

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Cover Page


CANCER LETTERS is a journal providing rapid publication of brief articles in the broad area of cancer research. The journal places emphasis on the molecular and cell biology of cancer, oncogenes, carcinogenesis, radiation biology, molecular pathology, hormones and cancer, viral oncology, biology of cancer and metastasis, molecular cytogenetics, epidemiology; and experimental therapeutics. The primary criterion for publication is interest to a multidisciplinary audience. Papers should be brief but technically sound and substantiated by sufficient experimental detail. Clinical papers will be accepted if they contribute to the understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying disease.

Papers published in Cancer Letters from January 2001 onwards will be divided into the following sections: Carcinogenesis & Cancer Prevention, Experimental Therapeutics, Epidemiology & Molecular Epidemiology, Molecular & Cell Biology, Tumour Biology. Authors are kindly requested to select the section where they wish their manuscript to appear when submitting their manuscript to the appropriate Editorial Office (please refer to the Guide for Authors for more information).


Instructions to Authors


Types of papers

Papers should deal with original research not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. The act of submitting a manuscript to the journal carries with it the right to publish that paper. The main object of the journal is the publication of original research papers with application to the human species. These should appeal to clinicians and research workers alike.

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the Editors as described below:

Carcinogenesis, epidemiology, experimental therapeutics:
Dr F. Beland, National Center for Toxicological Research, 3900 NCTR Road, Jefferson, Arkansas 72079-9502, USA. Tel: +1 870 543 7202; Fax: +1 870 543 7136; e-mail: fbeland@nctr.fda.gov.

Cell biology, radiation biology, molecular pathology, experimental therapeutics:
Ruth J. Muschel M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Director of Cancer Research, Department of Pathology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 3615 Civic Center Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Tel: +1 267 426 5481; Fax: +1 267 426 5483; e-mail: muschel@mail.med.upenn.edu.

Molecular biology, oncogenes, viral oncology, molecular cytogenetics, oncogenomics:
Prof M. Schwab, CANCER LETTERS Editorial Office, Deutsches Krebsforschungzentrum - DKFZ, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69 120 Heidelberg, Germany. Tel. +49 6221 423280, Fax. +49 6221 423281, E-mail: m.schwab@dkfz.de

Manuscripts from Japan may be submitted directly to:
Prof. N. Ito, c/o 1st Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University Medical School, 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8601, Japan. Tel: +81 52 853 8156; Fax: +81 52 842 0817.

Papers published in Cancer Letters from January 2001 onwards will be divided into five subject headings. With immediate effect, authors should mark with their manuscript which of the following subject areas they wish their paper to be published in:
- Carcinogenesis and cancer prevention
- Experimental therapeutics
- Epidemiology and molecular epidemiology
- Molecular and cell biology
- Tumour biology

Submission of a paper to CANCER LETTERS is understood to imply that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that the author's permission to publish his/her article(s) in this journal implies the exclusive authorisation of the publisher to deal with all issues concerning the copyright therein. Submission of multi-authored manuscripts implies the consent of each of the authors. The publisher will assume that the senior or corresponding author has specifically obtained the approval of all other co-authors to submit the article to this journal.

Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the managing editors; should be in English; should be submitted in triplicate (including three sets of illustrations to facilitate refereeing, together with a matching file on disk); should not be longer than 6 printed pages (approx. 12 double-spaced typewritten pages) including the space needed for illustrations; revised manuscripts should also be submitted in triplicate. Authors' full names, academic or professional affiliations, and addresses should be included on the first page. The name and complete address of the author to whom any correspondence is to be sent should be given. Telephone and FAX numbers and the e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be provided where possible. Authors should supply the names and addresses of up to 5 potential reviewers for their manuscript. E-mail submission of manuscripts as attached files is encouraged where possible.

Title should be informative and preferably not exceed 185 characters, including spaces. Extraneous words such as 'study' 'investigation', etc., should be avoided.

Summary not exceeding 80-100 words should be given at the beginning of the paper, followed by 3-6 indexing terms (keywords).

