

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society providing cancer care professionals with up-to-date information on all aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Published six times per year, CA is the most widely circulated oncology journal in the world, mailing to over 100,000 individuals, including primary care physicians; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; nurses; other health care and public health professionals; and students in various health care fields. Although CA is an oncology journal, it is not a journal only for oncologists. It reaches a very wide and diverse group of professionals, and provides an unparalleled opportunity to present information to these professionals about cancer prevention, early detection, treatment of all forms, palliation, advocacy issues, quality-of-life topics, and more.

Most recently, the ISI Journal Citation Reports showed that CA has retained its top ranking as the #1 cited journal out of 114 journals listed in the category of oncology (impact factor of 32.886 in 2002), making CA #1 for nine out of the last ten years.

Instructions to Authors

About CA

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal published for the American Cancer Society by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. CA publishes comprehensive review articles of a multidisciplinary nature, which take into account the journal’s diverse readership of primary care physicians; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; nurses; and other health care and public health professionals. Articles published in CA provide up-to-date information on all aspects of cancer prevention, early detection, treatment of all forms, palliation, advocacy, quality of life, and more. Although most manuscripts are solicited, unsolicited manuscripts may also be considered for publication provided they meet the pre-submission requirements.

Mission of the Journal and the American Cancer Society

CA’s mission is to provide information to clinicians about best practices in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment in an effort to support the American Cancer Society's goals of reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates and improving quality of life for people living with cancer. The journal also serves as a vehicle for continuing professional education.

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.

Manuscript Types

**Note: Most CA articles are solicited reviews of previously published literature. Original research articles submitted for publication are generally not accepted. Please refer to the Online Submission page for more information.

Review Articles: These articles should be comprehensive literature reviews of cancer types, therapeutic modalities or strategies (including palliative care), or important issues in cancer prevention or early detection. Manuscripts of this type should be 20 to 30 double-spaced pages in length including references. Articles on very rare cancer types and highly specialized information on individual drugs or procedures are generally not appropriate for CA.

Mini-reviews: A mini-review should provide a brief overview and summation of key points related to a particular aspect of oncology. These articles should be 10 to 15 double-spaced pages, with 20 to 40 references.

Editorials/Guest Editorials: Editorials are usually solicited; however, unsolicited editorials may be considered in some cases. Topics usually relate to the content of an article featured in the issue. Editorials are four to six double-spaced pages in length.

eLetters/Letters to the Editor: Submit eLetters online. Letters approved by the Editors will be published online. All submitted eLetters become property of the American Cancer Society, and may be edited for content or length.

Departments: Department articles cover current topics of interest to CA’s readership. Manuscripts submitted for publication in a particular department should be 15 to 20 double-spaced pages in length with no more than 40 references.

  1. News & Views: This department features practical, concise, usable news designed for clinicians and their patients. The goal of this section is to inform, spark interest, and enhance communication and interaction among readers.

  2. Patient Pages: Written to provide general information on specific topics for patients and caregivers, Patient Pages are usually related to the content of the particular issue in which they appear. Patient Pages may be photocopied and given directly to patients.

  3. Complementary & Alternative Methods (CAM): The term “complementary and alternative methods?refers to products and regimens that individuals may employ either to enhance wellness, relieve symptoms of disease and side-effects of conventional treatments, or cure disease. CAM articles provide evidence-based information on promising complementary and alternative methods, and inform clinicians of methods that may harm patients.

  4. Environmental Carcinogens: Topics covered in this department deal with actual, potential, or perceived environmental and workplace carcinogens. Authors should highlight ways to address patient concerns about environmental exposures perceived to cause cancer by providing clear, concise information and advice that is based on laboratory and epidemiological research.

  5. Cancer & the Media: These articles examine stories on cancer in the lay press, in movies, books, and newspapers, and on television and the Internet, to alert practitioners to the influence this information—or misinformation—may have over patients.

  6. Emerging Trends in Basic Science: Articles in this department cover issues related to basic research (including molecular and cellular biology, epidemiology, immunology, radiation physics and biology, information technology, and related fields). They should be geared toward clinicians with limited time who want to remain up-to-date on advances in basic science research and the current and future clinical implications of that research.

Peer-review Process

Manuscripts that adhere to submission guidelines are initially reviewed by the Editor of CA. Manuscripts qualifying for peer review are sent to at least two expert reviewers. The corresponding author will receive all editorial communications regarding the status of the manuscript, revisions, and reviews. All revisions and the dissemination of the reviewers?comments and other manuscript information to co-authors are the corresponding author’s responsibility.

