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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Cover Page


This journal is a medium of international communication on the revolutionary advances being made in the application of the computer to the fields of biomedical engineering and medical informatics. It encourages the exchange of research, instruction, ideas and information on all aspects of the growing use of computers and focuses on such areas as (1) Analysis of biomedical systems: solutions of equations; (2) Synthesis of biomedical systems: simulations; (3) Special medical data processing methods; (4) Special purpose computers and clinical data processing; and (5) Medical diagnosis and record processing.


Instructions to Authors



Manuscripts for review should be sent directly to the Managing Editor of Computers in Biology and Medicine, Blaire Mossman at the following address:

Blaire V. Mossman
Managing Editor
P.O. Box 13177
Scottsdale AZ 85267-3177
Phone: 480991-4997
Fax: 480-991-4998
E-mail: blaire.mossman@asu.edu

The Manuscripts should be published within six months of acceptance. Books for review should also be sent to the Managing Editor. Authors should note that the original manuscript and diagrams will be discarded one month after publication unless the Publisher is requested (on submission of the manuscript)to return original material to the author.

General Form: Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, with double spacing and liberal margins. Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate, i.e. an original and one carbon copy. The title of the paper and the author's name, address, fax number and/or telephone number should be given on a covering sheet. The publication language is English.

Summary: A summary at the end of the paper (not exceeding 500 words) should accompany the manuscript on a separate sheet.

Abstract: A short abstract in English (not exceeding 100 words) should immediately precede the introduction. The abstract should stand alone from the text, therefore no references should be included.

Key Words: Enclose with each manuscript, at the end of the abstract, from five to ten key words. These terms should be relatively independent (coordinate index terms), and as a group should optimally characterize the paper.

References: References should be cited in the text in numerical order as bracketed numerals (e.g. Parton [1]) and the list placed at the end of the article (not as footnotes on each page) in numerical sequence, not alphabetical order. The list should include the author's initials and last name, title of book or article in the original language, publisher or name of periodical abbreviated in the style of the World List of Scientific Periodicals, with volume, page and year, e.g.

1. K.C. Parton, The Digital Computer, p. 99. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1964).

2. T. Pavlidis, Analysis of set patterns, Pattern Recognition 1, 165 (1968).

Illustrations: Illustrations and tables accompanying manuscripts should be numbered (provided with suitable legends on a separate sheet), and marked lightly on the back with the author's name. Authors should indicate on the manuscript the appropriate positions of tables and text figures. A reasonable number of half-tone illustrations will be reproduced free of cost to the author, but special arrangements must be made with the editor for colour plates. Copy for line diagrams (such as pen drawings and charts) must be drawn and lettered in india ink, or black typewritten ribbon may be used for lettering. The lettering should be large enough to be legible after reduction. It will facilitate publication if line drawings are submitted in a form suitable for direct reproduction. The following standard symbols should be used on line drawings since they are readily available to the printer:

(open circle), (closed circle), (open triangle), (closed triangle), (open box), (closed box), +, x, (open downward triangle), (closed downward triangle)

Only good glossy photographic prints should be supplied for half-tone work; original drawings, not photographs of them, should accompany the manuscripts.

In the interest of economy and in order to avoid the introduction of errors, tables may be reproduced by photo-offset means, directly from the author's manuscript. In case of difficulty please consult the Photoreprographic Unit of your institution.

Footnotes: Footnotes, as distinct from literature references, should be indicated by the following symbols:  commencing anew on each page.

Refereeing Procedure

To ensure fairness, each manuscript will be assessed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers. Constructive criticism provided by the assessors will be forwarded to the author.


Each author will receive with his proofs a reprint order form which should be completed and returned to the Publisher with the proofs. Reprints may be purchased at a reasonable price if ordered on the reprint order form.

Corrections to proofs should be restricted to printer's errors only. Other than these, substantial alterations may be charged to the author.

Editorial Board
Robert S. Ledley, National Biomedical Research Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center, 3900 Reservoir Road, N.W., Pre-Clinical Science Building, Room LR-3, Washington, DC 20007, USA
Managing Editor:
Blaire V. Mossman, P.O. Box 13177, Scottsdale, AZ 85267-3177, USA
Deputy Editor:
Francesco Pinciroli, Dipartimento di Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 MILANO, Italia
Associate Editors:
H. Adeli, USA
E.N. Atkinson, USA
W.R. Ayers, USA
K.G Bobis, USA
G. Boccignone, Italy
M. Buas, USA
C.A. Caceres, USA
H. Cate, The Netherlands
R.P. Channing Rodgers, USA
J.L. Contreras-Vidal, USA
A.W. Dudley, Jr., USA
M. Ferraro, Italy
P.D. Fisher, Brazil
D.H. Foster, UK
H.L.L. Frank, The Netherlands
R.S. Galen, USA
D.G. George, USA
H.C. Hemker, The Netherlands
R.A. Horton, USA
Z. Hou, USA
G. Hripcsak, USA
H.K. Huang, USA
X. Huang, USA
R. Jelliffe, USA
I. Kjaer, Denmark
C.A. Kulikowski, USA
F.D. Ledley, USA
G.S. Ledley, USA
S.L. Lehman, USA
J.M. Lester, USA
C. Lieberman, USA
Z.-Q. Liu, Australia
H.A. Lubs, USA
J.R. Moehr, Canada
K.L. Mossman, USA
A.K. Myers, USA
D.A. Nagey, USA
Y. Peng, USA
D.J. Protti, Canada
H. Qi, USA
J.A. Reggia, USA
J. Rosing, The Netherlands
F.H. Ruddle, USA
E.S. Schneller, USA
J.L. Semmlow, USA
W.E. Snyder, USA
T.O. Stair, USA
L. Stark, USA
J.B. Starren, USA
S. Tuhrim, USA
S. Usui, Japan
R.E. Walker, USA
R.L. Webber, USA
S. Zimmerman, USA


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