accordingly, you are encouraged to submit a high-quality printed version of your graphs.
  • Illustration files should be submitted as separate files from the text on separate disks. Iomega Zip disks, 3¨ö" high-density disks, and CD-ROM are all acceptable mediums. These disks will be returned after publication at the author's request.
  • Journal-quality reproduction requires electronic illustration files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 dots per inch (DPI). Bitmapped line art should be submitted yielding 600-1000 DPI. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file: If you anticipate that your images will be enlarged or reduced, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly.

If you need further assistance, please contact your journal's production editor




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How do authors transfer copyright to the publisher?

Authors are required to complete and sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement or Letter of Agreement with each article that is submitted (these forms are accessible through each journal's home page). Please note that some journals require a customized agreement specific to that journal. Refer to the contact information on the specific journal's home page for detailed instructions.

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Editorial Board
E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f

George F. Michel
Department of Psychology
DePaul University
2219 North Kenmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-3504
Tel: 773-325-4246
E-mail: gmichel@condor.depaul.edu


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