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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



To order this journal online, visit http://www.elsevierhealth.com/journals/ctim/

Complementary Therapies in Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal that has considerable appeal to anyone who seeks objective and critical information on complementary therapies or who wishes to deepen their understanding of these approaches. It will be of particular interest to healthcare practitioners including family practitioners, complementary therapists, nurses, and physiotherapists; to academics including social scientists and CAM researchers; to healthcare managers; and to patients.

Complementary Therapies in Medicine aims to publish valid, relevant and rigorous research and serious discussion articles with the main purpose of improving healthcare. The journal believes that good healthcare needs to be based on clinical judgement and the available evidence on what is safe and effective, integrating conventional and complementary therapies as appropriate.

Complementary Therapies in Medicine publishes a variety of articles including primary research, reviews and opinion pieces. Recognising that some forms of CAM present novel and complex interventions, the journal encourages the exploration of the methodology of research. It believes that researchers should always aim at employing high ethical and methodological standards, and also welcomes small or exploratory studies that make a contribution to the area. Well conducted studies with negative outcomes are also welcome if they inform patient care. The journal welcomes considered opinion pieces that reflect genuine disagreements but remain respectful of the views of others.

Each issue features original, high quality research on complementary medicine, an abstracts sections with details of recently published research of high importance, as well as information and experiences on intregrating complementary medicine into mainstream care.


Instructions to Authors




Guide for Authors

Types of article we welcome The Editors welcome reports of original research, systematic reviews and papers for debate. Other types of paper will also be considered and authors are welcome to contact the Editor for an opinion on the likely suitability of the paper before final submission.

Preparation of the typescript In the interests of simplicity and standardisation, Complementary Therapies in Medicine follows the International Committee on Medical Journal Editors' Uniform Instructions in most respects, and potential authors are strongly urged to consult these at www.icmje.org/index.html and to follow the Requirements for Submission of Manuscripts (summary of technical requirements) in detail.

The only exceptions for this journal are:

1. Transfer of copyright is not required until final submission and the requisite forms will be supplied to the corresponding author by Elsevier.

2. Keywords are not printed in the journal.

3. Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. In general, those for experimental papers should follow the usual conventions. Other papers can be subdivided as the author desires; the use of headings enhances readability. Normally, only two categories of heading should be used: the hierarchy of the headings should be indicated in pencil on the hard copy of the manuscript. Do not use 'he', 'his', etc. where the sex of the person being discussed is unknown: say 'the patient', etc. Avoid inelegant alternatives such as 'he/she'. Patients should not be automatically designated as 'she', and doctors as 'he'.

4. Submission details

Manuscripts, in English, should be submitted in double-spaced typing, by e-mail as an attachment in Word with the tables, figures and illustrations in Word, PowerPoint or as JPEG files. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is not a need to re-key text and the possibility of error is reduced. Review and editing is simpler.

It is important that the paper is accompanied by an e-mail message indicating the word processing package used and the format used for figures, illustrations etc. The accompanying e-mail should give the name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail of the corresponding author and a statement that all authors have contributed to, and read, the paper and have given permission for their name to be included as co-author. The e-mail must also confirm that the manuscript has not been published and will not be submitted simultaneously or published elsewhere. If any illustrations, diagram or part of the text have been published elsewhere the source must be given in full, permission having been granted by the author and the publisher.

5. References should include journal titles as the recognised abbreviation (available at www.nlm.hin.gov/), and should omit month and issue number.

6. Reports of clinical trials of acupuncture must meet the STRICTA criteria (see below).

7. Competing interests: It is inevitable that authors of papers submitted to the Journal will have competing interests. In line with other journals, we therefore ask authors to declare these in order to assist readers in their interpretation of the paper. Typical competing interests will include payment from an organisation that may gain or lose financially from publication of the paper; examples include direct employment by that organisation, travel or conference expenses and fees, fees for speaking at or organising conferences, research funds, funds for members of staff, fees for consulting, or holding shares.

8. Laboratory experiments The Editor and Editorial Committee of the Journal believe that the use of animals in research into CAM is rarely justified. We encourage authors to use alternative methods of answering research questions wherever possible. Where no alternative genuinely exists, and where the potential clinical benefit justifies the use of animals, Complementary Therapies in Medicine expects authors to state clearly that they have met external standards such as those described in the UK Home Office site (www.homeoffice.gov.uk) involving designated establishments, ethical committee approval, and a licensing procedure both for the project and for the responsible individual. Where these standards have not been met, it is unlikely that the Editor will accept the paper for publication.

