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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Chemico-Biological Interactions publishes research reports and review articles that examine the molecular, cellular, and/or biochemical basis of toxicologically relevant outcomes. Special emphasis is placed on mechanisms associated with interactions between chemicals and biological systems. Outcomes may include all traditional endpoints caused by synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals, both in vivo and in vitro. Endpoints of interest include, but are not limited to, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, respiratory toxicology, neurotoxicology, reproductive and developmental toxicology, and immunotoxicology.

Instructions to Authors

Chemico-Biological Interactions publishes research reports and review articles that examine the molecular, cellular, and/or biochemical basis of toxicologically relevant outcomes. Special emphasis is placed on mechanisms associated with interactions between chemicals and biological systems. Outcomes may include all traditional endpoints caused by synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals, both in vivo and in vitro. Endpoints of interest include, but are not limited to, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, respiratory toxicology, neurotoxicology, reproductive and developmental toxicology, and immunotoxicology.

Abstracting Services
Biological Abstracts; Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences; Chem. Abstracts; Current Contents/Life Sciences; Current Contents/Science Cita-tion Index; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Index Medicus; PASCAL M

Submission of Papers
A Letter of Submission should accompany each paper stating that the paper has not been published in part and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. It should also state that all authors agree to submission. Names and addresses of 3-5 potential referees should be included. Revised versions should be returned within 45 days of the date of request for revision, unless a request for extension has been granted. Failure to do so will imply that the paper is withdrawn from consideration. Submission of a paper implies the exclusive authorisation of the Publisher to deal with all matters concerning copyright therein. There will be no submission or page charge. Papers should be submitted to the relevant Editor:
James A. Bond, Ph.D., ToxCon, 5505 Frenchmans Creek, Durham, NC 27713, USA; fax: +1(919)544-6384; E-mail: toxcon@earthlink.net
Hepatocyte Research Reports Editor:
Albert P. Li, Ph.D., In Vitro Technologies, 1450 S. Rolling Road, Baltimore, MD, 21227, USA; fax: +1(410)455-1245; E-mail: lialbertpakhung@hotmail.com

Types of papers
Chemico-Biological Interaction will publish ,(1) Papers reporting results of original mechanistic research; (2) Review articles; (3) Letters to the Editor; (4) Announcements and advertisements.
Review Articles - Outlines of papers for these sections should be submitted to the Editor in Chief.
Announcements and Advertisements - Organisers of relevant meetings may submit announcements through the Editor-in-Chief for publication free of charge as space permits. Advertising rates can be obtained upon request.

Advertising Information
Advertising orders and enquiries can be sent to: Europe and ROW: Rachel Leveson-Gower, Elsevier Science Ltd., Advertising Department, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 IGB, UK; Tel: (+44)(1865)843565; Fax: (+44)(1865)843976; E-mail: r.leveson-gower@elsevier.co.uk. USA and Canada: Elsevier Science Inc., M. Tino DeCarlo, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010-5107, USA; Tel: (+ 1)(212)633 3815; Fax: (+ 1)(212)633 3820; E-mail: t.decarlo@elsevier.com. Japan: Elsevier Science K.K., Advertising Depart-ment, 9-15 Higashi-Azabu l-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 1060044, Japan; Tel: (+81)(3)5561-5033; Fax: (+81)(3)5561-5047.

Manuscripts, in English, should be submitted in quadruplicate in double-spaced typing on pages of uniform size (preferably 20 x 28 cm). As a rule, the paper should be divided into sections, headed by a caption (e.g. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, etc.). Authors' full names, academic or professional affiliations and addresses should be included on the first page, and the name, complete address, e-mail address fax and telephone number of the author for correspondence. The preferred medium of submission is on disk with accompanying manuscript (see 'Electronic manuscripts' below).

Electronic manuscripts
Main Text
Accepted papers prepared using any of the more popular word-processing packages are acceptable but please note the following points:
Submissions should be made on a double-density or high-density 3.5" disk. The disk format, word-processor format, file name(s) and the title and authors of the article must be indicated on the disk.
The disk must always be accompanied by a hard-copy version of the article, and the content of the two must be identical. The disk text must be the same as that of the final refereed manuscript.
Disks formatted for either IBM PC compatibles or Apple Macintosh are preferred. If you can provide either of these, our preference is for the former. The article must be saved in the native format of the word processor used, e.g. WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, etc. Although most popular word prwssor file formats are acceptable, we cannot guarantee the usability of all formats. If the disk you send us proves to be unusable, we will publish your article from the hard copy. Please do not send ASCII files as relevant data may be lost.
Table should preferably be placed in the same electronic file as the text. Authors should consult a recent issue of the Journal for table layout.

