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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology is devoted entirely to clinical reviews that are essential for


practitioners and academics alike to maintain cutting-edge skills. With great advances in basic and applied immunology, the discipline of allergy now encompasses everything from molecular biology to clinical therapeutics. CRIAI is published six times per year and each and every issue is devoted to a specific theme. The themes are chosen because of their timeliness and each issue is guest edited by an expert in that field. Themes have included asthma, urticaria, latex allergy, molds, food allergy, the use of intravenous immunoglobulin, immune deficiency states-to name just a few. As a reader of CRIAI you are assured of continued exposure to the areas that will help you in your research and keep you up-to-date on your patient care.

Aims and Scope
The development of clinical allergy as a vigorous discipline of scientific medicine has, until relatively recently, lagged behind that of other subspecialties in internal medicine and pediatrics. The discovery of immunoglobulin E, the development of standardized protocols for allergy skin testing and challenge procedures, and concurrent advances in cell biology have all led to a major thrust by new data in changing the approach to the clinical management of allergic disease. Ultimately, these advances must be transferred from the laboratory bench to the physician. Experimental papers are the first and most important vehicle for this task. There is no substitute, however, for comprehensive treatises designed to place new data in perspective. The object of this journal is to publish scholarly review papers, with each issue devoted to one topic, in an attempt to provide comprehensive treatment, by a revolving series of Topic Editors, on a subject of critical importance to allergists. The ultimate objective is that by doing so we will help improve the care and management of patients with allergic disease.

Instructions to Authors
Submit manuscripts prepared as outlined below to the Editor-in-Chief:

M. Eric Gershwin
Division of Rheumatology/Allergy
University of California School of Medicine
Davis, CA 95616

PH: (530) 752-2884
FX: (530) 752-4669

  • Three copies of all manuscripts submitted for consideration, including the ribbon copy original, must be sent by certified or registered mail to the Editor-in-Chief or to one or the regional Editors.
  • Type manuscript in English
  • Type manuscript double-spaced on one side of consecutively numbered pages with 1- to 1-1/2 in. margins
  • Include all figures and tables
  • If possible, include an electronic disk version of your manuscript in a Macintosh format, preferably in a Microsoft Word document. PC-prepared disks are also acceptable
Copyright Transfer Agreement
  • Please include; manuscripts cannot be published without author's signed and dated form
  • Abstracts should be 100¨C200 words
Index Entries
  • Include 5¨C10 index entries/key words
  • Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals
  • Include figure captions; callouts (if any) should be capital letters
  • All illustrations, including chemical structures, must be provided in professional-quality, finished form ready for direct reproduction without revision by us
  • Color art cannot be accepted unless the author is willing to assume the additional costs involved in production; quotes given on request
  • Photographs should be glossy prints with strong contrasts
  • Type on separate pages
  • Number consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of mention in the text
  • Provide titles for all tables
  • Cite in the text by italic Arabic numerals in parentheses, set on the text line
  • Cite in numerical order (i.e., 1, 2, 3, and so on)
  • List at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in text

Follow style indicated below:

Journal reference:
1. Nakane, P. K. and Kawaoi, A. (1974), J. Histochem. Cytochem. 22, 1084¨C1088.

Chapter in book:
2. Rilke, R. M. and Thomas, D. (1984), in Applied Biopoeisis, vol. 3, Lowell, R., ed.,
Humana, Totowa, NJ, pp. 99¨C108.

Book reference:
3. Bergmeyer, H. (1974), Methods in Enzymatic Analysis, 2nd ed., Academic, New York.

4. Sansarci, H. (1980), PhD thesis, First Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Page charges
  • There are NO page charges for accepted articles
  • Reprints are available to authors at standard rates

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:
J.-F. Bach, Paris, FRANCE
M. Ballow, Buffalo, NY
W. Burks, Little Rock, AR
W. Busse, Madison, WI
M. S. Dykewicz, St. Louis, MO
R. S. Geha, Boston, MA
J. M. Hanifin, Portland, OR
R.J. Hopp, Omaha, NE
S. G. O. Johansson, Stockholm, SWEDEN
Allen P. Kaplan, Charleston, SC
D. Leung, Denver, CO
D. A. Levy, Paris, France
L. Lichtenstein, Baltimore, MD
D. D. Metcalfe, Bethesda, MD
S. M. Nagy, Davis, CA
T. Nakagawa, Tokyo, JAPAN
H. S. Novey, Orange, CA
H. A. Sampson, New York, NY
Y. Shoenfeld, Tel-Hashomer, ISRAEL
R. A. Simon, La Jolla, CA
R. Slavin, St. Louis, MO
W. Strober, Bethesda, MD
M. Valentine, Baltimore, MD
S. Wasserman, La Jolla, CA


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