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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


CHEST: The Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal is the official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians. Each month it features cutting edge clinical investigations in the multidisciplinary specialties of chest medicine, such as pulmonology, cardiology, thoracic surgery, transplantation, sleep and breathing, airways disease, and more. CHEST also features basic science, special reports, case reports, board review questions, and more. Editorials and communications to the editor explore controversial issues and encourage further discussion by physicians dealing with chest medicine. Nearly 23,000 readers worldwide turn to CHEST each month to keep up-to-date on the latest in chest-related medicine.


Instructions to Authors




These guidelines have been prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals,1 the full text of which is available at http://www.icmje.org. Authors should familiarize themselves with these requirements before submission.

Ethics of Publication

Original submissions will be considered for publication with the understanding that they are contributed solely to CHEST.2 If any material related to the submission (other than a brief abstract) has been published in any medium or has been submitted for publication elsewhere, the authors should provide copies of all related manuscripts, as well as outline the relationship of all materials for the Editor-in-Chief, to avoid allegations of duplicate publication.

Prospective authors should refer to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals1 to familiarize themselves with ethical conventions of publication; specifically, the issues of redundant or duplicate publication, 2 authorship criteria, and potential conflicts of interest. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to investigate alleged improprieties related to these conventions.

Ethics of Investigation

When questions of scientific misconduct or dishonesty in research occur, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to proceed according to the guidelines of the Office of Research Integrity.3 The journal recognizes its responsibility to ensure that such questions are appropriately pursued, but it does not undertake the actual investigation or make determinations of misconduct in research performance.1

Authors must specify whether the procedures used in human research were in accordance with the recommendations found in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975.4 Appropriate informed consent must have been obtained from the subjects and investigational protocols must have been approved by the institutional review board for human studies. Animal studies should conform to National Research Council guidelines.5 Authors may be asked to provide the appropriate documentation of compliance, as well as the data on which the manuscript is based.

Author Disclosure

Each author must disclose all pertinent involvement in any organization with a direct financial interest in the subject of the manuscript. This information should be listed on the title page of the manuscript, as should be all sources of financial support. Any other potential conflicts of interest should be outlined in the cover letter. A good rule of thumb is: when in doubt, disclose. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to determine whether to share disclosed information with the readership.

Author Agreement Form

Each submission must include a copy of the Author Agreement Form signed by each author. By signing the form, the author agrees that: 1) he/she has participated sufficiently in the research and analysis of data, as well as the writing of the manuscript, to take public responsibility for the work1; 2) no portion of the work has been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere, except as outlined for the Editor-in-Chief in the cover letter; 3) all pertinent involvement with any organization with a financial interest in the subject matter has been disclosed; 4) all rights to ownership of all US and foreign copyrights for all portions of the manuscript are transferred to the American College of Chest Physicians upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication; 5) all information provided in the Author Agreement Form, Manuscript Submission Checklist, and any accompanying letter is true.

Employees of the federal government cannot transfer copyright ownership, but they must sign the Author Agreement Form to indicate agreement with the other issues. Any author who is a federal employee should note this on the form.

The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to clarify each author’s role in the work outlined. A copy of the Author Agreement Form can be found at the end of these instructions, in each issue of the journal, and on the journal Web site (http://www.chestjournal.org/misc/chest4.shtml).

Authors also should review the Manuscript Submission Checklist to verify that the submission is complete. Failure to follow these instructions may result in significant delays and return of submissions. CHEST is not responsible for the loss of any submitted materials.

Peer Review

All submissions are subject to peer review. The Editor-in-Chief will send manuscripts to outside reviewers selected from an extensive database. However, authors are invited to provide the names of two or three particularly qualified reviewers in the United States or Canada who have had experience in the manuscript subject, but who are not affiliated with the same institution(s) as the author(s). The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to final selection of peer reviewers.

Effort is made to complete the review process in a timely manner, usually within 6 to 8 weeks of receipt of submission. Please be patient and allow the appropriate time to elapse before contacting the editorial office.


General Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, A. Jay Block, MD, Master FCCP, 3300 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2348. E-mail submissions are not acceptable at this time.

