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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
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Depression and Anxiety welcomes original research and synthetic review articles covering molecular, genetic, biopsychosocial, neurochemical, neuropsychological, physiological, behavioral, sociological, psychodynamic, psychotherapeutic, cognitive and pharmacotherapeutic aspects of mood and anxiety disorders and related phenomena in humans and animals. The journal publishes full-length Research Papers, Topical Reviews, Brief Reports, Book Reports, Clinical Case Studies, and Letters. Contributions are grouped and published by topic.

Benefits of Publishing in Depression & Anxiety

1. Reach a Targeted Audience of Dedicated Professionals. Depression & Anxiety ’s readership consists of healthcare providers concerned with the etiology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, nosology, symptomatology, and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders (including bipolar disorders, major depression, and dysthymia).
2. Secure Rapid Online Publication through EarlyView® . Your article will be posted online as soon as it is ready, before the release of the compiled print issue.
3. Access a State-of-the-Art Submission System. Depression & Anxiety offers online manuscript submission and peer-review via Manuscript Central™ , a user-friendly system making manuscript submission and tracking quick, easy, and safe.
4. Attain High Visibility. Depression & Anxiety is available online through Wiley InterScience® , Wiley’s Internet publishing platform. Wiley InterScience® has more than 29 million user sessions per year.
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Aims and Scope

Depression and Anxiety welcomes original research and synthetic review articles covering molecular, genetic, biopsychosocial, neurochemical, neuropsychological, physiological, behavioral, sociological, psychodynamic, psychotherapeutic, cognitive and pharmacotherapeutic aspects of mood and anxiety disorders and related phenomena in humans and animals. The journal publishes full-length Research Papers, Topical Reviews, Brief Reports, Book Reports, Clinical Case Studies, and Letters. Contributions are grouped and published by topic.


Psychiatrists · clinical psychologists · psychopharmacologists · neuropsychiatrists · neurophysiologists · · neuropathologists · counselors and social workers · healthcare professionals in the behavioral sciences


Abstracting and Indexing Information
  • Academic Search (EBSCO)
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  • Current Contents®/Social & Behavioral Sciences (Thomson ISI)
  • EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO)
  • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica (Elsevier)
  • EMNursing (Elsevier)
  • IBIDS: International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ()
  • Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
  • MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)
  • PASCAL Database (INIST/CNRS)
  • Psychological Abstracts/PsycINFO (APA)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded™ (Thomson ISI)
  • Science Citation Index® (Thomson ISI)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • SIIC Databases (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index® (Thomson ISI)
  • Social SciSearch® (Thomson ISI)
  • VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)
  • Web of Science® (Thomson ISI)

Instructions to Authors

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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

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Depression and Anxiety is using ScholarOne Manuscripts, which allows for online submission and review. Files uploaded to this system are ultimately used in the final production through a paperless system.

When submitting your article to ScholarOne Manuscripts, upload as many files as needed for your manuscript. These files will be combined into a single PDF document for the peer review process.

Microsoft Word Format is preferred for manuscript submission. Electronic versions in ASCII or PDF are not acceptable. Each figure must be uploaded separately as an image file using TIFF or EPS formatting. Each image file must include all subparts (A, B, C, etc.) to the figure. Subparts should not be uploaded individually. Figures saved as PDF or prepared in Word, Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Lotus 123, PowerPoint and Corel Draw are not acceptable files. Tables should appear at the end of the manuscript text in the main document and should not be uploaded as separate image files. A figure legend/list of captions should appear at the end of the manuscript text as well. All submissions should have a complete title page and abstract in the main document file.

General correspondence concerning a Depression and Anxiety submission may be directed to:

Peter Roy-Byrne, M.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Depression and Anxiety
c/o Katie Lawrence
111 River St., Mail Stop 8-01
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Email: kalawren@wiley.com

Manuscripts for consideration by Depression and Anxiety must be submitted solely to this journal, and may not have been published in another publication of any type, professional or lay. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The journal will not be responsible for loss of manuscripts at any time. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the corresponding author will be required to sign an agreement transferring copyright to the Publisher. All such manuscripts become the property of the Publisher, and no material published in Depression and Anxiety may be reproduced or published elsewhere without written permission from the Publisher, who reserves copyright.

Disclosure of conflict of interest and financial support is required at the time of submission and must be updated by the authors prior to the time of publication. All potential conflicts of interest and financial support, including direct or indirect financial or personal relationships, interests, and affiliations relevant to the subject matter of the manuscript that have occurred over the past three years, or that are expected in the foreseeable future, must be disclosed. This includes, but is not limited to, grants or funding, employment, affiliations, patents, inventions, honoraria, consultancies, royalties, stock options/ownership, or expert testimony.