Graphics Although there are still a large number of technical difficulties to overcome, we are processing graphic files in a growing number of cases. Both scanned and computer-generated illustrations, either in colour or black and while are acceptable. The following requirements are to be met:
A hard copy is required in all cases. Since we cannot a priori guarantee the usability of your graphic file(s), hard copies of all illustrations should accompany the accepted printout of the manuscript in all cases. One set should be in a publishable condition.
Disks: Files should preferably be submitted on disk, either IBM or Macintosh. Submission via e-mail is not recommended for large files.
Format: TIFF or EPS files are preferred. TIFF files should preferably be com-pressed, but only LZW (Macintosh) compression is acceptable. Please note that corrections in EPS figures are only possible if they have been prepared with Adobe Illustrator 3.0 or higher versions. The usability of other formats is to a large extent dependent on the information you supply us with concerning the soft- and hardware used. It is a good idea to put the relevant information in the header of the file.
Resolution: Drawings made with Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand (Macintosh) and CorelDraw (IBM/DOS) generally give good results. Drawings made in WordPerfect or Word generally have a too low resolution; only if made at a much higher resolution (1016 dpi) can they be used. Files of scanned line drawings are acceptable if done at a minimum of 1016 dpi. For scanned halftone figures a resolution, of 300 dpi is sufficient. Scanned figures compressed with JPEG usually give no problems. Please note that scanned figures cannot be enlarged, only reduced.

Authors in Japan please note: if you would like information about how to have the English of your paper checked, corrected and improved (before submission), please contact our Tokyo office who will inform you of the services provided by language correctors: Editorial Service, Elsevier Science K.K., 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu l-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106 Japan; Tel: (+81)(3)5561-5032; Fax: (+81)(3)5561-5045; E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp.

Abstract and Key words An abstract of approx. 200-300 words is mandatory. A list of 3-6 key words, which conveys the meaning of the paper as a whole, necessary for correct indexing and subsequent retrieval, must be submitted with the manuscript also. In the event that key words are not supplied editorial discretion will be exercised in introducing appropriate words.

All references should be given at the end pf the paper. The numbering of the references should be in order of citation in the text, not in alphabetical order. References must be complete, including initials of authors(s), full title of the paper, volume number, year of publication and first and last page numbers. Titles of journals should be abbreviated in conformity with the International Series Catalogue, 1978. For citations of books, the following uniform sequence should be maintained: Authors(s), chapter title, in: editor(s) (if applicable), complete book title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, page numbers. Please see below for relevant examples:

For a paper in a journal:
[l] M.E. Gore, E. Fryatt, E. Wiltshaw, T. Dawson, B.A. Robinson, A.H. Calvert, Cisplatin/carboplatin cross-resistance in ovarian cancer, Br. J. Cancer 60 (1989) 767-769.

For a paper in a contributed volume or edited book:
[2] L.R. Kelland, Platinum complexes, in: B.A. Teicher (Ed.), Cancer Therapeutics, Experimental and Clinical Agents, Humana, Totowa, NJ, 1997. pp. 93-l12.

For a supplement to a journal:
G.R. Granneman, A.R. Braeckman, C.S. Locke, J.H. Cavanaugh, L.M. Dube, W.M. Awni, Effect of zileuton on theophylline pharmacokinetics, Clin. Pharma-cokinet. 2(Suppl. 29)(1995) 577-583.

All references cited in the text must be represented in the list of references and, conversely all items in the list of references be cited in the text. The citation for this journal is Chem.-Biol. Interact.

Submission on Disk after Acceptance for Publication
Elsevier Science now publishes all manuscripts using electronic production methods and strongly encourages submission on disk. Please send the electronic files of your article along with the hardcopy of the accepted version. To ensure fast and easy processing of your submission, please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Save text and graphics on separate disks.
2. Label all disks with your name, a short version of the article title, the journal to be published in, and the filenames. Please also include details of the software and platform (PC, Mac, UNIX, etc) used to create your files.
3. Ensure that the files on the disk match the hardcopy exactly. In cases of a discrepancy, the hardcopy version will be used as the definitive version.

