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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Latest Issue 

Brought to you by the publishers of Angewandte Chemie, ChemPhysChem was first published in August 2000. It appeared with Angewandte Chemie in the initial years and became a stand-alone journal in 2001. ChemPhysChem is based on the successful concept of Angewandte Chemie, one of the world's most indispensable journals of chemistry, which has always been innovative and original:

  • Annotated Table of Contents: a time-saver par excellence and ideal for browsing
  • Review articles featuring a critical selection of the most important aspects of a topic
  • Concepts emphasizing important developments in a specific area and their implications for future research
  • Highlights presenting concise evaluations of highly relevant current chemical research
  • Communications describing red-hot results that can change the course of research
  • Book Reviews written by true experts

The start of ChemPhysChem was due to contributions from the French and German Chemical Societies. Today, it is co-owned by nine European Chemical Societies. Its first impact factor was determined to be 4.217 by ISI in 2002.

Instructions to Authors

1. General Information

ChemPhysChem is a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry; it is currently co-owned and supported by a number of European chemical societies (the French SFC, German GDCh, Belgian SRC and KVCV, Czech ÈSCh, Hungarian MKE, Portuguese SPQ, and Greek EEX) and published by WILEY-VCH. Contributions in ChemPhysChem cover experimental and theoretical research at the interface of chemistry and physics that deals, in the widest sense, with the application of chemical methods to physical problems or using the tools of physics to solve problems in chemistry and biology. ChemPhysChem publishes predominantly original Communications and few full-length Articles, as well as Reviews, Minireviews, Highlights, Concepts, and Book and Conference Reviews. The latter categories are generally written upon invitation; unsolicited manuscripts, however, are welcome as long as they fit into the scope of the journal.

With the exception of Book Reviews and news-type submissions, all manuscripts will be peer reviewed. Authors of original contributions or unsolicited reviews are requested to supply a short text justifying why the manuscript should appear in ChemPhysChem and to inform the editor of other submitted or in-press papers (prereprints requested) that have a bearing upon the manuscript under consideration. All contributions will be judged on the basis of originality, quality, and novelty. Authors are expected to make their manuscripts suitable for a heterogeneous readership of physicists and chemists.

Essential color figures will be reproduced free of charge; in all other cases part of the additional cost for the reproduction of color figures must be paid for by the author. We encourage authors to submit pictures for the cover page. The correspondence author will receive a free high-quality PDF version for 25 downloads.

2. Types of Contributions

Communications and Articles should present the results of experimental or theoretical studies of general interest or great importance to the development of a specific area of research. Inclusive of all references, footnotes, and tables, a Communication should be no longer than six double-spaced pages (about 10 000 characters); Formulas, Figures, and Schemes may also be added. Longer Articles will be accepted only if their quality warrants consideration and a written justification of their length is provided. Communications should not be divided into sections. However, experimental details can be summarized under the heading Methods/Experimental Section. ChemPhysChem will not publish Articles that consist, to a significant extent, of results reported in previous Communications with an added Experimental Section.

Reviews should present a critically selected treatment of the material (up to about 40 pages or 65 000 characters) rather than an assemblage of detailed information with a complete literature survey; unsolved problems and possible developments should also be discussed. A Minireview should introduce the reader to a specific area of an author's research through a concise overview (up to around 15 pages or 25 000 characters). The content should balance scope with depth, and reference to important work from others which is significant to the topic should be included.

Highlights present critical assessments (up to about 5 pages or 8 500 characters) of very important new results; they are, in general, written by a third person. The results should be presented clearly, but as succinctly, as possible, without the comprehensive details required for an original article.

Concepts are short articles (10 pages or 17 000 characters) emphasizing the general concepts that have guided important developments in a specific area and their implications for future research. The reference section should include the key papers that have contributed to conceptual advances in the field under review, rather than being fully comprehensive. The authors, while presenting their own research, should aim to provide the nonspecialist reader with a useful guide and the expert with a new angle on a familiar problem.Comments: Correspondence on publications in ChemPhysChem or on topics of high current interest is welcome if it contributes to the scientific discussion.

3. Manuscript Preparation

We can process your manuscript faster if you lay it out as described in the complete version of our Notice to Authors, which can be found on our homepage or faxed to you on request (addresses are given below).

The whole manuscript should be in either British or American English. For any complex or unusual notation, a clarification nearby is recommended. Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently.

For the initial submission, graphical materials and equations may appear in the body of the text for a more clearly read manuscript. For final (accepted) manuscript, please separate the text from the graphics and equations.

The Title Page should include the manuscript title, all authors' names (with given names), addresses, and fax and/or e-mail details of the correspondence author(s).

Abstracts are required only for Articles (100-350 words), Concepts (75 words), or for a Review (250-350 words). For the latter, it should be entitled Lead-In and, rather than a mere summary, should arouse the reader's interest.

Up to five Keywords should be given, at least two should come from the basic keyword list available from our homepage.

An Introduction (Reviews and Minireviews only) should introduce the topic to the nonspecialist.

Articles need a Results and Discussion section which may be divided further with subheadings; in Communications it should not to be so subdivided.

Since Reviews, Minireviews, Highlights, and Concepts present no new results as such, the body of the text should be divided into numbered Sections. For Reviews and Minireviews, the first such Section is the Introduction (see above) and the last is entitled Summary and Outlook.