Research performed on human subjects must be accompanied by a statement of compliance with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) and the standards established by the author's Institutional Review Board and granting agency. The manuscript should state, if applicable, that informed consent was obtained for subjects after the nature of the procedures was explained. Photographs of recognizable subjects must be accompanied by signed consent of the subject of publication. Experiments on animals should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines published in the European Communities Council Directive of November 24, 1986 (86/609/EEC).

All statements in, or omissions from, published manuscripts are the responsibility of the authors, who will be asked to review proofs prior to publication. Reprint order forms will be sent with the page proofs. No page charges will be levied against authors or their institutions for publication in the journal.

All submissions must be accompanied by the names of four potential reviewers with their e-mail contact information.

Format of Manuscript Elements

Manuscripts must be in English with wide (1 inch) margins, typed and double-spaced throughout. Number pages consecutively and include the corresponding author's name on each page. Manuscripts should contain each of the following elements in sequence: 1) Title page 2) Abstract 3) Text 4) Acknowledgments 5) References 6) Tables 7) Figure legends. Start each subdivision on a new page. Define unusual abbreviations at the first mention in the text. Please refer to the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual for standard abbreviations (fifth edition available from the Council of Biology Editors, Inc., One Illinois Center, Suite 200, 111 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601-4298). Webster's Third International Dictionary is the accepted source for spelling and capitalization. Use generic drug names in the text; use of brand names is optional, and these should be specified in parentheses. The text should be written in a uniform style, and its contents as submitted for consideration should be deemed final by the author and suitable for publication as follows:

Title Page. The title page should contain the complete title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors, institution(s) at which the work was performed, and name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence. Authors should also provide a short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces), and five to ten key words, not in the title but taken from Index Medicus , that will highlight the subject matter of the article.

Abstract. Abstracts must be 250 words or less, and should be intelligible without reference to the text. Abstracts must be organized into four sections: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions.   Purpose of the study should be included in Background and sample sizes must be included in Methods.

Research Articles. Research articles must be 3500 words or fewer, exclusive of tables, figures, and references, and include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections conforming to standard scientific reporting style. The introduction should include a succinct summary of the known literature in the area and a rationale for and justification of the purpose of the study and why the experimental question and hypothesis are important or novel. Whenever possible, information on why the study is important for the practicing clinician should be provided,.Detailed information on statistics should be provided such as name of statistical test, whether tests were one- or two-tailed, test used for each set of data, and correction factors, if any, for multiple comparisons. Data and figures should present or reflect standard deviations rather than standard error of means. All significant and relevant non-significant results must include test values, degree(s) of freedom, and probability.   Aclear exposition of the clinical and scientific importance of the study.should be included    Articles should strive to highlight the clinical meaning of the constructs and results as opposed to their methodological and mechanistic implications.

Review/Theoretical Articles. Review and theoretical articles are usually invited, but submitted reviews or theory-oriented articles will be considered. Review or Theoretical Articles must be a maximum of  4500 words, exclusive of tables, figures and references. An abstract is required but need not be organized into four section (i.e., Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions). The text should flow smoothly, and subdivisions (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results) within the manuscript are not necessary. Proposals for papers of this nature should be directed to the appropriate Editor-in-Chief, who will consult with the author before manuscript submission. The scientific rationale for, and clinical importance of, the review should be clearly articulated.

Reviewers : The author should provide the names and e-mails of five reviewers with expertise in the area who might be appropriately selected to review the manuscript.


EndNote is a software product that we recommend to our journal authors to help simplify and streamline the research process. If you already use EndNote, you can download the reference style for this journal. To learn more about EndNote, or to purchase your own copy, click here . If you need assistance using EndNote, contact endnote@isiresearchsoft.com , or visit www.endnote.com/support .

Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of references. In the text, cite references consecutively as numerals in brackets; all references must be cited in either text or tables. Unpublished data, and personal communications should not be listed as references. Arrange the references in numerical order, and include the names of all authors up to four in number. If the authors number more than four, list the first three followed by "et al." The complete title of the article cited and inclusive page numbers follow. Abbreviate journal names according to Index Medicus . In the following examples notice the punctuation and order of information: do not use all capitals, do not underline titles.

Journal articles:

1. Ahn S, Riccio A, Ginty DD. Spatial consideration for stimulus-dependent transcription in neurons. Annu Rev Physiol 2000;62:803-823.


