

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Cell Transplantation publishes original, peer-reviewed research and review articles on the subject of cell transplantation and its application to human diseases. To ensure high-quality contributions from all areas of transplantation, separate section editors and editorial boards have been established. Articles deal with a wide range of topics including physiological, medical, preclinical, tissue engineering, and device-oriented aspects of transplantation of nervous system, endocrine, growth factor-secreting, bone marrow, epithelial, endothelial, and genetically engineered cells, among others. Basic clinical studies and immunological research papers are also featured. To provide complete coverage of this revolutionary field, Cell Transplantation will report on relevant technological advances, and ethical and regulatory considerations of cell transplants.

Cell Transplantation features:

Original Contributions: Peer-reviewed, high-quality research investigations that represent new and significant contributions to science.
Review Articles: Reviews of major areas in cellular transplantation. These may be of any length and are peer reviewed.
Brief Communications: Timely and brief peer-reviewed studies.
Letters to the Editor: Readers' comments on journal articles and other matters of interest to transplant researchers.
Announcements and News: Notices of upcoming meetings, conferences, seminars, and other events of interest to those in the field.


Instructions to Authors
Instructions to Authors
Submission Requirements: Submit the original manuscript with two copies, as well as one original
and two photocopies of each figure (two originals plus color transparency or negative for color
photographs), to either of the Co-Editors-in-Chief at the following addresses: Prof. Paul R.
Sanberg, Department of Neurosurgery, University of South Florida College of Medicine, MDC 16,
Tampa, FL 33612. Tel: (813) 974-3154, Fax: (813) 974-3078; or Prof. Camillo Ricordi, Professor
of Surgery, Chief, Cellular Transplantation Ctr., University of Miami School of Medicine,
Diabetes Research Institute, Division of Cellular Transplantation, NW 10 Avenue #R134, Miami,
FL, 33136. Tel: (305) 243-6657, Fax: (305) 243-4404.
Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they have not been
published elsewhere except in abstract form and are not concurrently under review elsewhere.
Material accepted for publication will not be released publicly prior to its appearance in the
General Form: Papers should be typed in English, double spaced throughout with at least 3-cm
margins on paper approximately 22 FONT> 28 cm (8 1/2 FONT> 11 in.) in size. Please
consult the most recent issue of the journal for style and format. Number all pages consecutively,
beginning with the title page. Use metric units of measure; other units may be given in parentheses.
Typically, only three levels of headings are recognized. The paper should be organized as follows.
Title Page: The title should be brief and specific. The title page should contain in the following
order: title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) including city, state, postal code, and country,
and a suggested running head of not more than 50 characters and spaces. Also indicate the author
to whom correspondence should be addressed, with complete mailing address, telephone and fax
numbers, and e-mail (if available). Recognition of support can be provided as an unnumbered
Abstract: An abstract of 300 words or less should begin on page 2. It should contain a concise
summary of the results, conclusions, and other significant points in the review.
Key words: For the purpose of subject indexing, provide four to six key words immediately
following the abstract.
Text: Every effort should be made to avoid jargon, to spell out all nonstandard abbreviations the
first time they are used, and to present the contents of the study as clearly and concisely as
possible. References should be given for all discussions and conclusions of previous studies. Trade
names may appear in parentheses and should be capitalized. Critical discussions of the literature
are preferred more than historically oriented information.
Computer Disks: Authors are required to submit a 3.5 in. HD/DD computer disk to the editorial
office: 5.25 in. HD/DD disks are acceptable if 3.5 in. disks are unavailable. Please observe the
following criteria: 1. Send only hard copy when first submitting your paper. 2. When your paper
has been refereed, revised if necessary, and accepted, send a disk containing the final version with
the final hard copy. Make sure that the disk and the hard copy match exactly. 3. Specify what
software was used, including which release (e.g., Word Perfect 6.0). 4. Specify what computer was
used (IBM-compatible PC, Apple Macintosh, etc.). 5. The article file should include all textual
material (text, references, tables, figure captions, etc.) and separate illustration files, if available. 6.
The file should follow the general instructions in style/arrangement and, in particular, the
reference style of this journal as given in the Instructions to Contributors. 7. The file should be
single spaced and should use the wrap-around end of line feature (i.e., returns at the end of
paragraphs only). Place two returns after every element such as title, headings, paragraphs, figure
and table call-outs. 8. Keep a backup disk for reference and safety.
