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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal




Published since 1963, this bimonthly journal is one of three leading geotechnical publications with an international authorship and circulation. Topics include foundations, excavations, soil properties, dams, embankments, slopes, new developments in geohydrology, rock engineering, geochemistry, waste management and contaminant transport, frozen soil, ice and snow, offshore soils, and geostatistics.

Instructions to Authors



The Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Can. Geotech. J.) publishes research papers in English or French in the broad areas of geotechnical and geoenvironmental applied sciences. Case studies and other papers directed at the needs of geotechnical practitioners are particularly encouraged. Papers may be submitted as articles, notes, or discussions. A note is a short paper of limited scope. Discussions of papers in recent (within the past 6 months) issues of the Journal may be accepted for publication, if they are brief and of a technical or interpretative nature. Replies to such discussions are invited from the original authors and are generally published in the same issue.


Authors must affirm that a submitted manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere for publication and will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration by the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. The corresponding author must confirm that all authors have read and approved the manuscript.

Conflict of interest and disclosure

The Editor recognizes that authors and peer reviewers may have real or perceived conflicts of interest arising from intellectual, personal, or financial circumstances of their research. Submitted manuscripts should include full disclosure of funding sources for the research and the letter of transmission should include an explanation of any real or perceived conflicts of interest that may arise during the peer review process. Failure to disclose such conflicts may lead to refusal of a submitted manuscript.

The manuscript

Publication will be facilitated if authors check very carefully the symbols, abbreviations, and technical terms for accuracy, consistency, and readability and ensure that manuscripts and illustrations meet the requirements outlined below. NRC Research Press maintains the right to preserve the technical quality of the Journal. Authors are requested to refer to a recent issue of the Journal for details of layout, especially for tables and reference lists.

General ?All parts of the manuscript, including footnotes, references, tables, and the captions for illustrations, must be typewritten, double-spaced (6 mm between lines), on one side only of white bond paper 8.5 x 11 in. (or ISO A4) with 1-in. (2.5 cm) margins. Use an italic font for material that is to be set in italics. Use capital letters only when the letters or words should appear in capitals in the printed paper. Manuscripts typed entirely in capitals or italics will not be considered.

Spelling should follow that of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary or the Oxford English Dictionary. Authors are responsible for consistency in spelling.

Abbreviations, nomenclature, and symbols for units of measurements should conform to international recommendations and to the usage of this Journal. SI units (Système international d’unités) should be used or SI equivalents should be given. This system is explained and other useful information is given in the Metric Practice Guide (2002) published by CSA International (178 Rexdale Blvd., Toronto, ON M9W 1R3, Canada). For practical reasons, some exceptions to SI units are allowed. Abbreviations and contractions of the names of substances, procedures, etc., must be defined the first time they occur. They should be consistent in the text and figures. Symbols shall conform to those recommended by the Metric Subcommittee of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 17: 89?6 (1980)).

The title page should have only the title, authors?names, and authors?affiliations; corresponding author’s telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address; and any necessary footnotes.

An abstract of not more than 200 words is required for papers, and a shorter one is needed for notes. Authors who can submit abstracts in both fluent English and fluent French are encouraged to do so. The abstract must begin on a separate page and should be headed by the paper title and authors?names. References should not be cited in the abstract. A maximum of six key words should be provided.

Footnotes to material in the text should not be used unless they are unavoidable, but their use is encouraged in tables. Where used in the text, footnotes should be cited in the manuscript by superscript Arabic numbers (except in the tables, see below) and should be numbered serially beginning with any that appear on the title page. Each footnote should be typed on the manuscript page on which the reference to it is made; footnotes should not be included in the list of references.

Equations should be clearly typed; triple-spacing should be used if superscripts and (or) subscripts are involved. Superscripts and subscripts should be legible and carefully placed. Distinguish between lowercase l and the numeral one, and between capital O and the numeral zero. A letter or symbol should represent only one entity and be used consistently throughout the paper. Each variable must be defined in the text, or in a List of symbols to appear after the reference list. Variables representing vectors, matrices, vector matrices, and tensors must be clearly identified. Numbers identifying equations must be in square brackets and placed flush with the left margin. In numbering, no distinction is made between mathematical and chemical equations.

References ?The author is responsible for verifying each reference against the original article. Each reference must be cited in the text, using the surnames of the authors and the year, for example, (Green 1970) or Green and Brown (1981). If there are three or more authors, the citation should give the name of the first author followed by et al. (e.g., Green et al. 1969). If references occur that are not uniquely identified by the authors?names and year, use a, b, c, etc., after the year, for example, Green 1983a, 1983b; Green and Brown 1978a, 1978b, for the text citation and in the reference list.

The reference list must be double-spaced and placed at the end of the text. References must be listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and not numbered and should follow the form used in current issues of the Journal. All reference information should be written out in full, using no abbreviations beyond the authors?initials. References with the same first author are listed in the following order: (1) Papers with one author only are listed first in chronological order, beginning with the earliest paper. (2) Papers with dual authorship follow and are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the second author. (3) Papers with three or more authors appear after the dual-authored papers and are arranged chronologically.

