

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 Aims & Scope

CCLM is an official journal of the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland (ACBI), Belgian Society of Clinical Chemistry (BVKC/SBCC), the German United Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL), Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC), and the Slovenian Association for Clinical Chemistry.

Comprehensive Scope
CCLM keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments in the clinical laboratory sciences. It reports on progress in fundamental and applied research. Areas covered include: clinical biochemistry, molecular medicine, hematology, immunology, microbiology, virology, drug measurement, genetic epidemiology, evaluation of diagnostic markers, new reagents and systems, reference materials, and reference values.

CCLM further promotes communication concerning these topics by the publication of news, letters and meeting reports. New teaching and training methods applicable to laboratory medicine are also covered.

Reviews and Minireviews
In addition to original research reports, authoritative reviews written by leading experts in the field keep you informed of latest advances in the clinical laboratory sciences.

IFCC and EFCC Papers
CCLM is closely linked to the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC) and publishes regularly approved IFCC recommendations and other IFCC documents, as well as selected EFCC recommendations and EFCC news

Instructions to Authors
Instructions to Authors
Scope and Policy of the Journal
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) publishes
original papers and reviews on all aspects of clinical chemistry
and laboratory medicine. We invite papers on novel teaching
and training methods applicable to laboratory medicine.
We also publish equipment and reagent evaluation reports,
short communications, letters to the editor, meeting reports,
and book reviews. Review articles are normally published by
invitation, but suggestions to the Editor-in-Chief are welcome.
A limited number of book reviews will be commissioned at the
Editor’s discretion.
Abstracts of meetings can be published at page charges of
5 105.?per page if provided camera-ready or 5 210.?if typesetting
is required.
CCLM articles appear in English. Submission of a manuscript
to CCLM implies that the work described has not been
published before, except in the form of an abstract, thesis or
lecture and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to
ensure that all authors see and approve the manuscript before
its submission to CCLM. Once the manuscript is accepted, it
must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the
copyright holders. Manuscripts are accepted on condition of
transfer of copyright to CCLM. A copyright transfer statement
will be sent together with the manuscript for revision. It
should be signed by the corresponding author and returned
with the revised manuscript.
Review of Manuscripts and Speed of Publication
Papers are independently reviewed by at least two referees
selected by the Editors. Usually decisions are reached within
four weeks from submission date. When papers are accepted
subject to revision, the revised manuscript (one original and
two copies) must be returned within two months. It is the aim
of the Journal to publish papers within two months from their
final acceptance. The manuscript, figures and disks will not be
returned to authors.
Manuscript Submission
Each manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing
a brief statement describing the novelty and importance
of the work submitted. The authors should indicate the names,
full postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail, where
possible, of potential referees. The reviewing process will be
started only if the names of three to five potential referees are
given. Original and three high-quality copies of the manuscript,
including all figures and tables on separate sheets, and an electronic
version of the manuscript containing as few files as possible
should be sent to:
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
attn. Professor Gérard Siest
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 30 34 21
10728 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 26005-220, Fax: +49 30 26005-325
E-mail: CCLM.editorial@deGruyter.de
Books sent for review should be marked “The Book Review
Editor?and sent to the address above.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English.
Illustrations, in original quality, must be submitted with all
four copies. Either English or American spelling is acceptable.
At the proof stage, changes other than corrections of printer’s
errors will be charged to the authors.
General format and length
Type the manuscript (including table legends, figure legends
and references) double-spaced using 12 font size on one side
of A4 or 81/2 x11?paper. Number the pages (with the title page
being page 1) and leave 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides.
Avoid footnotes in the text, use parentheses instead. Papers
and reviews should occupy no more than eight printed pages,
technical reports, short communications and letters to the
editor should not exceed four printed pages. Each full page of
printed text corresponds to approximately 1400 words. Allow
space for tables and illustrations within the page limit.
Full length papers and Technical Reports should have Title
Page, Abstract, Key words, List of Abbreviations, Introduction,
Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements,
References, Tables and Figure Legends.
Short Communications and Letters to the Editor should be
subdivided into Key words, List of Abbreviations, and a single
section of main text without headings, Short Communications
must also include an Abstract. Experimental procedures
should be described in legends to figures or footnotes to tables.
Acknowledgements and References should be presented
as in full length papers.
Title page
The title page should include:
1. Short and informative title.
2. Names of all authors (with one forename for each author in
full), followed by their affiliations: department, institution,
city without postcode, country. If there is more than one institution
involved, authors?names should be linked to the
appropriate institutions by inserting consecutive numbers
in superscript after relevant names. If required, small letters,
in superscript after the name, should be used to indicate
the present addresses.
3. Mailing address, fax, phone number and e-mail address of
the corresponding author.
4. Running title containing 50 characters or less in length.
Abstract, key words and a list of non-standard abbreviations
The second page of the manuscript should contain abstract,
