

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:CENTRE MERSENNE POUR L’ÉDITION SCIENTIFIQUE OUVERTE, Cellule Mathdoc Batiment Ceta, 150 Rue de la Chimie CS 40700, Grenolde Cedex 9, France, 38058

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The journal Comptes Rendus Physique covers the following fields in Physics and Astrophysics among which are included the specific fields:
 Particles and fields
 Atoms and molecules
 Condensed matter
 Gas and plasmas
 Physical chemistry and biophysics
 Metrology and instrumentation
 Celestial mechanics
 Solar systems
 Earth Moon systems
 Interstellar medium
 Cosmic rays
 Physical processes in Astronomy

Since January 2000, the Comptes Rendus Physique consist in thematic issues in the physical fields. Thanks to this new concept, the physician readers will discover, in each issue, the presentation of a field in quick development. Authors are chosen among the most active researchers in the field and each issue is coordinated by a guest editor guaranteeing that the most recent and significant results are taken into consideration. Because of the historical vocation of the Comptes Rendus, these issues keep an important part devoted to notes and reviews (Astronomy).
Articles are written either in English or in French and are summarized in a synthesis, of at least one page, in a second language.

Instructions to Authors


Comptes rendus Physique
23, quai de Conti, 75006 Paris, France
Tel. : (+33) (0)1 44 41 43 72
Telecopie : (+33) (0)1 44 41 43 74
e-mail: marline.francis@academie-sciences.fr

Contributions (hereafter called 'articles') published by this journal are either notes or articles (Concise Review Paper...) written on invitation of the Editorial Committee or constituting part of a thematic Dossier. The latter are the object of special instructions that are communicated to authors by the Guest Editors, and thus are not concerned by this document.
The Comptes rendus provide for very rapid publication (within 8 weeks of acceptance of the manuscript) and for a worldwide distribution. Please follow these instructions carefully so that your manuscript may be handled expeditiously. They are liable to modifications. As a consequence, we request that authors always consult the last issue available, or the publisher's web site (http://www.elsevier.fr).

Submission and reviewing of manuscripts
Submission of a research paper implies that it reports unpublished work and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscripts (in quadruplicate) must be submitted to a member of the Academy, a foreign associate or a correspondent, who will communicate the paper to the editorial office. Alternatively, the manuscript may be submitted directly to the executive secretary of the editorial committee who will then find an appropriate person to present it. Every article will be reviewed by at least two appropriate referees selected by the editorial office. Acceptance or rejection of the paper depends on editorial assessment of its suitability and reports from the referees. Changes requested by the reviewer(s) should be sent to the 'Service des Comptes rendus' within 3 weeks, except in particular cases, to avoid delays before final acceptance of the paper. The scientific field under which it is to be published must be indicated at the time of submission. A list of headings is found at the beginning of each issue.

Preparation of manuscripts

To compile notes in (La)TeX, you can download the style and class files listed below. This allow you to standardise the length of your notes, according to the criteria given below, if any.

  • Style sheet (English) : http://www.elsevier.fr/html/ia/ia_img/style-hy_e.tex
  • Class sheet (English) : http://www.elsevier.fr/html/ia_img/classe-hy_e.cls
  • Style sheet (French) : http://www.elsevier.fr/html/ia/ia_img/style-hy_f.tex
  • Class sheet (French) : http://www.elsevier.fr/html/ia_img/classe-hy_f.cls

It is also suggested that you download the definition files below.
Definition files : http://www.elsevier.fr/html/ia/ia_img/utile.def

