

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Clinical Biochemistry publishes articles relating to the applications of molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry and immunology to clinical investigation and to the diagnosis, therapy, and monitoring of human disease. Manuscripts are categorized as Analytical or Clinical Investigations and may be offered as Full Papers or as Capsules. Critical Reviews are welcome, but contributors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief to avoid conflict with other forthcoming Reviews.

Instructions to Authors


The Journal conforms to the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" (Ann Int Med 1982; 96: 6-71; Can Med Assoc J 1983; 128: 35-9).
Manuscripts, the original and two copies, should be submitted to Dr. Khorow Adeli, Editorial Office CLB, Division of Clinical Biochemistry, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, 555 University Ave., Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8, Canada. The telephone and facsimile numbers and E-mail address of corresponding authors must be provided on all copies submitted. An accompanying letter, signed by all authors, must provide assurance that the paper, in whole or in part, is not under consideration by another journal or publication source, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless and until it is declared unacceptable for publication by this Journal.
Clinical Biochemistry publishes articles relating to the applications of molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and immunology to clinical investigation and to the diagnosis, therapy, and monitoring of human disease. Manuscripts (designated as one of two categories: Analytical or Clinical Investigation) may be offered as Full Papers or as Capsules. The latter format is recommended for brief communications (including technical evaluations and short clinical notes) comprising up to 1,500 words of text, 10 references, and two illustrative items (Tables and/or Figures). The general requirements for both formats are as indicated below. Case Reports will be accepted only where they provide novel insight into disease mechanisms or diagnostic applications. Critical Reviews will be welcome but prospective authors are strongly advised to seek authorization from the Editor-in-Chief to avoid conflict with scheduled reviews invited by the Editorial Board.
Papers submitted to Clinical Biochemistry should not previously have been published in whole or part, except in the form of an abstract for a scientific meeting. Manuscripts will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers, either members of the Editorial Board or invited experts. The reviewers' comments will be sent to the first author by the Editor or Associate Editor responsible for the manuscript together with a decision on acceptance for publication.

Authorship: This Journal accepts the guidelines on authorship developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. This requires that each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. This participation must include: (a) conception or design, or analysis and interpretation of data, or both; (b) drafting the article or revising it for critically important intellectual content; and (c) final approval of the version to be published. Participating solely in the collection of data does not justify authorship.
All elements of an article (a), (b), and (c) above, critical to its main conclusions, must be attributable to at least one author. A paper with corporate (collective) authorship must specify the key persons who were responsible for the article; others who contributed to the work should be recognized or acknowledged separately. The Editors may require authors to justify the assignment of authorship.

General Requirements: Type double-spaced approximately 21 x 29 cm with 3 cm margins. Start each of the following sections on a new page: title page, abstract and key words, text, acknowledgements, references, each table, legends to figures. Number pages in top right hand corner beginning with the title page. A useful guide to preparation is the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual.

Title Page: Indicate: (i) title of the work, (ii) short running title, (iii) category under which submitted, (iv) each author's first name, initial(s) and last name, (v) name of department(s) in which the work was undertaken, and (vi) name and address of author to whom correspondence or requests for reprints should be sent.

Abstract: The abstract should be presented in a structured format and should not exceed 150 for Full Papers, or 75 words for Capsules. The following headings should be included followed by a colon: a) Objectives: b) Design and Methods: c) Results: d) Conclusions. Key Words: List separately up to 10 key words for Full Papers, or 5 words for Capsules, using terms from the most current issue of medical subject headings of Index Medicus.

Text: When appropriate, the text should have sections for: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Introduction: Define the reason for the study, the nature of the problem, and its relation to previous work. Methods: Describe equipment, experimental subjects, reagents, and procedures with sufficient detail to allow a competent reader to repeat the work. Trademarks and addresses of suppliers should be included. Provide references to established methods. Indicate the nature of ethical clearance when human subjects are involved. Results: Present in logical sequence the data generated using, as appropriate, tables and figures without duplication. Indicate the nature of data reduction and statistical procedures employed with appropriate references. Discussion: Indicate the conclusions that may be drawn and place them in the context of a critical appraisal of previous work. Distinguish clearly new information from previous findings, and speculation from fact. Problems arising out of the study may be identified, and relevant hypotheses may be generated.

Acknowledgements: Indicate financial support, gifts, technical assistance, and advice. Obtain written permission from those acknowledged by name.

References: Literature cited should be restricted to papers from peer-review journals listed in Index Medicus, or to articles and chapters in books that might reasonably be expected to be available to readers of this Journal. Presentations at Meetings may only be cited with reference to an abstract published in a peer-review journal. Number references consecutively in their order of appearance and arrange them in chronological order within groups simultaneously cited for the first time. "Unpublished observations" and "personal communications" may not be used as references but may be inserted in parentheses in the text. Abbreviations of titles of journals should conform to the List of Journals Indexed published each year in the January issue of Index Medicus.

