

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces is an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research


on colloid and interfacial phenomena in relation to systems of biological origin, having particular relevance to the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food and cosmetic fields. The objective of the journal is to cover all aspects of biointerfaces. Therefore contributions from both biological and physical scientists are strongly encouraged.

Examples of targeted topics are:

  Surface properties of materials of both synthetic and biological origin in relation to biological interactions.

  Adsorption of surfactants, proteins and other biopolymers, bacteria and mammalian cells.

  Cell-cell interactions and membrane fusion.

  Diffusion and transport in membranes and vesicles.

  Biopolymer and cell immobilization.

  Biofouling of surfaces.

  Biosurfactants and biopolymers: synthesis, surface activity, aggregation, solubilization, phase behaviour.

  Colloidal drug carriers, including nanoparticles, nanocapsules, liposomes, microspheres, microcapsules: drug diffusion, drug release kinetics, interactions of drugs and carrier materials.

Papers on the use of experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, elipsometry; scanning probe microscopes (STM, AFM), electron microscopy, light scattering techniques, XPS, FTIR, NMR, and other methods for the study of rapid reactions (temperature jump, stopped flow, time-resolved fluorescence) and their application to biological problems of an interfacial nature will also be included.

The table of contents for this journal is now available pre-publication, via e-mail, as part of the free ContentsDirect service from Elsevier Science. Please send an e-mail message to cdhelp@elsevier.co.uk for further information about this service.

Online article submission now available via: http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/colsurfb

Comments and Proposals: Comments on this publication, in addition to related book, electronic product and new journal proposals are encouraged. Please contact Louise Morris, Publishing Editor l.morris@elsevier.com


Instructions to Authors


Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically to an Editor using the online submission system. An electronic (PDF) proof is generated and the reviewing process is carried out using that PDF. It is important that all graphical and tabular elements be placed within the text, so that the PDF is suitable for reviewing. This will also allow the preferred position of placement to be indicated, however, please note that due to journal conventions, it may not be possible to meet all requirements for placement of artwork. Moreover, the PDF file may be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards. Authors and editors send and receive all correspondence by email via the website and no paper correspondence is performed. Authors are, however, legally obliged to sign and return a physical transfer of copyright form by conventional mail. To submit your paper online, please go to http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/colsub.

1. Manuscripts should be written in English.
2. For hard copy submission, submit the original and three copies of your manuscript. Enclose the original illustrations and three sets of copies.
3. Manuscripts should be typewritten and leave a margin of at least 3 cm on each side of the paper. Corrections should be made in the text, not in the margins. Instructions to the copy editor should be made on a separate sheet, not in the margins.
4. The use of nomenclature and symbols adopted by IUPAC is recommended (Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 1988).
5. Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name of author and affiliation (the corresponding author should be indicated together with the appropriate fax, telephone and e-mail numbers)
c. Abstract
d. Five keywords for indexing
e. Contents of paper
f. Introduction
g. Text
h. Acknowledgements
i. Appendices
j. References
k. Tables
l. Figure captions
m. Figures

Elsevier reserves the privilege of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

1. The abstract should be no longer than 500 words.
2. The abstract should be a concise and factual description of the contents and conclusions as well as an indication of any new findings.

1. Authors should take notice of the limitations set by the size and lay-out of the journal. A table should not exceed the printed area of the page. If this seems impossible, try reversing columns and rows.
2. Large tables should be avoided. Fold-outs will not normally be accepted. If many data are to be presented, an attempted should be made to divide these over two or more tables.
3. Tables to be treated as artwork, e.g. those containing complex chemical structures, from which prints need to be made, should not be folded.
4. Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text. The text should include references to all tables.
5. Tables should be typewritten on separate pages, added to the manuscript. They should never be included in the text.
6. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
7. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Units of measurements should be added between parentheses.
8. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.
9. Explanations, essential to the understanding of the table, should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.

1. All illustrations should be supplied on separate sheets, not stuck down and not folded.
2. Illustrations should be numbered using Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text. References to each figure should be made in the text.
3. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or, in the case of line drawings, on the lower frontside) by its number, the name of the author, and the title of the paper.
4. Illustrations should be designed with the format of the pages of this journal in mind. Fold-outs will not normally be accepted. Illustrations should be of such a size as to allow a reduction of 50%.
5. Lettering should be in black, waterproof drawing ink or by printed labels. Make sure that the size of the lettering is large enough to allow a reduction of 50% without becoming illegible. The lettering should be in English. Use the same kind of lettering throughout.
6. Use bar scales on all illustrations instead of numerical scales that must be changed with reduction.
7. Each illustration should be accompanied by a caption. Put the captions on a separate list, added to the manuscript.
8. Photographs are only acceptable if they have good contrast and intensity. Sharp and glossy copies are required. Reproductions of photographs already printed cannot be accepted.
9. Colour illustrations cannot usually be included, unless paid for by the author.

