

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 CoverClinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today s clinical laboratory. In addition to being the most cited journal in the field (over 21,000 citations in 2007), Clin Chem has the highest Impact Factor (4.803 in 2007) among journals of clinical chemistry. The journal issued monthly, publishes contributions, either experimental or theoretical, that concern basic materials or principles, analytical and molecular diagnostic techniques, instrumentation, data processing, statistical analyses of data, clinical investigations in which chemistry has played a major role, or laboratory animal studies of chemically oriented problems of human disease.




Instructions to Authors
Author Contribution Requirements

Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding of the following:
  1. Each author has participated significantly in the work in a substantive way and is prepared to take public responsibility for its content;
  2. Each listed author must have
  3. participated in conception, design, analysis, or interpretation;
  4. drafted or critically revised the manuscript; and
  5. read and approved the final submitted manuscript and revisions.

    Any change in authors and/or contributors after initial submission must be approved by all authors. This applies to additions, deletions, change of order to the authors, or contributions being attributed differently.

    Any alterations made to the manuscript after submission must be approved by the editor. Authors may upload the request letter to the online submission system as a supplemental file or send the letter via e-mail to the Clinical Chemistry editorial office; clinchemed@clinchem.aacc.org . The editor may contact any of the authors and/or contributors to ascertain whether they have agreed to any alteration.

    1. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Guidelines for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (1) specifically state that “all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship, such as a person who . . . provided purely writing assistance" be named in the acknowledgments.

    2. Important contributions to an article should be recognized and appropriately attributed in that article.

      Good medical writers and editors can make valuable contributions to the publication process, often improving the clarity of the communication, broadening the scope of literature review, providing an extra level of data review, adding balance and objectivity, and shortening the time needed for manuscript development.

      The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) http://www.amwa.org believes that these important contributions deserve recognition.

    3. Readers benefit from knowing about the involvement of professional writers and editors.

      Disclosing the editorial contribution and the source of funding of the writer and editor allows the reader to make informed judgments about the objectivity of the article.

      Note that the AMWA position statement recommends acknowledgment of pertinent professional or financial relationships as well as acknowledgment of the contributions of writers and editors.

      It also recommends that the person being acknowledged be given the opportunity to grant or refuse permission for the acknowledgment.
    1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47. [Full Text]

    Manuscript Guidelines

    • MS Word document (.doc) is required for all submissions.
    • All figures must be uploaded separately as Image Files in Tagged Image File Format (.tiff), Encapsulated Postscript (.eps) or PowerPoint (.ppt) with embedded fonts.
    • All submissions must be double-spaced, 1 inch margin, twelve-point font size in Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman and Symbol font (for non-text characters).
    • All submissions must be line and page numbered.
    • Do not use headers or footers.
    • Use standard abbreviations and define all nonstandard abbreviations.
    • All submissions require a title page.
    • SI units must be used throughout your submission. Conventional units may only be added as additional information in parentheses after the SI units. SI units are available at Bureau International des Poids et Mesures.
    • Supplemental Data is accepted for online publication only and is limited by submission types (See Types of Submissions for details).
    • Follow the guidelines for length restrictions, abstract, reference, table and figure, and supplemental data limits as outlined in the chart below:

    Instructions to Authors

    Editorial Board

    Clinical Chemistry Editorial Board


    Nader Rifai Children's Hospital Boston
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA


    Deputy Editors
    Thomas M. Annesley University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor, MI
    James C. Boyd University of Virginia
    Charlottesville, VA


    Associate and Section Editors 
    Fred S. Apple Hennepin County Medical Center
    University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
    Michael J. Bennett
    Reviews Editor University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, PA
    David E. Bruns
    Perspectives Editor University of Virginia
    Charlottesville, VA
    Eleftherios P. Diamandis
    Citation Classics Editor Mount Sinai Hospital
    University of Toronto Canada
    Robert Dufour
    Clinical Case Studies Co-Editor The George Washington University Medical Center
    Washington, DC
    Ann Gronowski
    Clinical Case Studies Co-Editor Washington University
    School of Medicine
    St. Louis, MO
    Glen L. Hortin National Institutes of Health
    Bethesda, MD
    Y.M. Dennis Lo The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    W. Greg Miller
     Virginia Commonwealth University
    Richmond, VA
    Karel G.M. Moons
     University Medical Center Utrecht
    The Netherlands
    Michael Oellerich George-August-University
    University Medical Center Göttingen
    Göttingen, Germany
    Alan Remaley
    Book Reviews Editor National Institute of Health
    Bethesda, MD
    David B. Sacks Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA
    Mitchell G. Scott Washington University
    School of Medicine
    St. Louis, MO
    Carl T. Wittwer University of Utah
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Ian Young Royal Group of Hospitals
    Belfast, Northern Ireland



    Board of Editors
    Douglas G. Altman Centre for Statistics in Medicine
    Oxford, United Kingdom
    David Altshuler Massachusetts General Hospital
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA
    Patrick M.M. Bossuyt Academic Medical Center
    University of Amsterdam
    The Netherlands
    Steven A. Carr Broad Institute
    Harvard University/MIT
    Cambridge, MA
    Nancy Cook Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
    Charles S. Eby Washington University School of Medicine
    St. Louis, MO
    JosManuel Fernndez-Real
     Hospital of Girona "Dr. Josep Trueta"
    W. Edward Highsmith, Jr. Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, MN
    Marilyn A. Huestis National Institute on Drug Abuse
    Baltimore, MD
    David R. Jacobs, Jr. University of Minnesota
    Minneapolis, MN
    Allan Jaffe Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, MN
    Klaus Jung University Hospital Charit
    Berlin, Germany
    Wolfgang Koenig University of Ulm Medical Center
    Larry J. Kricka University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, PA
    Kristian Linnet University of Copenhagen
    G. Mike Makrigiorgos Dana Farber Center Institute
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA
    Mark E. Meyerhoff University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Chad A. Mirkin Northwestern University
    Evanston, IL
    David A. Morrow Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA
    Børge G. Nordestgaard Herlev Hospital
    University of Copenhagen
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Robert Rej  Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research
    Albany, NY
    William L. Roberts University of Utah
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Tatsuya Sawamura National Cardiovascular Center
    Osaka, Japan
    Matthias Schwab Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch
    Institute of Clinical Pharmacology
    Stuttgart, Germany
    Meir Stampfer Harvard School of Public Health
    Boston, MA
    Ulf-Håkan Stenman Helsinki University Central Hospital
    Philippa Talmud University College London
    London, United Kingdom
    Linda M. Thienpont Ghent University
    Per Magne Ueland Haukeland Hospital
    Bergen, Norway
    Teun van Gelder Erasmus Medical Center
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands


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