

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

In the past decade Conservation Biology has become the most influential and frequently cited journal in its field. Nature calls this title "required reading for ecologists throughout the world." The Journal continues to publish groundbreaking papers and remains instrumental in defining the key issues contributing to the study and preservation of species and habitats.

The Society for Conservation Biology and its members appreciate the increasing and alarming rate of species and habitat loss in our world and remain committed to the movement of conservation biology to the forefront of the sciences. Only by understanding the scientific basis of conservation can we effectively confront the extinction crisis.
"Required reading for ecologists throughout the world."

 Testing the Accuracy of Population Viability Analysis

            M.A. McCarthy, H.P. Possingham, J.R. Day, and A.J. Tyre

 Beyond Kyoto: Forest Management in a Time of Rapid Climate Change

            Reed F. Noss

 Rural Development and Sustainable Wildlife Use in Peru

            Richard E. Bodmer and Etersit Pezo Lozano

Increased Herbivory in Forest Isolates: Implications for Plant Community Structure and Composition

            Madhu Rao, John Terborgh, and Percy Nuñez

 The Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Levels

            Ulf Gärdenfors, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Georgina M. Mace, and Jon Paul Rodríguez

 Positive Feedbacks Among Forest Fragmentation, Drought, and Climate Change in the Amazon

            William F. Laurance and G. Bruce Williamson

 Planning to Save a Species: The Jaguar as a Model

Eric W. Sanderson, Kent H. Redford, Cheryl-Leslie B. Chetkiewicz, Rodrigo A. Medellín, Alan R. Rabinowitz, John G. Robinson, and Andrew B. Taber

Instructions to Authors

(Many manuscripts submitted are not appropriate for Conservation Biology. For an explanation please see the SCB website
and Conservation Biology 12:1173-1174.)

Acceptable Manuscripts
Conservation Biology accepts submittals for the following categories of manuscripts. Number of words includes all text from the Abstract through the Literature Cited; it does not include tables or figure legends. Manuscripts that significantly exceed the word count will be returned without review.

Research papers (approximately 2500 to 7000 words).
Research notes (no more than 3000 words).
Review articles (no more than 7500 words).
Analytic essays (no more than 7000 words), more speculative and less documented than research papers.
Conservation in Practice (no more than 5000 words). Papers that relate experiences in the application of conservation principles to problem solving.
Book reviews (usually by invitation). All book review manuscripts and communications about book reviews should be sent directly to the book review editor.
Comment (no more than 2000 words), refers to a subject of general conservation interest, but always contains some references to material published in the journal.
Diversity column, opinion (no more than 2000 words).
Manuscript Submission and Specifications
The original and three complete copies of all manuscripts (except book reviews) should be submitted to Gary Meffe, Editor, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Newins-Ziegler 303, Box 110430, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0430. The review process will be delayed until all copies are received. Copies may be double-sided to save paper, but the original should be single-sided.
Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, with 1.5-inch (4 cm) right-hand margins, on good quality, nonerasable paper of standard size (8.5 x 11 inches, or 21.5 x 28 cm). Ragged right margins are preferred to justified right margins as this reduces the number of end-of-line hyphens. Print must be in upper- and lower-case letters and of good quality; manuscripts that are difficult to read will be returned. Footnotes should be avoided. Metric measurements must be given unless English measurements are clearly more appropriate, in which case metric equivalents must be given in parentheses. Statistical terms and other measures are to conform with Scientific Style and Format: the CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Sixth edition.  Spelling should follow the American Heritage Dictionary and other style points should follow The Chicago Manual of Style. We discourage the use of acronyms in the text unless they are absolutely necessary. Pages, including tables, should be numbered. Figure pages are not numbered. Manuscripts must be in English; U.S. rather than British spelling should be used.  We encourage authors whose first language is not English to have a native English speaker edit the paper before submission. Provide the number of words in the manuscript on the title page. Papers that unreasonably exceed word limits may be returned without review.

The cover page should include the title of the paper; a running head (a shortened version of the title of no more than 40 characters); a list of 5 to 8 key words; word count (number of words includes all text from Abstract through Literature Cited, but does not include tables or figure legends); authors' addresses at the time the research was conducted and present address(es) including street address; and the name and complete mailing address (including email and zip + four) of the person to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. A brief cover letter should state the intended manuscript category. Please do not enclose manuscripts in plastic folders; these are merely annoying and wasteful.

