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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Cover Image


Aims and Scope

Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry focuses on the development and application of analytical cytology and cytomics related to the current and future practice of clinical cytometry. Like Cytometry Part A, this journal also covers relevant techniques such as flow cytometry, image cytometry, beadbased and slide-based array analyses, as well as other cell-based spectroscopic analyses. In addition, Clinical Cytometry publishes clinical and translational investigations that identify and validate the features and molecules important in diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic management of patients.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://cyto-wiley.manuscriptcentral.com/. Authors are encouraged to provide the names and addresses of possible reviewers outside their own institutions.

Manuscript Preparation

To ensure rapid and accurate publication, it is essential that the manuscript conform to the following instructions. Manuscripts that are not in accordance with these specifications may be returned to the author.

Manuscripts will appear under one of the following sections: Reviews, Forum (including Commentaries and Letters to the Editor), Original Articles, Case Reports, Technical Innovations or Regulatory Issues.

In all cases the manuscript should be consistent with style, spellings and use of abbreviations. Authors in Japan please note: Wiley-Japan can provide authors in Japan with a list of recommended services to check and improve the English in their papers BEFORE SUBMISSION. Please contact Masayo Kobayashi in the Wiley-Japan office by Fax: (03) 5228-3090 or E-mail: wileyjpn@mb.kcom.ne.jp for more information. The manuscript should be typed double-spaced with a 1 1/2" margin on all sides on bond or heavy-bodied 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Number the manuscript pages consecutively beginning with the title page. Hyphenation and justification should not be used. The manuscript should not exceed 8-12 double-spaced typewritten pages (including references, figures, and tables). Manuscripts should contain each of the following elements in sequence:

  1. Title Page,
  2. Abstract,
  3. Text,
  4. Acknowledgments,
  5. References,
  6. Tables, and
  7. Figure Legends.

Define unusual abbreviations at the first mention in the text. Abbreviate measurements according to the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual (CBE Style Manual), fifth edition, available from the Council of Biology Editors, Inc., 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603-1210. Enzyme names and units must follow the recommendations of The Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry. Webster's Third International Dictionary is the accepted source for spelling and capitalization. The units for all measurements must conform to the International System of Units (SI). If a measurement is made in other units, then the SI equivalent should be given in parentheses If authors refer to specific products of companies, they must identify the company by citing, in parentheses, its name, city, and state or country.

Title Page. The title page should contain the following information: Complete title of the manuscript; a running title (not to exceed 54 characters and spaces); the names, titles, and affiliations of all authors (specific to the department level); the name, complete address, and telephone, FAX and electronic mailbox numbers of the corresponding author; three to five key words that will highlight the subject matter of the article.

Abstract. Authors are required to provide a structured abstract. The abstract, which should not exceed 200 words, should consist of four paragraphs, labeled: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions.They should describe, respectively, the reason for the study, how the study was performed, the most important results, and what is concluded from the results. Below the abstract, provide three to ten key words or short phrases for indexing. The subject under investigation and technologies or methods employed must be included. The Medical Subject Headings List from Index Medicus should be used whenever possible.


Review Articles. Review articles are usually invited, but submitted reviews will be considered. Such articles should provide a critical review and interpretation of the literature in a given area. An abstract is required. The text should flow smoothly, and subdivisions (e.g. introduction, methods, results) within the manuscript are not necessary. There are no a priori page limitations for reviews; however, proposals for reviews should be directed to one of the Editors, who will consult with the author before manuscript submission.

Original Articles. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion sections conforming to standard scientific reporting style are required. Original Articles should not exceed eight printed pages in length (approximately 28 double-spaced manuscript pages, inclusive of text, references, figures, and legends).

Technical Innovations. When concerned with new protocols, Technical Innovations should be subdivided into two sections: Rationale and Design; and Methodology. The Rationale and Design section combines the Introduction, Results and Discussion sections conforming to standard scientific reporting style. The Methodology section must contain a step-by-step description of the experimental procedure indicating clearly all the required laboratory conditions including; setting up of the cytometer, sources of unusual chemicals, trouble-shooting tips and information on potential hazards. Advances in instrumentation, clinically relevant reagents, reporting software etc. may have a more flexible format, at the discretion of the Editor.

