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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Computational Mechanics


Computational Mechanics reports original research in computational mechanics of enduring scholarly value. It focuses on areas that involve and enrich the rational application of mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methods in the practice of modern engineering.

The journal investigates theoretical and computational methods and their rational applications. Areas covered include solid and structural mechanics, multi-body system dynamics, constitutive modeling, inelastic and finite deformation response, and structural control. The journal also covers fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interactions, biomechanics, free-surface and two-fluid flows, aerodynamics, fracture mechanics and structural integrity, multi-scale mechanics, particle and meshfree methods, transport phenomena, and heat transfer. Lastly, the journal publishes modern variational methods in mechanics in general.

Abstracted/Indexed in:
Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts, CSA/ASCE Civil Engineering Abstracts, Current Mathematical Publications, MathSciNet, Mechanical and Transportation Engineering Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Zentralblatt Math
Aims and scope
The purpose of this journal is to report original research of enduring scholarly value in those areas of computational mechanics that involve and enrich the rational application of mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methods in the practice of modern engineering. The scope of the research reported in this journal will include theoretical and computational methods, and their rational application, in:
- solid and structural mechanics, multi-body system dynamics, constitutive modeling, inelastic and finite deformation response, structural control;
- fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interactions, biomechanics, free-surface and two-fluid flows, and aerodynamics;
- fracture mechanics and structural integrity;
- multiscale mechanics, particle and meshfree methods;
- transport phenomena and heat transfer;
- modern variational methods in mechanics, in general.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript submission
Manuscript Submission
Online Submission

Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities ?tacitly or explicitly ?at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink “Submit online?on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

P. Wriggers
Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
Institut fuer Kontinuumsmechanik
Appelstr. 11
30167 Hannover
e-mail: wriggers@ikm.uni-hannover.de


D. E. Beskos
University of Patras
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering Division
26500 Patras, Greece
e-mail: D.E.Beskos@upatras.gr

Boundary Element Methods, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering

W.K. Liu
Northwestern University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2145 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60208-3111, USA
e-mail: w-liu@northwestern.edu

Multiscale Mechanics, Particle and Meshfree Methods

T.E. Tezduyar
Rice University - MS 321
Mechanical Engineering
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005, USA
e-mail: tezduyar@rice.edu

Fluid Mechanics, Fluid-Structure Interactions

T.I. Zohdi
University of California
Dept. Mechanical Engineering
6195 Etcheverry Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1740, USA
e-mail: zohdi@me.berkeley.edu

Materials Modeling, Micro-macro relations, Multiphysics, Inverse Problems

Advisory Board

O. Allix, Cachan, France
K. J. Bathe, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
T. Belytschko, Evanston, Illinois, USA
M. Bonnet, Palaiseau, France
F. Brezzi, Pavia, Italy
C. Felippa, Boulder, Colorado, USA
E. van der Giessen, Groningen, The Netherlands
R. T. Haftka, Gainesville, Florida, USA
T.J.R. Hughes, Austin, Texas, USA
A. Ibrahimbegovic, Cachan, France
S. Im, Taejon, South Korea
M. Kleiber, Warsaw, Poland
T.A. Laursen, Durham, North Carolina, USA
H. A. Mang, Vienna, Austria
Y. Matsumoto, Tokyo, Japan
K. Morgan, Swansea, United Kingdom
L. Morino, Rome, Italy
R. Ohayon, Paris, France
E. Oñate, Barcelona, Spain
D. Peric, Swansea, United Kingdom
P. de Mattos Pimenta, São Paulo, Brazil
B. Schrefler, Padova, Italy
S. Sloan, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
E. Stein, Hannover, Germany
P. Steinmann, Kaiserslautern, Germany
B. Wohlmuth, Stuttgart, Germany
T. Yabe, Tokyo, Japan
G. Yagawa, Tokyo, Japan


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