1. All references made to publications in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the information given in the text is exactly the same as that given in the reference list.
References to the literature should be made according to the numerical system described below.
2. In the text refer to the subject or to the author's name (without initial), followed by the reference number in square brackets.
3. If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used, followed by "et al.". Note that in the reference list the names of authors and co-authors should be given in full.
4. References should be arranged in the order in which they appear in the text.
5. Use the following system for arranging the references:
(i) For journals
N. Levy, N. Garti and S. Margdassi, Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 97 (1995) 91.
(ii) For monographs
B.E. Conway, Ionic Hydration in Chemistry and Biophysics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1981.
(iii) For edited books
R.D. Thomas, in E. Buncel and J.R. Jones (Eds.), Isotopes in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991, Chapter 7.
For conference proceedings, symposia etc.
A.G. Marshall, in P.G. Kistemaker and N.M.M. Nibbering (Eds.), Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Proc. 12th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Amsterdam, 26-30 August 1991, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992, p. 37.
6. Abbreviations of journal titles should conform to those adopted by the Chemical Abstract Service (Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors, The American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1974). If the correct abbreviation is not known, the title should be given in full.
7. Reference to a personal communication should be followed by the year, e.g. A.N. Other, personal communication, 1989.

1. Formulae should be typewritten, if possible. Leave ample space around the formulae.
2. Subscripts and superscripts should be clearly indicated.
3. Greek letters and other non-Latin or handwritten symbols should be explained in the margin where they are first used. Take special care to clearly show the difference between zero(0) and the letter O, and between one(1) and the letter l.
4. Give the meanings of all symbols immediately after the equation in which they are first used.
5. For simple fractions use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal.
6. Equations should be sequentially numbered (on the right-hand side of the equation and in parentheses). In general, only equations explicitly referred to in the text need be numbered.
7. The use of fractional powers instead of root signs is recommended. Also powers of e are often more conveniently denoted by exp.

1. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential.
2. If used, they should be indicated in the text by superscript numbers, and kept as short as possible.

Manuscripts on articles prepared using any of the most popular word-processing packages are acceptable, but please note the following points:
1. Please follow the general instructions for style and organization of a manuscript given above.
2. The disk should be formatted to be MS-DOS or Apple Macintosh compatible. Take care in the formatting of your disk (3.5" preferred) and ensure that only the relevant files are on it.
3. The names of the text files, the word-processing package and version used, together with the article title and authors' names, should be indicated on the disk.
4. Submit an original printout and two copies to one of the Editors (n.b. do not send your disk until your article has been accepted in final form). Since we cannot guarantee the usability of all formats, if the disk proves to be unusable, we will typeset your article using the hardcopy printout to avoid a delay in publication.
5. If no revision of your article is needed, send the original disk that contains only the files exactly matching your hard copies to the editor as soon as your article is accepted.
6. If your paper requires revision, the original hardcopy will be returned to you by the Editor. The revisions must then be incorporated onto the disk. The revised disk, together with three revised hard copies, should then be resubmitted to the Editor.


Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically to an Editor using the online submission system. To submit your paper online, please go to http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/colsub.

For hard copy submission please submit the original and three copies of your manuscript. Papers should be sent to one of the Editors:

Prof. J.L. Brash, McMaster University, Chemical Engineering Dept., 1280 Main west, Hamilton, Ont. L85 4L7, Canada. Fax +1 (905)521-1350. E-mail: brashjl@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca

Dr. Prof. H.J. Busscher, University of Groningen, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Antonius Deusingiaan 1, P.O. box 196, 9700 AD Groningen, The Netherlands. Fax +31 (50) 633159. E-mail: h.j.busscher@med.rug.nl

Prof. Dr. R.M. Leblanc, University of Miami, Cox Science Building, 1301 Memorial Drive, P.O. Box 249118, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0431, USA. Fax: +1 (305) 284 4571. E-mail: m.modrono@umiami.ir.miami.edu

Prof. H. Oshima, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University Of Tokyo, 12 Ichigaya Funagawara-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan. Fax:+81 (3) 3268-3045. E-mail: oshima@ps.kagu.sut.ac.jp


Editorial Board



J.L. Brash, McMaster University, Chemical Engineering Department, 1280 Main West Hamilton, Ont. L8S 4L7, Canada.
Fax: +1 905 521 1350
H.J. Busscher, University of Groningen, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, P.O Box 196, 9700 AD Groningen, The Netherlands.
Fax: +31 50 363 3159
R.M. Leblanc, University of Miami, Cox Science Building, 1301 Memorial Drive, P.O. Box 249118, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0431, USA.
Fax: +1 305 284 6367
H. Ohshima, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo, 12 Ichigaya Funagawara-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan.
Fax: +81 3 3268-3045
Editorial Board:
M. Abe, Chiba, Japan
T. Akaike, Kanagawa, Japan
A. Baszkin, Chatenay Malabry, France
M.N. Bellon-Fontaine, Massy, France
K.D. Caldwell, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
K.E. Cooksey, Bozeman, MT, USA
P. Dejardin, Montpellier, France
D.G. Dalgleish, Le Plessis-Robinson, France
E. Dickinson, Leeds, UK
H. Elwing, Goteborg, Sweden
J. Gardella, Buffalo, NY, USA
V. Hlady, Utah, USA
T.A. Horbett, Seattle, WA, USA
M.N. Jones, Manchester, UK
T. Kondo, Chiba, Japan
J. Lausmaa, Boras, Sweden
J. McGuire, Corvallis, OR, USA
L. Melo, Braga, Portugal
A.W. Neumann, Toronto, Ont., Canada
W. Norde, Wageningen, The Netherlands
T. Okana, Tokyo, Japan
K. Park, West Lafayette, IN, USA
H. Quiquampoix, Montpellier, France
B.D. Ratner, Seattle, WA, USA
G. Reid, London, Ont., Canada
G. Sugihara, Fukuoka, Japan
R. Tilton, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
G.M. Whitesides, Cambridge, MA, USA

C.J. van Oss, Buffalo, NY, USA


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