

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Coral Reefs, the Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies, presents multidisciplinary literature across the broad fields of reef studies, publishing analytical and theoretical papers on both modern and ancient reefs. These encourage the search for theories about reef structure and dynamics, and the use of experimentation, modeling, quantification and the applied sciences.

Coverage includes such subject areas as population dynamics; community ecology of reef organisms; energy and nutrient flows; biogeochemical cycles; physiology of calcification; reef responses to natural and anthropogenic influences; stress markers in reef organisms; behavioural ecology; sedimentology; diagenesis; reef structure and morphology; evolutionary ecology of the reef biota; palaeoceanography of coral reefs and coral islands; reef management and its underlying disciplines; molecular biology and genetics of coral; aetiology of disease in reef-related organisms; reef responses to global change, and more.

Aims and scope

The journal, Coral Reefs, is intended to be a focal point for multidisciplinary literature across the broad fields of reef studies. It publishes analytical and theoretical papers on both modern and ancient reefs, and encourages the search for theories about reef structure and dynamics, and the use of experimentation, modelling, quantification and the applied sciences.

Some of the subject areas covered by the journal include:

  • population dynamics

  • community ecology of reef organisms

  • energy and nutrient flows

  • biogeochemical cycles

  • physiology of calcification

  • reef responses to natural and anthropogenic influences

  • stress markers in reef organisms

  • behavioural ecology

  • sedimentology

  • diagenesis

  • reef structure and morphology

  • evolutionary ecology of the reef biota

  • palaeoceanography of coral reefs and coral islands

  • science which underpins reef management

  • coral molecular biology and genetics

  • aetiology of disease in reef-related organisms

  • reef responses to global change

The journal accepts full length papers (Reports) and short papers (Notes). Review articles are also welcomed but authors should consult the Editor in Chief about the proposed subject and length before submission.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors
Coral Reefs
Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies
1. Copyright declaration
2. Copyright Form
3. Submission procedure
4. Revisions and Resubmissions
5. Decisions
6. Manuscript Types
7. Manuscript preparation
8. Order of Manuscript/ Section Formats
9. References
10. Reference List Formats
11. Reporting Statistical Results
12. Figures
13. Tables
14. Electronic Supplementary Material
15. Proofreading
16. Offprints, Free copy


1. Copyright declaration
The authors guarantee that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders, that the rights of third parties will not be violated, and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Copyright for US Government Employees: The work of US Government employees prepared as part of their official duties cannot be copyrighted and, therefore, copyright cannot be transferred.
Authors should, however, complete the Springer Copyright Form and add the following wording:

"I (we) certify that the article named above was prepared as part of my (our) official duties. The article is thus in the public domain and cannot be copyrighted."

US Government authors are permitted to distribute or post their published papers elsewhere but normal subscription terms apply for access to the article via Springerlink.

2. Copyright Form
When authors receive their proofs from the publisher they will be required to sign the copyright declaration.

3. Submission procedure
Manuscripts must be submitted online at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/coral (the journal website). Authors will be required to complete a simple registration procedure to obtain an account. They will then be led through a series of menus which will help them submit their manuscript. Instructions for this procedure and help files are available.
Authors will be able to check the progress of the review by logging on to their account. They will also be notified by e-mail when the review is complete.


 Peer review will involve the following steps:
1. Author submits manuscript.
2. Editorial Office checks formatting (manuscript may be returned for corrections at this stage).
3. Editor-in-Chief assigns a Topic Editor.
4. Manuscript is subject to Pre-Review
5. Topic Editor assigns Reviewers.
6. Reviewers submit reviews online.
7. Topic Editor makes recommendation.
8. Editor-in-Chief makes final decision.
9. Author is informed of decision.

The manuscript and all accompanying tables, figures and supplementary information must conform to the style and formatting detailed in these instructions. Errors will be returned by the Editorial Office for correction before the manuscript is sent for review.
If any data in the manuscript were previously published or are used in another manuscript presently under consideration elsewhere, describe the extent of the overlap in the cover letter and include copies of the relevant papers. Similarly, include PDF copies of related manuscripts that are ¡®in press¡¯, submitted to another journal, or that reviewers are likely to have difficulty locating.

