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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims & Scope

Contemporary biomedical research is on the threshold of an era in which physiological and pathological processes can be analyzed in increasingly precise and mechanistic terms. The transformation of biology from a largely descriptive, phenomenological discipline to one in which the regulatory principles can be understood and manipulated with predictability brings a new dimension to the study of cancer and the search for effective therapeutic modalities for this disease. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews provides a forum for critical review and discussion of these challenging developments.
Each issue of Cancer and Metastasis Reviews is devoted to a particular theme or topic and will contain from five to seven different contributions. In addition, an introductory preface is included from an individual who is distinguished in the field to be covered. The topics and contributors are chosen by the Editor-in-Chief after consultation with various members of the Editorial Advisory Board. Special emphasis is placed on subjects which are of relevance to the molecular and cellular biology of cancer metastasis and tumor progression, as well as to the treatment of metastatic disease. Occasional issues will be devoted to an in-depth clinical and biological analysis of a particular type of cancer.
A major function of the journal is to review some of the more important and interesting recent developments in the biology and treatment of malignant disease, as well as to highlight new and promising directions, be they technological or conceptual. Contributors are encouraged to review their personal work and be speculative.


Instructions to Authors


Editorial communications and manuscripts should be sent to the editors.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publisher and should not have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form. No part of a paper which has been published by Cancer and Metastasis Reviews may be reproduced or published elsewhere without the written permission of the publisher.

Manuscript Preparation (Articles)

Manuscripts must be submitted in English in triplicate (one original and two copies) and typed double-spaced on 22 cm x 29 cm (8 1/2 in x 11 in) white bond paper. This applies to all parts of the manuscripts, including references, legends, etc. Liberal margins (2.5 cm) should be left at the top and bottom, as well as at the sides. The manuscript should be submitted in the following order: Title page, Key words, Abstract, Text, References, Tables, Figure legends, and Figures. Each page should also include the senior author¡®s surname typed in the upper left-hand corner. Author should indicate placement of figures and tables in margin.

Title Page

  • Include full name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es) of author(s) in that order under the title.
  • Below names and affiliations, provide a maximum of 6 key words suitable for indexing.
  • After the key words, give an abstract which does not exceed 250 words.
  • At the bottom of the page, add: "Address for offprints: ...", followed by full name and address.


  • The text should follow the summary and begin on a new page, as should references, tables, and legends.
  • Metric units and Celsius temperatures should be used throughout.
  • Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be explained when they first appear in the text; after the first use, abbreviations alone may be used.
  • Standard abbreviations should be used for all measurements (see "Style Manuals" below).
  • If applicable, grant support should be included in the section, "Acknowledgements".
  • References should be cited in numerical order, the numbers being placed in brackets. Citations of personal communications and unpublished data should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. When used, such citations should appear in the text only, e.g., ("E.D. Smith, personal communication"), and not in the reference list.
  • Heading levels should be clearly indicated. We suggest the following format: I. Main heading, I.A. Subheading, I.A.1. Sub-subheading, etc.


This section should have a series of short key statements listing the major findings in the paper.

Key Unanswered Questions

This section should list the key question(s) which need to be answered if the questions raised in the article are to be taken to their logical conclusion.


  • Number in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • Abbreviate titles of periodicals according to the style of the Index Medicus.
  • Follow the format (arrangement, punctuation) shown below:

Periodicals: 1. Koseki Y, Zava DT, Chamness GC, McGuire WL: Estrogen receptor translocation and replenishment by the antiestrogen tamoxifen. N Eng J Med 101: 1104-1110, 1977 (Please list all authors; do not use "et al."; dot not add extraneous punctuation.)

Books (Edited by someone other than the author of article): 2. McGuire WL, Horwitz KB, De la Garza M: Selecting endocrine therapy in breast cancer. In: Menon KMJ, Reel JR (eds) Steroid Hormone Action and Cancer. Plenum Publ Corp, New York, 1976, pp 28-35

Books (identical author and editor): 3. Berne E: Principles of Group Treatment. Oxford University Press, New York, 1966, p 26

Abstracts: 4. Same as periodicals with ("Abstract") following the title of article or book.


  • Tables must have legends.
  • Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text.
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text, and typed on separate pages.
  • Abbreviations used in a table should be foot-noted (use lower-case letter in parentheses) and explained below the table in the order in which they appear in the table, if they have not been previously used. Any material which is not self-explanatory should also be foot-noted and explained.

Figure Legends

  • Be sure that legends and figures correspond.
  • Identify all abbreviations used in a figure at the end of each legend, if the abbreviation has not been used in the text.