All text must be double-spaced, including references and legends. Each of the following sections should begin on a new page: title page; abstract; key words; abbreviation list; body of paper; references; figure legends; tables. Pages should be numbered consecutively. An original printed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper, with margins of at least 1 inch, and four duplicate copies should be provided. Five sets of glossy figures are needed. An electronic file also must be submitted on a 3.5-inch diskette, labeled with the name of the file, software, and release version. No files other than the manuscript, tables, or legends should be contained on the diskette. An electronic file containing the figures is optional.

Title Page

The title page should include the following: full title; full first and last names, highest academic degrees, and institutional affiliations for all authors; the institution at which the work was performed; disclosure of any financial support or author involvement with organization(s) with financial interest in the subject matter; and the corresponding author’s contact information. Please limit the number of authors to no more than seven.


Each article should be preceded by an abstract. For clinical or original investigations, a structured abstract should not exceed 300 words. The suggested components of this format are: Study Objectives; Design; Setting; Patients or Participants; Interventions; Measurements and Results; Conclusions. Each component should start on a new line.

For selected reports and papers that are not investigational, abstracts should not exceed 100 words. They can be, but need not be, in a structured format.

Key Words

Please provide no fewer than three but no more that ten key words that reflect the content of your manuscript. For guidance, consult the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms), available on-line at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html .


On a separate sheet, please provide an alphabetical list of all abbreviations used in the paper, followed by their full definitions. Each abbreviation should be expanded at first mention in the text and noted parenthetically after expansion. To facilitate reader comprehension, please use abbreviations sparingly.


All manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in 10 or 12 point typeface (eg, Times Roman, Helvetica). Subheads should be used to provide guidance for the reader; this format can be flexible, but the subheads in clinical investigations would ordinarily include sections such as Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Selected reports should be limited to approximately 750 words, one or two illustrations, and six well-selected references. Appropriate subheads might include the following sections: Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Submissions to other departments should follow examples published in previous issues. Please review recent copies of the journal for guidance.

When mentioning products such as drugs or equipment, use the generic (nonproprietary) name, followed in parentheses by the brand or trade name, manufacturer name, and manufacturer location, as in the following example: The patient was treated with bilevel nasal positive pressure (BiPAP; Respironics Inc; Murrysville, PA).


Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of citations. These references should be given as superscript numerals, numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. The full citations must be listed on a separate sheet in numerical order at the end of the text. Each reference should contain, in order, the following: first three authors (last name, initials) [followed by et al in the case of four or more authors], title of article (lower case, no quotation marks), source, year of publication, volume, and inclusive page numbers. References to abstracts or letters may be included but must be noted as such. Abbreviations of journal names should conform to Index Medicus style (available online at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/jrbrowser.cgi). Please note that no periods are used after authors?initials, after journal abbreviations, or at the end of a reference. Following are examples of the most common formats.

Journal Article

1 Cordier JF, Chailleux E, Lauque D, et al. Primary lymphomas: a clinical study of 70 cases of nonimmunocompromised patients. Chest 1993; 103:201-208


2 Cane RD, Shapiro BA, Davison R. Case studies in critical care medicine. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: Mosby Yearbook, 1990; 193-195

Book Chapter

3 Tuchschmidt J, Akil B. The lung and AIDS in developing countries. In: Sharma OP, ed. Lung disease in the tropics. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, 1991; 305-318


4 Petrillo T, Fortenberry J, Linzer J, et al. Use of ketamine in status asthmaticus [abstract]. Chest 2000; 118 (suppl):80S

For assistance in formatting other types of references, please refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style.6 (p 28-51)


Illustrations (radiographs, CT scans, ECGs, photomicrographs, graphics, etc) should be professionally designed or photographed. Do not send original art work, radiographic films, transparencies, slides, or EEG tracings. Glossy photographs are requested (typical size is 3 x 5 or 5 x 7). Computer-generated line art is acceptable only as an original and not as a photocopied duplicate; good black-and-white contrast is essential. Electronic versions of figures are not required but, if provided, they must be accompanied by paper prints.

The back of each illustration should have the following information typed on a gummed label and then affixed: figure number, title of manuscript, name of first author, and correct orientation (ie, top). Please do not write in ink as it may smear and ruin other illustrations that come into contact with it. No paper clips should be used. Illustrations should be placed in a protective envelope and included with the manuscript.