References: Literature cited should be prepared according to the Numbered/Alphabetized style of
the Council of Biology Editors. Where possible, please cite related Cell Transplantation articles in
order to enhance continuity of topics within the Journal. References should be cited by number, in
parentheses, within the text (only one reference to a number) and listed in alphabetical order
(double spaced) on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Journal citations in the reference
list should contain the following: (a) surnames and initials of all authors (surnames precede
initials); (b) title of article; (c) journal title abbreviated as listed in the List of Journals Indexed in
Index Medicus; (d) volume, inclusive pages, and year.
Journal Article: Johnson, P. R. V.; White, S. A.; London, N. J. Collegnase and human islet
isolation. Cell Transplant. 5:437?52; 1996.
Book Article/Chapter: Rajotte, R. V.; Lakey, J. R. T.; Warnock, G. L. Adult islet cryopreservation.
In: Ricordi, C., ed. Methods in cell transplantation. Austin, TX: R. G. Landes Co.; 1995:517?24.
Book: Jarrell, B. E.; Carabasi, R. A. Surgery, 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1991.
Tables: Each table should be on a separate sheet. If the table must be submitted on several pages,
duplicate all headings on the additional sheet(s). Very wide tables should be avoided by dividing
the data into smaller tables. Number tables in the order mentioned in text. Every table should have
a title, and every column in the table should have a heading. Define all abbreviations. If data from
any other source, published or unpublished, are used, obtain permission for their use and cite the
source in the legend. Table footnotes should be indicated in the body of the table in order of their
appearance with the following symbols: *, ? ? ? ? #.
Figures: All figures should be identified on the reverse side with the figure number, author's name,
and indication of the top clearly marked. Figures should be left unmounted. List all figure legends
sequentially on one or more pages and identify all symbols used in the figures. The figure legend
should be as clear as possible and should fully describe the contents of the figure. If the figure is
from a previously published article, indicate that permission has been obtained from the original
publisher. Complex formulas should be prepared as illustrations. Specific information for the three
basic types of figures is given below.
Illustrations: Illustrations should be prepared in India ink or printed using a laser printer with
black toner and photographed. Figure dimensions and scaling should be suitable for reduction.
Care must be taken that letters and other symbols do not become so small that they are illegible
when the figure is reduced.
Photomicrographs: Special requirements and specifications for the printing of photomicrographs
should be provided by the author. Scale bars should be used whenever possible. The original
magnification of photomicrographs and the staining method (or stains used) should be given in the
figure legend. Arrows should indicate pertinent features.
Color Reproduction: The author is required to bear the costs for the publication of color figures.
The color transparency or negative should be supplied in addition to two copies and two original
color prints. Authors may submit a color photograph for consideration as a cover picture for the
issue in which their article appears.
Page Proofs and Offprints: All material accepted for publication is subject to copyediting. Authors
will receive page proofs of articles before publication and should answer all queries and carefully
check all editorial changes at this point. Any corrections to proofs must be restricted to printer's
errors. Along with the page proofs, the corresponding author will receive a form for ordering
reprints and full copies of the issue in which the article appears. All co-author reprint requirements
should be included on the Offprint Order Form.
Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Blood Vessels, Skin, and Other Tissues
Section Editor: Stuart K. Williams II, Health Sciences Center, University of Arizona, 1501 North Campbell Avenue, Tuscon, AZ 85724
Malcom Herring, Schumacker Isch Jolly MDS, Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Bruce E. Jarrell, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ
Bruce Klitzman, Duke University, Durham, NC
Louis Messina, University of California-San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Virginia M. Miller, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Steven P. Schmidt, Vascular Research Labs, Akron, OH
Bauer Sumpio, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Pauline Van Wachen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Section Editor: Stephen Strom, Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, 200 Lothrop Street, 450 South BST, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Robert A. F. M. Chamuleau, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Meibergdreef, Amsterdam
J. Roy Chowdhury, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Achilles Demetriou, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Vivek Dixit, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Joseph P. Vacanti, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Sing Hiem Yap, Catholic University of Louvain, Leuven, Belgium
Martin Yarmush, Shriners Research Center, Cambridge, MA