Material in press or accepted papers, with the name of the journal, may be used as a reference. Privileged information, papers not yet accepted for publication, and private documents are not references and should be included in the text in parentheses as a private communication or given as a footnote.

Tables must be typed on separate pages, placed after the list of references, and numbered with Arabic numerals in the order cited in the text. The title of the table should be a concise description of the content. Column headings should be brief, but may be amplified by footnotes. Vertical rules and horizontal lines separating each row should not be used. A recent copy of the Journal should be consulted to see how tables are set up and where the lines in them are placed. Footnotes in tables should be designated by symbols (in the order *, ? ? ? ||, ? #) or superscript lowercase italic letters. Descriptive material not designated by a footnote may be placed under a table as a Note. Numerous small tables should be avoided, and the number of tables should be kept to a minimum.

Appendices should be indicated sequentially by A, B, C, etc., and figures and tables in the appendices should be numbered separately from those used in the main body of the paper, for example, Fig. A1, Table A1, etc.

Supplementary material ?The National Research Council of Canada maintains a depository in which supplementary material may be placed, either at the request of the author or suggestion of the Editor. In addition, supplementary material can now be made available in its native file format on the journal Web site. It will be linked from the Web page of the associated article. Such material may include extensive tables of data, detailed calculations, and maps not essential for understanding and evaluating the paper. Such material must be clearly marked when the manuscript is submitted. Tables and figures should be numbered in sequence separate from those published with the paper (e.g., Fig. D1, Table D1). The supplemental material should be referred to by footnotes. Copies of material in the depository may be purchased from the Depository of Unpublished Data, CISTI, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada.


Manuscripts containing illustrations that ignore the following specifications will be returned to the authors for appropriate revision prior to acceptance of the paper.

Each figure or group of figures should be planned to fit, after appropriate reduction, into the area of either one or two columns of text. The maximum finished size of a one-column illustration is 8.8 x 23.9 cm (3.5 x 9.4 in.) and that of a two-column illustration is 18.2 x 23.9 cm (7.2 x 9.4 in.). The figures (including halftones) must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and each one must be referred to in the text and must be self-explanatory. All terms, abbreviations, and symbols must correspond with those in the text. Only essential labelling should be used, with detailed information given in the caption. Each illustration must be identified by the figure number and the authors?names on the back of the page or in the left-hand corner, well away from the illustration area.

Line drawings should be made with black ink or computer-generated in black on high-quality white paper or other comparable material. For computer-generated graphics, supply a laser print at the highest resolution available. Photocopies are not acceptable.

All lines must be sufficiently thick (0.5 points minimum) to reproduce well, and all symbols, superscripts, subscripts, and decimal points must be in good proportion to the rest of the drawing and large enough to allow for any necessary reduction without loss of detail. Avoid small open symbols; these tend to fill in upon reproduction. Lettering produced by dot matrix printers or typewriters, or by hand, is not acceptable. The same font style and lettering sizes should be used for all figures of similar size in any one paper.

Maps must have very clear, bold patterns and must show longitudes and latitudes (or UTM coordinates) and a scale. On maps of Quebec, the official name of municipalities must be used (e.g., Québec, Montréal, and Clarke City) and physical features must be in French (e.g., Lac Bienville) except for those that are considered of pan-Canadian significance. Areas of pan-Canadian significance have an official form in English and French (e.g., Atlantic Ocean and Océan Atlantique) and should appear in the language of the paper. Quebec (the province) must also appear in the language of the paper. For a complete list of names of areas of pan-Canadian significance, see pp. 236?37 of Le guide du rédacteur (2nd ed., 1996), published by Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0S5.

Photographs should be continuous tone on glossy paper. Prints must be of high quality, on glossy paper, with strong contrast. The copies for reproduction should only show essential features. A photograph, or group of them, should be planned to fit into the area of either one or two columns of text with no further reduction. Electron micrographs or photomicrographs should include a scale bar directly on the print. The best results will be obtained if the authors match the contrast and density of all figures arranged as a single plate.

Colour illustrations will be at the author’s expense. Further details on prices are available from Jennifer Stewart, NRC Research Press (613-990-3474; fax: 613-952-7656; e-mail: jennifer.stewart@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca).

NRC Research Press prefers the submission of electronic illustration files for accepted manuscripts and will use these electronic files whenever possible. Three sets of paper versions of figures must be submitted to the Editorial Office, even if electronic versions are to be submitted for use in production.

If electronic files are not available, paper versions of the figures will be scanned. Note that the scanner will easily reproduce flaws (e.g., correction fluid, smudges). Submission of noncontinuous (screened) photographs and scanned illustrations printed out on laser printers is not recommended as moirés develop; a moir?is a noticeable, unwanted pattern generated by rescanning or rescreening an illustration that already contains a dot pattern.

