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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Coloration Technology is published six times per year and contains peer-reviewed research papers and abstracts of colour-related articles published in other learned journals, together with occasional book reviews. Coloration Technology has a procedure to ensure faster publication of short papers, which is outlined below. The SDC's flagship journal underwent a face-lift in 2001 (it was previously known as J.S.D.C.) and the editorial by Dr David Hinks (academic editor) published in the first issue of the new-look journal is available here.

The primary mission of Coloration Technology is to promote fundamental understanding and creativity in the science and technology of coloured materials by providing a medium for communication of peer-reviewed research papers of the highest quality.

 Aims and scope

The primary mission of Coloration Technology is to promote fundamental understanding and creativity in the science and technology of colour and coloured materials by providing a medium for communication of peer-reviewed research papers and review papers of the highest quality.

It is internationally recognised as a vehicle for the publication of theoretical and technological papers on subjects allied to all aspects of coloration. The topics of papers range from dyes and pigments, to colour measurement, to the coloured substrates themselves. A list of subject areas covered can be downloaded from this site.. The journal will publish original publications of high scientific merit, authoritative reviews and explanatory and historical contributions. Short communications and book reviews are also included. The usual selection criteria for acceptance of manuscripts apply.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

The editor welcomes submission of papers on coloration and topics covering the science and technology of coloured materials. Its scope embraces:

Colorants of all classes in relation to:
Molecular structure and physical form and the effects of these on application and in-service properties
Chemistry, synthesis and manufacture
Composition and mode of action of chemicals used at any stage in coloration, including pre- and post-coloration processes
Application practice:
Processing operations on different types of laboratory and bulk-scale equipment
Practical significance of any processing variants
Developments in coloration processes
Application theory:
Chemistry and physical chemistry of coloration processes
Correlation with industrial practice
Analysis and testing:
Identification and characterisation of colorants, substrates, finishes and chemicals in substance and on substrates
Identification of faults
Fastness testing
Equipment and techniques
Theory and practice of ancillary processes:
Processes involved in coloration or in the achievement of the final coloured product
Physico-chemical aspects of colour: Colour and constitution
Colour theory
Colorimetry and equipment
Colour matching
Colour vision
Photochemistry of colorants, substrates and chemicals
Plant, management and services, provided that it is directly related to coloration, information on:
Building, machinery, works engineering and organisation
Automation, instrumentation and control
Power and energy resources
Water quality, supply and handling
Effluent, pollution and environmental factors

Please read the instructions below carefully for details on the submission of manuscripts, the journal's requirements and standards, as well as information concerning the procedure after a manuscript has been accepted for publication in Coloration Technology. Authors are encouraged to visit Blackwell Publishing Author Services for further information on the preparation and submission of articles and figures.


Coloration Technology adheres to the below ethical guidelines for publication and research.

2.1. Originality
Contributions submitted to the journal must not have appeared or have been accepted for publication in extenso elsewhere prior to publication in Coloration Technology without sanction from the Journals Committee.

2.2. Authorship and Acknowledgements
Authorship: Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to the Journal. ALL named authors must have made an active contribution to the conception and design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data and/or the drafting of the paper and ALL must have critically reviewed its content and have approved the final version submitted for publication. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship.
Coloration Technology adheres to the definition of authorship set up by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). According to the ICMJE authorship criteria should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2 and 3.
It is a requirement that all authors have been accredited as appropriate upon submission of the manuscript. Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under Acknowledgements.
Acknowledgements: In the 'Acknowledgements' section, please specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited. Suppliers of materials should be named and their location (country) included in the 'Experimental' section.

2.3 Appeal of Decision
Authors who wish to appeal the decision on their submitted paper may do so by emailing the editorial office with a detailed explanation for why they find reasons to appeal the decision.