Tables should be typed, with double spacing, each on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively with Roman numerals, and should only contain horizontal lines. A short descriptive heading should be given above each table, and any footnotes and explanations underneath.

Figures must be numbered and keyed into the text. The author's name, the figure number and an arrow clarifying orientation should be appended to the reverse of each illustration. Line drawings (including graphs) must be in black ink on white paper. Alternatively, sharp photoprints on glossy paper may be provided. The lettering should be large enough to permit photographic reduction. Halftone illustrations may be included. They should be submitted as black and white prints on glossy paper and have as much contrast as possible. All legends should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.

Illustrations should be designed for use in either a single column (7.5cm) or a double column (16cm). Actual magnification of all photomicrographs should be indicated by a micron bar or in the legend.

Reproduction in colour is available to authors at extra cost. The costs of colour reproduction will be charged to the author(s) and prices are available from the Publisher.

References should be numbered and listed on a separate sheet. In the text they should be referred to by their numbers in square brackets. Literature references must conform to the following examples. The abbreviation of journal titles should conform to those adopted by the International Serials Catalogue. For example:

[1] E.R. Smith, D.R. Redwood, W.E. McCarron, S.E. Epstein, Coronary artery occlusion in the conscious dog: effects of alterations in arterial pressure produced by nitroglycerine, haemorrhage, and alpha-adrenergic agonists on the degree of myocardial ischemia. Circulation 47 (1973) 1-36.

[2] R.A. Massumi and C.J. De Sando, (1972) Intra-arterial and esophageal electrography in the diagnosis of complex arrhythmias, in: R.C. Schlant and J.W. Hurst (Eds.) Advances in Electrocardiography, Grune and Stratton, New York-London, 1972 pp. 229-248.

Numbered references to personal communications, unpublished data and manuscripts either 'in preparation' or 'submitted for publication' should not be included. If essential, such material may be incorporated at the appropriate place in the text.

Authors In Japan please note: if you would like information about how to have the English of your paper checked, corrected and improved (before submission), please contact our Tokyo office who will inform you of the services provided by language correctors:

Elsevier Science, 9-15, Higashi-Azabu 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan;

Tel. (+81) 3-5561-5033: Fax (+81) 3-5561-5047; E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp

Electronic manuscripts

Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. The preferred storage medium is a 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 inch disk in MS-DOS format, although other systems are welcome, e.g., Macintosh (in this case, save your file in the usual manner, do not use the option, save in MS-DOS format'); if you use NEC, please submit your article on a double density or high density 5 1/4 inch disk or double density 3 1/2 inch disk (not a high density 3 1/2 inch disk). Please do not split the article into separate files (title page as one file, text as another, etc.). Ensure that the letter 'l'and digit '1' (also letter 'O' and digit '0') have been used properly, and structure your article (tabs, indents, etc.) consistently. Characters not available on your wordprocessor (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should not be left open but indicated by a unique code (e.g. gralpha, @, #, etc., for the Greek letter ). Such codes should be used consistently throughout the entire text. Please make a list of such codes and provide a key. Do not allow your wordprocessor to introduce word splits and do not use a 'justified' layout. Please adhere strictly to the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal. It is very important that you save your file in the wordprocessor format. If your wordprocessor features the option to save files "in flat ASCII", please do not use it. Format your disk correctly and ensure that only the relevant file (one complete article only) is on the disk. Also, specify the type of computer and wordprocessing package used and label the disk with your name and the name of the file on the disk. After final acceptance,your disk plus one, final, printed and exactly matching version (as a printout) should be submitted together. It is important that the file on disk and the printout are identical.

Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.


An author, when quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a book journal article, should make sure that he is not infringing a copyright. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission from the holder of the copyright if he wishes to make substantial extracts or to reproduce tables, plates, or other illustrations. If the copyright-holder is not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is recommended that the permission of the author should also be sought. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless permission has been obtained. A suitable acknowledgment of any borrowed material must always be made.

Proofreading will be undertaken by the publisher and galley proofs will not be sent to authors unless a specific request is made by the author(s) when the paper is submitted. If proofs are requested, they will then only be supplied for the author to check for typesetting accuracy. No changes to the original manuscript will be allowed at this stage. Sending of proofs will of course cause delay in publication.

