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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Chemical Physics Letters is the world's only Letter's journal in the field of chemical physics. It is devoted to the analysis of phenomena in the domain of chemical physics, with an emphasis on theoretical interpretation. Experimental contributions are included if their results are of direct importance for a theoretical analysis. Letters are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results which warrant rapid publication. In considering the suitability of a manuscript for publication, the editors pay particular attention to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, and the validity of the conclusions. All contributions are refereed.

Instructions to Authors


KEY GUIDELINES- You must check for the following:

  • Abstract. All manuscripts require an abstract not exceeding 100 words.

  • References. A maximum of 35 single references is permitted; multiple references (referring to more than one paper) are not permitted and neither are references to web sites.

  • Figures. The manuscript should contain no more than 5 normal-sized figures.

  • Length. The manuscript should not exceed the equivalent of 2500 words including text, tables and figure captions (approximately 12 double-spaced pages).

  • Submission. Manuscripts should be sent to one of the editors or preferably to a member of the advisory editorial board who is familiar with the research field. When submitting a manuscript, authors are requested to suggest the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of three appropriate referees.

  • Disk. For hardcopy submssions, authors are required to submit a disk with an electronic file matching exactly the hard-copy of the final version of their manuscript

  • Referees. Authors are required to suggest three names (and address and E-mail details) of experts in the field of the submitted paper.

  • Communication. The full postal address, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author must be given on the first (title) page of the manuscript.

Electronic Artwork. For specific enquiries on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/authorartwork/

Free online colour illustrations: Chemical Physics Letters publishes colour illustrations in the electronic version of Chemical Physics Letters without charges to the authors. For information on how to take advantage of this, please see section 7 of the complete instructions to authors as given below and the above-mentioned electronic artwork web-site.

Authors can also keep a track on the progress of their accepted article by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway, author Frequently Asked Questions and any other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please consult http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/authors/
Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.

Complete Instructions to Authors can be found below.

Authors employing LaTeX may download the general Elsevier style file from:

Letters are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results in the field of chemical physics which warrant rapid publication. In considering the suitability of a manuscript for publication, the editors pay particular attention to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, and the validity of the conclusions.

Submission: Contributions should be sent to one of the editors or, preferably, to a member of the advisory editorial board who is familiar with the research reported and who will transmit the manuscript with recommendations to the editors. The full addresses of the advisory editors can be found at the beginning of every volume. When submitting a manuscript, authors are requested to suggest the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of three appropriate referees. All manuscripts should be written in clear English and submitted in triplicate, including one master copy with original figures, and preferably accompanied by an electronic version (see below).

Web-submission: authors are encouraged to submit their papers to one of the editors using the web-submission tool, accessible from http://www.elsevier.com/locate/cplett

Refereeing: All contributions submitted will be refereed. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts and to edit contributions when necessary.

Comments section: The editors welcome Comments on Letters published in the Journal or elsewhere. They will be placed in a separate section. Comments will be refereed as usual and treated as normal contributions. All Comments should have an abstract.

Publication speed: The editors and publisher cooperate closely to ensure fast publication. If the manuscript submitted cannot be processed immediately following refereeing because scientific or stylistic revisions are required, this will be indicated by the addition of the date of receipt of the manuscript in final form. Proofs are faxed or e-mailed as portable document files (PDF) to the corresponding author to be checked within 24 hours of receipt.

Publication scheme: Chemical Physics Letters is published weekly.

Page charges and offprints: There are no page charges. The corresponding author will receive 25 offprints free of charge. An offprint order form will be supplied after acceptance for ordering any additional paid offprints. Authors are entitled to a 30% discount on all Elsevier Science books.

Copyright transfer: After acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.

Correspondence: All correspondence with the editors or publisher should mention the first author, the editor's reference number, and the publisher's reference number if known. Otherwise, full details are needed, i.e. the names of all the authors, the full title, as well as the date of submission. After acceptance for publication, all further correspondence should be sent directly to the publisher (Yvonne Philippo, P.O. Box 2759, 1000 CT Amsterdam, The Netherlands; tel. +31 20 485 3426, fax: +31 20 485 2704; e-mail: y.philippo@elsevier.nl).

Preparation of manuscripts: The following are the stylistic requirements for an acceptable manuscript.

(1) Length: Manuscripts normally should not exceed the equivalent of 2500 words including tables, plus references and figure captions, and no more than five figures. They should be typed double-spaced with wide margins. All pages should be numbered.

