

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Current Medicinal Chemistry covers all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design. Each bi-weekly issue contains a series of timely in-depth reviews written by leaders in the field covering a range of the current topics in medicinal chemistry. Current Medicinal Chemistry is an essential journal for every medicinal chemist who wishes to be kept informed and up-to-date with the latest and most important developments. EXPANDED FREQUENCY - NOW 24 ISSUES IN 2002!


Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts should be submitted openly to one of the following Editors without prior invitation at the following addresses:

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman,

Editor, Current Medicinal Chemistry,

H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry,

University of Karachi, Karachi-75270,


Tel:  (+92)-21-924-3211, (+92)-21-924-3224,

Fax: (+92)-21-924-3190, (+92)-21-924-3191,

E-mail: mhej@cyber.net.pk


Prof. David Fairlie,

Centre for Drug Design and Development,

Institute for Molecular Bioscience,

University of Queensland, Brisbane,

Qld 4072, Australia.

Tel.:  +61-7-3365-1271 (direct 1268),

Fax: +61-7-3365-1990,

E-mail: d.fairlie@imb.uq.edu.au


Dr. William J. Hoekstra,

Co-Editor, Current Medicinal Chemistry,

Glaxo SmithKline R & D,

5 Moore Drive, NTH-M1107,

Research Triangle Park,

NC 27709-3398, USA.

Tel: (+1)-919-483-8212,

E-mail: william.j.hoekstra@gsk.com


Dr. Graeme Semple,

Co-Editor, Current Medicinal Chemistry,

Arena Pharmaceuticals,

6166, Nancy Ridge Drive,

San Diego, CA, 92121, USA.

Tel:  (+1)-858-453-7200,

Fax: (+1)-858-453-7210,

E-mail: gsemple@arenapharm.com


 Hakan V. Wikstrom,

Co-Editor, Current Medicinal Chemistry,

Department of Medicinal Chemistry,

University Center for Pharmacy,

University of Groningen,

A. Deusinglaan 1, NL-9713 AV,

Groningen, The Netherlands.

Tel:  +31-50-3633297,

Fax: +31-50-3636908,

E-mail: h.v.wikstrom@farm.rug.nl

It is advisable that the authors submit an abstract to the Editor, prior to submitting the full manuscript. The submitted abstract should outline the intended contents and coverage of their article. The manuscript, written in English, should not exceed 60 pages in length and it should be typed in double spacing throughout on A-4 or American quarto paper. Dot matrix print or any print that is difficult to read is unacceptable. Two copies of the manuscript must accompany the original (along with a passport size black and white photograph of the author and a computer disk) and should be sent to the Editor at his given address. All pages should be numbered. Abbreviations should be defined the first time that they are used in the manuscript and a list of abbreviations used should also be provided.

Manuscript Organization: The manuscript should be divided as: Title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed. This should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The first page should contain the title, the authors' names (initials and surname only), with an asterisk to mark the name of the principal author.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 250 words and it should condense the essential features of the review article, with the focus on the major advances in the field.

Key Words: Authors must supply up to eight key words along with their manuscript.

Text: The main text should begin on a separate page and it may be subdivided into separate sections. The review article should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in any previous review. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text. Acknowledgements should be kept to a minimum.


*  Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Excel or in Microsoft Word table format.

*  Each table should include a title/caption explaining what the table shows. Detailed legends may then follow.

*  Tables should be given on separate pages with indications on the left hand margin to the text, as to the appropriate placement of the tables.

*  Tables should not contain vertical rules.

*  Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring the borders of each cell display as black lines.

*  Tables should be numbered consecutively in order of their citation in the body of the text, with Arabic numerals.

*  If a reference is cited in both the table and text, insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text.

*  Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.

Figures / Illustrations:

All authors must strictly follow the guidelines below for preparing illustrations for publication in Current Medicinal Chemistry.

Editorial Requirements:

The quality of the illustrations printed in the journal largely depends on the quality of the figures/illustration provided by the author. In preparing artwork or graphics for publication, keep in mind the following points.

*  Submit the original artwork or a photographic print of the original for publication.

*  Do not submit photocopies. (Hardcopy submission requirement)

*  Illustrations should be provided as separate files, not embedded in the text. (Hardcopy submission requirement).

*  Remove all color from graphics except for those illustrations (Greyscale), which are intended to be printed in color.

*  Good quality of hardcopy originals are a requirement.

*  Figures/illustrations cannot be modified or enhanced by the journal production staff.

*  Figures should be referred to . in the text with figure numbers in bold within round bracket.

*  Revised manuscripts should contain a complete set of artwork and photographs.