Pre-submission Requirements: Unsolicited Manuscripts

CA requires pre-submission of an article outline and abstract for review by the Editors before any unsolicited manuscript can be submitted for peer review.

Submission Guidelines

Only original manuscripts that have not been published previously and are not currently submitted for publication elsewhere are eligible for consideration. Copies of any related in press publications should accompany manuscripts submitted to CA.

Online Submission Procedure

CA uses Rapid Review, a Web-based, peer-review tracking system, for online submission of all manuscripts.

Authors are required to submit the following manuscript information online using Rapid Review:

  • corresponding author’s contact information (a valid e-mail address is required)
  • manuscript title
  • abstract
  • cover letter
  • suggested reviewers/reviewers not to use
  • keywords
  • acknowledgments

Upon submission of this information, a manuscript information sheet will be created, which will include the manuscript number. Please print two copies of this sheet ?one for your records and one to be submitted with your manuscript.

Internet Explorer is the preferred browser for this system. Go to the Rapid Review website (www.rapidreview.com) for more information.

Online Submission Options

Option 1:

Submit the entire manuscript (text, figures, tables, references, etc.) online via Rapid Review, allowing the system to generate a review-quality PDF for use by the Editorial Office.

Note: If the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors must submit two hard copies of the entire manuscript and publication-quality figures, a disk containing a copy of the entire manuscript (text, figures, tables, references, etc.), and the manuscript information sheet, directly to the Editorial Office for final processing.

Option 2:

Submit only the required manuscript information (corresponding author contact information, manuscript title, abstract, etc., as described above) via Rapid Review. Then send two hard copies of the entire manuscript and publication-quality figures, a disk containing the text, figures, tables, and references, and the manuscript information sheet generated by Rapid Review, directly to the Editorial Office. The hard copies will be scanned and a PDF created for peer-review purposes.

Send hard copy materials to:

Editorial Office
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
American Cancer Society
1599 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: (404) 929-6902
Fax: (404) 325-9341
E-mail: journals@cancer.org

Once a manuscript has been submitted online, an e-mail acknowledgment will be sent. Authors can check the status of a manuscript at any time by logging on to Rapid Review.

Page Proofs (for Accepted Articles only)

Page proofs are received by the corresponding author directly from the publisher (via e-mail or fax) and MUST be returned within 48 hours of receipt. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to consult with co-authors regarding the proofs. Substantial author revisions during this stage of production may incur additional costs, which must be borne by the authors. Excessive corrections must be reviewed and authorized by the Editorial Office.

Authorship, Copyright, Financial and Other Disclosures

The journal's definition of what qualifies as authorship is based on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals,1 established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Definition of Authorship

Authors are those who have contributed to the conception and design of the article, the acquisition of data, or the analysis and interpretation of data, as well as the writing of the article or the revision of its content; and have read and approved the final version of the article before submission.


All listed authors must sign the copyright transfer agreement. In doing so, each author takes public responsibility for the article’s content.

No article will be published without a copyright transfer agreement signed by all the listed authors. Failure to submit this form at the time the manuscript is submitted can cause delays in peer review and publication.

Financial and Other Disclosures

Authors are required to disclose all financial support and potential conflicts of interest in their cover letter, within the manuscript, and on the copyright transfer agreement form. In addition, authors have an ethical responsibility to ensure all research discussed in their work is credible and data are accurate prior to publication. Authors must also clearly identify, within the manuscript, any discussion of investigational or "off-label" use of drugs or medical devices.


All others who contributed to the work should be listed under Acknowledgements. This includes people who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or general support.

All financial support should be clearly acknowledged in the manuscript, as well as any details regarding the role of the funding organization in the creation of the manuscript.

Corresponding Author Responsibilities

The corresponding author is the point of contact for the Editorial Office and Publisher. He or she is responsible for:

  1. Collecting signed copyright transfer agreements and CME disclosure forms from all authors and submitting these to the Editorial Office with the manuscript.

  2. Sharing the reviewers?comments with the other authors and ensuring the requested revisions are made or clearly disputed before resubmitting the manuscript.

  3. Page proofs. The publisher will e-mail page proofs to the corresponding author. It is up to the corresponding author to share these proofs with the other authors. The corresponding author is responsible for incorporating all the corrections made by the authors and returning the proofs to the publisher within 48 hours.