Islets and Other Endocrines
Section Editor: Rodolfo Alejandro, University of Miami School of Medicine, Diabetes Research Institute, 1450 NW 10 Ave, Miami, FL 33136
Susan Bonner-Weir, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA
Kenneth L. Brayman, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Alberto Da Valli, H. San Raffaele Institute, Milano, Italia
Carl G. Groth, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Alberto Hayek, The Whittier Institute, La Jolla, CA
Dixon B. Kaufman, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL
Charmaine J. Simeonovic, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Michel P. M. van der Burg, University Hospital Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands

Methods and New Technologies
Section Editor: Dwaine F. Emerich, Sertoli Technologies, Inc., 766 Laten Knight Rd., Cranston, RI 02921
Cesario Borlongan, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Reinhard Bretzel, Justus-Leibig-Universitat Giessen, Giessen, Germany
Luca Falqui, H. San Raffaele Institute, Milano, Italia
Luca Inverardi, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Roger James, University of Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, England
Norma Sue Kenyon, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL
Jonathan Lakey, University of Alberta, Surgical Med. Res. Inst., Edmonton, Canada
Waldemar L. Olszewski, Medical Research Center, Warsaw, Poland

Muscle, Bone, and Cartilage
Section Editor: Jacques P. Tremblay, CHUL, 2705 Boul Laurier, Ste Foy, Quebec, G1V 4G2, Canada
Kiichi Arahata, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo, Japan
Arnold I. Caplan, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Alexander Friedenstein, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Miranda Grounds, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
Johnny Huard, Rangos Research Center, Pittsburg, PA
George Karpati, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Stanislaw Moskalewski, Warsaw Medical School, Warsaw, Poland
Zvi Nevo, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Kiero Ono, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Terence A. Partridge, Hammer Smith Hospital, London, England
A. Hari Reddi, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
M. Spector, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Section Editor: Anne Rosser, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Biomedical Sciences Building, Museum Ave., PO Box 911, Cardiff CF10 3US, UK
Roger Barker, Cambridge Center for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Patrick Brundin, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Stephen B. Dunnett, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Thomas B. Freeman, Center for Aging and Brain Repair, University of South Florida, FL
Rosemary A. Fricker-Gates, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Guido Nikkhah, University Neurosurgery Clinic, Freiburg, Germany
Hitoo Nishino, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan
Marc Peschanski, INSERM, Cedex, France
John Trojanowski, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Stem Cells,Progenitors, and Bone Marrow
Section Editor: Edward D. Ball, Blood & Marrow Transplantation Div., University of California-San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0960
Kerry Atkinson, SyStemix, Palo Alto, CA
Hal E. Broxmeyer, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Curt I. Civin, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Stephen Emerson, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Myrtle Y. Gordon, Institute of Cancer Research, London, England
Anton Hagenbeek, University Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Gerald Sprangrude, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
John Wagner, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Tissue Engineering and Bioartificial Organs
Section Editor: Patrick Aebischer, Division of Surgical Research, Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Clark Colton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Jeffrey Hubbell, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Robert S. Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Takeisha Matsuda, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka, Japan
Antonios G. Mikos, Rice University, Houston, TX
Robert M. Nerem, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Gerard Reach, Hotel Dieu, Paris, France
Michael Sefton, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Erich Wintermantel, Central Institute for Medical Engineering, Technical University Munich, Germany

Assistant Editor: Cathryn Greene-Zavertnik
Editorial Office Manager: Donna Morrison

Editorial Office: Cell Transplantation, Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of South Florida College of Medicine, 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 16, Tampa, FL 33612, USA. Tel: (813) 974-3154;Fax: (813) 974-3078.

Publishing, Subscription, and Advertising Office: Cognizant Communication Corporation, Robert N. Miranda, Publisher, 3 Hartsdale Road, Elmsford, NY 10523-3701, USA. Tel:(914) 592-7720; Fax: (914) 592-8981; E-mail: cogcomm@aol.com


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