2. Volpe JJ. Neurology of the newborn. 4th ed. Philadelphia : Saunders, 2001.

Articles in Book :

3. Gerber JE. The role of genetic counseling in the management of long-term survivors of childhood cancer. In:Bricker JT, Green DM, D'Angio GJ , editors.Cardiac toxicity after treatment for childhood cancer. New York : Wiley -Liss , Inc .; 1993 . p 121-150 .

Tables. Each table must have a title and should be self-explanatory. Avoid duplicating information in the text. Number tables with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text.


To ensure the highest quality print production, your figures must be submitted in TIFF format according to the following minimum resolutions:

- 1200 dpi (dots per inch) for black and white line art (simple bar graphs, charts, etc.)

- 300 dpi for halftones (black and white photographs)

- 600 dpi for combination halftones (photographs that also contain line art such as labeling or thin lines)

Vector-based figures (usually created in Adobe Illustrator) should be submitted as EPS. Do not submit figures in the following formats: JPEG, GIF, Word, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, PowerPoint, PDF. Graphs must show an appropriate grid scale. Each axis must be labeled with both the quantity measured and the unit of measurement. Color figures must be submitted in a CMYK colorspace. Do not submit files as RGB. All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of the journal at no cost to authors. Authors are requested to pay the cost of reproducing color figures in print. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the Publisher will provide price quotes. Authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations that highlight the text and convey essential scientific information. For best reproduction, bright, clear colors should be used.

Editorial Board


E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f

Thomas W. Uhde, M.D.
Wayne State University
School of Medicine

E d i t o r i a l   B o a r d

d e p r e s s i o n - r e l a t e d

A s s o c i a t e   E d i t o r  for Basic Science  Jay M. Weiss, Ph.D.  Emory University
A s s o c i a t e   E d i t o r  for Clinical Science  Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D. 
Stanford University
B o o k   R e v i e w   E d i t o r  Renato Alarcon, M.D. 
Emory University  VA Medical Center, Atlanta
E d i t o r i a l   B o a r d

Charles Bowden, M.D.  University of Texas, San Antonio
Graham Burrows, M.D. 
Austin and Repatriation Hospital, Australia
Dennis S. Charney, M.D. 
Yale University
W. Edward Craighead, Ph.D. 
University of Colorado-Boulder
David L. Dunner, M.D. 
University of Washington
Cindy Ehlers, Ph.D. 
The Scripps Research Institute
Dwight L. Evans, M.D. 
University of Pennsylvania
Jan Fawcett, M.D. 
Rush Institute for Mental Well-Being
Alan Frazer, Ph.D. 
University of Texas-San Antonio
Robert N. Golden, M.D. 
University of North Carolina
Sherryl Goodman, Ph.D. 
Emory University
Uriel Halbreich, M.D. 
State University of New York
Dirk Hellhammer, Ph.D. 
Trier University, Germany
Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D. 
University of Texas Medical Branch
Florian Holsboer, M.D., Ph.D. 
Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry
Kay R. Jamison, Ph.D. 
Johns Hopkins University
Ned Kalin, M.D. 
University of Wisconsin
Martin B. Keller, M.D. 
Brown University
Ann E. Kelley, Ph.D. 
University of Wisconsin
K. Ranga R. Krishnan, M.D. 
Duke University
Steven Levy, M.D. 
Emory University
J. John Mann, M.D. 
Columbia University
Helen S. Mayberg, M.D. 
Rotman Research Institute  Canada
Susan L. McElroy, M.D. 
University of Cincinnati
Julien Mendlewicz, M.D., Ph.D. 
Free University of Brussels
Stuart Montgomery, M.D. 
Imperial College of Science,Technology, and Medicine
Robert M. Post, M.D. 
National Institute of Mental Health
Arthur J. Prange, Jr., M.D. 
University of North Carolina
Giorgio Racagni, Ph.D. 
University of Milan
Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D. 
Western Psychiatric Institute
Robert G. Robinson, M.D. 
University of Iowa
Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, M.D. 
Massachusetts General Hospital
Anthony Rothschild, M.D. 
University of Massachusetts
Peter P. Roy-Byrne, M.D. 
University of Washington
Larry Siever, M.D. 
Bronx VA Medical Center
David Spiegel, M.D. 
Stanford University
Gary Tollefson, M.D., Ph.D. 
Lilly Research Laboratories
Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D. 
Columbia University
Elizabeth Weller, M.D. 
Philadelphia Child Guidance Center
Peter C. Whybrow, M.D. 
University of California
Janet B.W. Williams, D.S.W. 
Columbia University
Scott Woods, M.D.  Yale University

a n x i e t y - r e l a t e d

A s s o c i a t e   E d i t o r for Basic Science  Sandra E. File, Ph.D. University of London
C o n s u l t i n g   E d i t o r  for Statistics  John J. Bartko, Ph.D. 
The Maryland Psychiatric Research Center
R e s e a r c h   R e v i e w   E d i t o r s  Matthew P. Galloway, Ph.D. 
Wayne State University
Katherine M. Shear, M.D. 
University of Pittsburgh
Murray B. Stein, M.D. 
University of California, San Diego
B o o k   R e v i e w   E d i t o r  Manuel E. Tancer, M.D. 
Wayne State University
E d i t o r i a l   B o a r d