Reprints. A total of 50 reprints of each paper will be provided free of charge. Additional copies may be ordered at prices shown in the reprint order form which will be sent to the author.

Cancer Letters has no page charges.


Editorial Board
Managing Editors:
F. Beland, National Center for Toxicological Research, 3900 NCTR Road, Jefferson, Arkansas 72079-9502, USA. Tel: +1 870 543 7202, Fax: +1 870 543 7136, Email: fbeland@nctr.fda.gov
R.J. Muschel, Professor, Director of Cancer Research, Dept. Pathology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 3615 Civic Center Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Tel: +1 215 898 2416, Fax: +1 215 573 4243, Email: muschel@mail.med.upenn.edu
M. Schwab, CANCER LETTERS Editorial Office, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum - DKFZ, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69 120 Heidelberg, Germany. Tel: +49 6221 423280, Fax: +49 6221 423281, Email: m.schwab@dkfz.de
Associate Editor:
N. Ito, c/o 1st Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University Medical School, 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8601, Japan
Honorary Founding Editor:
P. Shubik, Oxford, UK
Honorary Editor:
T. Sugimura, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Editorial Board - Carcinogenesis, Epidemiology & Experimental Therapeutics
P. Bannasch, Heidelberg, Germany
H. Bartsch, Heidelberg, Germany
J. DiGiovanni, Smithville, TX, USA
S. Fukushima, Osaka, Japan
S.S. Hecht, Minnesota, USA
Y. Konishi, Nara, Japan
H.W.J. Marquardt, Hamburg, Germany
R. Mehta, Ottawa, Canada
S. Nesnow, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
D.H. Phillips, Sutton, UK
M.A. Pierotti, Milan, Italy
H. Pitot, Madison, WI, USA
S. Plesnicar, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M.C. Poirier, Maryland, USA
J.M. Rice, MD, USA
N. Rothman, Maryland, USA
B. Stewart, Sydney, Australia
Y.-J. Surh, Seoul, South Korea
R.J. Turesky, Jefferson, AR, USA
A. Weston, West Virginia, USA
Y. Yamazoe, Sendai, Japan
Editorial Board - Cell Biology, Radiation Biology & Molecular Biology
H. Bartelink, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
J.M. Brown, Stanford, CA, USA
S. Evans, Philadelphia, PA, USA
P. Furmanski, NY, USA
P. Glazer, New Haven, CT, USA
E. Kohn, Bethesda, MD
H. Mukhtar, Madison, WI, USA
E. Sausville, Bethesda, MD
M. Seiki, Tokyo, Japan
A.J. van der Kogel, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
J.F. Whitfield, Ontario, Canada
H. Yamasaki, Nishinomiya, Japan
Editorial Board - Mol. Biology, Oncogenes, Viral Oncol. Mol. & Cytogenetics
R. Bernards, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Buerkle, Konstanz, Germany
W.K. Cavenee, CA, USA
G. Christofori, Vesalgasse, Switzerland
V.P. Collins, Cambridge, UK
C.J. Der, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
S.M. Evans, Philadelphia, PA, USA
P. Gaudray, Nice, France
T.D. Gilmore, Boston, MA, USA
O. Gimm, Halle, Germany
J. Gray, San Francisco, USA
P. Hainaut, Lyon, France
J.D. Hayes, Dundee, Scotland
M.-C. Hung, Houston, TX, USA
P. Kleihues, Lyon, France
J.C. Lacal, Madrid, Spain
W. Lutz, Marburg, Germany
D.J. Marsh, Sydney, Australia
A. Nakagawara, Chiba, Japan
M.A. Pierotti, Milan, Italy
F.V. Rassool, London, UK
L.J. Rush, Columbus, USA
A.H. Schonthal, California, USA
P.S. Steeg, Bethesda, USA
D. Theodorescu, Charlottesville, USA
D.J. Tindall, Rochester, USA
T. von Zglinicki, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
C. Wicking, Queensland, Australia
O.D. Wiestler, Bonn, Germany
L.R. Zacharski, Lebanon, USA



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