2.4 Permissions
If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Publishers.

2.5 Copyright Assignment
Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work and its essential substance have not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive licence to Blackwell Publishing if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the publisher. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or videocassettes, in electronic databases and the like, or reproduced photographically without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Correspondence to the journal is accepted on the understanding that the contributing author licences the publisher to publish the letter as part of the journal or separately from it, in the exercise of any subsidiary rights relating to the journal and its contents.
Upon acceptance of a paper, authors are required to assign the exclusive licence to publish their paper to Blackwell Publishing. Assignment of the exclusive licence is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless licence has been assigned. (Papers subject to government or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement; however, the form still has to be signed). A completed Exclusive Licence Form must be sent to the address specified on the form, before any manuscript can be published. Authors must send the completed original Exclusive Licence Form by regular mail upon receiving notice of manuscript acceptance, i.e., do not send the form at submission. Faxing or e-mailing the form does not meet requirements.
For questions concerning copyright, please visit Blackwell Publishing's Copyright FAQ


Coloration Technology has now adopted Manuscript Central, for online manuscript submission and peer review. The new system brings with it a whole host of benefits including:

  • Quick and easy submission
  • Administration centralised and reduced
  • Significant decrease in peer review times

From now on all submissions to the journal must be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cte. Full instructions and support are available on the site and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. If you require assistance then click the Get Help Now link which appears at the top right of every Manuscript Central page. If you cannot submit online, please contact the editor by e-mail (editorial@sdc.org.uk).

3.1. Manuscript Files Required
The manuscript should consist of a Microsoft Word document containing the title, a full list of authors, their addresses (affiliations should be made with superscript italics of the form, a, b, c, etc.; the author who is to receive correspondence should be identified with an asterisk) and email address. This should be followed by the summary, the main body of text and references. Any tables and figures, together with their captions, should be included at the end of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be formatted as described in the Author Guidelines below.

3.2. Peer Review
All manuscripts submitted to Coloration Technology will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and the names of the reviewers will thus not be disclosed to the author submitting a paper. Any differences of opinion being mediated by the journal's academic editor. Authors will be notified whether their manuscript has been accepted (possibly subject to certain revisions) or rejected on the basis of the referees' reports. If revision is required, a full revised manuscript should be provided in electronic form. A detailed note explaining how the manuscript has been amended in response to the referees' comments should also be included. Authors should note that any original documents submitted to the editorial office will not be returned unless explicitly requested.

3.3. Suggest a Possible Reviewer
Coloration Technology
attempts to keep the review process as short as possible to enable rapid publication of new scientific data. In order to facilitate this process, authors may suggest the names and current email addresses of one potential international reviewer whom you consider capable of reviewing your manuscript.


Full papers:
Papers containing original scientific work will be selected for inclusion in a particular issue of Coloration Technology sequentially in order of date of acceptance. Authors should note that the fragmentation of a substantial body of work into a number of short publications is strongly discouraged; if a paper is submitted as part of a series, any previous 'parts' should be indicated in a footnote or cited in the reference list.

Short communications: There is a fast track procedure for short papers submitted via the accelerated publication procedure (APP). If authors wish their paper to be considered for APP, they must provide a statement clarifying this and submit a manuscript according to specific guidelines (http://www.sdc.org.uk/publications/app.htm)

Review papers: Authoritative review articles are also included. These are normally published by invitation of the Journals Committee. However, uncommissioned review articles are welcomed, as are suggestions for review articles from authors. Enquiries regarding potential review articles should be directed to the managing editor.


5.1. Language
The language of publication is English. Authors for whom English is a second language must have their manuscript professionally edited by an English speaking person before submission to make sure the English is of high quality. It is preferred that manuscripts are professionally edited. A list of independent suppliers of editing services can be found at www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor/english_language.asp. Japanese authors can also find a list of local English improvement services at http://www.wiley.co.jp/journals/editcontribute.html. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.

5.2. Format
The papers must be submitted in English, of a sufficient standard to allow referees to form a considered judgement on the technical merit of the paper. Any need for excessive editing after submission may result in rejection or a request for extensive revision by the author. Publication time is kept to a minimum to publish new information in the shortest possible time. Rapid publication is aided by careful preparation of text and illustrations.