9. Peer Review Reports of original research will be sent for review by two referees, one of whom is usually external to the editorial team. Authors may be asked to make certain revisions before the paper is sent for review. The Editors' decision is final and once given, correspondence about the decision will not usually be entered.

Short reports(500-1000 words): These are appropriate for preliminary reports of work or where the study provided limited amounts of data. These reports should be presented in the same format as full papers, i.e with Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and a short Discussion or Conclusion. A maximum of two tables may be included. For further details, please follow instructions as for Full Papers.

Further details are given here regarding format and technical requirements but authors are reminded that a complete outline of how to submit a manuscript is provided at www.icmje.org/index.html bar the exceptions listed above.

Please ensure that all sections of your article are in a single file in the order requested below and with references in the correct style. Figure legends, running heads and tables should be placed at the end of the file. If possible, figures should be supplied electronically in separate files with the name of the package used and as original artwork.

Proprietary Names: Proprietary names of drugs, instruments, etc. should be indicated by the use of initial capitals. The name and location of the manufacturer should also be given within parentheses.

Authors should submit THREE (3) copies of the manuscript and illustrations. If the article is suitable for peer review, authors may be contacted and asked to provide further copies. Alternatively, authors may be asked to make certain revisions before the paper is sent for review. The Editor cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of typescripts. A paper is accepted for publication on the understanding that it has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal in the English language. Rejected papers will not be returned to authors except on request. Typescripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies will only be accepted for publication if it is made clear that a high standard of ethics was applied in carrying out the investigations. In the case of invasive studies in humans, typescripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by a local ethical committee. The Editors reserve the right to make editorial and literary corrections. Any opinions expressed or policies advocated do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Editors. The publishers reserve the right to publish accepted papers in whichever issue they decide.

Manuscripts may be submitted to:

CTM Editorial Office c/o Jacqui Braney, Administrative Editor
The Boulevard
Langford Lane
Kidlington, Oxford
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843270
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 843992
E-mail: ctm@elsevier.com

Number of Copies

Papers should be submitted in journal style, in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (BMJ 1991; 302: 338-341). Failure to do so may lead to significant delays in publication or to rejection of your paper. Spelling should be British. Papers should be typed in double spacing on good, white A4 paper with a margin of at least 3 cm all round. Type only on one side of the paper. Three copies of the typescript and illustrations should be submitted in the first instance (see above) and the author should retain a copy for reference. A word count should be included on the front sheet of the manuscript.


The title page should give the following information: (1) Title of the article. (2) Initials and name of each author, with highest academic degree(s). (3) Name and address of the department or institution to which the work should be attributed. (4) Name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the author responsible for correspondence and to whom requests for offprints should be sent. (5) Sources of support in the form of grants.


The abstract should consist of 100-150 words summarizing the contents of the article.
Structured abstracts are required for reports of original research. The following headings should be used: objectives; design; setting; interventions (if appropriate); main outcome measures; results; conclusions.


Full Papers (2000-3000 words): Please add a wordcount of your paper on the title page of the typescript. Papers exceeding the stated length will be cut to fit available space, or may be rejected altogether. Text should not exceed the specified length. Papers should be set out as follows, with each section beginning on a separate sheet: title page, summary, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, captions to illustrations.

Reference Format

The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author. References should be entered consecutively by Arabic numerals in parentheses or superscript numerals in the text. The references should be listed in numerical order on a separate sheet in double or triple spacing. References to journals should include the author's name and initials (list all authors where there are six or fewer; where there are seven or more, list three and add 'et al'), full title of paper, journal title, year of publication, volume number, page range of paper in full.

For example:

1. Fell M, Connolly S, Herns M et al. Mood and psychiatric disturbance in HIV and AIDS: changes over time. British Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 162: 6604-6610.

References to books should be set out as follows:

1. Meehan T C. Therapeutic touch. In: Bulechek GM, McCloskey JC, eds. Nursing interventions: essential nursing treatments, 2nd edn. Philadelphia, PA: W B Saunders, 1992: pp 201-212.

References not submitted in the approved style may be returned to the author for correction.


Line illustrations: All line illustrations should present a crisp black image on an even white background. The dimensions should be 127 x 173 mm (5 x 7") or no larger than 203 x 254 mm (8 x 10").

