

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research is the leading hardcover periodical in orthopaedics that brings readers the latest and most important research...breakthrough discoveries...and informed opinions that shape today's orthopaedic practice. Generalists and specialists depend on CORR to report first on emerging trends and new techniques. Contributions from clinicians and researchers around the world provide an international perspective. CORR publishes original articles that are significant contributions to the advancement of orthopaedic knowledge

Instructions to Authors
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research publishes original articles offering significant contributions to advancement of orthopaedic knowledge. Articles are accepted only for inclusive publication in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Published articles and their illustrations become the property of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.

Authors are encouraged to read, "Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research" Clin Orthop 413:1-7, 2003, in preparing their manuscripts.

Authors can now submit electronically at https://corr.edmgr.com.

Authors submitting via traditional hard copy should send submissions to:

Richard A. Brand, MD
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
University City Science Left
3550 Market St., Suite 220
Philadelphia, PA 19104

If submitting in hard copy, send an original and three high quality copies of the manuscript. All manuscripts (hard copy and electronically submitted) must be typed double spaced and with ample margins. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Legends. The first author's name and page number should be typed in the upper right corner of each page. Use only letter quality print in a readable typeface.

All submissions must include a cover letter signed by the responsible author stating that all co-authors have seen and agree with the contents of the manuscript and indicating that the work has not been submitted or published elsewhere. Manuscripts will not be published unless this cover letter is included. If authorship is changed in any way at a later time a new letter again signed by all involved authors will be required. Authors are encouraged to provide names of potential reviewers and may request that a specific individual not review the work.

The accuracy of the information presented in the manuscript and references is the sole responsibility of the author(s).

The title page should include the title of the manuscript in no more than 80 spaces (letters and blanks) and a running title of no more than 40 spaces (letters and blanks). List author(s). s full name, highest academic degree, institutional affiliation, and address. The author who will receive communications and reprint requests should be listed with complete mailing address, telephone, and FAX numbers.

The abstract should consist of a one paragraph statement less than 200 words (15-18 lines) in length, stating the main conclusions and clinical relevance of the article.

References must be typed double spaced and in alphabetical order. References should not be a listing of a computerized literature search, but should have been read by the authors and have pertinence to the manuscript. Do not use boldface, underlining, or complete uppercase in the references. Manuscripts in preparation, unpublished data, including articles submitted but not in press, and personal communications may not be included in the reference listing. They may be listed in the text, in parentheses, only if absolutely necessary to the content and meaning of the article.

  • When citing journal articles, arrange as follows:(1) author(s), list up to five; if there are more, cite first three, then et al; (2) title; (3) journal name, using Index Medicus abbreviation; (4) volume; (5) inclusive page numbers; (6) year. Example: Kaplan FS, August CS, Dalinka MK: Bone densitometry observations of osteopetrosis in response to bone marrow transplantation. Clin Orthop 294:79--84, 1993.
  • For chapters: (1) author(s); (2) chapter title; (3) editor(s); (4) book title; (5) edition number, if it is not the first; (6) city of publication; (7) publisher; (8) specific pages; (9) year. Example: Young W: Neurophysiology of Spinal Cord Injury. In Errico TJ, Bauer RD, Waugh T (eds). Spinal Trauma. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Company 377. 414, 1991.
  • For a book: Hoppenfeld S, Zeide MS: Orthopaedic Dictionary. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Company 39-41, 1994.

Type tables double spaced on pages separate from the text. Tables should be numbered in order of citation in the text. They must be titled and all columns must have a heading. Abbreviations used within tables should be spelled out fully in a footnote at the bottom of each table. Tables are limited to six columns. Do not use photocopy reduction.

Send four sets of unmounted, high quality, black and white glossy prints. Remove all markings, such as patient identification, from radiographs before photographing. Arrows or lettering should be applied with a professional product such as Letraset or Paratype. These should be large enough to be seen when the photograph is reduced in size. Photographs of recognizable persons must be accompanied by signed consent from the patient or legal guardian. Written permission from the author or copyright holder must be submitted with previously published figures or tables. A self stick label should be attached to the back of each figure indicating "top" figure number, and the first author's name. All line or original drawings must be done by a professional medical illustrator. Magnification, internal scale markers, and stains must be included when appropriate. Legends for the illustrations should be typed double spaced on a separate page from the text.

Transfer of copyright to Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research is needed before publication. The corresponding author will receive a copy of this form from the Editorial Office along with the formal letter of acceptance.

The publisher will provide the reprint author 50 free reprints of his or her article. If additional reprints are desired, they may be ordered on the form supplied with the page proofs.