An Experimental Section and/or Computational Methods (Communications and Articles only) should provide enough detail to allow others to repeat the work. Compound names or computational procedures should follow systematic nomenclature.

Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible and placed before the References.

References appear in the text body in square brackets, superscripted, and after any punctuation. In the collated reference list, which appears at the end of the manuscript and not as footnotes, the names of all authors (not "et al.") should be typed in upper- and lowercase letters starting with initials of forenames, then surnames; the penultimate and last names should be separated only by a comma (not by "and"); only a comma is required between the name of the last author and the title of the journal. Where appropriate, composite references may be used, separated by a), b), c), and so forth. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source List (CASSI). Importantly, if you use an automatic reference system, please convert the references to text before submission.

Legends must be included for each Figure and Scheme (see below), which are listed together after the References. Tables must have a brief Legend, and footnotes for Tables are denoted [a], [b], and so forth. Figures, Schemes, and Tables should be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the manuscript and referred to in full (Figure 5, Table 3) in the text.

Graphical Materials—Figures, Schemes, and Formulas—may be included in the text for the initial submission. For the final version they must be submitted on separate sheets and, ideally, electronically. Details for preparing camera-ready graphical items can be found on our homepage; if these materials are not camera-ready, requested corrections will be returned on acceptance of the manuscript.

Table of Contents text and an associated graphical item should be included. These items should tempt browsers to read the paper and need not summarise the paper in its entirety; repetition or paraphrasing the title would be a wasted opportunity.

Biographical Sketch(es) (Reviews only) of up to 750 characters and a portrait-quality photograph of each author is requested.

4. Submission

Manuscripts are preferably sent by through our Online Submission of Manuscripts (OSM) service, found on our home page. For manuscripts that contain color figures and for review articles, we recommend electronic submissions should be followed up with at least one original copy by mail. Our contact addresses are:

For OSM: www.chemphyschem.com,
under Author/Referee service

Email address: chemphyschem@wiley-vch.de

For regular mail: For courier services:
ChemPhysChem ChemPhysChem
Postfach 101161 Boschstrasse 12
69451 Weinheim 69469 Weinheim
Germany Germany

4.1. Initial Submission: OSM

The OSM system includes an extensive guide. First log in (and, for new users, register), then follow the instructions to upload your manuscript. Acceptable file formats are Word (.doc or .rtf), Acrobat (.pdf), or Postscript (.ps). Please ensure each page is numbered. Include any graphical materials, tables, or Supporting Information in the same file.

Do keep copies of the graphical materials in their original format; these will be required upon acceptance of your manuscript for production purposes.

4.2. Initial Submission: Post

Manuscripts sent by regular mail or as email attachments may be subject to slight handling delays. For mailed manuscripts, please send four copies.

5. Questions

All queries regarding manuscripts should be sent by email to chemphyschem@wiley-vch.de, faxed to +49 (0)6201-606-331, or call directly either to +49 (0)6201-606-200 or +49 (0)6201-606-319.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


BE Frans C. De Schryver (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
FR James T. Hynes (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)


FR Christian Amatore (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
IT Vincenzo Balzani (Universit?degli Studi di Bologna)
US Moungi G. Bawendi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA)
FR Marie-Claire Bellissent-Funel (CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette)
DE Christoph Bräuchle (Universität München)
US Emily A. Carter (University of California, Los Angeles, CA)
US Sylvia T. Ceyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA)
Avelino Corma (Universidad Politècnica de València)
FR Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (ESPCI / Collège de France, Paris) Nobel Prize Physics 1991
FR Jacques Delaire (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan)
UK Christopher M. Dobson (Cambridge University)
FR Thomas W. Ebbesen (ISIS, Univ. Pasteur, Strasbourg)
US Kenneth B. Eisenthal (Columbia University, New York)
DE Thomas Elsaesser (MBI Nonlinear Optics & Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin)
DE Gerhard Ertl (Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin)
UK Richard H. Friend (University of Cambridge)
DE Peter Fromherz (Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried)
CH Michael Grätzel (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
NL Georges Hadziioannou (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
CA Raymond E. Kapral (University of Toronto)
NL Robert Kaptein (Universiteit Utrecht)
DE Jörg Kotthaus (Universität München)
FR Dominique Langevin (Universit?Paris-Sud)
FR Richard Lavery (Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris)
TW Yuan-Tseh Lee (Academica Sinica) Nobel Prize Chemistry 1986
IL Raphael D. Levine (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
US W. Carl Lineberger (University of Colorado, Boulder, CO)
JP Hiroshi Masuhara (Osaka University)
DE Michele Parrinello (Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico, Manno)
FR Jacques Prost (Institut Curie, Paris)
IN C. N. R. Rao (J. Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore)
SE Björn O. Roos (Lunds Universitet)
DE Erich Sackmann (Technische Universität München)
FR Jean-Michel Savéant (Universit?Paris VII Denis Diderot)
NL George A. Sawatzky (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
US Richard J. Saykally (University of California, Berkeley)
NL Jan W. Verhoeven (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
DE Gerhard Wegner (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz)
US Peter G. Wolynes (University of California, San Diego)
US X. Sunney Xie (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA)
JP Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University)
IT Claudio Zannoni (Universit?degli Studi di Bologna)
US Richard N. Zare (Stanford University, CA)
US Ahmed H. Zewail (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA) Nobel Prize Chemistry 1999


Bettina Dauch


Postfach 10 11 61
69451 Weinheim








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