James C. Ballenger, M.D.  Medical University of South Carolina
Michael Bannon, Ph.D. 
Wayne State University
David H. Barlow, Ph.D. 
State University of New York at Albany
James E. Barrett, Ph.D. 
Wyeth-Ayerst Research
R.H. Belmaker, M.D. 
Beer-Sheva Mental Health Center
Susan Blumenthal, M.D. 
National Institute of Mental Health
Jacques Bradwejn, M.D. 
St. Mary's Hospital, Canada
Francesca Brambilla, M.D.
Istituto di Scienze Neuropsichiche
Scientifico Ospedole S.  Raffaele, Italy
Graham D. Burrows, M.D. 
University of Melbourne, Australia
Giovanni B. Cassano, M.D. 
University of Pisa, Italy
Dianne L. Chambless, Ph.D. 
University of North Carolina
Dennis S. Charney, M.D. 
Yale University
Jacqueline N. Crawley, Ph.D. 
National Institute of Mental Health
George C. Curtis, M.D. 
University of Michigan
Michael Davis, Ph.D. 
Yale University
Hinderk M. Emrich, M.D. 
Medical College, Hanover, Germany
Abby J. Fyer, M.D. 
Columbia University
Samuel Gershon, M.D. 
University of Pittsburgh
Jack M. Gorman, M.D. 
Columbia University
Jeffrey Gray, Ph.D. 
Institute of Psychiatry, London, England
George R. Heninger, M.D. 
Yale University
Thomas R. Insel, M.D. 
Emory University
Michael A. Jenike, M.D. 
Harvard University
Chris-Ellyn Johanson, Ph.D. 
Wayne State University
Lewis L. Judd, M.D. 
University of California, San Diego
Ned H. Kalin, M.D. 
University of Wisconsin
Gregory Kapatos, Ph.D. 
Wayne State University
Heinz Katschnig, M.D. 
University of Vienna, Austria
Martin B. Keller, M.D. 
Brown University
Donald F. Klein, M.D. 
Columbia University
Rachel G. Klein, M.D. 
Columbia University
George F. Koob, Ph.D. 
The Scripps Research Institute
Malcolm Lader, M.D., Ph.D. 
Institute of Psychiatry, London, England
James F. Leckman, M.D. 
Yale University
Yves Lecrubier, M.D. 
INSERM, Paris, France
Michael R. Liebowitz, M.D. 
Columbia University
Isaac Marks, M.D. 
Institute of Psychiatry, London, England
Dennis L. Murphy, M.D. 
National Institute of Mental Health
David J. Nutt, M.D. Ph.D. 
University of Bristol, England
Steven M. Paul, M.D. 
Eli Lilly Corporation
Robert B. Pohl, M.D. 
Wayne State University
John C. Pecknold, M.D. 
Douglas Hospital, Canada
Judith L. Rapoport, M.D. 
National Institute of Mental Health
Thomas Roth, Ph.D. 
Henry Ford Hospital
Walton T. Roth M.D. 
Stanford University
Alan Schatzberg, M.D. 
Stanford University
Peter Tyrer, M.D. 
St. Charles Hospital, London, England
E. H. Uhlenhuth, M.D. 
University of New Mexico
Rita Valentino, Ph.D. 
Hahnemann University
Jay Weiss, Ph.D. 
Emory University
Myrna Weissman, Ph.D. 
Columbia University
Redford B. Williams, Jr., M.D. 
Duke University
Itaru Yamashita, M.D.  Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

M a n a g i n g   E d i t o r  Hester Butterfield  E-mail: hbutterfield@cen.com

J o u r n a l   P r o d u c t i o n 

John Wiley & Sons 

Mary Todd
E-mail: matodd@wiley.com
Tel: 201-748-8898
Depression and Anxiety

M a n a g i n g   E d i t o r  Mary D. Lassiter  E-mail: mlassit@emory.edu

J o u r n a l   P r o d u c t i o n
John Wiley & Sons
Mary Todd
Tel: 201-748-8898
Depression and Anxiety


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