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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Computer is the publication in which computing professionals of all disciplines can share their experience, solve problems, and reach consensus. In Computer, practitioners, managers, and researchers can talk to each other in plain language about what works and what doesn't, what resources are available, and what might be next. Computer is the flagship member publication of the IEEE Computer Society. Contact our editorial offices at IEEE Computer Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, PO Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1264

Instructions to Authors
Write for Computer: Author Guidelines

Computer publishes diverse types of editorial content. Our Cover features, Computing Practices, Perspectives, and Research Features provide a strong mix of case studies, opinion pieces, and solutions to technical problems. Computer periodically publishes Special Issues on leading-edge topics that have been proposed by guest editors. Authors can submit manuscripts for publication as Computing Practices, Perspectives, or Research Features on any topic within Computer’s scope at any time. All articles are peer-reviewed before publication.

In addition to feature articles, Computer publishes numerous columns to which you can contribute. If you are interested in contributing to a column, please contact the column editor or Scott Hamilton, Computer‘s Senior Acquisitions Editor (shamilton@computer.org).

These author guidelines describe how to prepare a manuscript for publication in Computer. Once your manuscript is completed and in compliance with these guidelines, we invite you to submit it for peer review by following the online submission process in our Manuscript Central Author Center.


Computer covers all aspects of computer science and engineering, technology, and applications. Because a majority of our readers are developers who want information they can apply in their daily work, the best editorial for Computer keeps the developer's perspective in mind. Articles must be relevant to practice, stressing meaningful applications of principles to important problems. Case studies should include enough detail so that readers can relate them to their situation. Research features should be written at a level of abstraction that will be understandable to Computer's broad readership. Computing Practices articles should clearly state the applicability of the concepts. Perspectives should provide a stimulating commentary on a topic of general interest to computing professionals.


Writing style

Today's readers need to grasp information quickly. Extremely long articles presented in a passive writing style do not meet this need. Authors should strive for active verbs and straightforward declarative sentences, making every effort to help readers understand the concepts presented. An article should be comprehensible to all readers, regardless of their specialty. Articles must have sufficient introductory material; at least 15 percent of article length should be tutorial (sometimes included in sidebars). A brief literature survey does not satisfy this requirement. The tutorial section should include material describing the principles or techniques of existing approaches and their advantages and disadvantages. Article titles should not exceed a nine-word limit. Material should be augmented with tables, drawings, charts, or photographs.

Please note that accepted manuscripts will be edited, often extensively, to convey the magazine's unique voice and to conform to our style.


Manuscript length

Computer is looking for succinct, practical, readable articles that will appeal to experts and nonexperts alike.

Your article should not exceed 6,000 words (minimum 4.500 words), including text, abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text. Each table and figure is counted as 300 words. Any article that exceeds this word count may be rejected automatically without going through the review process.



Articles should contain no more than 12 references to other published works. Authors should include a References section at the end of their manuscripts, with citations listed in numerical order following the sequence in which the works are cited in the text. The format for references should be as follows: Author's initials, last name, article title, publication, issue date, and inclusive page numbers. For example:

  1. A.A. Author, "Article Title Here," Computer, May 2003, pp. 40-46.



All illustrations must be cited in the text, numbered, and have descriptive captions. Graphs should show only the coordinate axes (or at most the major grid lines) to avoid dense, hard-to-read illustrations. Line drawings should be clear so that our graphic artist can reproduce them using the magazine's visual style.

To achieve the best print quality, please submit a separate electronic image (rather than an embedded or derivative version)¡ªpreferably in a graphic format such as TIFF, EPS, or PS¡ªfor each figure we will be publishing with your article. The figures we publish in Computer are usually at least 4 inches (24 picas) wide. If you send an image that is 4 inches wide, it should be at least 1,000 pixels. Larger images should have a proportionately larger number of pixels (multiply the inches by 270 to get the approximate number of pixels).

If you are sending an image off the Web, it must be at least 4 inches wide. If you are sending screen shots, they should be approximately 12 inches wide. To capture screen shots, use a large monitor set at its highest resolution. Our production artist can reduce these images to 4 inches and process them to achieve the required resolution. If your original images are smaller than 12 inches, using a large monitor set at its highest resolution will help achieve a better screen shot. Please do not use a format that compresses the file. We prefer not to use GIF or JPEG images because they can be grainy or blurry in print.


Biographical sketch

Manuscripts accepted for publication should be accompanied by a brief biographical sketch for each author. Biographical information should be stated in the following order: current position, technical interests, highest academic degree, degree-granting institution, professional affiliations, e-mail address.


Copyright form and clearances

The author must secure all necessary copyright clearances. A completed IEEE copyright form must be submitted before the article can be published in Computer. All manuscripts submitted for publication should be original. Manuscripts published or under consideration for publication elsewhere will not be considered. Manuscripts published in conference proceedings with limited circulation may be considered for publication in Computer if they are exceptionally important or contain substantial new results. For more copyright information and an online copy of the form, please refer to http://www.computer.org/copyright.htm.

If you or your company would like to order bulk copies of the issue in which your article will appear, please visit the IEEE Computer Society reprints page for prices and details.


How to Submit

The IEEE Computer Society employs a secure, Web-based manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system. Authors who wish to submit to Computer must use Manuscript Central to upload their submissions to this all-electronic system. The first-time user must create a new account. The site provides detailed instructions on usage.

Manuscript Central is an efficient tool that significantly reduces the time required for the peer-review process. For more information, please see our submission guidelines and requirements located in the Computer/Manuscript Central Author Center.


Special issue proposal submissions

Computer welcomes proposals from experts in a computing niche who would like to serve as guest editors of a special issue. Read guidelines for submitting a special issue proposal here.


Checklist for accepted manuscripts

Does your manuscript include:

  • No more than 6,000 words (minimum 4.500 words), including references and illustrations
  • Reproducible figures
  • No more than 12 references
  • A biography of each author
  • A 100- to 150-word abstract
  • Keywords
  • A 250- to 300-word article summary
  • A signed copyright form
  • Permission letters for reprinted material
  • Coordinating author's e-mail address, complete mailing address, phone and fax numbers

Editorial Board

Advertising Coordinator
Marian Anderson
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA  90720  USA
phone: +1 714 821 8380
Fax: +1 714 821 4010

Doris L. Carver
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
130 David Boyd Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA  70803-4020  USA
phone: +1 225 578-5833
Fax: +1 225 578-5983

Business Development Manager
Sandy Brown


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