Supplemental CORRONLINE Enhancements
CORR invites contributing authors to publish additional, article-related materials on the web site that compliment and reinforce information published in the print Journal. Supplementary materials are posted in electronic format using the ArticlePlus?component. Through Article Plus? it is possible for the publisher to post detailed data on the web site and reference it in the print version. Supplementary material posted online is intended to enhance print article content and offer authors the opportunity to provide additional important information in electronic formats.

Acceptable ArticlePlus?File Types
The types of materials that may be submitted include, short video or audio clips, color photographs, data graphs and charts, short audio files, web site URLs, word documents, and spreadsheets. An expanded list of acceptable file formats follows:

Content Type Acceptable File Type/Format
Web addresses/URLs http://www.lww.com
HTML files .htm
PDF files .pdf
Image files .gif, .jpg
Audio files .wav
Video files .avi, .mov, .mpg, .dcr
Text files .doc
Spreadsheets .xls

ArticlePlus?File Submission Instructions
Because all materials submitted for the web site are posted exactly as presented, authors are advised to review their materials carefully. Web site data will be posted as submitted and will not be professionally copyedited or proofread. No additional work or file processing will be performed. CORR and the Publisher will not be responsible for errors or omissions.

If the submitted materials require processing, the author will be informed of any associated charge and will be responsible for these costs. For this reason, authors should carefully review their material.

The Article Plus?repository for any given article may not exceed 5MB. The repository may consist of one file or any number of related files whose total combine size does not exceed this size specification. Files larger than 5 MB will be returned to the author, un-posted, for re-submission. This file size limitation is strictly enforced.

Web Address/URLs
Must contain the complete path for the destination web site.

Web Pages
Web documents must be submitted already in HTML format and have .htm as the file extension.

If imbedded images files are present in the HTML file, please supply these separately.

Please be sure that all HTML coding is accurate to assure cross-browser display. Again, these files will not be reviewed or edited prior to posting, so authors should review the HTML coding carefully.

Image Files
Authors may send only black-and-white images, only 4-color images, or a combination. Please note that only color images designated for web site can be sent in an electronic format. All black-and-white images and those intended for print publication must be sent as slides or glossy prints. Authors interested in supplementing black-and-white images by displaying 4-color art on the web site through Article Plus?must provide the following:

  • Two hardcopies of every 4-color image, labeled "for Article Plus?only."
  • A complete caption contained with in the image file itself to identify the image for browsers in the Article Plus?section the web site.

If authors submit color images electronically (applicable for corronline.com only), they will not be billed for conversion.

  • Submit the image(s) on a disk in .jpg, or .gif format.
  • The images should be no greater than 144 dpi (dots per inch).
  • Size the image to fit a computer screen, and submit each image separately.

Figure captions of the black-and-white images in the print journal will alert readers to the existence of 4-color, or web site only images in the ArticlePlus?section of the web site.

Audio and Video Files
Short audio and video clips may be submitted for posting on the web site in one of the file formats specified above. Audio and video files must be compressed to the smallest possible size that still allows for high resolution and quality presentation. The size of each clip should not exceed 5MB. File size limitation is intended to insure that end-users are able to download and view files in a reasonable time frame. If files exceed the specified size limitation, they will not be posted to the web site and returned to the author for re-submission.

Text Files and Spreadsheets
Text documents and spreadsheets should be submitted completely formatted for easy viewing and printing. Please be sure that data chart and graph layouts are done correctly so that page run-over is not present and the information is easy to view and read on screen.

Editorial Board

Richard A. Brand, MD
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gary E. Friedlaender
New Haven, Connecticut

Kevin L. Garvin
Omaha, Nebraska
For the Musculoskeletal
Infection Society

Mark C. Gebhardt
Boston, Massachusetts

Stuart A. Green
Orange, California
For the Limb Lengthening
and Reconstruction Society
Arlen D. Hanssen
Rochester, Minnesota
For The Hip Society

Richard S. Laskin
New York, New York
For the Knee Society

Eugene R. Mindell
Buffalo, NY
For the Musculoskeletal
Tumor Society

Sean P. Scully
Mayo Clinic
CME Deputy Editor
Henry H. Sherk
Philadelphia, PA
Classics Deputy Editor

Panayotis N. Soucacos
Ioannina, Greece
For the Hellenic Association
of Orthopaedic Surgery &

E. Carlos Rodriguez-Merchán
Madrid, Spain
For The Spanish Society of
Orthopaedic Surgery and


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