  • Language and length
    Contributions can be either bilingual (English-French) or submitted in French. In all cases, they should include two short abstracts (English and French), each of 100 words maximum; figures and tables must also have captions in English and French.
    If written in French, a note should not exceed 4 printed pages (a printed page is equivalent to 5 000 characters in total, including letters, symbols and spaces; a quarter-page figure is equivalent to 1 250 characters).
    Bilingual notes may extend to 6 printed pages, provided that they include an abridged version in the other language. This abridged version should consist of between one and two printed pages, i.e. between 5 000 and 10 000 characters. It should refer to the figures, tables, equations and references of the main version.
    The Editor-in-chief may authorize, exceptionally, a maximum of 2 additional pages, with the extra cost being charged to the author (EUR 115 per page inclusive of tax).
    On the other hand, in the case of a Concise review paper, the page allowance is 10 printed pages (8 pages of text and figures, 2 pages of references), all eventual costs being paid by the 'Academie' (additional pages, plates). For the Astronomy section, the page allowance is 14 pages, i.e. around 70 000 characters, illustrations and references included.
    An article not conforming to these guidelines will be returned to the author.
  • Presentation and section of the manuscript
    It must be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only, and each page must be numbered. Each copy will be accompanied by figures and tables.
    Manuscripts should be divided into the following section sequence: title page, abstracts, keywords (maximum 7, in English and French), abridged version in the second language (for bilingual articles), text of the article in the first language, acknowledgements (if desired, maximum 3 lines), references, figure captions, figures, tables. The abstract (100 to 150 words) and keywords must be written in French and in English. Section headings should be numbered following the international numbering system (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.). Footnotes are not permitted.
  • Title page
    The first page must indicate: the scientific field under which the article is to be published (only one), followed, if necessary, by a single secondary field; the title in English and in French, short (maximum 80 characters), specific and informative, and including one or two words for indexing purposes; a running title (maximum 60 characters); the author's first name followed by her/his surname; the authors' addresses, including the department, institution, city with postal code, and country. The author to whom proofs are to be sent must be indicated and his/her address must include his/her telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address.
  • References
    References must be numbered and listed sequentially as they appear in the text (all autotext, field, bookmark, caption, cross-reference, etc. options must be avoided since they cannot be exploited). All entries in the reference list must correspond to references in the text and vice versa. References must be cited in the text by their number between square brackets. When authors' names are cited in the text (within a sentence), their spelling must be exactly identical to that in the reference list.
    The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the international rules. Words for which no abbreviation is given should be written in full. Bold and italic characters should not be used in the reference list, except when made necessary by the context (for example, in Palaeontology). Multiple references under the same number are not permitted.

Examples are given below of the layout to be used in the reference list.
Article (all authors must be mentioned):
[1] L. Bocquet, E. Charlaix, F. Rastagno, Physics of humid granular material, C. R. Physique 3 (2002) 207-215.
[2] J.V. Beck, K. Arnold, Parameter Estimation in Engeneering and Science, Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977.
Chapter in a book:
[3] B. Gil, in: J.I. Pankove, T.D. Moutsakas (Eds.), Gallium Nitride (GaN) II, Semiconductors and Semimetals 57, Academic Press, London, 1998, p. 209.
A list of all the other possibilities (journal supplements, proceedings of a congress, accepted articles, edited books, translations, theses, patents, standards, etc.) is available on request from the Editorial Board.