Manuscripts will be subject to a pre-review on the following criteria:
1. Does the paper fall within the remit of Coral Reefs?
2. Does the paper have the potential to make a substantial contribution to the field of research?
3. Is the subject area of potential interest to a wide readership?
4. Is the paper in the correct style and format for Coral Reefs?
5. Are the figures appropriate and well presented  is there unnecessary use of colour?
6. Is the manuscript well written?

Either the Editor-in-Chief or a Topic Editor undertakes the pre-review assessment. A manuscript may be rejected without further review at this stage.


4. Revisions and Resubmissions
Rejection of manuscripts typically arises because of flaws in experimental design or faulty methods, or if the writing is unclear, the manuscript poorly organized, incomplete, or deviates significantly from the Coral Reefs style. Coral Reefs normally only allows one major revision of any submission.
If the revision of a paper is still not acceptable the manuscript may be rejected. In certain circumstances, the editor may invite an author to resubmit a paper for consideration as a new manuscript after, e.g., further research has been done. Such resubmissions must represent a profound rewrite and not merely cosmetic changes.

5. Decisions
Decisions by the Editor-in-Chief are final and correspondence will not be entered into.

6. Manuscript Types

 Reports - Reports are full length papers which should not exceed 10-12 printed pages (approximately 8000 words, including Abstract, References, Acknowledgements and Figure Legends).

 Reviews - Authors who wish to submit reviews must seek prior approval from the Editor-in-Chief and submit a proposal. This proposal may be sent out to experts in the field for advice before the Editor allows submission. Proposals should be limited to 1000 words, and should include the following:

• a provisional title, along with a fuller explanation of material to be covered and excluded
• a list of authors and roles, including all institutional affiliations
• a statement indicating why the review is both timely and needed
• an explanation of the approach to be taken
• an explanation of the overall novelty of the approach and its likely impact on practice or thought
• the proposed length

Reviews will normally be the same length as Reports. The Editor-in-Chief may also invite an author to write a Review. Since a Review is intended to be an authoritative statement, a very high standard of presentation will be required both in language and style, and figures.

 Notes - Short papers (2-4 printed pages, up to 2900 words including Abstract, References, Acknowledgements and Figure Legends) should combine the results and discussion, and have an abstract of no more than 150 words.

 Perspectives  short papers which present opinions or novel interpretation of existing ideas may be submitted in Note format. These will be printed as ¡®Perspectives. Headings may be chosen to suit the style of the Perspective.

 Comments and Responses - The Editors welcome constructive comments and criticism of papers already published in the journal, where these are in the interests of science. Such manuscripts should be structured and styled in a manner similar to a full-length paper, modified to suit the circumstances. They will be subject to the normal review process.

 Reef Sites - Reef Sites must not exceed 1 printed page in length. The emphasis is on high quality photograph(s) with a short explanatory text, (include references only if essential). The topic must be scientifically interesting (e.g., an unusual event or phenomenon, or an unexplored reef location).
Authors must supply a text file excluding the figures in Word.DOC format, and a proposed layout in Word or PDF format with the figures embedded. The purpose of the layout file is to demonstrate to the Editor that the Reef Site will fit on a single page. The figures must be provided as TIF or EPS files as appropriate (see the instructions on figure preparation below). Digital images are required as these can be uploaded to the website. Authors should contact the Editorial Office for advice where prints or transparencies are involved. The normal word length of a Reef Site should not exceed 450 words including title, references, acknowledgements, and author details.

7. Manuscript preparation

 General remarks  Authors are strongly encouraged to use the template (DOT file) available from the Journal home page, or the online submission site, this will help to avoid their manuscript being returned for incorrect formatting. The template can be used with MSWord for Windows and Macintosh. All manuscripts are subject to final copy editing by the publisher, after acceptance.

 Language - Manuscripts should be in English. If English is not your first language we suggest that the text is edited, before submission by an English speaker.

