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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The official journal of the Canadian Association of Radiologists, CARJ publishes original articles on all aspects of diagnostic imaging.


Instructions to Authors


Please address submissions of new and revised manuscripts and all correspondence concerning manuscripts before acceptance to the Editor:

Dr. Craig Coblentz
Editor, CARJ
Department of Radiology
1200 Main St. West
Hamilton ON L8N 3Z5
tel 905 521-2100, ¡Á76807
fax 905 521-1390

Email: carj@mcmaster.ca
All other enquiries relating to publication of the journal should be directed to the publisher, the Canadian Medical Association.

For information about manuscripts after acceptance, contact Glenda Proctor, Editor, CMA Journals (2154); for information about advertising, contact Nancy Pope, Coordinator, Display Advertising (2111), or Beverley Kirkpatrick, Classified Advertising Manager (2127), at the following address:

Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal

c/o Canadian Medical Association

1867 Alta Vista Dr.

Ottawa ON K1G 3Y6

tel 800 663-7336 (Canada and US) or 613 731-8610

The Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal publishes original manuscripts, in English or French, pertaining to diagnostic imaging. Submitted manuscripts should not contain previously published material and should not be under consideration for publication by another journal.

The following guidelines are based on instructions outlined in the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" (CMAJ 1997;156(2):270-7). Acceptance of articles is based on a combination of peer and editorial review; all reviews are conducted in a blinded fashion. Accepted manuscripts will be edited for conformity with journal style (including grammar, syntax and punctuation), as well as for clarity. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author for each manuscript to review these editorial revisions on page proofs provided by the publisher, and to obtain the coauthors' approval of the final version of the paper. Before publication, all authors must sign a document transferring copyright to the Canadian Association of Radiologists.

All accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the Canadian Association of Radiologists and may not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part, without written permission from the Canadian Medical Association.

Reprints of articles published in the Journal may be purchased by the authors and others; no reprints are provided free of charge. A reprint order form is sent to the corresponding author with the proofs.


General Guidelines
All submissions must be identified as falling into one of the following categories. Case reports are not accepted as a form of submission. All bolded terms must be included as section headers. Abstracts are included with major papers only.

Major Papers

Major papers contain original research of interest to the journal's readership.

Abstract: Maximum of 250 words. Includes purpose, methods, results and conclusions. No abbreviations are used and no references are cited.

Introduction: Briefly describes the purpose of the investigation and explains its importance.

Methods: Describes the materials used or subjects, as well as the imaging protocols and other methods. Outlines in detail any statistical methods used. The names and locations (as city and province or state) of equipment manufacturers are given. Generic names are provided for drugs and contrast media.

Results: Presents the results in a clear and logical fashion. If tables and graphs are used, they should summarize the data presented in the text.

Discussion: Describes the relevance of the findings outlined in the Results section, presents the limitations of the statistics and other methods and clarifies the important outcomes of the study.

Figures: As required.

References: Up to 35.

Critically Appraised Topic (CAT)
A CAT is a concise, 800-word summary of the best evidence in answer to a clinical question. It enhances literature searching and critical appraisal skills and promotes the practice of evidence-based radiology.

Clinical problem: One-sentence summary of the clinical problem.

Research question: Rephrases the problem as a question that guides your appraisal.

Evidence: Summary of the key evidence in the best paper, including patient types, inclusion/exclusion criteria, key methods, main results and validity of findings. May be summarized in a table.

Clinical applicability: Description of clinical actions that can be taken on the basis of your critical appraisal.

Comments: Relevant issues in methodology, cost or consequences of findings.

References: Main article and any additional articles, if included in the evidence section.

Pictorial Essays
A pictorial essay is an article (2000 words max) that conveys its message primarily through illustrations and captions.

Introduction: Clearly defines the message of the article in about 200 words.

The remainder of the essay can be organized with section headers of the author's choosing.

Figures: Up to 30 with clear figure captions and arrows if appropriate.

References: Up to 15.

Essays (1000 words max) may deal with controversial issues or current affairs relevant to radiologists in Canada that cannot be presented in other formats.

No abstract

Introduction: Provides the context of the issue or argument.

Headings are the author's choice.

Conclusion: Summarizes the issue or argument and its context.

Figures: Up to 2.

References: Up to 10

Residents' Corner
Residents' Corner submissions explore issues relevant to Canadian radiology residents. This can include a brief "quiz" that challenges residents to diagnose a case. These cases are comprised of a 1- or 2-paragraph case description, a one-sentence diagnosis, radiological findings, discussion and references.


Although most editorials are written at our invitation, we welcome unsolicited proposals. Please contact the editor for guidelines.

Technical Notes
A technical note is an article giving a brief (1000-word max) description of a technique or procedure. It may also refer to the modification of a technique, procedure or equipment relevant to radiologists. Literature reviews and case reports are not appropriate inclusions.

Introduction: One paragraph describing the general background.

Methods: As per major papers.

Results and Discussion: Describing the uses of the technique or equipment.

Figures: Up to 2.

References: Up to 8.

Letters to the Editor and Replies
Letters to the Editor by up to 4 authors may discuss subjects of general interest to radiologists. They may also offer constructive criticism of a published article. In the latter situation, critiqued authors will be given an opportunity to reply.

Letters and replies should be under 500 words and contain a short title that relates to the subject of the letter. They should not reflect on the integrity, competence or sincerity of others. Authors' names and their affiliations should appear at the end of the letter.

Figures: Up to 2.

References: Up to 4.


Itemized Checklist
All submissions must comply with these requirements.


 Three copies of the manuscript (1 original and 2 copies) and 3 complete sets of figures are provided.
 The manuscript is word-processed and double-spaced on 216  279 mm (8.5  11 in) paper. The right margin is not justified. The manuscript has not been printed on a dot-matrix printer.
 All manuscript pages are numbered consecutively, beginning with the abstract page.
 The authors' names do not appear on any manuscript pages other than the title page.
 Systme international (SI) metric measurements are used throughout, or the SI equivalent is given in parentheses.
 Upon acceptance, the final version is submitted as an email attachment or on a 3.5-in diskette in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. The final paper copy and electronic versions must be identical.


Authorship and Informed Consent
 A letter, signed by all authors and stating that the manuscript has not been published previously nor is it under consideration by any other journal, is submitted with the manuscript. The letter discloses any commercial interest of the authors in the subject of the study.
 The manuscript is accompanied by signed letters of permission from any patient whose photograph appears in the illustrative material, any indivi


Editorial Board


Craig Coblentz, MD, FRCPC

Associate Editor
Susan Shannon, PhD

Editorial Assistant
Eric Miller, BSc


Jean L. Vzina, MD


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