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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Chemical Physics publishes experimental and theoretical papers on all aspects of chemical physics. In this


journal, experiments are related to theory, and in turn theoretical papers are related to present or future experiments. The subjects that constitute the main areas of interest for this journal include; subject matter in the fields of spectroscopy and molecular structure, interacting systems, relaxation phenomena, fundamental problems in molecular reactivity, molecular quantum theory and statistical mechanics. In addition to regular issues, Chemical Physics publishes thematic issues containing invited articles by specialists in the relevant field


Instructions to Authors


Papers in all areas of chemical physics are welcomed, but referees will be asked to judge whether experimental papers have been brought into sufficient relation with theory, and whether theoretical papers bear on experimental verification or exhibit progress in experimental developments to this Submission

Contributions written in clear English should be sent in quadruplicate to one of the editors. Authors should provide the names and addresses (including e-mail) of at least three possible referees. Authors from the Americas, the Far East and Australia should submit their papers to the American editor:
Robin M. Hochstrasser
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
PA 19104-6323
Fax: (+1) 215 8980590,
E-mail: hochstra@sas.upenn.edu

Authors from Europe, the Near and Middle East and Africa should deal with one of the European editors:
W. Domcke
Technische Universitat Munchen
Lehrstuhl fur Theoretische Chemie
Lichtenbergstrasse 4
85747 Garching
Fax: (+49) 89 28913622
E-mail: chemphys@ch.tum.de

H. Peter Trommsdorff
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique, Universit?BR>Joseph-Fourier Grenoble-CNRS
P.B. 87
38402 Saint-Martin-d'Heres Cedex
Fax: (+33) 476 514335,
E-mail: chemphys@ujf-grenoble.fr


All contributions submitted will be refereed at the discretion of the editors. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts and to edit contributions when necessary.

Page charge and reprints

There is no page charge. Twenty-five reprints of each paper will be supplied free of charge to the author(s). Additional reprints can be ordered at prices shown on the reprint order form which will be sent to the author on receipt of the accepted manuscript by the publisher.

Copyright transfer

Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.


All correspondence with the editors or publishers should contain full reference to the paper concerned, i.e. the names of the authors, the full title, as well as the date of submission.

Authors can also keep a track on the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.
Any other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authors.

Contact details for questions arising after the acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.

Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted should be first copies (or clear Xerox copies thereof) typed with double spacing and wide margins; all pages should be numbered, and the text arranged into paragraphs. An electronic version (any format) of the accepted manuscript is crucial for fast processing. It may be submitted on a diskette with the manuscript. The type of operating system and wordprocessor should be indicated. For LaTeX articles, the general Elsevier style file should be used (obtainable from http://www.elsevier.com/locate/latex).Before mailing the manuscripts, please check the following points:

(1) Title: The title should be brief and yet convey to the informed reader the nature of the contents of the paper.

(2) Address: The name(s) of the author(s) and the name and address of the institute where the research work was done should be indicated on the manuscript. Indicate to whom proofs should be sent and please include the relevant telephone, fax and e-mail numbers.

(3) Abstract: The abstract of 100-150 words should contain all the substance of the methods and the results achieved as well as keywords of the paper.

(4) Units: The use of SI units is strongly recommended.

(5) Formulae: Displayed formulae should be numbered and typed or unambiguously written by hand. Symbols requiring different type, like vectors, tensors, etc., should be identified properly in the typescript. Special attention should be paid to characters that can easily be misread, such as i (lower case), I (cap), l (el), 1 (one), ' (prime), o (lower case), O (cap.), 0 (zero), degree, u, v, (vee), Greek nu, V (cap), x, multiplication sign, X, z, Z, p, P, Greek rho, etc.

(6) Figures: The figures in the master set should be supplied separate from the main text. The line drawings should be original printer/plotter output or drawn in black ink, with careful lettering, large enough (3-5 mm) to remain legible after reduction for printing. The photographs should be high-contrast originals; any scale markers should be inserted on the photograph itself, not drawn below it. Each figure should have a number and a caption; the captions themselves should be collected on a separate sheet. Text graphics such as chemical structures should also be supplied on separate pages. Colour illustrations can be reproduced at the author's expense.

(7) Tables: Tables should be typed on separate sheets and each table should have a number and a title. The appropriate places for the insertion of the tables should be indicated in the margin.

