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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Cytotherapy aims to bring readers the very latest developments in the fast-moving field of cellular therapies, and to educate readers in their medical application. Areas covered include cytotherapy, biology of transplantation, stem cell studies, immunotherapy, gene therapy and clinical transplantation, as well as the science, management and operation of the laboratory. The journal reflects the diverse sciences within the field, and with full-colour illustrations, figures, flow charts and photographs, it is an excellent tool for the dissemination of the most recent developments across the area.

Instructions to Authors

***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.***

Cytotherapy publishes original papers, reviews, novel hypotheses, short communications, book reviews and editorials. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors will be notified within 30 working days of receipt, whether the manuscript is accepted, requires revision, or is rejected. All manuscripts will be published within 5 months from the date of acceptance. Online submissions are also accepted. Online submission is expected to shorten the interval between submission and publication.

Manuscript format
Original papers
These should contain a Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References and Figure legends.
Title page: Should provide (a) the title of the article, (b) the names and initials of each author, (c) the department and institution to which the work is attributed, (d) the name and address of the corresponding author, plus telephone and fax number, and e-mail address, and (e) the abbreviated title for the running head.
Abstract: Should be 250 words or less and divided into subheadings: (1) Background, (2) Methods, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, (5) Keywords. Only approved abbreviations may be used without definition.
Tables: Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and should supplement, not duplicate, the text. The tables should be listed in numerical order and each must have a precise heading.
Illustrations: Black and white photographs should be no larger than 16 16 cm. Colour prints, or preferably 35 mm transparencies, are welcomed where they complement and enhance the text. (Please note: The publisher does not charge for the inclusion of colour illustrations.) All illustrations must be numbered together with the author's name on the reverse side, with their top indicated, and be cited in the text. Concise legends must accompany each illustration and include the key if one is used.
Abbreviations: Use only the accepted abbreviation list published in each issue of Cytotherapy.
References: Following the Vancouver style, these should be listed in numerical order using the following styles. Please list the first three authors of a reference before using et al.

Journal article:
1 Douglas RG, Shaw JHF. Metabolic effects of cancer. Br J Surg 1990;77:246-54.

Chapter in book:
2 Calenoff L, Rogers L. Esophageal complications of surgery and lifesaving procedures. In: Meyers M, Ghahremani G, editors. Iatrogenic gastrointestinal complications. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981:123-63.

In the text, references should be numbered consecutively in parentheses [1,2] or [1-3].
References to articles in press must state the name of the journal. Unpublished observations should be cleared with the author(s) and cited in the text as: M White (unpublished observation).
Page proofs: Page proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author together with a reprint order form (25 will be provided free) and a price list. To avoid delay in publication, authors must return proofs to the publisher within 5 working days - by fax or email if possible.
Rapid publications: Manuscripts that are timely and of great importance may be submitted for rapid publication. They will be reviewed by two experts within 5 working days. The submission fee for this service will be $165 paid by US $ cheque to ISCT. For regular review, to be completed within 30 working days, there is no charge. A rapid publication article that is accepted will be published in the next available issue of Cytotherapy.
Reviews: Solicited or unsolicited reviews follow the format for original papers, with the exception that the abstract is free-text up to 250 words.
Letters to the editor: Cytotherapy welcomes correspondence. Letters may be submitted as free text. Accompanying references, figures and tables should be submitted using the format for original papers.
In Focus issues: In Focus editions will contain a guest editorial, reviews and original papers following the guidelines above.
Meeting abstracts: Cytotherapy will publish abstracts of the annual meeting of the ISCT and other meeting abstracts on occasion. The format of the original meeting abstract will be reproduced.
Other formats: Cytotherapy will accept free-text submissions describing meeting reports, regulatory guidelines, classification systems, standard operating procedures and miscellaneous reports.

Authors must submit written permission from the publisher when material is reproduced from other sources.

Manuscripts may be submitted online, as hard type-written documents or on computer disk (with hard copy supplied). The article should be typed double-spaced, with ample margins on each side. A disk will be required if the manuscript is accepted.

Submission of hard copy and PC discs
Send one copy and a floppy disc (preferably in Word 98). The disk should be PC compatible and details should be given of the software used. Or send three hard copies (including references, tables and figures) to:

Cytotherapy, Jean Winter, Editorial Assistant 412 Beaver Tail Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29681, USA
Telephone: +1 864 675 6623. Fax: +1 864 675 6685

Submission online
To submit a paper online in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, please email it to: cytotherapy@bellsouth.net

Note All final versions of papers approved for publication must be submitted on a PC disc or by email.

Acceptance understanding
Manuscripts will be accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are contributed solely to Cytotherapy, have never before been published, nor submitted simultaneously elsewhere, and become the property of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the loss of manuscripts through circumstances beyond its control. Manuscripts are subject to editorial modification to bring them into conformity with the style of the journal. Statements in articles or opinions expressed by any contributor in any article, including changes made by the copy editor, are not the responsibility of the editors or the publisher.

Editorial Board

Senior Editor: John Barrett, USA
Co-editors: Gunnar Kvalheim, Norway
J. Graham Sharp, USA


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