In view of the high costs of publication, authors should be as concise as possible and should cite literature references for experimental procedures that have already been published. Despite this need for conciseness, it is essential that sufficient background and explanatory detail be included to enable the non-expert to read the paper with understanding. To attempt to do this by the use of literature references alone may not always be satisfactory if the techniques involved are not widely known.

5.3. Structure
All manuscripts submitted to Coloration Technology should normally include:

Abstract: A summary (up to 150 words) which is sufficiently detailed to provide a broad indication of the field covered and the results obtained.

Optimising Your Abstract for Search Engines:
Many students and researchers looking for information online will use search engines such as Google, Yahoo or similar. By optimising your article for search engines, you will increase the chance of someone finding it. This in turn will make it more likely to be viewed and/or cited in another work. We have compiled these guidelines to enable you to maximise the web-friendliness of the most public part of your article.

Main Text: An 'Introduction' which describes the aims of the investigation; an 'Experimental' section outlining the methods used; a 'Results and Discussion' section; and in the 'Conclusions' section a summary of the conclusions drawn should be outlined. In all papers, but in particular those describing theoretical studies, it is desirable that the aims and objectives of the work and any conclusions drawn should be stated as clearly as possible in terms of practical coloration.

Acknowledgements: If included, this section should be kept brief and inserted immediately above the list of references.

5.4. References
Journals: References should be cited at a relevant position in the text and should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals within square brackets. A full list of references should appear at the end of the paper with each reference numbered (followed by a full stop) on a new line.

References to journal articles should include a list of all the authors, the journal title abbreviation in italics, volume number in bold, year of publication in parentheses and starting page number, e.g.

'1. A B Smith and F Bloggs, Color. Technol., 121 (2005) 17'.

Issue numbers or actual months of publication are needed only if each issue is numbered from page one.

Books: A full list of authors should also be provided for books, followed by the title, names of editors (if appropriate), edition, location of publisher, publisher's name and year of publication (all in parentheses) and starting page number.

Patents: Patents should be cited according to the European patents database (http://ep.espacenet.com), normally including a full list of authors, the patent number in italics, and in parentheses company name (if available) and the year of publication separated by a semi-colon.

Conference proceedings: A full list of authors should also be provided for conference proceedings, followed by the title of the conference, city, country and year of conference in parentheses, along with a starting page number if available.

Theses: The author of the thesis should be cited, the thesis title in italics, educational establishment, country and year of publication in parentheses.

Online publications: The editor and publisher recommend that citation of online published papers and other material should be done via a DOI (digital object identifier), which all reputable online published material should have - see www.doi.org/ for more information. If an author cites anything which does not have a DOI they run the risk of the cited material not being traceable.

The use of tools such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting is recommended.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:

Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:

5.5. Tables, Figures and Figure Legends
Tables should be numbered consecutively and should be cited at a relevant position in the text. This is also the case for figures, schemes and chemical structures. In a complex reaction scheme, chemical structures should be numbered serially (1, 2, etc) following the reaction sequence. The number of illustrations should be kept as low as possible and the results should be presented in the form of tables or graphs, not both. Diagrams illustrating well known apparatus, techniques or results should not be included. If illustrations are not discussed adequately in the text, they may be removed at the editing stage. Captions should be provided for all tables and figures.

In a series of figures containing graphs, consistent use of symbols will help the reader. The preferred font type for figures (axes, labels, etc.) is 8 pt Helvetica (Mac) or Arial (Win). Figure legends should be used showing different line styles or data point symbols enclosed in a 0.5 pt box and positioned inside the illustration if possible. SI units should be separated from quantities with a comma e.g. k, nm. Symbols representing physical quantities should be italicised e.g. t, min. Parts of figures should be labelled (a), (b), (c), etc. and further information given in the figure caption.

Owing to the high cost of reproducing illustrations, it may be necessary to pass on to authors charges incurred for large numbers of illustrations, when diagrams do not conform to the specifications given, when they are more than usually complex, or when colour is required. If this proves necessary, authors will be notified beforehand.

