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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology is a professional, scientific journal published four times a year and sent internationally to 3500 geologists and subscribers. The Bulletin brings a wealth of information to the geological community including technical papers scientific debates, book reviews and announcements.




Instructions to Authors


Authors should send three copies of the manuscript, complete with illustrations to the Scientific Editor. Authors should retain originals of figures, pending final acceptance of the manuscript, but they should submit for review high-quality reproductions of all figures and photographs. Authors are encouraged to submit electronic copies of the manuscript at the critical review stage in order to expedite mailing to reviewers and the Associate Editor.

Manuscripts should be typed, doubled-spaced on 21.6 x 28 cm paper. All pages should be numbered and have a right-hand margin of 4 cm.

Authors must submit final versions of accepted manuscripts in digital form (see guidelines for text and illustrations below). A double-spaced, paper copy of the text and figures must accompany the disk.


Authors should present their ideas concisely. The Scientific Editor may reject a lengthy manuscript prior to review. Extensive descriptive or methods sections will be set in smaller type or placed in an Appendix.


Authors are strongly advised to have their manuscript critically read by at least one reader familiar with the subject matter before it is submitted to the Bulletin. Non-English speaking authors are encouraged to have their manuscript reviewed for grammar and presentation before submission. If the paper is not appropriately written, the Scientific Editor will return the manuscript to the author(s) without a scientific review.


The title is followed by the names, affiliations and full mailing addresses of all the authors. If more than one author is involved, authors should indicate who is to receive the page proofs and any correspondence about the manuscript; telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address for this author must be provided.

Acknowledgments are typed on a separate sheet. Authors are asked to acknowledge the reviewers, where appropriate.

The Abstract is a summary of the essential qualities of the paper. (See Landes, K.L. 1951, A scrutiny of the abstract, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 35, no. 8, p. 1660). If possible, authors should submit a French version of their title and abstract. The abstract page should have at the top a short title, suitable for a running head (fewer than 60 characters, including spaces) and the name(s) of the author(s).

Headings are restricted to four levels. Submitted manuscripts should contain headings that are numbered in the following manner: 1-"first order heading title", 2-"second rder heading title", and so on. Heading font will be adjusted at the layout or copy-editing stage.

After revisions are complete, electronic copies of text and illustrations must be returned to the Scientific Editor. Text files must be in Microsoft Word. If the manuscript has been assembled with another software package, text files should be exported to a Microsoft Word-compatible format. Authors must identify on the disk (CD or 3.5 inch disk), authorship, file names, and paper title.

All final illustrations, including photographs and all tables, must be submitted in hard copy and digital format, unless other arrangements are made with the Scientific Editor. Once the manuscript has been accepted, graphic files must be submitted as TIFF files, with LZW compression, at final size. All figures should either be black and white, greyscale (8 bit) or CMYK colour (32 bit) at 1 to 1 size and 300 dpi. Figures containing line-art (black and white only) should be at 1200 DPI resolution. Graphic files must not be embedded in the text, and use of an eight-character name for the TIF files is required.

At the copy-editing stage, authors should be prepared to revise their original illustrations according to the CSPG style and resubmit new TIF files. One of the copy editors will contact authors directly if such revisions are necessary. We also request that authors include CorelDraw (preferred; version 9) or Adobe Illustrator (version 9) figure file formats, so that the CSPG may make changes to the figures, if the authors are unavailable during the final stages of publication.

All illustrations must conform to the 21.6 x 28 cm page size and two-column format. When creating illustrations for the Bulletin, authors should ensure that the type size is not too large for the scale of the figure. Preferred fonts are sans serif, like Arial and Helvetica (not serif fonts, such as "Times Roman"). Figures should be scaled for reproduction at either 9 cm (1 column), 13.5 cm (1.5 columns) or 18 cm (2 column) width in vertical format, 23 cm width in horizontal format. If submitted figures are not appropriate for these widths, the editor will reduce them accordingly. Authors should clearly indicate if any figures are not to be reduced in size.