 Configuration and Layout -
• Format: - Word. DOC
• Font: - Times New Roman is preferred as this converts best to the PDF proof.
• Line Spacing: - double space the abstract, main text, and legends. Single space and hanging indent the Reference List. Single space the body of any Table.
• Line and Page Numbering do not use, this will be automatically created in the online PDF proof.
• Cite each figure and table at the appropriate point, numbered consecutively.
• Running head and Headers and Footers  do not use
• Headings: If you do not use the template, your main headings should be in lowercase bold letters using a large font. Use bold normal sized font for sub- headings; and further subheadings may be used as long as their order is clear (e.g., use italics or bold italics). Headings should be kept short. Do not number headings and subheadings.
• Species names: must be in italics; the genus is written in full at the first mention in the Abstract and again in the main text and the figure and table legends, and abbreviated thereafter.
• All Abbreviations and Acronyms: Should be defined at first mention in the Abstract, and again in the main body of the text and thereafter use only the abbreviation. Do not use a list of abbreviations at the beginning of the manuscript.
• Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, they should be numbered consecutively.
• Footnotes: Essential footnotes to the text should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page to which they refer. In general, avoid the use of footnotes.
• Units: Use standard SI units. Relations or concentrations (e.g. mg per l) must be given as mg (not mg). This applies to text, tables and graphs. Units of time should be expressed as s, min, h, d, yr; do not abbreviate 'week' or 'month'. Use hh:mm for time of day, , e.g., 0900 hrs, 2300 hrs.
• Means and Standard deviations / standard errors: If you present results as means with either the standard deviation or standard error make it clear which you are reporting. E.g., 300 À 20.5 cm . Similarly if you are reporting a range or a confidence interval say so.
• Date Format: Use English date formats, i.e., 3rd March 2005; 13 March 2003, between 1 and 3 March 1980, 1 March to 1 April (not 1 March1 April), March 1980 to August 1981, MarchApril 1991.

8. Order of Manuscript/ Section Formats
The Word.doc file must contain all of the following sections. Any requirement to enter the Author details, Abstract, Keywords, or legends on the manuscript submission site is additional and is used as ¡®metadata¡¯ during the review process.


 Title Page  The first page should contain the following information:
• A concise and informative title
• Names of the authors
• Affiliations and addresses of authors
• E-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of communicating author
• Keywords - 4 to 6 key words are required for indexing purposes.

 Abstract - Reports and Reviews must be preceded by a single paragraph abstract presenting the most important results and conclusions in no more than 300 words. Notes should have a short abstract of up to 150 words. Abstracts must not contain literature cites, or excessive data. Omit 'introductory' statements that summarize previous work and avoid statements that do not identify actual findings. Summarise, rather than advertise both the important findings and their significance.

 Introduction - The Introduction should state the purpose of the investigation in the context of earlier studies. A short review of the pertinent literature is generally appropriate. The Introduction should conclude with a statement of the scientific hypothesis to be tested / purpose of the study. Do not report the findings of the study in the Introduction.

 Materials and methods - This section should give sufficient information for the methodology to be critically evaluated. Descriptions of the study site should appear in this section. 

 Results - The Results should describe the outcome of the study.

 Discussion - The Discussion should explain and interpret the results in the context of other published research and may be used to present concepts or theories based upon the findings.

 Do not use a Conclusionor ¡®Summarysection.

 Acknowledgements - These should be brief. Any grant that requires acknowledgement may be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all persons named in the Acknowledgments section know and agree to being identified there (since it may be interpreted as endorsement of the data or conclusions).

 Reference List - see below for further details

 Figure Legends see below for further details

9. References

  Reference List - The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. It should be in alphabetical order. Where there are multiple papers by the same first author, the correct order is; single author papers, followed by two author papers, three author papers, etc., and by year within each group. Always show all the names of the authors in the Reference List  do not abbreviate to et al.

  Unpublished data  the citation of unpublished data should be kept to a minimum. Do not use your manuscript to include previous unpublished data of your own unless you are willing to subject it to full peer review. If necessary this can be done by means of ESM (see below) where the same standards of reporting and review apply.

 Commercial Software: - do not list normal commercial software in the Reference List. Include any unusual or specialist software which is otherwise difficult to locate.

 Personal communications should only be mentioned in the text, together with the initials and name of the correspondent.

 Reports, Newsletters, Magazines - Do not cite articles from magazines, newsletters (e.g., Reef Encounter, Eos) or newspapers. Reports of Government and International Organisations, learned bodies, Non Governmental Organisations are normally acceptable, but these should be readily accessible.

 Theses - may be cited, but the inclusion of unpublished data from these sources will be carefully reviewed, and may not be acceptable.