1. Standard Journal Article. List all authors when 6 or less; for more than 6 list first 3 and add "et al."
Frohlich J, McLeod R, Hon K. Lecithin: Cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT). Clin Biochem 1982;15:269-78.

Books and monographs:
2. Personal author(s): Zilva JF, Pannall PR. Clinical chemistry in diagnosis and treatment. 4th ed. Chicago: Year Book Med Publ. Inc., 1984.
3. Chapter in book: Wright LA. Diagnostic clinical toxicology. In: Gornall AG, Ed. Applied biochemistry of clinical disorders. Hagerstown, MD: Harper & Row, l980. p. 378-88.

Cite review articles where appropriate and restrict references to those that are strictly relevant.

Computer Disks. Authors are encouraged to submit a computer disk containing the final version of the paper along with the final manuscript to the editorial office. Please observe the following criteria: 1. Send only hard copy when first submitting your paper; 2. When your paper has been refereed, revised as necessary and accepted, send a disk containing the final version with the final hard copy. Make sure the disk and hard copy match exactly; 3. Specify what software was used, including which release, e.g., WordPerfect 6.0; 4. Specify what computer was used (either IBM compatible PC or Apple Macintosh); 5. Include the text file and separate table and illustration files, if available; 6. The file should follow the general instructions on style/arrangements and, in particular, the reference style of this journal as given in the Instructions to Authors; 7. The file should be single-spaced and use wrap-around end-of-line feature, i.e., no returns at the end of each line. All textual elements should begin flush left; no paragraph indents. Place two returns after every element, e.g., title, headings, paragraphs, figure and table callouts. 8. Keep a back-up disk for reference and safety.

Tables: Type each table double-spaced on a separate sheet. Number consecutively with Arabic numerals, and provide a descriptive heading. Use footnotes to explain abbreviations. Authors should consult a recent issue of the Journal to ensure that the Tables are in the proper format.

Figures: Submit one set of high-quality illustrations as glossy prints with symbols of sufficient size as to remain legible when reduced for publication. All type within the figure should be roughly the same size. Indicate "top," figure number, and first author's surname lightly in pencil on the back of each illustration. Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals and provide fully descriptive captions to figures. Submit formulae for organic compounds as separate figures.

Abbreviations and Units: Standard abbreviations as listed in the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual may be used without definition. Use non-standard abbreviations sparingly, preceding their first use in the text with the corresponding full designation. Use units in conformity with the standard International System (SI) of units.

Copyright: Submit written permission from the copyright-holder for any illustrations or tables that have been published previously.

Page charges: There are no page charges.

Offprints: Twenty five free offprints will be supplied. Authors will be sent a form to order additional offprints.

Editorial Board
Khosrow Adeli, Editorial Office CLB, Division of Clinical Biochemistry, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, 555 University Ave., Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8, Canada Tel: +1 416 813 8599, Fax: +1 416 813 8599
Associate Editors:
R.H. Christenson, Baltimore, MD, USA
E.E. Delvin, Montreal, QC, Canada
M. Oellerich, Gottingen, Germany
Review Editor:
C.A. Hammett-Stabler, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Editorial Board:
V. Armstrong, Gottingen, Germany
J.D. Artiss, Detroit, MI, USA
N. Bhagavan, Honolulu, HI, USA
V. Bhayana, London, ON, Canada
J.S. Cohn, Montreal, QC, Canada
D.E.C. Cole, Toronto, ON, Canada
E. Diamandis, Toronto, ON, Canada
J.G. Donnelly, New York, NY, USA
G. Ellis, Livingstone, Scotland, UK
A. Fraser, Halifax, NS, Canada
J. Frohlich, Vancouver, BC, Canada
V. Grey, Hamilton, ON, Canada
N. Hamasaki, Fukuoka, Japan
T. Higgins, Edmonton, AB, Canada
B.R. Hoffman, Toronto, ON, Canada
D. Holt, London, UK
A. Johnston, London, UK
J. Kalra, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
J. Krahn, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R. Lepage, Montreal, QC, Canada
A.W. Lyon, Calgary, AB, Canada
J. Masse, Saint-Foy, PQ, Canada
R. Morris, Woodville, SA, Australia
M. Mueller, Vienna, Austria
T.K. Nilsson, Örebro, Sweden
C.P. Pang, Kowloon, Hong Kong
D.M. Parry, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
M. Plebani, Padova, Italy
J.M. Queralto, Barcelona, Spain
N. Rifai, Boston, MA, USA
R. Salvayre, Toulouse, France
W. Schneider, Montreal, QC, Canada
A. Theriault, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
H.A. Tokullugil, Bursa, Turkey
G.J. Tsongalis, Hartford, CT, USA
I. Watson, Liverpool, UK
J. Whitfield, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
E. Young, Hamilton, ON, Canada


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