All illustrations must be cited in consecutive numerical order within the text of the manuscript. A legend for each illustration should be provided on a separate page, not on the figure itself. Please identify stains and magnifications for all photomicrographs.

Signed statements of consent must accompany a photograph if there is a possibility the subject could be identified.6 (p 83)

Color Illustrations

CHEST encourages the inclusion of color illustrations and will share the expense of reproduction and printing. The author’s share of this cost is $500 per color figure. When submitting a color figure, please indicate whether it is to be published in color and whether the authors agree to share the reproduction costs. Do not send payment with the submission; these costs will be billed after publication.


Editorial Board



A. Jay Block, MD, Master FCCP, Gainesville, FL

Nancy A. Collop, MD, FCCP, Baltimore, MD
Douglas L. Mann, MD, FCCP, Houston, TX

W. Michael Alberts, MD, FCCP, Tampa, FL
Ezra A. Amsterdam, MD, Sacramento, CA
W. McDowell Anderson, MD, FCCP, Tampa, FL
Nestor Angomachalelis, MD, FCCP, Greece
Robert M. Aris, MD, Chapel Hill, NC
Alejandro C. Arroliga, MD, FCCP, Cleveland, OH
Robert P. Baughman, MD, FCCP, Cincinnati, OH
Gerald L. Baum, MD, FCCP, Israel
Richard B. Berry, MD, FCCP, Gainesville, FL
Demosthenes E. Bouros, MD, FCCP, Greece
Mark L. Brantly, MD, Gainesville, FL
Lee K. Brown, MD, FCCP, Albuquerque, NM
Nausherwan K. Burki, MD, FCCP, Lexington, KY
Edward R. Carter, MD, FCCP, Seattle, WA
Moira Chan-Yeung, MD, Hong Kong
Neil S. Cherniack, MD, Newark, NJ
Dewey Conces, MD, FCCP, Indianapolis, IN
Burke A. Cunha, MD, FCCP, Mineola, NY
Gilbert E. D’Alonzo, DO, FCCP, Philadelphia, PA
Bruce Davidson, MD, MPH, FCCP, Seattle, WA
Ivan A. D'Cruz, MD, Memphis, TN
Francesco de Blasio, MD, FCCP, Italy
Teresita S. DeGuia, MD, FCCP, Philippines
Bob Demers, RRT, Stanford, CA
Robert J. DiBenedetto, MD, FCCP, Savannah, GA
Rajiv Dhand, MD, FCCP, Hines, IL
Guillermo do Pico, MD, FCCP, Madison, WI
Norman H. Edelman, MD, FCCP, Stony Brook, NY
Arn H. Eliasson, MD, FCCP, Washington, DC
Alan M. Fein, MD, FCCP, Manhasset, NY
Juan C. Figueroa-Casas, MD, FCCP, Argentina
Victor F. Froelicher, MD, Palo Alto, CA
Allan Garland, MD, Cleveland, OH
Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD, FCCP, Boston, MA
Andrew Harver, PhD, Charlotte, NC
John E. Heffner, MD, FCCP, Charleston, SC
Richard Irwin, MD, FCCP, Worcester, MA
Surinder K. Jindal, MD, FCCP, India
Richard E. Kanner, MD, FCCP, Salt Lake City, UT
Yash P. Kataria, MBBS, FCCP, Greenville, NC
Malcolm King, PhD, FCCP, Canada
Claus Kroegel, MD, FCCP, Germany
Richard S. Kronenberg, MD, FCCP, Tyler, TX
Friedrich Kueppers, MD, Philadelphia, PA
Peretz Lavie, PhD, Israel
Abraham Joseph Layon, MD, FCCP, Gainesville, FL
Louis Lemberg, MD, FCCP, Miami, FL
Stephanie M. Levine, MD, FCCP, San Antonio, TX
Jack Lieberman, MD, FCCP, Northridge, CA
Brian J. Lipworth, MD, Scotland
Joseph LoCicero, III, MD, FCCP, Boston, MA
Carlos M. Luna, MD, FCCP, Argentina
John E. Madias, MD, Elmhurst, NY
Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCP, Pittsburgh, PA
Boaz A. Markewitz, MD, FCCP, Salt Lake City, UT
Malek G. Massad, MD, FCCP, Chicago, IL
Atul C. Mehta, MBBS, FCCP, Cleveland, OH
Richard A. Mintzer, MD, FCCP, Chicago, IL
Brian F. Mullan, MD, FCCP, Iowa City, IA
Matthew T. Naughton, MD, Australia
Michael S. Niederman, MD, FCCP, Mineola, NY
Dennis E. Niewoehner, MD, FCCP, Minneapolis, MN
Gerald N. Olsen, MD, FCCP, Columbia, SC
Michael C. Pain, MD, FCCP, Australia
Harold L. Paz, MD, FCCP, New Brunswick, NJ
Arnaud Perrier, MD, FCCP, Switzerland
Udaya Prakash, MD, FCCP, Rochester, MN
Thomas A. Raffin, MD, FCCP, Stanford, CA
Bruce K. Rubin, MD, FCCP, Winston-Salem, NC
Israel Rubinstein, MD, FCCP, Chicago, IL
Steven Sahn, MD, FCCP, Charleston, SC
George A. Sarosi, MD, FCCP, Indianapolis, IN
John A. Sbarbaro, MD, FCCP, Denver, CO
Neil W. Schluger, MD, New York, NY
Jeff Schnader, MD, FCCP, Dayton, OH
Moises Selman, MD, FCCP, Mexico
Nikolaos M. Siafakas, MD, FCCP, Greece
Anthony D. Slonim, MD, MPH, Washington, DC
Samuel V. Spagnolo, MD, FCCP, Washington, DC
David A. Spain, MD, Stanford, CA
Darryl Sue, MD, FCCP, Torrance, CA
Morton Tavel, MD, FCCP, Indianapolis, IN
Marcel Topilsky, MD, FCCP, Israel
Antoni Torres, MD, FCCP, Spain
Michael Unger, MD, FCCP, Philadelphia, PA
Joseph Varon, MD, FCCP, Houston, TX
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, FCCP, Belgium
John G. Weg, MD, Master FCCP, Ann Arbor, MI
Emmanuel Weitzenblum, MD, FCCP, France
Carolyn H. Welsh, MD, FCCP, Denver, CO
Anthony Yim, DM, FCCP, Hong Kong
Dani S. Zander, MD, Gainesville, FL
Kenton J. Zehr, MD, FCCP, Rochester, MN