(2) Address: The name(s) of the author(s) and the name and address of the institute where the research work was done should be indicated on the manuscript. The name, full postal address, fax number and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be given at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript.

(3) Abstract: An abstract of at most 100 words is required. It should be self-contained (no footnotes or references) and present the essence of the results.

(4) Electronic manuscripts: An electronic version (any format) of the accepted manuscript is crucial for fast processing. For specific enquiries on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/authorartwork/ When submitting to one of our Editors via the web-submission tool, the electronic version is uploaded during this process. For hardcopy submissions via the advisory editorial board the electronic version may be submitted on a diskette with the manuscript. The type of operating system and wordprocessor should be indicated. For LaTeX articles, the general Elsevier style file should be used (obtainable from http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/latex.

(5) Symbols and units: The use of SI units is strongly recommended. A useful guide is: Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 2nd edn. prepared by I. Mills, T. Cvitas, K. Homann, N. Kallay and K. Kuchitsu, Blackwell/IUPAC, Oxford, 1993.

(6) Illustrations: The figures in the master set should be supplied separate from the main text. The line drawings should be original printer/plotter output or drawn in black ink, with careful lettering, large enough (3-5 mm) to remain legible after reduction for printing. The photographs should be high-contrast originals; any scale markers should be inserted on the photograph itself, not drawn below it. Each figure should have a number and a caption; the captions themselves should be collected on a separate sheet. Text graphics such as chemical structures should also be supplied on separate pages.

7) Colour illustrations: Chemical Physics Letters publishes colour illustrations in the electronic version of Chemical Physics Letters without charges to the authors. When an author submits a colour figure, this will now be published online in colour by default. In the printed version of the published articles, the illustrations will be in black & white, unless the author has opted to pay for colour print reproduction. In case of black & white printing of online colour figures, authors are asked to submit a black & white version of the colour figures in question and to make sure the figure captions make sense for both colour and black & white.

For preparation of the colour figures, please ensure this is in an acceptable format (TIFF, EPS or MS Office files) and at the correct resolution. Also make sure RGB colourspace is used. Further information on electronic artwork can be found at http://authors.elsevier.com/artwork and is also accessible from our web-submission site.

(8) Equations: Displayed equations should be formatted with the journal text column width of 7.5 cm in mind. If necessary notation should be adapted by introduction of suitable abbreviations of component expressions. Special attention should be given to characters that can be confused, such as: l (ell), 1 (one); o (lower case), O (capital), 0 (zero), degree; etc.

(9) Tables: Each table should be numbered and typed on a separate sheet together with its caption. Tables should have a clear structure, with simple column headings giving all units.

(10) References: In the text, reference to other parts of the paper should be made by section or equation number, not by page number. References to other papers should be consecutively numbered in the text and listed numerically at the end of the paper. Commercial products, including computer programs, are to be mentioned in the text of the manuscript and not normally referenced. If required the reference should list the first author et al. only. Multiple references should be avoided, i.e. each paper referred to should be given its own reference number. The total number of references should not exceed 35. The references should be as complete as possible (et al. may be used in the text but not in the list), and presented as in these examples:
For a book:
N. Watanabe, T. Nakajima, H. Touhara, Graphite Fluorides, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988.
For a paper in a journal:
S. Grimme, S.D. Peyerimhoff, Chem. Phys. 204 (1996) 411.
For a paper in a contributed volume:
J.L. Durant, Jr., in: R.G. Compton, G. Hancock (Eds.), Research in Chemical Kinetics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 69.
For an unpublished paper:
C.E.H. Dessent, Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1997.

(11) Footnotes: These should be used sparingly and preferably be incorporated as text remarks. References should be never be used for footnotes.