  • Figures
    All illustrations should be labelled as figures and numbered using Arabic numerals. Every figure must be cited in the text. A set of original documents or photographs should be provided for reproduction of the figures. Whenever possible, figures should be submitted in their desired final size; they should not exceed 150 mm width. No original document should exceed A4 size (21 X 29.7 cm). Photographs and half-tones should contain good contrasts. See section below concerning documents supplied in electronic format. There is no special charge for inclusion of colour plates in 2001; however, these will be included only when the reviewers consider them to be essential for the understanding of the article.
  • Tables
    They should be together at the end of the manuscript, even if they appear within the text. They should be numbered using Roman numbers and should be in numerical order in the text. There should not be vertical lines in the tables. A caption is required for each table.
  • Conventions and abbreviations
    Abbreviations should be defined in brackets after their first mention in the text. Internationally accepted units and nomenclature must be used (ISO 31 and ISO 1000). Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition in the manuscript.
  • Formulae and equations
    Mathematical or chemical equations and formulae must be clearly set out; in particular, exponents and indices should be carefully placed. Less common symbols should either be indicated in the margin of the manuscript or in a list. If necessary, special instructions or explanations for the printer should be clearly set out on a separate sheet attached to the manuscript. Moreover, no sentence should begin with a mathematical formula. Each numbered formula must be cited in the text by its number.
  • Electronic documents
    All articles must be supplied on disk or Zip (Macintosh or PC formatted - see the document Instructions for the preparation of electronic files, sent to authors by the 'Service des Comptes rendus' and available on the publisher's web site at the following address: www.elsevier.fr). The following information should be mentioned on the disk: name of the file, operating system (ex: MS DOS, Apple, Unix), word processor and version number (ex: Word 5.1). Texts will preferably have been edited in Word or (La)TeX. Tables must be saved in a separate file, in Word or Excel formats exclusively (except for (La)TeX-typeset files). Figures should be saved in TIFF (minimum 400 dpi resolution), EPS or Adobe Illustrator formats (except for (La)TeX-typeset files). EPS format is therefore not suitable for text-containing files. Figures in Word format cannot be used. It is important to check that the files on the disk correspond to the final version. Only Zip disks will be returned.

Proof reading
Proofs should be checked immediately and carefully (only corrections of typographical errors can be made on the proofs) and returned within 48 hours by express (special delivery) mail or by fax to Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier (ESME), 23, rue Linois, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France. If there is no reply within 8 days, the article will be published with just the publisher's corrections. 'Author's corrections', i.e. any substantial changes to the text and figure made by the author on the proofs, other than typesetting errors or corrections required by the Editor-in-Chief of the Comptes rendus, will be charged to the authors at the normal rate adopted in the printing industry, i.e. EUR 19 inclusive of tax per page with corrections, with a minimum of EUR 38 inclusive of tax per article.

Authors will receive 25 reprints of their article free of charge. Additional copies can be obtained at the authors' expense. Reprint order forms are sent out with the proofs and must be returned with them if additional reprints are required.

Return of original figures
Authors wishing to have their original figures returned should request this when returning their corrected proofs.


Editorial Board
Editorial Director:
J. Dercourt
G. Laval, Académie des Sciences
Editor-in-chief Physics:
J. Villain
Editor-in-Chief Astrophysics:
P. Encrenaz
Editorial Board Physics:
A. Abragam
A. Aspect
R. Balian
H. Benoît
E. Bertaut
B. Bleaney
N. Bloembergen
C. Bord?/B>
C. Bouchiat
M.-A. Bouchiat
C. Bréchignac
E. Brézin
B. Cabane
B. Castaing
G. Charpak
C. Cohen-Tannoudji
T. Damour
P. Darriulat
M. Davier
F. Dyson
S. Edwards
D. Estève
P. Fayet
N. Felici
J. Friedel
P.G. de Gennes
D. Gratias
M. Goldman
E. Hahn
S. Haroche
J-P. Hurault
J. Iliopoulos
M. Jacob
D. Jérôme
D. Kaplan
D. Kleppner
G. Laval
A. Libchaber
R. Maréchal
A. Martin
P. Nozières
E. Otten
W. Panofsky
G. Parisi
R. Pellat
E. Picasso
B. Picinbono
A. Polyakov
R. Pound
J. Prost
Y. Quér?/B>
N. Ramsey
P.-H. Rebut
J. Robieux
E. Rosencher
D. Ruelle
G. Slodzian
I. Solomon
E. Spitz
R. Stora
G. 't Hooft
V. Telegdi
G. Toulouse
G. Veneziano
J. Villain
E. Witten
Editorial Board Astrophysics:
A. Bijaoui
J. Blamont
N. Capitaine
R. Cayrel
G. Courtès
H. Curier
P. Encrenaz
B. Guinot
J. Kovalevsky
A. Labeyrie
J. Laskar
P. Léna
J.C. Pecker

E. Schatzman
G. Wlérick


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