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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Clays and Clay Minerals is the official publication of THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY. The JOURNAL publishes articles of interest to the international community of clay scientists, including but not limited to areas in mineralogy, crystallography, geology, geochemistry, sedimentology, soil science, agronomy, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, ceramics, petroleum engineering, foundry engineering, and soil mechanics. Clays and Clay Minerals exists to disseminate to its worldwide readership the most recent developments in all of these aspects of clay materials. Manuscripts are welcome from all countries.

Instructions to Authors

SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editorial Office of CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS. Submit an original (include original figures) plus three copies. Include the phone, FAX, and e-mail address of the submitting author. In the submittal letter, authors must state that the manuscript has not been published, is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, wholly or in part, nor will be submitted elsewhere while in the review process for CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS. Contributions may be (1) papers on original research or reviews on subjects of interest to the international community of clay scientists, (2) letters to the editor commenting on papers published, (3) editorial comment or comments by other Society officers, or (4) comments on matters having to do with clays or other fine-grained minerals. Letters to the editors and other comments should not exceed one printed page. Unsolicited book reviews are not to be submitted. Authors are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers (include addresses).

FORM OF MANUSCRIPT Manuscripts must be typewritten double spaced on standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper (do not use onionskin or erasable bond), and four copies must be submitted. CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS welcomes manuscripts from all countries, but the texts must be in English. All submitted manuscripts should have been reviewed by a colleague for whom English is a first language. Pages are to be numbered. End-of-line hyphens must be avoided. We need space on the manuscript to tell the typesetter how to print your paper. Therefore, use wide margins of at least one inch (2.5cm), a font size of 12-point, and double space. Do not right-justify type, since the spacing between words become confusing. End-of-line hyphens must be avoided.

TITLE PAGE The title page should include in the following order: manuscript title, full names of authors, addresses of institutions of authors, a shorter running title not exceeding 72 characters including spaces, any footnotes to the title or author data, and the name and complete mailing address of the person to whom correspondence and page proofs should be sent.

ABSTRACT All manuscripts (except letters and comments) must contain an informative abstract that is a condensation of the essential ideas and results of the paper, and not simply a list of the subjects covered in the text. Abstracts must clearly relate the problem, methods, results, and conclusions in such a manner that they can be used by current-awareness publications and other information-retrieval systems. Do not repeat information given in the title or reference the literature in the abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

KEY WORDS Provide a list of keywords (up to ten) in alphabetical order after the abstract (on the same page). These key words will be used in the index at the end of the year ?so if you want others to find this article be careful what you place here. For more information about the different parts of a manuscript, see the inside back cover of the JOURNAL starting in volume 47.

TEXT Text must be in a concise and readily understandable style. Sufficient detail must be included to enable other investigators to repeat the work. However, extremely detailed technical descriptions of the methods used should only be given when such methods represent a new approach. Contributors may indicate the approximate position desired within the text for each figure and table, but please provide the figures and tables at the end of the manuscript.

STYLE Our style guide is The Chicago Manual of Style. Contributors should consult previous issues of CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS from v. 34-36 or after v. 47, issue 2 for the general style. New mineral names require the approval of the IMA Commission on New Mineral Names. Mineral nomenclature must conform to IMA, CMS Nomenclature Committee, and AIPEA Nomenclature Committee guidelines.

Include separate pages for the title page and abstract. Units, symbols

SI units are mandatory, but angstrom (? and bar (b) may be used also if usage is consistent within the manuscript (we may suggest other exceptions in special cases). Footnotes should be used sparingly. For the first time an acronym (e.g., TEM) is used, spell in full and place the acronym in parentheses. Thereafter, use the acronym only. Never use an abbreviation in the title. For polytype symbols (e.g., muscovite-2M1) use italicize letters but use Roman (non-italicized) numbers. Latin terms (e.g., etc., et al., i.e., vs.) are in italics. The symbols "M" for "molar" and "N" for "normal" are not. Use I-S and not I/S for illite-smectite interstratification.   Use d001 where 1 is a number, but d00l where l is a letter, in this case "el". Use, for example, 37oC, 40o, 60%, 25 K, wt.%, <15, >15, ~15, 1000, 10,000, CuKa , kV, and mA. Use of IVFe3+ to designate four-fold coordination and trivalent iron is preferred, although IVFe(III) may be used. Do not mix usage in the same manuscript (unless indicating Fe3+ for solutions and Fe(III) for complex solids). Do not use FeIII.


Here is an example of the use of headings:


Heading 2

Heading 3. Run-in text here...

Heading 4. Run-in text here...

Please do not use an "outline" style or "bullets".


Chemical and mathematical equations are to be set from the text above and below by centering on the line, provided with a sequence number in parentheses, such as (1), and with each new symbol defined immediately below in the text.