  4. If relevant, reviewing the cover. The corresponding author of the article featured on the cover of an issue of CA will receive PDF files of cover designs from the Editorial Office. He or she may share these designs with the other authors, but the corresponding author is responsible for ensuring any figure/tables/illustrations taken from the article (or supplied specifically for use on the cover) have been reproduced clearly and accurately, and for verifying the accuracy of their use for the Editorial Office.

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts should follow the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th ed.)2 for grammar, punctuation, and style, and should meet the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals1 established by the ICMJE for general authorship guidelines.

Title Page

This should include:

  • A brief, specific title
  • The corresponding author’s name and contact information
  • The total number of text pages (including title page, references, and figure legends), tables, and illustrations
  • Acknowledgment of all sources of financial support or financial interest in products or manufacturers of products mentioned in the article

A secondary page detailing all author names, including academic degrees, titles, affiliations, and current addresses must be provided.

Abstract Page

If applicable, the abstract should be brief (200 words maximum) and present an accurate overview of the manuscript. Four to six keywords should be listed at the bottom of the page. Please use Index Medicus subject headings.


The manuscript should be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and printed on 8.5" X 11" white paper, single-sided. Computer-generated printouts must be laser quality. In the upper right-hand corner of each page, list the corresponding author’s last name and the page number. Use footnotes only in tables and figures, not to elaborate on the article text. Consult the Physicians?Desk Reference3 to verify drug names (use generic names only, adding the brand name afterward in parentheses if relevant). Abbreviations and/or acronyms should be spelled out in full and abbreviated in parentheses on first use in the text.


References should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are cited in the text. A reference cited only in a table or figure is numbered within the sequence established by the first mention of that table or figure in the text.

References must be current. Use of references more than ten years old is discouraged unless they are classic or unique works.

Authors must verify all references. The reference list should follow the text of the manuscript. Follow the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th ed.)2 for reference formatting and punctuation.

In the reference list, abbreviate names of journals according to MEDLINE/Index Medicus. For five or more authors, list the first three names followed by "et al." Please note the following examples for format and punctuation:

1. Parker SL, Tong T, Bolden S, et al. Cancer Statistics, 1997. CA Cancer J Clin 1997;47:5-27.

2. Eifel PJ, Levenback C. American Cancer Society Atlas of Clinical Oncology: Cancer of the Female Lower Genital Tract. Hamilton, Ontario: BC Decker, Inc.; 2001.

Chapter in a Book
3. Park BH, Vogelstein B. Tumor-Suppressor Genes, in Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al. (eds). Cancer Medicine. 6th ed. Hamilton, Ontario: BC Decker, Inc.; 2003:87-106.

Web Site
4. Health on the Net Foundation. Health on the Net Foundation code of conduct (HONcode) for medical and health Web sites. Available at: http://www.hon.ch/HONcode/Conduct.html. Accessed August 26, 2003.


Number the tables consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Include a brief descriptive title for each table. The tables should immediately follow the references. Each table should appear on a separate page, either at the end of the manuscript or in a separate file. DO NOT EMBED TABLES IN THE MANUSCRIPT TEXT.

Figures and Illustrations

Number figures consecutively according to the order in which they are cited in the text. The figures should immediately follow the tables in the manuscript. DO NOT EMBED FIGURES IN THE MANUSCRIPT TEXT. Provide a complete list of figure legends on a separate page. Submit two hard copy sets of figures with the orientations (top/bottom) and figure numbers clearly marked.

Figures: Electronic Formatting

Each figure should be saved in a separate file, whether uploaded to Rapid Review or submitted on disk.

All figures submitted electronically must be saved as TIFF or EPS files. Please do not use Microsoft PowerPoint.

Figures must be designated black and white or color. Figures must be saved in the sizes at which they will be printed, and the following resolutions are required to ensure print quality: 300 dpi for halftones/color; 600 dpi for combination halftones/color; 1200 dpi for line art. The submission of figures that do not conform to journal requirements will cause a delay in publication.

Text/labeling within figures should be in 9 pt Helvetica font, to ensure readability in print.

CA reserves the right to resize and/or crop photographs to fit the journal’s format where appropriate.

Figures: Photographs and Slides

Black and white photographs (8.5" X 11" or 5" X 7") should have a glossy finish, and provide sharp contrast. On the back of each photograph provide:

  • Manuscript number.
  • Name of corresponding author.
  • Figure number, part label (A, B, etc.) if used.
  • Orientation (top and bottom).