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author of an article, unless an alternative is requested on, the title page of the manuscript. They should be checked carefully and returned by airmail within 2 days of receipt. Only typographical errors may be corrected: no changes in or additions to the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage.

Further Information
All questions arising after acceptance of the manuscript, especially those relating to proofs, should be directed to: Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., Elsevier House, Brookvale Plaze, East Park, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel.: (+353-61)709691; Fax: (+353-61)709109.

50 reprints of each paper will be supplied to the author(s) free of charge. Additional reprints can be ordered by the author(s) on an order form quoting prices which will be sent to the author(s) by the Publisher.


Editorial Board
James A. Bond, Ph.D., DABT, ToxCon, 5505 Frenchmans Creek, Durham, NC 27713, USA; Tel & Fax: (919)544-6384, Email: toxcon@earthlink.net
Section Editors:
Ian Cotgreave, Ph.D., Karolinska Institute, Division of Biochemical Toxicology, Box 210, S-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden; Tel: (+46)8 728 7654, Fax: (+46)8 33 4467, Email: Ian.Cotgreave@imm.ki.se
Michael S. Denison, Ph.D., University of California at Davis, Department of Environmental Toxicology, 4241 Meyer Hall, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8501, USA; Tel: (530)752-3879, Fax: (916)752-3394, Email: msdenison@ucdavis.edu
David Ross, Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Campus Box C238, 4200 East Ninth Avenue, Denver, CO 80262-0238, USA; Tel: (303)315 6077, Fax: (303)315 6281, Email: david.ross@uchsc.edu
Hepatocyte Research Reports Section Editor:
Albert P. Li, Ph.D., PHASE-1 Molecular Toxicology, Inc., 2904 Rodeo Park Drive East, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505, USA; Tel: (505)424-2112, Fax: (505)471-8205, Email: ali@phase1tox.com

Editorial Board:

J. Ahokas, Melbourne, Australia
T.A. Baillie, West Point, PA, USA
H. Bartsch, Heidelberg, Germany
P. Beaune, Paris, France
S. Borghoff, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
J. Butler, Salford, UK
E. Cadenas, Los Angeles, CA, USA
R.G. Dickinson, Brisbane, Australia
E. Dybing, Oslo, Norway
D.L. Eaton, Seattle, WA, USA
J.E. Eriksson, Turku, Finland
M.W. Fariss, Pullman, WA, USA
P.B. Farmer, Leicester, UK
J. Gorrod, Colchester, UK
P.D. Gorycki, King of Prussia, PA, USA
S.J. Grossman, West Point, PA, USA
R.C. Gupta, Lexington, KY, USA
M.E. Hahn, Woods Hole, MA, USA
J. Hamilton, Hanover, NH, USA
K. Hemminki, Huddinge, Sweden
R. Hines, Milwaukee, WI, USA
E. Hodgson, Raleigh, NC, USA
J.B. Houston, Manchester, UK
S. Inayat-Hussain, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
J.G. Kenna, Macclesfield, UK
D. Koop, Portland, OR, USA
J. Larson, Irivine, CA, USA
D.C. Liebler, Tucson, AZ, USA
R.P. Mason, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
L. Möller, Huddinge, Sweden
P.W. Moldéus, Sodertalje, Sweden
T.J. Monks, Austin, TX, USA
R. Morgenstern, Stockholm, Sweden
G.J. Mulder, Leiden, The Netherlands
R.S. Obach, Groton, CT, USA
P. O'Brien, Toronto, Canada
C. Omiecinski, Seattle, WA, USA
S. Osterman-Golkar, Stockholm, Sweden
O. Pelkonen, Oulu, Finland
D. Peterson, Denver, CO, USA
C.A. Pritsos, Reno, NV, USA
A. Puga, Cincinnati, OH, USA
K. Ramos, College Station, TX, USA
A.E. Rettie, Seattle, WA, USA
T. Sugimura, Tokyo, Japan
T.R. Sutter, Memphis, TN, USA
A.J. Townsend, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
J.P. Vanden Heuvel, University Park, PA, USA
N.P.E. Vermeulen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
L. Warngard, Södertälje, Sweden
C.S. Yang, Piscataway, NJ, USA
T. Zacharewski, East Lansing, MI, USA



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