key words and a list of non-standard abbreviations used in text,
figures, tables and figure legends. The abstract (written in bold)
should be a single paragraph of no more than 200 words. It
must be comprehensible to readers before they have read the
paper. Abbreviations and reference citations must not appear
in the abstract. Below the abstract provide up to six key words
separated by semicolon using the entries from Index Medicus.
Acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the text.
Names of the funding organisations should be written in full.
Rely upon articles published in primary research journals. Cite
unpublished observations and personal communications
within the text; these must be supported by a letter of permission
from the author. Meeting abstracts may be cited only if
published in journals. The names of journals should be abbreviated
according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals.
Number the references consecutively in the order in which
they appear in the text. In text, identify references by Arabic
numerals in parentheses. List all authors; if the number is
seven or more, cite first six names followed by et al. References
must be given in the following format:
Cotton RG. Current methods of mutation detection. Mutat
Res 1993; 285:125?4.
Goate AM, Haynes AR, Owen MJ, Farrall M, James LA, Lai
LY, et al. Predisposing locus for Alzheimer’s disease on chromosome
21. Lancet 1989; 1:352?.
Williams DN. Reducing costs and hospital stay for pneumonia
with home intravenous cefotaxime treatment: results
with a computerized ambulatory drug delivery system. Am
J Med 1994; 97:Suppl 2A:50?.
Henney AM. Chronic plaque or acute rupture? The yin and
yang of vascular tissue remodelling [abstract]. Atherosclerosis
1997; 134:111.
Books and Monographs:
Kahn CR, Weir GC, editors. Joslin’s diabetes mellitus, 13ed.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1994:1068pp.
Chapters :
Karnofsky DH, Burchenal JH. The clinical evaluation of
chemotherapeutic agents in cancer. In: Macleod CM, editor.
Evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents. New York: Columbia
University Press,1949:191?05.
Type tables on separate pages and number them consecutively
using Arabic numerals. If a table is exceptionally large
or contains special symbols it should be submitted cameraready
either as a glossy print or a laser-printed copy. Provide a
short descriptive title, column headings, and (if necessary)
footnotes to make each table self-explanatory. Refer to tables
in the text as Table 1, etc. Use Table 1, etc. in the tables legends.
Please indicate in the manuscript the approximate position
of each table.
Illustrations will be reduced in size to fit, whenever possible,
the width of a single column, i.e. 80 mm, or a double column,
i.e. 168 mm. Ideally, single column figures should be submitted
with a width of 100 mm, double column figures with a
width of 210 mm. Lettering in all figures within the article
should be uniform in style, preferably a sans serif typeface,
and of sufficient size, so that it is readable at the final size of
approximately 2 mm.
Uppercase letters A, B, C, etc. should be used to identify
parts of multi-part figures. On the back of each figure indicate
the top of each figure with an arrow pointing upwards and a
word “top?and write the name of the first author and the figure
number with a soft pencil. Cite all figures in the text in a
numerical order. Indicate the approximate position of each on
the margin of the manuscript. Refer to figures in the text as
Figure 1, etc. Use Figure 1, etc. in the figure legends.
Photographs. Photographs should be provided as high-quality
glossy prints.
Colour plates. To offset partially the cost of production, colour
figures will be charged to the authors at a rate of 5 350.?for the
first illustration and 5 150.?for each subsequent illustration in
one article.
Line drawings. These should be provided as either glossy
photographs or high quality laser printed originals. Note that
faint shading may be lost upon reproduction. Drawings
printed using dot-matrix printers are not acceptable.
Figure legends. Provide figure legends on separate pages.
Explain all symbols used in the figures. Remember to use the
same abbreviations as in text.
Follow the rules of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical
Nomenclature, as in IUB Biochemical Nomenclature and
Related Documents, 3rd edition, obtainable from Biochemical
Society Book Depot, P.O. Box 32, Commerce Way, Colchester,
CO2 8HP, U.K.
Enzyme names should be in accordance with the recommendations
of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical
Nomenclature, 1978, as in Enzyme Nomenclature, published
by Academic Press, New York, 1992. Genotypes should be
given in italics, phenotypes should not be italicised. Nomenclature
of bacterial genetics should follow Damerec et al. Genetics
1966; 54:61?6.
The Journal accepts standard Journal of Biological Chemistry
abbreviations. Uncommon abbreviations should be defined,
in parentheses, when they first appear in text. Abbreviations
in the Title and in the Abstract should be avoided. All nonstandard
abbreviations should be listed alphabetically on the
second page of the manuscript (see above), separated by
semicolon. Start with the abbreviation, followed by a comma
and then give the explanation.
Submitting Articles on Disks
Authors are encouraged to submit a disk version along with
When submitting a disk version, the more simply you format
your manuscript, the easier it will be to typeset. If there is
a mismatch between disk and hard copy, the hard copy will be
taken as the definitive version.
write authors name, running title of the article and software
name and version on the disk label; MS Word for Windows
version 6.0 or above is preferred
?use single tab stops to indent, use single carriage returns
between paragraphs
save text, graphics and tables in as few files as possible (if
possible in one file, but not more than in three files, e.g. doc,
ppt, xls)
use the Times font for text and Symbol for Greek characters
check the final copy of your paper carefully
use automatic numbering of pages and footnotes or manual
page breaks
use multiple spaces to format or between sentences
position graphics and tables in text
use non-standard fonts
The corresponding authors will receive a PDF-file of their article.
Additionally, they have the possibility of ordering charged
offprints from 100 offprints upwards. An Offprint Order Form
will be sent with the manuscript for revision. This should be
completed and returned immediately.
Please contact the Editorial Office if you have any further
questions. We will do our best to assist you.
Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