Commentaries. Commentaries are usually invited, but submitted Commentaries will be considered for the Forum section. They should be brief (no longer than two printed pages), written in a lively and accessible fashion. References, if any, should be held to a minimum.

Letters to the Editor. Letters should be typewritten double-spaced, and should not exceed 700 words of text, although exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Editors. References, if any, should be held to a minimum. Letters to the Editor represent the personal opinions of the authors, and do not reflect those of the Editors or the Publisher.

Journal Club. The journal club will attempt to identify manuscripts of potential interest to the readers of CC. Suggestions for articles to be included in this section should be forwarded by E-mail to either Dr. Philip McCoy (pmccoy@umdnj.edu) or Dr. Charles Goolsby (cytometry@nwu.edu).

Brief Observations. The preparation of these contributions should follow the general guidelines for submission of manuscripts and should be forwarded to the editorial office.


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References to published literature should be cited in the text numerically with the reference number entered in parentheses. If an author's name is used in the text, the reference number must follow the name at an appropriate point in the same sentence.

References must only be made to published papers and papers in press. Work in progress, unpublished experiments, and personal communications are specifically excluded from the reference list but may be acknowledged in parentheses in the text. References must be numbered serially and arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author, by coauthors, and chronologically by the same author. Abbreviations of journal names must conform to those used in Index Medicus. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. The following formats must be used for references:


1. Brando B, Sommaruga E. Nationwide quality control trial on lymphocyte phenotyping and flow cytometry performance in Italy. Cytometry 1993;14:294-306.

Article in a book or comparable publication.

2. Gray JW, Cram LS. Flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting. In: Melamed MR, Lindmo T, Mendelsohn ML, editors. Flow cytometry and sorting. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1990. p 503-529.


3. Givan AL. Flow cytometry: first principles. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1992. 1223 p.

Tables. Each table must have a title and should be self-explanatory. Avoid duplicating information in the text. Number tables with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text.

Illustrations. Photographs, drawings and graphs should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Photographs of computer screens must be submitted as negative images (black on white). Computer print outs are rarely suitable as figures and so should be redrawn. Photomicrographs and photographs must be cropped and edited to show only essential information. The name of the author(s), manuscript title, illustration number, and an arrow indicating figure orientation should be typed on a gummed label and affixed to the back of each illustration. Do not write directly on glossy prints, front or back, and do not use devices like paper clips, which might scratch or dent photographic prints. All letters, numbers, and symbols must be large enough originally that, when reduced to correspond to journal format (8 1/4" x 11", double column), they will remain at least 2 mm high. Figures not properly prepared will be returned to the author for revision. Each figure requires a corresponding legend; legends should be double-spaced and grouped on a separate page(s). Each legend should describe briefly the information presented. Abbreviations used in figures and photographs must match exactly those used in the text. Do not submit original artwork or recordings.


All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of the journal at no cost to authors. Authors are requested to pay a charge of $500.00 per page to reproduce color figures in print. Authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations that highlight the text and convey essential scientific information. For best reproduction, bright, clear colors should be used. Dark colors against a dark background do not reproduce well; please place your color images against a white background wherever possible. Please contact Mike Bond at mbond@wiley.com for further information. One or, exceptionally, more pages of color will be considered for print publication at no cost to the authors, subject to editorial recommendation.

Disk Submission Instructions

Please return your final, revised manuscript on disk as well as hard copy.
The hard copy must match the disk.

The Journal strongly encourages authors to deliver the final, revised version of their accepted manuscripts (text, tables, and, if possible, illustrations) on disk. Given the near-universal use of computer word-processing for manuscript preparation, we anticipate that providing a disk will be convenient for you, and it carries the added advantages of maintaining the integrity of your keystrokes and expediting typesetting. Please return the disk submission slip below with your manuscript and labeled disk(s).

Guidelines for Electronic Submission

Storage medium. 3-1/2" high-density disk in IBM MS-DOS, Windows, or Macintosh format.