10. Reference List Formats
Correct punctuation is required in References e.g., no spacing between authors initials, comma between multiple authors, no stops after journal abbreviated names.

ENDNOTE bibliography users  a new output style (Coral Reefs 2006.ens) is available to download from the submission web site, please use this. We cannot guarantee that this is correct in all respects since it has been produced by the manufacturer of EndNote and not journal staff.


 Journals - Do not include issue numbers unless each issue is paginated separately from the volume.

Risk MJ, Sammarco PW, Edinger EN (1995) Bioerosion in Acropora across the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 14:79-86

Conley DJ, Schelske CL, Stoermer EF (1993) Modification of the biogeochemical cycle of silica with eutrophication. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 101:179-192

Goreau TJ (1977) Coral skeletal chemistry: physiological and environmental regulation of stable isotopes and trace metals in Montastrea annularis. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 196:291-315

Use abbreviated journal titles in the BIOSIS format  a list (in MSExcel format) of the 8000 most common titles and their abbreviations is available from the submission website. If your journal is not listed use the link to the website and carry out a search. Where a journal is not listed the name is given in full.

 Articles with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Gooseff, M. N., D. M. McKnight, W. B. Lyons, and A. E. Blum. 2002. Weathering reactions and hyporheic exchange controls on stream water chemistry in a glacial meltwater stream in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Water Resour Bull 38 [doi: 10.1029/2001WR000834]
If there are page numbers then 38:15-32 [doi: 10.1029/2001WR000834]

 Books and Technical Reports
Sorokin YI (1993) Coral reef ecology. Springer, Heidelberg

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2001. Global forest resource assessment 2000: Main report. FAO Forestry paper 240, FAO, Rome

You should aim to provide sufficient detail to enable a reader to locate the book/report. Each publication will have been produced in a different way so there can be no hard and fast rule.

 Theses and dissertations (use the term thesis)
Coppard SE (2002) Morphological and ecological differences between species of the echinoid genera. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, p82

Winter A (1991) Carbon and oxygen isotope time series from an 18-year Caribbean reef coral. M.Sc. thesis, University of Puerto Rico, p150

Bosence DWJ (1991) Coralline algae: mineralization, taxonomy, and palaeoecology. In: Riding R, Jones FR (eds) Calcareous algae and stromatolites. Springer, New York, pp98¨C113

 International Coral Reef Symposia - The International Coral Reef Symposia are treated as a special case by the journal and are shown as follows:
Steven ADL, Broadbent AD (1997) Growth and metabolic responses of Acropora palifera to long-term nutrient enrichment. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Symp 1:867¨C872

 Other Conference Proceedings - For conference proceedings other than the Coral Reef Symposia, please give the title of the proceedings in full, e.g.,
Lough JM (2001) Perspectives on global climate change and coral bleaching: 1997-1998 sea surface temperatures at local to global scales. Proceedings JAMSTEC International Coral Reef Symposium: Coral Reef Biodiversity and Health as Indicators of Environmental Change. Science and Technology Agency, Japan Marine Science & Technology Center, Tokyo, pp215-229

You should aim to provide sufficient detail to enable a reader to locate the proceedings. Each conference will have been published in a different way so there can be no hard and fast rule.

 Websites - The citing of websites should be avoided because of their temporal nature. The Editorial Office will verify that websites are sufficiently permanent as part of the reference check carried out after submission.
Stewart SR (2005) Tropical cyclone report: Hurricane Ivan. National Hurricane Center.


11. Reporting Statistical Results

 Significance and threshold values - a result is significant if the P value is less than a preset threshold value ¦Á. In Coral Reefs ¦Á should normally be set at 0.05. If a result is significant, the P value can be reported in the text or a table, together with the F-stat, e.g., F1,24=5.6, p=0.001. It is equally acceptable to use p<0.05, or p<0.01 etc.

 Terminology - do not use terms such as highly and extremely significant where pp<0.01 or 0.001 respectively, it will be for the reader to assess the relative importance of the result.
Also do not use almost significant or just not significant where pp>0.05.

 Non significant P values ¨C authors should consider whether a non significant result may have been the result of a lack of statistical power and whether this might affect the interpretation of their results. In these circumstances it is acceptable to report a p value greater than 0.05, at the same time you must report the power and explain the context of the result. It all other cases, simply report ¡°X was not significantly different from Y¡±.

