

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Defence Science Journal, a quarterly publication of the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Government of India, is published by the Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi. It is brought out in the months of January, April, July and October.

The Journal publishes research papers in various disciplines of real science and technology which by and large lead to tangible results for direct Defence applications. Review papers, short communications, research notes and scientific correspondence having a bearing on Defence are also accepted for publication in the Journal.

The articles published in the Journal are indexed/reviewed in Chemical Abstracts, INSPEC, Science Abstracts (Parts A, B & C) Mathematical Reviews, Current Mathematical Publications, MATHSCI, BIOSIS, COMPENDEX, Engineering Index, Indian Science Abstracts, International Aerospace Abstracts, and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.

Instructions to Authors

(a) Aims & Scope

Defence Science Journal, a quarterly Journal of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), publishes original research papers having direct bearing on Defence. It covers various disciplines of science, technology and engineering. The major subject fields covered include: applied physics, chemical technology, material sciences, biomedical sciences, computer sciences, engineering, electronics, and aeronautics.

(b) Typescripts Accepted

The Journal publishes full-length research papers, review articles, short communications, research notes and scientific correspondence. In addition, it includes invited papers sought for its special issues.

Research papers (Max length: 3000 words or 10 typed pages of A4 size including figures) are expected to contain original research findings in a clear and concise manner. Papers reporting theoretical, laboratory and field test results are also considered for publication.

Review articles (Max length: 5000 words or 20 typed pages of A4 size including figures) are expected to survey, integrate and critically examine new information accumulated in recent years in a particular subject field. Review articles from subject experts are also commissioned by the Editor.

Short communications/research notes/scientific correspondence (Max length: 2000 words or 8 typed pages including figures) are normally brief reports or technical notes on the progress of ongoing research and/or an application.

(c) Refereeing Process

All papers received for publication in the Journal are subjected to refereeing by eminent peers who are active in the relevant fields of research .

(d) Submission of Typescripts

Authors should submit the typescripts in triplicate (one original and two copies), neatly typed in double space on one side of the A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm~ paper, with a margin not less than 40 mm on the left side. Each copy should include: (i) title page with a running (short) title, (ii) abstract, (iii) nomenclature of symbols used, (iv) tables/figures/illustrations typed/drawn on separate sheets along with their captions in serial order as they appear in text, and (v) a separate list of figure captions. The reporting in the paper should be generally in third person.

The Editorial Board encourages authors to submit papers in electronic form (i.e., on floppy diskette) in wordstar compatible riles. The diskette will be returned after processing.

(e) Title Page

The title page should include: title of the article, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s), and the contact person to whom communications should be sent (in the case of a multi authored paper). It should also include a short title not more than 50 characters to t as running title. The titles should be brief, clear and should provide broad indication of the content of the paper.

(f) Abstract

An abstract of about 200 words for research papers, about 150 words for review articles, and about 100 words for research no short communications should be provided along with the paper.

(g) References & Footnotes

References to already published literature should be numbered consecutively in order of their citation in the text and should be at the end of the text. In the text they should be indica~ superscripts (number placed above the line). References to personal  communication and unpublished literature should not be placed references, but should be cited in the text in parentheses. A ret should be listed only once. Use of ibid., idem., op.cit., should be avoided. When an already cited reference is to be repeated, it should be given in parentheses (for example, ret. 5, p. 79; ret. 15, p. 19 Explanatory material may be given as an appendix rather than as a footnote. Examples of citations to different types of documents given below:

(i) Journal Article

Pradeep, T.; Sreekanth, C.S.; Hedge, M.S. & Rao,

Experimental electronic structures of complexes of S electron spectroscopic study. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 111(4), 5058-63.

Kong, Norman S.K. Fibre-optic sensor using a t, Combination of a multi mode fibre and a self-pumped conjugator. Optics Letters, 1989, 14(1 l ), 590-92.

Standard abbreviations as per the International Serials Catalogue of the International Council of Scientific Unions-Abstracting Board (ICSU-AB) should be used for the titles of  periodicals. However, single and double word journal titles (for example, Nature, Science, Scientific American) should be given in full.

(ii) Book/Monograph

Button, K.J. (Ed). Infrared and millimeter waves, Vol. 12;  Electromagnetic waves in matter, Part 11. Academic Press, New York, 1984. p. 260.

Cheo, Peter K. Fibre optics and optoelectronics, Ed. 2. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1990. p. 105.

(iii) Chapter from a Book

Kalyanasundaram, K. Semiconductor particulate systems for photo catalysis and photosynthesis: An overview . In Energy resources through photochemistry and catalysis,  edited by Michael Gratzel. Academic Press, New 1983. pp. 217-60.

(iv) Conference Paper

Rangra, V.K. Manpower development for technical information centres in DRDO. Paper presented at the Conference on Scientific Information for Defence, 25-26 February 1986, New Delhi. DESIDOC, Delhi, 1988. pp. 121-24.