Editorial Board



D.C. Clary, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, 9 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PD, UK.
Fax: (44) 1865 270834
V. Sundström, Editor of Chemical Physics Letters, Department of Chemical Physics, Chemical Center, Lund University, Box 124, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden.
Fax: +46 46 374797
A.H. Zewail, Editor of Chemical Physics Letters, A.A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Mail Code 127-72, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
Fax: 1-626-4050454
Advisory Editorial Board:
R. Ahlrichs, Karlsruhe, Germany
V. Aquilanti, Perugia, Italy
M.N.R. Ashfold, Bristol, UK
E.J. Baerends, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
B. Bagchi, Bangalore, India
H. Bakker, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P.F. Barbara, Austin, TX, USA
V. Bonacic-Kouteck? Berlin, Germany
A.L. Buchachenko, Moscow, Russia
A.D. Buckingham, Cambridge, UK
E.A. Carter, Los Angeles, CA, USA
A.W. Castleman, University Park, PA, USA
M. Chergui, Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland
H. Dai, Stanford, CA, USA
F.C. De Schryver, Heverlee, Belgium
W. Domcke, Garching, Germany
A. Douhal, Toledo, Spain
C.E. Dykstra, Indianapolis, IN, USA
W.A. Eaton, Bethesda, MD, USA
J. Echave, Bernal, Argentina
K.B. Eisenthal, New York, NY, USA
M.A. El-Sayed, Atlanta, GA, USA
T. Elsaesser, Berlin, Germany
R.R. Ernst, Zurich, Switzerland
G. Ertl, Berlin, Germany
M.D. Fayer, Stanford, CA, USA
G.R. Fleming, Berkeley, CA, USA
H.-J. Freund, Berlin, Germany
R.H. Friend, Cambridge, UK
A. González Urena, Madrid, Spain
M. Gruebele, Urbana, IL, USA
R.C. Haddon, Riverside, CA, USA
H. Hamaguchi, Tokyo, Japan
N.C. Handy, Cambridge, UK
J.R. Heath, Los Angeles, CA, USA
J.W. Hepburn, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Kimihiko Hirao, Tokyo, Japan
R.M. Hochstrasser, Philadelphia, PA, USA
G.L. Hofacker, Garching, Germany
J.R. Huber, Zürich, Switzerland
J.T. Hynes, Boulder, CO, USA & Paris Cedex, France
S. Iijima, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
M. Ito, Okazaki, Japan
Y. Iwasawa, Tokyo, Japan
B. Kasemo, Gothenburg, Sweden
H.F. Kauffmann, Vienna, Austria
W. Kiefer, Würzburg, Germany
M.L. Klein, Philadelphia, USA
T. Kobayashi, Tokyo, Japan
F. Kong, Beijing, China
R. Kosloff, Jerusalem, Israel
K. Kuchitsu, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
Y.T. Lee, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
A.C. Legon, Exeter, UK
J.-M. Lehn, Strasbourg cedex, France
S.R. Leone, Berkeley, CA, USA
M.I. Lester, Philadelphia, PA, USA
V.S. Letokhov, Troitzk, Russia
W.C. Lineberger, Boulder, CO, USA
R.M. Lynden-Bell, Belfast, UK
J.P. Maier, Basel, Switzerland
J. Manz, Berlin, Germany
M. Martin, Paris Cedex, France
B.V. McKoy, Pasadena, CA, USA
T.A. Miller, Columbus, OH, USA
R.J.D. Miller, Toronto, Canada
W.H. Miller, Berkeley, CA, USA
W.E. Moerner, Stanford, CA, USA
M.J. Molina, Cambridge, MA, USA
K. Morokuma, Atlanta, GA, USA
S. Mukamel, Rochester, NY, USA
J. Najbar, Cracow, Poland
H. Nakatsuji, Kyoto, Japan
D.M. Neumark, Berkeley, CA, USA
B. Nordén, Göteborg, Sweden
B.J. Orr, Sydney, Australia
M. Parrinello, Manno, Switzerland
M.J. Pilling, Leeds, UK
A. Pines, Berkeley, CA, USA
C.N.R. Rao, Bangalore, India
M. Ratner, Evanston, Il, USA
H. Reisler, Los Angeles, CA, USA
M. Robb, London, UK
B.O. Roos, Lund, Sweden
D. Salahub, Calgary, AB, Canada
R.J. Saykally, Berkeley, CA, USA
H.F. Schaefer, Athens, GA, USA
G.C. Schatz, Evanston, IL, USA
R. Schinke, Göttingen, Germany
A.J. Stace, Brighton, UK
J. Troe, Göttingen, Germany
H.P. Trommsdorff, Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex, France
D.G. Truhlar, Minneapolis, MN, USA
R. Van Grondelle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
D.A. Wiersma, Groningen, The Netherlands
C. Wittig, Los Angeles, CA, USA
P.G. Wolynes, La Jolla, CA, USA
X.S. Xie, Cambridge, MA, USA
J.T. Yates, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
R.N. Zare, Stanford, CA, USA
W. Zinth, München, Germany


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