 Beyond significance - think beyond ¡®significance¡¯, by asking the question: ¡°My results are statistically significant but are they scientifically important or even interesting?¡± For example statistics will detect extremely small differences where large Ns have been used, e.g., in flow cytometry, but do these very small differences have any meaning?

12. Figures
- (see the submission website for a more detailed guide to figure formats and computer programs used to produce them)


 Do not embed your figures in the manuscript.
Please prepare your figures very carefully; poor figures in particular are a principal source of delay and additional work in the review and production process. Each figure will be checked by the Editorial Office before the manuscript enters the review process. Obvious errors or poor quality will be returned to the author at this stage.
Figures must be presented, each in its own file, correctly formatted (see below). A single composite figure is required where there are several parts to a figure. Lowercase letters (a, b etc.) must be used to identify figure parts both in the figure and in the manuscript text, and the figure legend.

 Figure Legends
These should be typed at the end of the manuscript, and must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustration. Always give any species name or acronym in full where they first appear in each legend. Do not include ¡®results¡¯ in the legend.
The legends that you enter as ¡®metadata¡¯ on the submission site when you upload each figure are automatically placed next to the figure in the PDF and HTML proof; they are used to help the reviewer, not as the definitive legend. (Tip: copy and paste your legends from your manuscript file into the metadata, and then insert any special formatting.)

 Graphs and Line Drawings
Prepare as vector line graphics and store in EPS format (with TIF preview). Adobe Illustrator is the preferred program to create EPS files. Please do not draw with hairlines; the minimum line width is 0.2 mm (i.e., 0.567pt) relative to the final size. If a line drawing cannot be computer generated it may be captured by scanning and inserted as a bitmap into an EPS file. The scan should be composed at 800dpi or greater relative to final size, before inserting in the EPS file. Please bear in mind that any bitmap images embedded in an EPS file cannot be edited by the journal office, or the printer. Any alterations required, however minor, will have to be returned to the author. Where possible any text, etc should be added in vector EPS format.
Graphs should be prepared using a good scientific graphing program which can save/export the graph direct to an EPS file. We cannot accept scanned graphs other than in exceptional circumstances with prior approval from the Editorial Office.
Figures composed of part photograph and extensive line art (whether colour or black and white) should be submitted in EPS format where the photograph will be in bitmap format (at 300dpi) and the line art/text in vector. If the figure only contains a very small amount of line art, e.g., scale bars and labels, it may be prepared as a photograph (see below).
In EPS figures, the edges of lines and text should be crisp when viewed at high magnification ¡®on screen¡¯. Pixelly or fuzzy edged line art will not be suitable.

These should be prepared as for Line Drawings. They should include a scale and a compass orientation. Latitude and Longitude should be expressed in degrees, minutes, and where necessary, seconds together with N/S and E/W.

Black and White, and Colour photographs should be saved in TIFF format (Colour as RGB 8 bits per channel, B&W as greyscale) Scan/ save at 300dpi. Use scale bars and embedded text and annotations as required. Several figures or figure parts should be grouped in a plate on one page.
Where there is extensive annotation it is better to use an EPS format (see above). TIFF figures are preferred at the size of one or two column widths (either 8.6 or 17.6 cm). The maximum printed page height is 23.6 cm. Authors should prepare any TIFF figures at the intended final size, and view and run a test print prior to submission. If all parts of the figure can be clearly seen in the printed version this will be a good indication that the figures will be acceptable.

 Colour Figure Printing Costs Coral Reefs does not charge for colour figures in either the online or printed version of the journal.

13. Tables
Tables must be submitted separately from the text in one Word.DOC file, together with their legends in the same file. Tables legends should be brief and include any species names or acronyms in full together with an explanation of any abbreviation or symbol (e.g., asterisks for significance value) used in that table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters. Double line space the legends and single space the table content. Care should be taken to produce well designed layouts.

N.B. There is no need to enter the ¡®metadata¡¯ (caption/legend) in the file details tab on Manuscript Central for Word.DOC tables. This facility is provided for other journals who configure their tables in a different way.