It will be necessary to obtain permission to publish previously published figures.

Figure captions must be provided on a separate page, at the end of the manuscript. They should not be pasted on original illustrations, nor placed within the frame of digital illustrations.

Colour illustrations or foldouts may be used if the Editor considers them essential to the paper. Authors will be responsible for additional costs resulting from the use of colour or foldouts.


Authors are responsible for citing and listing references correctly. Only references cited in the text should be listed. Journal titles must be given in full. The Bulletin reference style was recently modified; examples of the revised style are:

Dolphin, D.R. and Klovan, J.E. 1970. Stratigraphy and paleoecology of an Upper Devonian carbonate bank, Saskatchewan River Crossing. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 18, p. 289-331.

Wade, J.A. 1981. Geology of the Canadian Atlantic margin from Georges Bank to the Grand Banks. In: Geology of the North Atlantic Borderlands. J.Wm. Kerr and A.J. Ferguson (eds.). Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 7, p. 447-460.

Cooper, M. 2000. Structural style variations in the BC Foothills. GeoCanada 2000 Abstracts, Geological Association of Canada, on CD Rom.

Arnott, R.W.C., Zaitlin, B.A. and Potocki, D. 1999. Basal Quartz Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), south-central Alberta: Non-marine deposition in an accommodation-limited basin. AAPG-SEPM( Society for Experimental Geology) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Program and Abstracts CD.

Authors should review some recent copies of the Bulletin (March 2002 and later) for more examples of the correct CSPG format. If references are not in CSPG format, they will be returned to the author for reformatting.

Only material that is published or "in press" should be cited in the reference list. Material of limited circulation (technical reports, theses, etc.) may be included, but the reference list must show where it is available. Unpublished material or personal communications should be identified as such in the text or as footnotes but are not to be included in the reference list.


Measurements should be in SI units. Imperial unit equivalents may be given in parentheses, but this is not obligatory. SI units should be referred to by symbol in the text. Please note that A and ?are not SI units; use nm and µm. (See Supplementary Metric Practice Guide for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry and Services, 5th ed, 1989. Calgary: Canadian Petroleum Association.)


Statigraphic terminology must conform to the International Subcommission of Stratigraphic Classification's International Stratigraphic Guide [1976, H.D. Hedberg (ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 200 p]. For other usage, see the American Geological Institute's Glossary of Geology [2nd edition, 1980, R.L. Bates and J.A. Jackson (eds.), Falls Church, Virginia; 751 p.] and the Geological Survey of Canada's Guide to Authors. Manuscripts containing new stratigraphic nomenclature will be subject to review by the CSPG's Stratigraphic Nomenclature Committee.


The copyright of accepted and published material is reserved by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.


Page proofs will be forwarded to authors with a return date specified. Authors will receive an electronic version (PDF file) of their published paper(s).

At the discretion of the Scientific or Managing Editor, minor changes (apart from any necessary corrections) may be accommodated at page proof stage. Major revisions at this or at a later stage will be charged to the author. Authors, who are able to, are encouraged to pay page charges.


Editorial Board



Tim de Freitas, Talisman Energy, Suite 3400, 888 - 3 Street SW, Calgary, AB  T2P 5C5, Tel: (403) 231-2946 Fax: (403) 237-1365, tdefreitas@talisman-energy.com

Managing Editor                                                                                             

Peter Hodgins, Imperial Oil Resources, 3535 Research Road NW, Calgary, AB T2L 2K5, Tel: (403) 284-7463 Fax: (403) 284-7488, peter.hodgins@iol.sprint.com

Book Review Editor                                                                                        

           Burns Cheadle, Outrider Energy Ltd, 302, 205-9th Avenue S.E., Calgary, AB T2G 0R3, Tel: (403) 232-0264 Fax: (403) 232-1196, 




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