Preparation of electronic illustration files

Authors must supply electronic graphic files and high-quality, hard-copy originals. Electronic files (i.e., figure number and figure content) should match the originals. On the disk label, identify (i) the software application and version; and (ii) file name(s), size and extension. If you have compressed your files, indicate what compression format was used. PC or Macintosh versions of True Type or Type 1 fonts should be used. Do not use bitmap or nonstandard fonts. Electronic graphics can be accepted on the following disks: 3.5-in. disks, 100-MB Zip cartridge, and CD-ROM.

The preferred graphic application of NRC Research Press is CorelDraw! For other applications that can be used, see the "Electronic graphics list" at http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/rp/rp2_prog_e?cgj_graphics_e.html.

All figures should be submitted at their final published size. For figures with several parts (e.g., a, b, c, d, etc.) created using the same software application, assemble them into one file rather than sending several files.

Remember that the more complex your artwork becomes, the greater the possibility for problems at output time. Avoid complicated textures and shadings, especially in vector illustration programs; this increases the chance for a poor-quality final product.

Bitmap (raster) files ?Bitmaps are image files produced using a grid format in which each square (or pixel) is set to one level of black, colour, or grey. A bitmap (rasterized) file is broken down into the number of pixels or picture elements per inch (ppi). Pixels per inch is sometimes referred to as dots per inch (dpi). The higher the resolution of an image, the larger the number of pixels contained within the rectangular grid.

The proper resolution should be used when submitting bitmap artwork. The minimum requirements for resolution are 600 dpi for line art and finelines (line art with fine lines or shading), 300 dpi for halftones and colour, and 600 dpi for combinations (halftones with lettering outside the photo area).

All colour files submitted must be as CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). These colours are used in full-colour commerical printing. RGB graphics (red, green, and blue; colours specifically used to produce an image on a monitor) will not print correctly.

Vector files ?Vector files are image files produced using elements such as lines and shapes. Typically these files are used for line drawings.

Bitmaps inside vector files ?Bitmaps can be imported into vector/draw applications only for the purpose of adding and overlaying information, lines, text, etc. Bitmaps should not be resized, cropped, rotated, or otherwise manipulated after importing.

The publication process

Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to Dr. Arun Valsangkar, Editor, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Dept. of Civil Engineering, P.O. Box 4400, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada (506-458-7939; fax: 506-458-7778; e-mail: cgj@unb.ca). Three clear copies of the manuscript, including originals or clear copies of all photographs and line drawings, must be provided.

Submission of electronic copy ?Authors are requested to submit the final accepted manuscript only, both in hard copy format and on disk. Text files and figure files should be submitted on separate disks. All disks must be labeled clearly with the authors?names. Text (including tables) should be provided in a word-processing format (any form of WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or TeX is preferable, IBM compatible or Macintosh). TeX macros for preparing papers for submissions are available at ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/nrc/, ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/nrc/, and ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/nrc/. Identify the word-processing software, version number, and type of computer used (IBM or Macintosh). For figures, see the section "Preparation of Electronic Illustration Files." Include a statement in the letter accompanying the manuscript that the version on the disk exactly matches the final hard copy version.

Copyright material ?Whenever a manuscript contains material (tables, figures, charts, etc.) that has been previously published and, hence, is protected by copyright, it is the obligation of the author to secure written permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce the material for both the print and electronic formats. These letters must accompany the submitted manuscript.

Once the paper has been accepted by the Editorial Office, subsequent correspondence should be with NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada.

Galley proofs ?A galley proof, the copy-edited manuscript, and a reprint order form are sent to the corresponding author. Galley proofs must be checked very carefully, as they will not be proofread by NRC Research Press, and must be returned within 48 hours of receipt. The proof stage is not the time to make extensive corrections, additions, or deletions, and the cost of changes introduced at the proof stage and deemed to be excessive will be charged to the author.

Reprints ?If reprints are desired, the reprint order form must be filled out completely and returned with payment (cheque, credit card number, purchase order number, or journal voucher) together with the corrected proofs and manuscript. Orders submitted after the Journal has been printed are subject to considerably higher prices. The Journal does not provide free reprints, and reprints are not mailed until a purchase order number or payment is received.

Copyright transfer ?All authors are required to complete a copyright transfer form assigning all rights to NRC. Copyright transfer forms are available from the Editorial Office, in the February issue of the Journal, or on the Web site of NRC Research Press.

Requests for permission to republish the paper, in whole or in part, should be sent to NRC Research Press.

NRC Research Press
National Research Council of Canada
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0R6

Fax: 613-952-7656
E-mail: research.press@nrc.gc.ca
URL: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca


Editorial Board


Dr. Arun Valsangkar
Department of Civil Engineering
P.O. Box 4400
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3

Telephone: (506) 458-7939
Fax: (506) 458-7778

Assistant to the Editor:
Deborah Cooke

Associate Editors:
M. Aubertin, S.L. Barbour, F. Barone, K. Biggar, S. Boone, J.P. Carter, D.M. Cruden, M.H. El Naggar, R.J. Fannin, K.-S. Ho, D.J. Hutchinson, D. LeBoeuf, I. Moore, D. Muir Wood, C.W.W. Ng, M.F. Randolph, R.K. Rowe, R. Schincariol, R. Wan, Y.-H. Yin



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