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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Critical Care, with its website the Critical Care Forum, is a peer-reviewed, clinical medical journal that aims to improve the care of critically ill patients by acquiring, discussing, distributing, and promoting evidence-based information relevant to intensivists.

The journal publishes commentaries, reviews, and research in all areas of intensive care and emergency medicine. It also aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the intensive care field by reporting on recently published papers, international scientific meetings, books, and websites.

An international editorial board runs Critical Care, and the editor-in-chief is Jean-Louis Vincent of Brussels, Belgium.

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Both online and in print

Critical Care's website is updated continuously, and every two months articles are selected for a print journal. The print journal is a compendium of what has recently been published on the website.

Critical Care has been at the forefront of the electronic publishing revolution since its inception in 1997. Unlike many so-called "online" journals, the journal's policy has always been to publish material online before in print. This sets us apart from a great many of our competitors, who generally adopt a "paper first-online second" policy.

But we do a lot more with the Internet than just make articles available quickly. As there are no space constraints on the web, authors can provide extra data - for instance, more text, figures, tables, or references - which would normally be edited from articles in print journals. The Internet also enables us to speed up our publishing processes, including peer review; by relying entirely on email, we can publish research, after full peer review, within seven weeks. And finally, within each article there are added functions, such as:

  • Emailing the article to a friend
  • Finding 'related articles' in PubMed
  • Going from a reference to its abstract on PubMed
  • Finding other papers in PubMed by the same author(s)

Go to any commentary, review, or research article to try out these functions.

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Content overview

Critical Care publishes the following types of articles:

  • Commentaries
  • Reviews
  • Research
  • Reports

See below for a brief description of each, or the instructions for authors page for more detail.

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    Our commentaries are short (800-1000 words), opinionated articles that are written by specialists to be read by the general intensivist community. The aim of a commentary is to highlight something, expand on the underlying issues, and suggest what should happen next. Commentaries are usually commissioned/solicited by the journal.

    There are several types of commentaries:

    1. General: Raises any issue relevant to the journal's scope (see above).
    2. Research related: Accompanies any recently published research, either within Critical Care or elsewhere.
    3. Pro/con debates: These are pinned on clinical scenarios and are usually commissioned/solicited by the section editor (see editorial board).
    4. Medical ethics related: These are usually commissioned/solicited by the section editors (see editorial board).
    5. ICUs worldwide: These describe and reflect on the issues faced by intensive care departments around the world and are usually commissioned/solicited by the section editor (see editorial board).
    6. ICU cornerstone: These describe and reflect on pivotal moments in intensive care research and/or practice and are usually commissioned/solicited by the section editors for ethics (see editorial board).

    See the instructions for authors for more information.

    Instructions to Authors


    Critical Care, with its website the Critical Care Forum, is a peer-reviewed, clinical medical journal that aims to improve the care of critically ill patients by acquiring, discussing, distributing, and promoting evidence-based information relevant to intensivists. The journal publishes commentaries, reviews, and open access research in all areas of intensive care and emergency medicine. It also aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the intensive care field by reporting on recently published papers, international scientific meetings, books, and websites. The website is updated continuously, and every two months articles are selected for the print journal. The print journal, Critical Care, is only a compendium of what has recently been published on the website.

    Critical Care publishes:

    The voice of Critical Care, these usually describe policy issues directly relevant to the journal and are written by select members of the editorial board.
    • Research-related commentaries
    • Medical ethics commentaries
    • Recently published papers commentaries
    • Science reviews
    • Bench-to-bedside reviews
    • Clinical reviews
    • Pro/con clinical debates
    • Statistics reviews

    Non-peer-reviewed research

    • Book reports
    • Web reports
    • Meeting reports
      These are 1000-word summaries of meetings with an emphasis on new data from clinical research. Most reports are commissioned and most authors are practicing intensivists. If you would like to report on a meeting please contact the editorial office beforehand.
    We welcome comments on any article published in the journal. Letters are not usually peer-reviewed but on occasion we may invite replies for publication in the same issue. We prefer letters to be less than 400 words and contain 5 or fewer references (the first of which should be the Critical Care article the letter refers to). Authors should also provide their current appointment and full address (including phone, fax, and email). All letters are edited; authors are sent the edited version to approve before publication.

    Authors, editors, and printers do their best but mistakes do happen. If you spot an error in the journal inform the editorial office and we shall ensure it is corrected.

    Authors and referees are asked to declare any competing interests. Copyright of all material except research articles rests with the publisher, BioMed Central. Copyright for research articles rests with the authors. For more information on copyright of research articles, see our publisher's copyright and license policy.


    Editorial Board


    Section Editors
    Jonathan Ball (United Kingdom)
    Viv Bewick (United Kingdom)
    Martin Chapman (Canada)
    Elizabeth Cheek (United Kingdom)
    David Crippen (United States)
    Del Dorscheid (Canada)
    Laura Hawryluck (Canada)
    Sangeeta Mehta (Canada)
    Michael R Pinsky (United States)
    Louis Puybasset (France)
    Richard Venn (United Kingdom)
    Jesus Villar (Spain)
    Keith Walley (Canada)

    Research Editors
    Edward Abraham (United States)
    E David Bennett (United Kingdom)
    Thomas Bleck (United States)
    Pierre Carli (France)
    Francis C Dane (United States)
    Claudio Ronco (Italy)
    Gordon Rubenfeld (United States)
    Arthur Slutsky (Canada)
    Robert C Tasker (United Kingdom)

    Advisory Board
    Derek Angus (United States)
    Rinaldo Bellomo (Australia)
    Julian F Bion (United Kingdom)
    Joachim P Boldt (Germany)
    Jonathan Cohen (United Kingdom)
    Deborah J Cook (Canada)
    Eugen Faist (Germany)
    Mitchell P Fink (United States)
    Malcolm Fisher (Australia)
    Lui Forni (United Kingdom)
    David Gattas (Canada)
    Guillermo Gutierrez (United States)
    Jan A Hazelzet (Netherlands)
    Marin Kollef (United States)
    Karl H Lindner (Austria)
    John J Marini (United States)
    John C Marshall (Canada)
    Claude Martin (France)
    Alan H Morris (United States)
    Steven Opal (United States)
    Joseph E Parrillo (United States)
    Paul E Pepe (United States)
    Marco Ranieri (Italy)
    Konrad Reinhart (Germany)
    Charis Roussos (Greece)
    Paul T Schumacker (United States)
    Eliezer Silva (Brazil)
    Stephen Streat (New Zealand)
    Ganesh Suntharalingam (United Kingdom)
    Peter M Suter (Switzerland)
    Lambert G Thijs (Netherlands)
    Benoit Vallet (France)
    Max Harry Weil (United States)
    Gareth Williams (United Kingdom)


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