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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal
This reader-friendly, bimonthly resource provides a powerful, broad-based perspective on the most important advances from throughout the world literature. Featuring renowned guest editors and focusing exclusively on one or two topics, every issue of Current Opinion in Lipidology delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year. Insightful editorials and on-the-mark invited reviews cover key subjects, spanning topics such as cover nutrition and metabolism; genetics and molecular biology; lipid metabolism; hyperlipidaemia and cardiovascular disease; atherosclerosis: cell biology and lipoproteins; and therapy and clinical trials.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines: Current Opinion

NOTE: Current Opinion publishes commissioned articles only. We are unable to consider unsolicited manuscripts for publication.

Please ensure that you follow these guidelines when submitting your manuscript. Manuscripts must be formatted correctly before they can be accepted for publication.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office if you have any questions. You can click the contact usbutton at the top of the screen to email us directly.

Please refer to the submission checklist before uploading your paper. Detailed guidance on format is provided below. An example manuscript is also available from the journal website.

Please also ensure that your copyright transfer form has been sent to the journal office. We are unable to publish your article before this form has been received.

Aims of the Journal

The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that specialists have increasing difficulty in keeping up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject.

We aim to help the reader by providing in a systematic manner

The views of experts on current advances in the field, in a clear and readable format.
Selections, annotated by experts, of the most interesting papers from the great wealth of original publications.
Comprehensive bibliographic listings from the major journals for the field.
Reviewers write short articles in which they present developments in their topic, emphasising the aspects that, in their opinion are the most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers published in their topic during the period reviewed. This selected bibliography is printed at the end of each review. Papers chosen by a reviewer as being of special interest¡or of outstanding interest are clearly identified.

Selection of articles for review

You should aim to review recent articles published in your subject, with particular emphasis on those articles published during the review period (during the past 12-18 months).

The Review

Your review should be 2500 words in length and should highlight and discuss all interesting developments in your subject, as reflected in the recent literature. In addition to describing recent trends, you are encouraged to give your own opinions of the topics discussed. However, do be particularly careful of expressing conclusions in a way that might be construed as biased against a particular researcher, product or manufacturer.

Manuscript Format

The review must be double-spaced and approximately 2500 words in length (excluding references).

Review structure

The review must contain the following:

Title page: stating the title, authors and their affiliations, and full contact details for the corresponding author (including phone number and email address).
This should also include disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s).

Structured Abstract: This should be no longer than 200 words and contain the following subheadings:
Purpose of review: describe why this review is timely and relevant.
Recent findings: describe the main themes in the literature covered by the article.
Summary: describe the implications of the findings for clinical practice or research.
Keywords: 3-5 keywords relevant to the paper should be listed.

The abstract should not contain any references.

Introduction: This should be a paragraph of 50-100 words outlining the scope of the review and mentioning any earlier work which will place the review in context.

Text of review: include headings and titled paragraphs to subdivide the text. Ensure that at least one sentence divides each heading (i.e. do not have a subheading directly beneath a full heading).

Conclusion: a paragraph of 50-100 words drawing together the implications of the review topic and, if appropriate, giving suggestions for future research.

Acknowledgements: of professional colleagues and funding bodies only.

Reference section: references should be in numerical sequence (Vancouver style), Include the first three authors, or all authors if there are four or fewer. References from within the review period should be annotated and bulleted as detailed below.

Figure titles and legends: must be provided for all figures and should be included in the main body of the text following the references.

Figures and tables: must be cited in text.

Figures and Tables: important information

Please think carefully about how to illustrate your article; you are encouraged to include up to four additional elements in your review (i.e. a combination of figures and tables).

All illustrations should be labelled as figures, and figures should be cited in the main text of the review in numerical order. The figure should have a title, and the legend should describe the figure in full, without further reference to the main text. All abbreviations used in the figure and not in the main text should be defined at the end of the figure legend.