Publisher: Alvin Lever, MA, FCCP (Hon)

Executive Editor: Stephen J. Welch

Managing Editor:
Mary Ann Branagan

Advertising and Production Manager:
Patricia A. Micek

Senior Copy Editor:
Pamela Goorsky

Circulation/Editorial Coordinator:
Barbara J. Anderson

Editorial Coordinators:
Laura Lipsey
Lisa Mathis (Florida)
Carla Miller

National Sales Representatives
The Walchli Tauber Group, Inc.
2225 Old Emmorton Rd., Ste. 201
Bel Air, MD 21015
Tel: (410) 512-8899
FAX: (443) 512-8909
Gary Walchli: ext 102
Steve Tauber: ext 103

CHEST (USPS 157-860 ISSN 0012-3692) is published monthly by the American College of ChestPhysicians, 3300 Dundee Rd, Northbrook, IL 60062-2348. The ACCP may be contacted by telephone: (847) 498-1400; Fax: (847) 498-5460; e-mail: accp@chestnet.org or through the World Wide Web home page: http://www.chestnet.org. Periodicals postage paid at Northbrook, IL and additional mailing offices.

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DISCLAIMER: The statements and opinions contained in editorials and articles in this journal are solely those of the authors thereof and not of the American College of CHEST Physicians, or of its officers, regents, members and employees. The appearance of advertisements or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality, or safety are solely those of the advertisers. The Editor-in-Chief, the American College of CHEST Physicians, its officers, regents, members, and employees disclaim all responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in articles or advertisements contained in this Journal.

COPYRIGHT ?2003 by the American College of CHEST Physicians

PERMISSIONS: Permission is required to reproduce any figure, table, or parts of material published in CHEST. All permission requests must be made in writing to ACCP Permissions Editor (e-mail, permissions@chestnet.org; fax, 847-498-5460; or regular mail).

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