Preparation of Electronic Figures for Publication:

On acceptance, authors must provide the following by email:

?Line art (e.g. graphs, bar charts): Each illustration should be provided separately, one file for each illustration or part thereof. Acceptable format: encapsulated postscript (EPS). For generating EPS files from Excel or PowerPoint, visit http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor/illustration.asp. Information can be obtained from this link with regard to viewing EPS files.

?Half tones (e.g. photos, micrographs): Each file should be provided as 300 dpi TIFF; please note that the only compatible method of compression is LZW.

?Structures: The preferred format for chemical structures and reaction schemes is ChemDraw (*.cdx) files. ISIS Sketch (*.skc) files may also be provided. Failing that, authors can provide the structures as EPS files. Fonts used should be restricted to 8 pt Helvetica (Mac) or Arial (Win).

?Mathematical equations: All equations should be embedded in the Microsoft Word document using original file formats; all variables to be italicised. When sending files to the editorial office, authors should be aware that there is a file size limit of 5 MB. A compression or archiving program [WinZip (PC) preferred] can be used.

5.6. Supplementary Material
Publication in electronic formats has created opportunities for adding details or whole sections in the electronic version only. Authors need to work closely with the editors in developing or using such new publication formats.
Supplementary Material, such as data sets or additional figures or tables, that will not be published in the print edition of the journal, but which will be viewable via the online edition, can be submitted. Such adjuncts to the printed papers may include large data sets, CIF data for crystal structures, extra greyscale or colour illustrations or other material for which insufficient space in the journal is available. The managing editor should be supplied with the extra material on submission of the paper, and an editorial decision will be made on whether the Supplementary Material will be made available once a paper has been accepted for publication. All such material should be provided in web-ready format or in a form that can be conveniently converted into one of the standard web publishing formats, i.e. simple word-processing files (.doc or .rtf) for text; PDF (portable document format) for more complex, layout-dependent text or page-based material; or GIF, JPG, or EPS files for graphics.
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The availability of Supplementary Material should be indicated in the main manuscript by a paragraph, to appear after the References, headed "Supplementary Material" and providing titles of figures, tables, etc. In order to protect reviewer anonymity, material posted on the author's website cannot be reviewed. The Supplementary Material is an integral part of the article and will be reviewed accordingly.
Papers reporting crystallographic structure determinations will not be accepted without a Brookhaven accession number. Other supporting data sets must be made available on the publication date from the authors directly.

Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the manuscript will be forwarded to the production editor who is responsible for the production of the journal.

6.1 Proof Corrections
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6.2 Author Services
Online production tracking is available for your article through Blackwell's Author Services. Author Services enables authors to track their article - once it has been accepted - through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production. The author will receive an email with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a complete email address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.
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Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Coloration Technology Editorial Panel

Coloration Technology is the Society's bimonthly journal dealing with all aspects of the science and technology of colour. Its Editorial Panel was established in 1999 with the aim of improving the academic standing of the publication in terms of the quality of the papers that are published. The international nature of the journal is reflected by the composition of the panel.

  • Idil Arslan-Alaton: Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Dr Artur Cavaco-Paulo: University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
  • Dr Bob Christie: Heriot-Watt University, Galashiels, UK
  • Dr Geoff Collins: Lenzing Fibers Ltd (formerly Tencel), Derby, UK
  • Mr Peter Duffield: UK
  • Prof Harold Freeman: North Carolina State University, USA
  • Dr Andrew Greaves: L'Oreal, Paris, France
  • Dr Mohan L Gulrajani: Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
  • Dr David Hinks (Academic Editor): North Carolina State University, USA
  • Dr Dragan Jocic: University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Prof Jaepil Kim: Seoul National University, South Korea
  • Dr David King: CSIRO, Victoria, Australia
  • Mr Brian McCarthy: Technitex Faraday Partnership, Manchester, UK
  • Dr John Rippon: Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Australia
  • Dr John Taylor: University of Manchester, UK
  • Prof Felix Telegin: State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia
  • Dr Andrew Towns: James Robinson Ltd, Huddersfield, UK
  • Dr Tzanko Tzanov: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
  • Prof Steve Westland: University of Leeds, UK
  • Prof John H Xin: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

To contact a panel member, please use our Contact Us form.


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