Vijayaditya, N. & Chinnappa, S.L. NICNET. In Bibliographic databases and networks, edited by S.S. Murthy. Anuradha Ravi & A. Lakshmana Moor thy. Proceedings of the International Conference, 22-25 February 1989, New Delhi. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1990. pp. 3-1-3-6.

(v) Report

Lee, Pai Hung; Lan, C. Edward & Murihead, Vincent U. An experimental investigation of dynamic ground effect. NASA, Washington, D.C., 1987. 86 p. NASA-CR-4105; CRING-FRL-717-1

(vi) Patent

Dunbar, Bohn D.; Niswender, Gordon D. & Hudson, James M. Colorado State University Research Foundation. Antibody for detection and quantification of trifluralin and preparation of immunogens for antibody production. USA Patent 4, 780, 408. 25 October 1988. 6 p.

(vii) Standard

Bureau of Indian Standards. Specifications for electrical installations in ships, Part 3: Equipment, Section 2: Switchgear and control gear assemblies. BIS, New Delhi, 1985. 13 p. IS: 10242 (Part 3/Section 2)-1984.

(viii) Thesis/Dissertation

Murthy, S.S. Design of an online bibliographic information network for a multi-unit R&D organisation, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, 1989. PhD Thesis (Unpublished).

Chen, The Liang. Engineering analysis and design of chromatographic systems. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, 1988. PhD Thesis. 132 p.

(ix) Personal Communication

Personal communications shall not be listed under references but included in the text itself. The references shall be given as shown below:

The number of registered publications under Copyright Clearance Centre (CCC), Salem, USA, now totals approx. 6000,000 titles used by 3,600 publishers (personal communication with CCC), whereas in 1986 there were only 58,000 publications registered from 1,100 publishers.

Apart from the above guidelines, the form in which the cited document is published, for example, mimeograph, microfiche, microfilm or other microform; CD-ROM or other electronic medium; and the language of publication other than English shall be indicated by adding the respective element in parentheses at the end of the reference. Also, if the cited document is unpublished, this shall be indicated in parentheses at the end of the reference.

(h) Tables

Tables should supplement and should not duplicate the information contained in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet. All the tables should be numbered consecutively in Indo-Arabic numerals (1,2,3..etc). They should be provided with brief titles. Column headings should be brief and the units of measurement should be placed below the headings in parentheses.

(i) Illustrations

Illustrations should be numbered in order of their occurrence in the text with Indo-Arabic numerals and should have short descriptive captions. Line drawings should be neatly drawn on tracing sheets, preferably with Indian ink and should not exceed 20 cm x 25 cm in size. Lettering should be in capital only and large enough to be legible after a reduction of 50-60 per cent. Computer printouts reproduce poorly and therefore should be avoided. One set of original drawings on tracing paper and three photocopies of each drawing should be sent with the typescript for review purpose. Illustrations taken from other publications must be acknowledged. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission for reprinting such illustrations in Defence Science Journal. Figures/photographs should be of high contrast and should be on glossy paper. Two copies of each figure should be sent, taking proper care in packing so that they are not spoiled in transit. On the back side of the illustrationslfigures/tables, their number, short title and the first author's name should be written with pencil.

(j) Symbols/Units

Non-standard abbreviations should be shown in brackets where they are first mentioned, and these abbreviations should be used whenever the same terms appear again in the text. These abbreviations should, however, be kept to a minimum and should not be used in the title and the abstract. Usage of metric units is preferred.

(k) Nomenclature

The nomenclature of mathematical symbols and signs used in the text should be given immediately after the abstract. Authors can follow any of the standard units and symbols developed by international agencies in their fields for this purpose.

(I) Special Items

When chemical/mathematical equations are used in papers, they should be legible, written preferably in Indian ink. The symbols, not covered in nomenclature (or when nomenclature is not given), should be explained immediately after their first usage in the text. Equations should be consecutively numbered in whole numbers in parentheses (for example, (2), ( 15), ( 19), etc.) at the right margin. Reference to the equations in the text should be abbreviated as Eqn (1), Eqns (5-7), etc. Complex structural formulae of chemical compounds should be prepared as illustrations. In tables, usage of empirical or molecular formulae of chemical structural formulae is suggested. Words and phrases of foreign origin (for example, et al; in vitro; in situ) should be italic. Capital, lower case and Greek letters should be distinguished clearly. Letters which are sometimes confused for one another (for example,O&0;1& I;V,v&v;r&v;X,x&x;K,k&K;E&e;etc.) should clearly be distinguished. When a Greek letter is used, it should be spelt out in the margin where it is first used.

(m) Proofs and Reprints

The author(s) will be supplied 30 reprints, free of charge. Extra copies can be ordered while sending the corrected proof, which would be supplied on payment.

Papers which do not conform to these guidelines will not be accepted .

Editorial Board
Dr. AL Moorthy Ashok Kumar Shashi Tyagi KR Aggarwal Sumit Malhotra B Nityanand A Saravanan
    Alka Bansal VK Girhotra   SK Tyagi MG Sharma
      VK Rekhi   Hans Kumar RP Singh


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