14. Electronic Supplementary Material
Electronic supplementary material (ESM) for an article printed in this journal will be published and be permanently available to subscribers on Springer¡¯s website. Prepare any ESM in a similar format to the main manuscript. In the printed article, reference should be given to the ESM and vice versa.
ESM may consist of:
• Original data that relate to the paper, e.g. tables, additional illustrations (colour and black/white), etc.
• Information that is more convenient in electronic form.
• Information that cannot be printed: e.g., animations, video clips, or sound recordings.
• There is no charge for colour in ESM.

15. Proofreading
Authors will be notified by e-mail once the printer¡¯s proofs are available online. Full instructions are provided at the time. The author is entitled to formal corrections only. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without approval. In such circumstances please contact the Editor-in-Chief before returning the proofs to the publisher.
After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article.

16. Offprints, Free copy
50 offprints of each contribution are supplied free of charge to the corresponding author. Additional offprints may be purchased. An order form is sent to authors with the proofs and contains full details.  Print
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Springer Open Choice (free access): Phage Therapy of Coral Disease

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Aims and scope
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About the editor(s)
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Rolf P.M. Bak
Editorial Assistant: Dr. Elizabeth H. Gladfelter
Dr. Clayton B. Cook
Prof. Peter Mumby
Dr. Bernhard Riegl
Prof. Robert van Woesik
Dr. Ruth D. Gates
Dr Philip L. Munday
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International Society for Reef Studies

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Related journals
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Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board
Editor in Chief

Professor Rolf  P.M. Bak
Coral Reefs Editorial Office
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
PO Box 59
1790 AB Den Burg
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 222 369 541
Fax: +31 0) 222 319 674
e-mail: CoralReefJournal@nioz.com

Geology Editor

Dr Bernhard Riegl
Nova Southeastern University
8000 N. Ocean Drive
Dania, FL 33004
Tel: +1 954 262 3671
Fax: +1 954 262 3648
e-mail: rieglb@nova.edu

Biology Editors

Clayton B. Cook, Ph. D.
Affiliate Professor of Biology
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University
5600 US 1 North
Ft. Pierce, FL  34946
 Tel: (772) 465-2400 x 301
         (772) 579-0599 (cell)
 e-mail  ccook30@hboi.fau.edu

Dr Ruth D. Gates
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
P.O. Box 1346
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
Tel: +1 808-236-7420
Fax: +1 808- 236-7443
e-mail: rgates@hawaii.edu

Dr Philip L. Munday
School of Marine and Tropical Biology
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD 4811
Tel:  07 47815341
Fax: 07 47251570
e-mail: philip.munday@jcu.edu.au

Environment Editor

Dr. Robert van Woesik
Department of Biological Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Boulevard
Melbourne, FL 32901-6988
Tel:  +1 321 674 7475
Fax: +1 321 674 7238
e-mail: rvw@fit.edu

Ecology Editor

Dr. Peter J. Mumby
School of BioSciences
University of Exeter
Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK
Tel: +44 1392 263798
Fax: +44 1392 263700
e-mail: p.j.mumby@exeter.ac.uk

Editorial board:

Dr. Serge Andr¨¦fouet
UR Coreus - Institut de Recherche pour le D¨¦veloppement (IRD)
Nouvelle Cal¨¦donie

Dr. Marlin Atkinson
University of Hawai'i
Kane'ohe, Hawaii, USA

Dr Andrew Baird
James Cook University
Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Dr. Paul Blanchon
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Cancun, Mexico

Dr Richard Dodge
Nova SouthEastern University
Dania Beach, Florida, USA

Dr. Terry Done
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Dr. Peter J. Edmunds
California State University, Northridge
Northridge, California, USA

Dr. Richard W. Grigg
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Prof. Mark E. Hay
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Dr. Mark A. Hixon
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Dr. Howard R. Lasker
University of Buffalo
Buffalo, New York, USA

Dr. Harilaos A. Lessios
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Balboa, Panama

Dr. Janice M. Lough
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Dr. Margaret W. Miller
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Miami, Florida, USA

Dr. Gisele Muller-Parker
Western Washington University
Anacortes, Washington, USA

Dr. Valerie J. Paul
Smithsonian Institution
Fort Pierce, Florida, USA

Dr Terrence M. Quinn
University of South Florida
St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Dr Stephen Swearer
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Dr Peter Swart
University of Miami/RSMAS
Miami, Florida, USA

Dr. Alina M. Szmant
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA

Dr. A.W. Tudhope
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, UK


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