(8) References: In the text, reference to other parts of the paper should be made by section (or equation) number, not by page number. References to other papers should be consecutively numbered in the text and should be listed numerically on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. The references should be as complete as possible and be presented as follows:

For a book: A. Messiah, Quantum mechanics, Vol. 1, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970.

For a paper in a journal: C.J. Winscom, A.H. Maki, Chem.Phys. Lett. 12 (1971) 264.

For a paper in a contributed volume: A. Carrington, in: P. Averbuch (Ed.) Magnetic Resonance and Radiofrequency Spectroscopy, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1968, p. 23.

For an unpublished paper: G.J. Lycett, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Birmingham, UK, 1970.

(9) Footnotes: Footnotes should be placed in the text where required. These should be kept to a minimum, however. Extensive use of mathematical symbols and formulae should be avoided.


Editorial Board
R.M. Hochstrasser, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323, USA.
Fax: (+1) 215 8980590
W. Domcke, Lehrstuhl fur Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universitat Munchen, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85747 Garching, Germany.
Fax: +49 89 289 13622
H.P. Trommsdorff, Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique, Universit?Joseph-Fourier Grenoble I, P.B. 87, 38402 Saint-Martin-d'Heres Cedex, France.
Fax: (+33) 476 514335
Advisory Editorial Board:
P. Alivisatos, Berkeley, CA, USA
V.A. Apkarian, Irvine, CA, USA
H. Bassler, Marburg, Germany
P.F. Barbara, Austin, TX, USA
J.-L. Barrat, Villeurbanne, France
S.G. Boxer, Stanford, CA, USA
S.T. Ceyer, Cambridge, MA, USA
A. Chakraborty, Berkeley, USA
D.C. Clary, Oxford, UK
B. Dick, Regensburg, Germany
W.A. Eaton, Bethesda, MD, USA
T. Elsasser, Berlin, Germany
D.J. Evans, Canberra, Australia
M.D. Fayer, Stanford, CA, USA
H. Fischer, Zurich, Switzerland
G.R. Fleming, Berkeley, CA, USA
G. Flynn, New York, NY, USA
R.A. Friesner, New York, NY, USA
R.B. Gerber, Jerusalem, Israel
H. Grabert, Freiburg, Germany
M. Gruebele, Urbana, IL, USA
P. Hanggi, Augsburg, Germany
H. Hamaguchi, Tokyo, Japan
N.S. Hush, Sydney, Australia
J. Jortner, Tel Aviv, Israel
T. Kitagawa, Okazaki, Japan
M. Klein, Philadelphia, PA, USA
S. Leach, Meudon Cedex, France
Y.T. Lee, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
V.S. Letokhov, Moscow, Russia
S. Leutwyler, Bern, Switzerland
R.D. Levine, Jerusalem, Israel
H.-H. Limbach, Berlin, Germany
W.C. Lineberger, Boulder, CO, USA
P.A. Madden, Oxford, UK
D. Markovitsi, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
J.L. Martin, Palaiseau, France
R.J.D. Miller, Toronto, Ont., Canada
S. Mukamel, Rochester, USA
H. Nakatsuji, Kyoto, Japan
D.M. Neumark, Berkeley, CA, USA
I. Ohmine, Nagoya, Japan
P. Ormos, Szeged, Hungary
M. Orrit, Leiden, The Netherlands
C.S. Parmenter, Bloomington, IN, USA
M. Parrinello, Manno, Switzerland
E. Pollak, Rehovot, Israel
M.A. Ratner, Evanston, IL, USA
R. Rigler, Stockholm, Sweden
G.W. Robinson, Lubbock, TX, USA
N.F. Scherer, Chicago, USA
E.W. Schlag, Garching, Germany
F. Sciortino, Roma, Italy
J.P. Simons, Oxford, UK
G.J. Small, Ames, IA, USA
V. Sundstrom, Lund, Sweden
J.C. Tully, New Haven, CT, USA
P. Valiron, Grenoble, France
J. Waluk, Warsaw, Poland
R.O. Watts, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
J.D. Weeks, College Park, MD, USA
K.B. Whaley, Berkeley, CA, USA
P.G. Wolynes, La Jolla, CA, USA
K. Yoshihara, Ishikawa, Japan
R.N. Zare, Stanford, CA, USA
A.H. Zewail, Pasadena, CA, USA
W. Zinth, Munchen, Germany

A. van der Avoird, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


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