Color 35 mm slides (with corresponding color prints) will be considered when black and white photographs cannot convey the information appropriately. In addition to providing the information listed above, please label the front and back of each slide to ensure correct orientation in print.

Illustrations and slides will not be returned unless the authors submit a written request for their return along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope at the time of manuscript submission.

Cover Art

All authors are invited to submit potential cover art (photographs and/or illustrations preferred). See the Figures and Illustrations guidelines above for specifications. CA does not guarantee that cover art submitted will be utilized, however, and any original photographs, line drawings, etc. will not be returned unless the authors submit a written request along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope at the time of submission.

If the figure/table/illustration submitted for use on the cover does not appear in the article, a separate copyright transfer form will be required for the cover art.


Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from copyright owners to reproduce or adapt any previously published material (including the author’s own work) that appears in the article. Authors must obtain written permission from:

  1. the holder of any copyrighted material (text, illustrations, tables) used in the manuscript
  2. the administrator of any institution (university, hospital, clinic) mentioned in the manuscript
  3. actual persons mentioned in the manuscript.

Where permission has been granted, the author should follow any special wording stipulated by the grantor in acknowledging the source of the material. Formal letters granting permission must be included in the manuscript submission package. If the permissions are not received, the manuscript will not be published.

Please note: It may take six to eight weeks to receive permission from the copyright holder. Please request all permissions as early as possible.

Permission statements must also be obtained from at least one author when citing unpublished data, in press articles, and/or personal communication. In photographs, patients' identities should be masked whenever possible. However, if patients are identifiable, written permission to use the photograph must be obtained from the patient or guardian and submitted with the manuscript. Clearly state in the manuscript that informed consent has been obtained.

Information About Journal-based Continuing Medical Education


The American Cancer Society, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians has been approved by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) as having educational content acceptable for Prescribed credit hours.

CME Quiz & Evaluation

The American Cancer Society designates certain articles in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians as appropriate for a continuing medical education activity based on needs assessment data. An issue of CA may include one to three continuing medical education activities (courses) in the CME Quiz & Evaluation section of the journal. Course quiz questions are usually written by the American Cancer Society and then sent to the corresponding author for review and approval. At this time the author(s) can make any changes to the quiz questions they feel are appropriate. However, if an author wishes to draft his or her own CME quiz questions, he or she is free to do so once the article has been accepted for publication and has been designated as a CME course article.


The American Cancer Society requires CME course authors to sign a declaration disclosing any significant relationships related directly or indirectly to their course content that might be reasonably perceived as a potential conflict of interest. This includes financial interests, arrangements, or affiliations with companies or other organizations whose products or services are discussed in the activity. Authors of CME activities in CA must clearly identify within the article text any discussion of investigational or “off-label?use of drugs or medical devices.


1.International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Available at: www.icmje.org. Accessed August 21, 2003.

2. American Medical Association. American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. 9th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1998.

3. Physicians?Desk Reference. 50th ed. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics; 1996.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board and Staff

Editor in Chief
Harmon J. Eyre, MD
American Cancer Society

Ted Gansler, MD, MBA
American Cancer Society

Editor Emeritus
Arthur I. Holleb, MD

Associate Editors

Patricia A. Ganz, MD
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
Los Angeles, CA

Mack Roach, III, MD
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA

John J. Stevens, MD
American Cancer Society
Atlanta, GA

Michael J. Thun, MD, MS
American Cancer Society
Atlanta, GA

Andrew J. Vickers, PhD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY

Richard Wender, MD
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA

William C. Wood, MD
Emory University
Atlanta, GA

Managing Editor
Suzy Cassidy
American Cancer Society

News & Views Editor
Eleni Berger
American Cancer Society

CME Quiz & Evaluation Editor
Rick Alteri, MD
American Cancer Society

Publishing Staff

Publishing Director
Diane Scott-Lichter
American Cancer Society

Journals Manager
Esmeralda Galán
American Cancer Society

Journals Coordinator
Alita Morgan
American Cancer Society

Vickie Thaw
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Journal Production Editor
Shirley Smoot
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

American Cancer Society National Officers

Mary A. Simmonds, MD

Chairman of the Board
David M. Zacks

Chief Executive Officer
John R. Seffrin, PhD

ACS Past Presidents
Robert C. Young, MD
Dileep G. Bal, MD, MS, MPH


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