  • Submit one glossy print (13 x 18 cm, 5 x 7 in) and two photocopies of each figure. If the photocopies are not adequate for evaluation, as may be the case for photomicrographs, submit three glossy prints.
  • On the back of each print, indicate number, senior author¡®s surname, and top of illustration; all of this should be written lightly with soft, black pencil.
  • Submit written permission from author(s) and publisher for any figure which has been published previously.
  • Do not use clips on prints; submit them in an envelope backed by cardboard.
  • Any lettering or scale of measurement used in an illustration must be large enough to be legible in the event of half-size reduction.
  • Do not send original art-work.
  • Photographs in which a patient or other person is identifiable must have written permission from that person. The consent must state specifically what the person is consenting to and what restrictions, if any, the person has placed on the publication of the photograph. All restrictions must be strictly observed.
  • Color illustrations are costly and will be charged to the author. Authors should inquire about cost from the publisher before submitting a color illustration.

Manuscript Preparation (Letters to the Editor)

Letters should follow the general rules laid down above, except that a separate title page and summary are not required. A table or figure may be included if required; if references are needed, they should follow the format given above. The full names and full addresses of the writers should follow the text. Italicize in vivo, in vitro (and other Latin phrases).

Style Manuals

The following two books are recommended as guides in writing scientific papers; they are particularly useful in providing standard abbreviations for measurements and other scientific terms:

  • CBE Style Manual: prepared by the Committee on Form and Style of the Council of Biology Editors, published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Arlington, Virginia, 1978.
  • Writing Scientific Papers in English: O¡®Connor M, Woodford FP (eds) Elsevier, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, 1976.

The following book is an extremely valuable general, non-scientific style manual: The Elements of Style: Strunk W Jr, White EB. Macmillan, New York, 1972.

Electronic Delivery

Please send only the electronic version (of ACCEPTED paper) via one of the methods listed below. Note in the event of minor discrepancies between the electronic version and hard copy, the electronic file will be used as the final version.

Via electronic mail

  1. Please e-mail electronic version to: KAPfiles@wkap.com
  2. Recommended formats for sending files via e-mail:
    • Binary files - uuencode or binhex
    • Compressing files - compress, pkzip or gzip
    • Collecting files - tar
  3. The e-mail message should include the author¡®s last name, the name of the journal to which the paper has been accepted, and the type of file (e.g., LATEX or ASCII).

Via anonymous FTP

ftp: ftp.wkap.com
cd: /incoming/production

Send e-mail to KAPfiles@wkap.com to inform Kluwer the electronic version is at this FTP site.

Via disk

  1. Label a 3.5 inch floppy disk with the operating system and word processing program along with the authors¡® names, manuscript title, and name of journal to which the paper has been accepted.
  2. Mail disk to:
    Kluwer Academic Publishers
    Desktop Department
    101 Philip Drive
    Assinippi Park Norwell, MA 02061

Any questions about the above procedures please send e-mail to: dthelp@wkap.com


Page proofs for articles to be included in a journal issue will be sent in PDF format via e-mail to the contact author for proofing. Corrections should be received back by the Publisher within 72 hours.


It is the policy of Kluwer Academic Publishers to own the copyright of all contributions it publishes. To comply with the U.S. Copyright law, authors are required to sign a copyright transfer form before publication. This form returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors must submit a signed copy of this form with their manuscript.


Each group of authors is entitled to 50 free offprints of their paper. Additional offprints may be ordered from the Publisher prior to publication. An order form will be sent to authors with page proof.


Editorial Board



Kenneth V. Honn PhD Avraham Raz PhD

Editorial office address:
Department of Radiation Oncology, 431 Chemistry,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA

Adriana Albini (Genoa, Italy) John T. Isaacs (Baltimore, MD) Carrie W. Rinker-Schaeffer (Chicago, IL)
Robert S. Bresalier (Houston, TX) Robert S. Kerbel (Toronto, Canada) Motoharu Seiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Ann F. Chambers (London, Canada) Rakesh Kumar (Houston, TX) Bonnie Sloane (Detroit, MI)
Michael Cher (Detroit, MI) Reuben Lotan (Houston, TX) Saburo Sone (Tokushima, Japan)
Suzanne A. Eccles (Belmont, UK) Lawrence J. Marnett (Nashville, TN) Joszef Timar (Budapest, Hungary)
Isaiah J. Fidler (Houston, TX) Ruth J. Muschel (Philadelphia, PA) Takashi Tsuruo (Tokyo, Japan)
Mary J.C. Hendrix (Iowa City, IA) Kenneth J. Pienta (Ann Arbor, MI) Danny Welch (Birmingham, AL)
Meenhard Herlyn (Philadelphia, PA)


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