G閞ard Siest, Nancy, France

Marek H. Dominiczak, Glasgow, UK

Editorial Board
Daniel W. Chan, Baltimore, USA
Thomas Deufel, Jena, Germany
Maurizio Ferrari, Milan, Italy
Philippe Gillery, Reims, France
Johannes J.M.L. Hoffmann, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Satoshi Ichiyama, Kyoto, Japan
Steven Kazmierczak, Portland, USA
Matthew McQueen, Hamilton, Canada
Michael Oellerich, G鰐tingen, Germany
Per Hyltoft Petersen, Odense, Denmark
Mario Plebani, Padova, Italy
Simon Scharp? Wilrijk, Belgium
Gerd Schmitz, Regensburg, Germany
John Whicher, York, UK

Advisory Board
Vic Blaton, Brugge, Belgium
Dagna Bobilewicz, Warsaw, Poland
Aw Tar Choon, Singapore
Joris Delanghe, Gent, Belgium
Jean-Louis Dhondt, Lomme, France
Nilda E. Fink, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Andrea Griesmacher, Vienna, Austria
Alisa Gutman, Jerusalem, Israel
Yoshihisa Itoh, Asahikawa, Japan
Muhidien Jouma, Damascus, Syria
Desmond Kenny, Dublin, Ireland
Jin Q. Kim, Seoul, Korea
Erik Magid, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nada Majkic-Singh, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Vadim Menshikov, Moscow, Russia
Pika Me歬o Brguljan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tomris 謟ben, Antalya, Turkey
Vladim韗 Palicka, Hradec Kr醠ov? Czech Republic
Johan van Pelt, Venlo, Netherlands
Ilkka Penttil? Kuopio, Finland
Jos?M. Queralt? Barcelona, Spain
Mohamed Shaarawy, Cairo, Egypt
Elisabeth Topic, Zagreb, Croatia
Constantine P. Tsiganos, Patras, Greece
Zhen-Hua Yang, Beijing, China

Co-ordinator for IFCC Recommendations
Peter Lehman, Miami, USA

Editorial Office
Heike Jahnke, Managing Editor
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG
Genthiner Str. 13
10785 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-26005-220

Fax: +49-30-26005-325




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