Each research paper, review article, analytic essay, or research note should have an abstract of no more than 300 words (200 for a note). The abstract should state concisely the goals, methods, principal results, and major conclusions of the paper. Incomplete and uninformative descriptions (e.g., "a new method of analysis was given") should not be in the abstract. Acronyms are not permitted in the abstract. Authors should not provide a Spanish translation of their abstract.

Citations, Tables, and Illustrations
Literature citations in the text should be as follows: (Buckley & Buckley 1980b; Pacey 1983). Reference strings should be in chronological (oldest first), not alphabetical, order.  Abstracts and unpublished manuscripts (a "submitted" manuscript is not published) may not be cited. The Literature Cited section must be typed double-spaced. For abbreviations and additional details consult the BIOSIS List of Serials, the CBE Style Manual, and recent issues of Conservation Biology. Tables must be typed double-spaced, without vertical rules, and should not duplicate any material in the text or illustrations. All tables are to have complete but brief headings, be typed on separate sheets of paper, and be numbered consecutively within the text following the Literature Cited. Illustrations and photographs should be mounted on standard size paper or backing board and mailed flat. The author's name and the figure number should be lightly penciled on the back of every figure. Photographs (no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) should be sharp, black-and-white glossy prints. Computer-generated graphics must be of very high quality, with sharp, black lines and with lettering of a size suitable for reduction. Line drawings should be done in India ink. Lettering should be uniform among the figures. All illustrations and lettering should be capable of 66-50% reduction without loss of clarity or legibility. Figure legends are to be typed double-spaced on a separate page just before the figures.

Additional Manuscript Information
Authors are encouraged to provide the names, addresses, and emails of no more than four persons qualified to review their manuscript, but who have no close working relationships with the authors. The identity of reviewers will be kept confidential unless they choose to be identified.

Authors who are not sure whether their manuscript is suitable for Conservation Biology may send an abstract to the editor via email (in the body of the message, not as an attachment) for preliminary evaluation.

Submission of a manuscript to Conservation Biology implies that it has not been published previously and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Policy on Duplicate Publication of Research Results
At the time of submission, authors must describe in a cover letter any data, illustrations, or text in the manuscript that have been used in other papers that are published, in press, submitted, or soon to be submitted elsewhere. If any of the data in the manuscript have been included in other published or unpublished manuscripts, the legend of each table or illustration reporting such data should cite those manuscripts.

Page Charges
Voluntary page charges will be assessed for each paper accepted for publication. Rates are $150 per page for those with grant or institutional support for publication costs, $15 per page for those willing to pay at this rate, and a waiver for those who will sign a statement to the effect that they have neither institutional support for publication costs nor can they afford $15 per page. An author's ability to pay will in no way influence whether his or her paper will be accepted for publication. Do not include page charge information in your correspondence with the editor. There is a non-waivable $1400 charge per page for color figures.

Policy on Reviewing Proofs
The copyediting of Conservation Biology is done through the publisher, Blackwell Publishing, Inc. Typeset proofs, however, are NOT checked word for word; thus, it is the responsibility of the primary author of each paper to review copyedited manuscript and page proofs carefully for accuracy of citations, formulae, etc., and to check for omissions in the text. It is imperative that the author do a prompt, thorough job of reviewing the returned proof. It is in the author's power to save himself or herself and the journal the embarrassment of having to explain mistakes that could have been avoided.

Gary K. Meffe

Editorial Board

Gary K. Meffe
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Newins-Ziegler 303, Box 110430
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32661-0430
Managing Editor
Ellen Main

Editorial Assistant
Margaret Flagg

Consulting Editors
Reed F. Noss
University of Central Florida

David Ehrenfeld
Cook College, Rutgers University

Associate Editors

Book Reviews
Peggy L. Fiedler
L.C. Lee & Associates, Inc.
1501 Viking, Suite 103
Alameda, CA 94501

Conservation Education
Carol Brewer, University of Montana

Conservation in Context
David W. Orr, Oberlin College

Issues in International Conservation
Joshua Ginsberg, Wildlife Conservation Society