Tables should be used to tabulate data discussed in further detail in the review, should always be referred to in the main text of the article and should have an appropriate title.

Figures and tables must be:
Original whenever possible
Clearly marked as "original" or "previously published" upon submission
Accompanied by full source details when not original
Figures and tables should not be embedded within the text but should be submitted as separate files.
Figures should be in JPEG, TIFF, EPS, PPT or WORD formats and should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi to be suitable for printing.
If you wish to use illustrations or tables that have been previously published or that are derived from previously published material, please obtain the artwork from the authors and provide full source details. We will seek the Publisher¡¯s permission to reproduce such figures.

References cited in figures or tables must be numbered in sequence, according to the position of the first text citation of the figure or table.

Please note:

Abbreviations should be used sparsely and should be defined on their first appearance. Any abbreviations that are not accepted by international bodies should be avoided.
Manufactured products, equipment and drugs: give the manufacturer, town (state) and country in brackets.
Quotations: the source should be referenced, and the page number given in brackets in the text.
Colour figures: There is a $1000 charge to authors if figures are to be produced in colour. There is no charge for figures to be produced in black and white. If you are submitting colour figures, please indicate if you are willing to cover this cost.
Supplementary material
We have the facility to include additional or supplementary information (e.g. tables/figures/videos/audio) with articles. This supplementary material will be published online only and will not appear in the print issue. For more details, please contact the Editorial Coordinator.

Bullets and Annotations

The important references from the period reviewed must have one or two bullets and an annotation. These are a key feature of Current Opinion journals.

Bulleted references must
Have been published during the period reviewed by the issue (during the past year)
Have one bullet (*) for special interest and two bullets (**) for outstanding interest
Be annotated with a brief description of the paper's importance.
Note: Any annotations on references from outside of the review period will be removed unless a justification is submitted to the journal office.
An example of bulleted and annotated reference section is shown below.

One bullet annotations:

* Seror R, Sordet C, Guillevin L, et al. Tolerance and efficacy of rituximab and changes in serum B cell biomarkers in patients with systemic complications of primary Sjo¡§ gren¡¯s syndrome. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66:351¨C357.
This is the first clinical trial to demonstrate the efficacy of B-cell depletion in SjS.
This article highlights the importance of B cells in the pathogenesis of SjS.

Two bullet annotations:

* * Lavie F, Miceli-Richard C, Ittah M, et al. Increase of B-cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF) after rituximab: insights into a new regulating system of BAFF production. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66:700¨C703. This study describes the elevation in BAFF levels that occurs in serum of patients who have been treated with B-cell depleting agents. This observation may have important consequences, following treatment, in promoting the corruption of B-cell tolerance and leading to disease relapse.


Authors should include all relevant information regarding Conflict of Interest and Sponsorship Statements.

Submitting your paper

Manuscripts should be submitted online. Your username and password will have been sent to you by email.

Click login and then enter your username and password and click author login.
Please click update my information from the black menu bar at the top of the screen and ensure that we have your correct address and telephone number on record.
Click on my accepted invitations to begin the submission process, and simply follow the steps onscreen.
Figures and tables should be submitted as separate files. The manuscript file should include the text, references, structured abstract, keywords, figure legends and author address.
We cannot publish your paper without a copy of the copyright transfer form signed by each author. Please fax this at the time of submission to +44 207 981 0562
Compliance with NIH and Other Research Funding Agency Accessibility Requirements

A number of research funding agencies now require or request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. As a service to our authors, LWW will identify to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit and will transmit the post-print of an article based on research funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, or other funding agencies to PubMed Central. The revised Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism.

References: further information

Articles (published or in press) should be included in the reference list at the end of the review. They should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text (Vancouver system). Abstracts should also be entered in the reference list with full publication details of the source.

Every study mentioned in the text must be accompanied by a relevant reference.

References cited in figures or tables must be numbered in sequence, according to the position of the first text citation of the figure or table.

Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts and personal communications must be referenced in the text only as follows:

Personal communication: (Churchill SW, personal communication).
Submitted paper: (Bell S, Gordon S, unpublished data).
You are responsible for the accuracy of the references and for obtaining permission to use personal communications.

Reference format

In the text, reference citations should be typed inside square brackets, e.g.[1]. Asterisks should be used to indicate bulleted references, e.g.[1,2,3*,4**]. In the reference list, bulleted references should include the asterisk to the left of the number, with the annotation beneath the reference details (see below).

Please list the first three authors for each reference and then et al, unless there are four authors or fewer, in which case all authors should be listed. Provide full reference details (author(s), title, journal, year, volume, pages). Capitalise the first letter and all initials of authors¡¯ names, the first letter of the title of the paper, and any proper nouns in the title.

Journal names should be abbreviated as in the Index Medicus. If you are not familiar with the appropriate abbreviation, the journal name should be given in full.

References should be structured as follows:

* Author A, Author B, Author C. Title of the paper. Journal Abbreviation 2000; 4:25¨C27.
With annotation describing importance of reference, if bulleted

* Author A, Author B, Author C. Title of the book section. In: Book name. Edition number. Edited by Editor A, Editor B, Editor C (editors). Location of Publisher: Publisher; 2000. pp. 25¨C27.
With annotation describing importance of reference, if bulleted.

Annotations should highlight the importance of papers published during the review period. Annotations should not summarise the content of a paper. 75¨C80% of papers published during the annual period of review should be given one bullet and have a short (one or two line) annotation describing the paper¡¯s interest to the reader. Papers that are of outstanding interest and are essential reading should be given two bullets and a more comprehensive annotation.

At least 80% of the references in a review should be from the period reviewed (published in the past year to 18 months). Most of these should have one or two bullets and annotations.

Any annotations on references from outside of the review period will be removed unless a justification is submitted to the journal office.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board
Scott M Grundy
University of Texas Southwestern,

Editorial Board
HB Brewer
National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute,
Bethesda, USA
MS Brown
University of Texas Southwestern,

LA Carlson
Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm,

A Chait
University of Washington, Seattle,

G Crepaldi
University of Padova,

J Davignon
Clinical Research Institute of Montreal,

JL Goldstein
University of Texas Southwestern,

AM Gotto Jr
Weill Medical College of Cornell University,
New York, USA

S Humphries
University College London,
 RW Mahley
The J David Gladstone Institutes,
San Francisco, USA
PJ Nestel
Baker Medical Research Institute,
Melbourne, Australia

J Shepherd
Glasgow Royal Infirmary,

V Smirnov
Cardiology Research Centre,

RW St Clair
Wake Forest University School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, USA

G Thompson
Imperial College School of Medicine,
London, UK

G Utermann
University of Innsbruck,

A Yamamoto
national cardiovascular Centre Research Institute,
Osaka, Japan

2009 Sections

Nutrition and metabolism
Edited by Paul Nestel,
Baker Medical Research Institute,
Melbourne, Australia,
and Ronald P Mensink,
Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM),
Maastricht University,
The Netherlands
Genetics and molecular biology
Edited by Jose M Ordovas,
Tufts University, Boston, USA,
and E Shyong Tai,
Singapore General Hospital,
Republic of Singapore

Lipid metabolism
Edited by Jeffrey S Cohn,
The Heart Research Institute,
Sydney, Australia
Hyperlipidaemia and cardiovascular disease
Edited by Paul N Durrington,
Cardiovascular Research Group,
University of Manchester,
Atherosclerosis: cell biology and lipoproteins
Edited by Petri T Kovanen,
Wihuri Research Institute,
Helsinki, Finland,
and Jan Nilsson,
Faculty of Medicine,
Lund University,
Malmo, Sweden

Therapy and clinical trials
Edited by Anton F Stalenhoef,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
The Netherlands,
and Lawrence A Leiter,
University of Toronto,


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