Software and format. Microsoft Word 6.0 is preferred, although manuscripts prepared with any other microcomputer word processor are acceptable. Refrain from complex formatting; the Publisher will style your manuscript according to the Journal design specifications. Do not use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress. If you prepared your manuscript with one of these programs, export the text to a word processing format. Please make sure your word processing program's "fast save" feature is turned off. Please do not deliver files that contain hidden text: for example, do not use your word processor's automated features to create footnotes or reference lists.

File names. Submit the text and tables of each manuscript as a single file. Name each file with your last name (up to eight letters). Text files should be given the three-letter extension that identifies the file format. Macintosh users should maintain the MS-DOS "eight dot three" file-naming convention.

Labels. Label all disks with your name, the file name, and the word processing program and version used.

All print reproduction requires files for full color images to be in a CMYK color space. If possible, ICC or ColorSync profiles of your output device should accompany all digital image submissions.

Storage medium. Submit as separate files from text files, on separate disks or cartridges. If feasible, full color files should be submitted on separate disks from other image files. 3-1/2" high-density disks, CD, Iomega Zip, and 5 1/4" 44- or 88-MB SyQuest cartridges can be submitted. At authors' request, cartridges and disks will be returned after publication.

Software and format. All illustration files should be in TIFF or EPS (with preview) formats. Do not submit native application formats.

Resolution. Journal quality reproduction will require greyscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 ppi. Bitmapped line art should be submitted at resolutions yielding 600-1200 ppi. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if you anticipate that your images will be enlarged or reduced, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly.

File names. Illustration files should be given the 2- or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .eps).

Labels. Label all disks and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, and compression schemes (if any) used. Hard copy output must accompany all files.

Print and return with labeled diskette(s)

Corresponding author's name:

E-mail address:


Manuscript number:

Type of computer:

Program(s) & version(s) used:



I certify that the material on the enclosed diskette(s) is identical in both word and content to the printed copy herewith enclosed.

Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________

Production Issues

Any questions concerning matters of production or electronic manuscript submission should be addressed to Andrea Ritola, Journal Production, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, telephone 201-748-6550, telefax 201-748-6825.

Editorial Board
E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f

Charles L. Goolsby, Ph.D.

Department of Pathology
Northwestern University Medical School
Ward Building 6-204
303 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-3008
Telephone: 312-503-8144
Telefax: 312-503-8249
E-mail: cytometry@nwu.edu

Associate Editors

Ronald Gartenhaus
Chicago, IL

Will Finn
Ann Arbor, MI

Alberto Orfao
Salamanca, Spain

Steve Kroft
Dallas, TX

Associate Editor for European Affairs

Jan Gratama
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Forum/Journal Club Editor

J. Philip McCoy, Jr.
Bethesda, MD

Improving Laboratory Practice Editors

Michael Keeney
London, Canada

David Barnett
Sheffield, England

Reviews Editors

Frank Mandy
Ottawa, Canada

T. Vincent Shankey
Miami, FL

Perspectives Editors

Gerald Marti
Bethesda, MD

Jeanine Holden
Atlanta, GA

Editorial Assistant
Joy Holliday

E D I T O R I A L - B O A R D

Maria Arroz
Lisbon, Portugal

Michael J. Borowitz
Baltimore, MD

Bruno Brando
Milano, Italy

Robert A. Bray
Atlanta, GA

Raul C. Braylan
Gainesville, FL

G¨¦rard Brugal
Grenoble, France

Edoardo Colombo
Como, Italy

L. Scott Cram
Los Alamos, NM

Bruce Davis
Scarborough, ME

Thomas Denny
Newark, NJ

Thomas A. Fleisher
Bethesda, MD

Curt Hanson
Rochester, MI

Jerry Hussong
Las Vegas, NV

George Janossy
London, England

Jonathan Kagan
Rockville, MD

Keiji Kawamoto
Osaka, Japan

Walter Knapp
Vienna, Austria

Roy Overton
Mullica Hill, NJ

Stefano Papa
Urbino, Italy

J. Paul Robinson
W. Lafayette, IN

Howard Shapiro
Allston, MA

Gregory T. Stelzer
Brentwood, TN

Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
Bethesda, MD

Carl Stewart
Buffalo, NY

Martin Tallman
Chicago, IL

Robert F. Vogt
Atlanta, GA

Myron J. Waxdal
Gaithersburg, MD

Jane Winter
Chicago, IL


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