Quantitative Methods
Philip M. Dixon, Iowa State University

Board of Editors
Sandy Andelman, University of California/NCEAS
Paul Angermeier, Virginia Tech
Mary V. Ashley, University of Illinois/Chicago
Andrew Balmford, University of Cambridge
Steven R. Beissinger, University of California/Berkeley
Gary E. Belovsky, Notre Dame University
Joel Berger, Wildlife Conservation Society
Andrew R. Blaustein, Oregon State University
J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas
Juan Carlos Castilla, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile
Eric Dinerstein, World Wildlife Fund-U.S.
Therese Donovan, University of Vermont
John B. Dunning, Purdue University
John Faaborg, University of Missouri
Erica Fleishman, Stanford University
Kent Holsinger, University of Connecticut
Malcolm L. Hunter Jr., University of Maine
Susan K. Jacobson, University of Florida
Lee B. Kats, Pepperdine University
Devra G. Kleiman, Smithsonian Institution
Richard L. Knight, Colorado State University
Claire Kremen, Princeton University
Julie Lockwood, University of California/Santa Cruz
Gordon Luikart, Universite Joseph Fourier
Brenda C. McComb, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Curt Meine, International Crane Foundation
Richard Neves, Virginia Tech
David Norton, University of Canterbury
J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer, University of Amsterdam
Ken Paige, University of Illinois
Hugh Possingham, University of Queensland
Bob Pressey, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
Francis E. Putz, University of Florida
Kent H. Redford, NYZS/The Wildlife Conservation Society
Callum Roberts, University of York
John Robinson, NYZS/The Wildlife Conservation Society
Michael Samways, University of Stellenbosch
Kim T. Scribner, Michigan State University
Kathryn E. Sieving, University of Florida
Marc-Andre Villard, Universite de Moncton
Robin S. Waples, National Marine Fisheries Service
Paul Williams, The Natural History Museum
Mary F. Willson, University of Alaska
Andrew Young, CSIRO-Plant Industry

Spanish Translations
Wilfrido M. Contreras-Sánchez
Stefan L. Arriga-Weiss
División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico

Publisher, Science Journals
Robert M. Harington 

Production Editor
Rosemary Farmer

Governors of the Society for Conservation Biology
Malcolm L. Hunter Jr., President
University of Maine
Deborah Jensen, President Elect
Woodland Park Zoological Society
Kathryn Saterson, Secretary
Duke University
Stephen R. Humphrey, Chief Financial Officer
University of Florida
Reed F. Noss, Past President 1
University of Central Florida
P. Dee Boersma, Past President 2
University of Washington

Board Members
Paul Beier
Northern Arizona University
William Conway
Bronx Zoo
Thomas L. Fleischner
Prescott College
Gustavo Fonseca
Conservation International
Susan Haig
Oregon State University and USGS
Stephen Kellert
Yale University
Loyal Mehrhoff
National Park Service
Bryan Norton
Georgia Institute of Technology
Jane Packard
Texas A&M University
Eleanor Sterling
American Museum of Natural History

SCB Section Presidents
Luigi Boitani, Europe
University of Rome
Menna Jones, Australasia
University of Tasmania
Paula Kahumbu, Africa
CITES Office, Kenya
John Ogden, Marine
University of South Florida
Jon Paul Rodriguez, Austral and Neotropical America
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas
David Wilcove, North America
Princeton University

Committee Chairs
Aram Calhoun*, Student Awards
University of Maine
Erica Fleishman*, Membership, Co-Chair
Stanford University
Richard Knight*, Conference
Colorado State University
Michael O'Connell*, Policy
The Nature Conservancy
Seema Paul*, Awards
United Nations Foundation
Nick Salafsky*, Planning and Development
Foundations of Success
J. Michael Scott*, LaRoe Award
University of Idaho
Bruce Thompson, Membership, Co-Chair
New Mexico State University
Stephen Trombulak*, Education
Middlebury College

Katherine Kohm*, Editor, Conservation in Practice
University of Washington
Gary Meffe*, Editor, Conservation Biology
University of Florida
Alan Thornhill*, Executive Director
Arlington, Virginia

*ex officio members
Complete contact information for all Governors is available on the SCB website.


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