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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

eCMAJ contains the complete editorial contents of CMAJ, supplemented by a variety of interactive features and additional content. All information on eCMAJ is accessible free of charge. CMAJ is published biweekly, 2 volumes per year. New issues are uploaded on eCMAJ every second Monday at 5 p.m. EST/EDT.

CMAJ is a peer-reviewed international general medical journal published by the Canadian Medical Association. It is abstracted and indexed by MEDLINE/Index Medicus and more than 30 key databases, including Biological Abstracts, CAB Health, CancerLit, CINAHL, ClinPSYC/PsychINFO, Current Contents, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, InPharma, Science Citation Index and TOXLINE. It is available through third-party aggregators including Journals@Ovid, EBSCO Publishing and MD Consult.

CMAJ's Impact Factor

2002 3.2 1997 1.6
2001 2.8 1996 1.8
2000 2.4 1995 1.3
1999 2.4 1994 1.2
1998 1.4 1993 1.2

Instructions to Authors


CMAJ publishes papers that advance the understanding of medicine and health care, stimulate debate, educate and entertain.

Most submissions arrive unsolicited, and we welcome them. We also welcome queries: please send an email to the editor or one of the associate editors to sound out ideas for contributions. Remember that CMAJ is a general medical journal; articles must be comprehensible to interested physicians in any field.

As a founding member of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, CMAJ endorses the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals." Contributors should follow the most recent revision. For additional guidance please contact one of the associate editors.

All submissions are confidential. We strive to provide prompt peer review and a swift editorial decision. Manuscripts are usually published within 16 to 18 weeks of acceptance.

CMAJ prefers email submission of manuscripts to pubs@cma.ca. A signed copy of the cover letter and all required forms should be mailed or faxed separately to us. Our fax number is 613 565-5471. The forms listed below are available on our Web site at www.cmaj.ca/misc/ifora.shtml.

Cover letter
The cover letter must attest that the paper is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. A copy of this letter, signed by all authors, must be mailed or faxed to us. Potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. If the manuscript does not fit readily into one of the categories described in Writing for CMAJ, you should explain in your cover letter why you feel it is suited for publication in CMAJ.

Contributor information
State the specific contributions of each author to the preparation of this article. Each author must meet the 3 authorship criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors:

"An author is someone who contributed substantially to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data AND drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content AND gave final approval of the version to be published."


  • Number the pages.
  • On the title page, indicate the word count for the text only, exclusive of the abstract, references, tables, appendices and figure captions.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared in a clear font (12-point Courier is preferred) and double spaced.
  • Make sure each reference is cited in the text. In the reference list, number the according to the order in which they are first cited in the text and format them according to the Uniform Requirements.
  • Submit by email to pubs@cma.ca (preferred) or mail 3 copies of the manuscript to the Editor, CMAJ, 1867 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1G 3Y6.

Where applicable, please also submit the following forms:

Acknowledgement form(s)
If in your manuscript you acknowledge anyone for a contribution that goes beyond administrative assistance, you must obtain written permission to publish his or her name.

Personal communication form
If you wish to cite a personal communication in your article, you must obtain written permission from the person in question to publish his or her name. Please include the person¡¯s affiliation and the year in which the information was communicated.

Patient consent
If your article contains any information concerning individual cases, you must obtain written consent from the patient(s) to publish this information in CMAJ. A copy of the patient¡¯s consent must be submitted with the manuscript.

Digital arts submission form
If your article contains any figures (line graphs, photographs, or any other type of artwork) and you are planning to submit your manuscript by email, please submit the figures using one of the formats specified on our digital art submission form (www.cmaj.ca/misc/ifora.shtml).

Permission to reproduce material from other sources
If your article contains a previously published table or figure, you must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) to reproduce the material in the print and online editions of CMAJ. In most cases, you must do this even if the article, table, or figure is your own work. Please also send us photocopies of the tables or figures from the book, journal, or online source in which they were first published.

Editorial Board
Editorial Staff
Production Staff
Editor Production Manager
John Hoey Kathryn Freamo
Senior Deputy Editor Production Assistants
Anne Marie Todkill Nicole Barbeau
Deputy Editor (Scientific) Carole Lalonde
Jennifer Thomas Clara Walker
Managing Editor Electronic Publishing Manager
Randy Chafy Holly Bodger
Associate Editors Electronic Publishing Coordinator
Ken Flegel Jeremy Sims
Anita Palepu Electronic Publishing Assistant
Erica Weir Shirley Waddell
Eric Wooltorton  
Manuscript Editors Journal Oversight Committee
Patricia Lightfoot Ruth Collins-Nakai, University of Alberta Hospital
Kate Schissler Noni MacDonald, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
Gloria Baker Larry Patrick, Publications Liason, CMA Executive Committee
Ann Bolster
Sandra Garland Bruce Dancik, Editor-in-chief, NRC Research Press
Sharon Nancekivell
Peggy Robinson Peter Tugwell, Director, Centre for Global Health, University of Ottawa
Statistical Consultant
Nick Barrowman  
Proofreader Editorial Board
Jennifer Raiche Paul W. Armstrong (Edmonton)
Editorial Fellow Alan Bernstein (Ottawa)
Stephen Choi Neil R. Cashman (Toronto)
In the Literature Editor Deborah J. Cook (Hamilton)
Don Farquhar David H. Feeny (Hamilton)
Contributing Editors William Ghali (Calgary)
Charlotte Gray Frank R. de Gruijl (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Vivian Tors Alejandro R. Jadad (Toronto)
News Editor Jerome P. Kassirer (Boston)
Patrick Sullivan Finlay A. McAlister (Edmonton)
Associate News Editors Allison J. McGeer (Toronto)
Barbara Sibbald Harriet L. MacMillan (Hamilton)
Science Affairs Analyst David Moher (Ottawa)
Allison Gandey Andr? Picard (Montréal)
Editorial Administrator Donald A. Redelmeier (Toronto)
Carole Corkery Martin T. Schechter (Vancouver)
Editorial Assistants Sander J.O. Veldhuyzen van Zanten (Halifax)
Erin Archibald Salim Yusuf (Hamilton)
Wilma Fatica  
Joyce Quintal  
Translation Coordinator  
Marie Saumure




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