References are cited in the text by the name of the author and the year of publication, e.g., Noh (1998) or Brandt and Kydd (1998). For references with more than two authors, use "et al." as in White et al. (1992). Citations in parentheses must include a comma, e.g., (White et al., 1992). Full references are listed alphabetically by author at the end of the paper and with the year in parentheses. The name of the author is given surname first, followed by a comma and the initials, with each initial followed by a period and without a space between initials. Do not abbreviate journal names. Volume numbers are in bold. For example:

Jahren, J.S. (1991) Evidence of Ostwald ripening related recrystallizations of chlorites

from reservoir rocks offshore Norway. Clay Minerals, 26, 169-178.

Koizumi, M. and Roy, R. (1959) Synthetic montmorillonoids with variable exchange

capacity. American Mineralogist, 44, 788-805.

Reynolds, R.C. (1980) Interstratified clay minerals. Pp. 249?03 in: Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and their X-ray Identification (G.W. Brindley and G. Brown, editors). Mineralogical Society, London.

Weaver, C.E. and Pollard, L.D. (1973) The Chemistry of Clay Minerals. Elsevier,

Amsterdam, 213 pp.

Kalt, A. (1968) Une silice hydratée cristallisée: Préparation, structure, propriétés chimiques.Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 197 pp.

Arrange multiple references with the same first author chronologically. Personal communications or other unpublished observations may be cited in the text, such as: (J. Jones, personal communication, 1996) or (J. Jones, unpublished data, 1996). These citations should not be included in the reference list, but the address of the person (e.g., J. Jones) referred to in the communication may be given in the Acknowledgments at the discretion of the author.


Tables will be typeset. Avoid complicated column headings. Type each table on a separate sheet of paper. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript numerals and should commence anew in each table. Type the table caption directly above the table.

Figure legends will be typeset; please type legends on a separate page and not on the figures themselves. Use lower case letters to designate different parts of a figure, and do not use parentheses. All figures must be camera-ready, with no retouching needed and mounted on a sheet of paper. Multi-part figures must be mounted on the same page. Text on figures must follow our style guidelines above. All figures and photographs must be designed to fit after photographic reduction either a single (7.5 cm x 22 cm) or double (15.5 cm x 22 cm) width for the page size of the JOURNAL. Authors should check reduction on a copier. Try to make the figure work as a one-column figure! In photo or electron micrographs, the scale in micrometers (mm) or other suitable units should be drawn directly on the print. Do not include magnification information on the figure because it may be reduced (i.e., provide a scale instead). Also, avoid unnecessary boxes around illustrations or within a figure.

REVIEW Manuscripts submitted to the JOURNAL are normally reviewed by two or more referees, an Associate Editor, the Managing Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief. Identity of the referees is optional, at the discretion of the referee. Acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is the sole responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.

COPYRIGHT As a result of the US copyright law effective January 1, 1978, it is essential as a condition of publication that the authors or their employers grant in writing to THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY the copyright to the manuscript, unless the work has been done for the U.S. Government. Copyright forms will be mailed at the time of manuscript acceptance, or are available from the Editorial Office upon request. All authors must sign the copyright form, unless their employer will hold the copyright. Authors (or employers, as applicable) will retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights and the right to use all or part of the manuscript in future non-journal works of their own, such as lectures, reviews, textbooks, or reprint books.

COPYRIGHT ISSUES Copyright laws require The Clay Minerals Society to obtain copyright on all articles published in either Clays and Clay Minerals or Society publications. The Clay Minerals Society recognizes that authors should have complete access to their work for possible future use, if necessary. The Society's policy is to allow the use of work defined as "fair-use" items (e.g., figures, tables) to be used by the author, provided that proper citations are given. Authors do not need to obtain additional permission for "fair-use" items, except for use in books or in "for-profit" publications. Authors who plan on publishing "fair-use" items in books or "for-profit" publications must obtain permission from the Editor.

Scientists or educators may use Society publication materials for certain limited non-profit educational uses, such as in a classroom or for most scientific purposes, without obtaining additional permission. Any commercial use of any Society materials in any format (e.g., paper, electronic, etc.) requires permission from the Society office. If in doubt as to whether permission is needed, please contact the Society office. In many cases, permission may be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center, which may be accessed using the following icon:

Editorial Board

James E. Amonette

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA


William F. Bleam

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI


Sam Chaudhuri

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


Randall T. Cygan

Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM


W. Crawford Elliot

Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA


Ray E. Ferrell, Jr.

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA


Peter J. Heaney

Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA


Warren D. Huff

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH


William F. Jaynes

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX


Peter Komadel

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic


David A. Laird

USDA, ARS, National Soil Tilth Laboratory, Ames, IA


Prakash B. Malla

Thiele Kaolin Company, Sandersville, GA


Douglas K. McCarty

Texaco Upstream Technology, Houston, TX


Ahmet R. Mermut

University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Helge Stanjek

Aachen University, Germany



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