Photographic illustrations and radiographs: These should be submitted as clear, lightly contrasted black-and-white prints (unmounted), sizes as given above. Figures with labelling included should be submitted appropriately lettered in capitals. The size of the lettering should be appropriate to that of the illustration, taking into account the necessary size reduction.

All illustrations should be clearly marked with the figure number and author's name (by means of a label pasted on the back or in soft crayon), and the top should be indicated by an arrow. Never use ink of any kind. Do not use paper clips, as these can scratch or mark illustrations.

Illustrations in colour cannot be accepted unless the cost of origination and printing is paid by the author.

Captions should be typed in double spacing on separate sheets from the main typescript.

The publishers cannot improve upon the quality of submitted artwork. Poor-quality originals will appear in print as inferior quality. Please ensure that artwork is clear and professional.

Patient confidentiality: Where illustrations must include recognizable individuals, living or dead and of whatever age, great care must be taken to ensure that consent for publication has been given.

If identifiable features are not essential to the illustration, please indicate where the illustration can be cropped.

In cases where consent has not been obtained and recognizable features may appear, it will be necessary to retouch the illustration to mask eyes, or otherwise render the individual 'officially unrecognizable'.


These should be double spaced on separate sheets and contain only horizontal rules. Do not submit tables as figures. A short descriptive title should appear above each table and any footnotes, suitably identified, below. Care must be taken to ensure that all units are included. Ensure that each table is cited in the text.


Where appropriate, acknowledgement should be made to all sources of financial support.

Units & Abbreviations

Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. All unusual abbreviations should be fully explained at their first occurrence in the text. All measurements should be expressed in SI units. For more detailed recommendations, authors may consult the Royal Society of Medicine publication entitled Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors.

Disk/Electronic Submission

We actively seek submission of the FINAL version of your article on disk. Please do not submit a disk until the Editor has indicated a willingness to publish. We prefer 3.5" disks, in any Macintosh or IBM word-processing format. Please indicate the name of the word-processing package used. We still require three hard copies of your typescript with your disk. These must be exact copies of the version on your disk, as they may be used to set your paper, if setting from disk proves impractical.

Copyright Information

In order for us to ensure maximum dissemination and copyright protection of material published in the journal, copyright must be explicity transferred from the author to the publisher. The copyright transfer agreement will be sent to you with your page proofs.

We assure you that no limitation will be put on your personal freedom to use material contained in the paper without requesting permission, provided acknowledgement is made to the journal as the original source of publication.

Permissions Information

Reproduction of borrowed illustrations or tables or identifiable clinical photographs: Written permission to reproduce borrowed material (illustrations and tables) must be obtained from the original publishers and authors, and submitted with the typescript. Borrowed material should be acknowledged in the captions in this style: 'Reproduced by kind permission of...(publisher) from...(reference).'


Page proofs are sent to the author for checking. The proofs, with any minor corrections, must be returned to the Issue Manager at Elsevier Science within 48 hours of receipt, unless otherwise directed on the covering letter.


Twenty-five free offprints are supplied to the first-named or corresponding author. An offprint order form will be sent to the author with the page proofs.


Editorial Board



A. White, Senior Lecturer, Department of Complementary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, 25 Victoria Park Road, Exeter EX2 4NT, UK
Fax: +44 (0) 1392 424989
USA Editor
A. Vickers, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
Book Review Editor
J. Barnes, School of Pharmacy, University of London, London, UK
Social Science Editor
P. Tovey, School of Healthcare Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Editorial Committee
A. Bensoussan, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia
H. MacPherson, Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine, York, UK
S. Mills, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
R. Newman-Turner, Registered Naturopath, Osteopath & Acupuncturist, London, UK
J. Richardson, University of Westminster & Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London, UK
C. Zollman, General Practitioner, Bristol, UK
International Advisory Board
D. Aldridge, Germany
Z. Bentwich, Israel
B.M. Berman, USA
A. Breen, UK
G. Easthope, Australia
E. Ernst, UK
V. Fonneb? Norway
A. Hart, UK
V. Hopwood, UK
W. Jonas, USA
T.J. Kaptchuk, USA
C.W. Kramers, The Netherlands
D. Kreiger, USA
G.T. Lewith, UK
K. Linde, Germany
N.T. Mayo, The Netherlands
D. Peters, UK
H. Pietschmann, Austria
J. Pizzorno, USA
B. Pomeranz, Canada
D. Reilly, UK
K.L. Resch, Germany
H. Royston Low, UK
R. Stange, Germany
K. Thomas, UK

K. Tsutani, Japan


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