Technical Details:

*  Figures should be provided on high quality, white, smooth opaque paper. (Hardcopy requirement)

Format & Resolution:

*  The following file formats can be accepted. (Preference in order of appearance): PDF, TIFF, JPEG, GIF

*  Illustrations must fit a single or double column format on the journal page, according to the following guideline below:

  24 cm (max)
  8.5 cm (max)
  24 cm (max)
  18 cm (max)

*  Whenever possible, submit graphics that do not have to be reduced to fit the standard figure size.

*  Use the best resolution available (hardcopy submission requirement). For online submission the maximum resolution is 300 dpi.

*  Avoid textures and shadings giving a three-dimensional effect to the illustration.

*  Symbols and lettering in the illustration should be of similar size.

*  Smaller lettering is used.

*  Font: Times New Roman or Helvetica is preferable. Font size: 10pt (maximum)

*  Line drawings should have clear and sharp lines and should be of uniform density. Moreover, lines should be continuous without any breaks.

*  Do not use lines thinner than 1 point.

Color Figures / Illustrations:

*  Free colored artwork will only be published if the color is deemed scientifically necessary by the Editor-in-Chief.

*  One color plate will be published free of charge in each article. The cost for the first additional published page of color figures is US$ 605; the second additional page will be for US$ 440, and each subsequent page for $ 303.

*  Color figures should be supplied in CMYK not RGB colors.

*  Required resolution for online submission is 300 dpi. In case of hardcopy submission, please use the maximum resolution available.



Editorial Board


Pier Giovanni Baraldi (Universita di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy)
Fatima Z. Basha (Abbott, Abbott Park, USA)
Wesley G. Bentrude (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA)
Mark S. Berridge (Univ. Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland, USA)
Mark G. Bock (Merck, Westpoint, USA)
Nicholas Bodor (University of Florida, Florida, USA)
Gunther Bonn (University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
John K. Buolamwini (Univ. of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA)
Terrence R. Burke Jr. (National Inst. of Health, Bethesda, USA)
David J. Craik (University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia)
Eugene A. Davidson (Georgetown Univ., Washington DC, USA)
Annette Doherty (Institut de Recherche Jouveinal/Parke-Davis, FRESNES CEDEX, France)
Ronald H. Erickson (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA)
Steven E. Hall (Sphinx Pharm., Durham, USA)
Robert Hudkins (Cephalon Inc., West Chester, PA, USA)
T. Hogberg (Pharma A/S Fremtidsvej, Horesholm, Denmark)
K. Hostettmann (Univ. Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Ann L. Jackman (Inst. Cancer Res., Sutton, UK)
G. Jaouen (C.N.R.S., Paris, France)
Robert M. Jones (Arena Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA, USA)
Mankil Jung (Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea)
Huba Kal¨¢sz (Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary)
Saeed R. Khan (John Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA)
Donald J. Kyle (Purdue Pharma, Cranbury, NJ, USA)
Fernand Labrie (Centre de Recherche du CHUL, Qu¨¦bec, Canada)
S.S. Lamba (Florida Agri. & Mech. Univ., Florida, USA)
Didier M. Lambert (Univ. Cath. de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium)
Jean-Francis Liegeois  (University Of Liege, Liege, Belgium)
John A. Lowe III (Pfizer, Groton, USA)
James William Lown (Univ. Alberta, Alberta, Canada)
Philip D. Magnus (Univ. Texas at Austin, Texas, USA)
Sohail Malik (BioFrontiers, Inc., Redmon, WA, USA)
Ian A. McDonald (Structural GenomiX, San Diego, CA, USA)
Alan R. Morgan (PDT Pharmaceuticals, Santa Barbara, USA)
Kenji Mori (Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
D.W. Oliver (Potchefstroom Univ., Potchefstroom, South Africa)
Krysztof W. Pankiewicz (Pharmasset, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA)
George Perry (Institute of Pathology, Cleveland, Ohio, USA)
Bernard M. Pettit (Univ. Houston, Houston, USA)
John M. Pezzuto (Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN, USA)
Ulf Pindur (University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany)
Waldemar Priebe (University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA)
K. L. Rinehart (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Stewart W. Schneller (Auburn University, USA)
Kenneth R. Scott (Howard Univ., Washington, USA)
Robert D. Sindelar (Univ. Mississippi, University, USA)
Drago R. Sliskovic (Pfizer Global R & D, Ann Arbor, USA)
John R.J. Sorenson (Univ. Arkansas, Arkansas, USA)
Caroline J. Springer (Inst. of Cancer Research, Surrey, UK)
Bharat K. Trivedi (PGRD Ann Arbor Lab. , Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
John Varghese (Athena Neurosciences, San Francisco, USA)
Wolfgang Voelter (University of Tubingen, T¨¹bingen, Germany)
Steven M. Weinreb (Penn. State Univ., University Park, USA)
Gordon Willick (National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada)
Zbigniew J. Witczak (Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, USA)



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