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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

BJS is the premier surgical journal in Europe and one of the top surgical periodicals in the world. Its international readership is reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board, supported by a panel of over 1200 reviewers worldwide.

BJS features the very best in clinical and laboratory-based research on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. Developing areas such as minimally invasive therapy and interventional radiology are strongly represented.

The inclusion of Leading articles, Reviews and Original Articles means that the BJS; offers an appropriate format for any length or type of submission. In addition there are abstracts from key meetings, correspondence, and book reviews.

BJS will be of interest not only to general surgeons, but also to specialty surgeons and those working in related fields.




Instructions to Authors

BJS publishes original articles, reviews and leading articles all of which are submitted to peer review.

An article is reviewed for publication assuming that its contents have not been submitted simultaneously to another journal, have not been accepted for publication elsewhere and have not already been published. Any attempt at dual publication will lead to automatic rejection and may prejudice acceptance of future submissions.

Please submit with your manuscript copies of any other papers - published, in press, or submitted for consideration elsewhere - that relate to the same subject. It is essential that you submit any other publications or submissions that use the same data set to allow assessment of any potential overlap.

Indicate on the title page whether the paper is based on a previous communication to a society or meeting. Articles and their illustrations become the property of the Journal unless rights are reserved before publication.

Send four hard copies of original articles, fully assembled including figures, and an electronic copy on disk:

The Editor
British Journal of Surgery
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The Atrium
Southern Gate
West Sussex
PO19 8SQ

It is essential that you provide complete contact details, including full institutional address, telephone number and institutional e-mail address for the corresponding author.

A covering letter must accompany all submissions, must be signed by all authors and must state whether an abstract of the work has been published - please provide an appropriate reference.

Disclose in the covering letter any potential or actual personal, political or financial interest you may have in the material, information or techniques described in the paper. The Journal takes very seriously its obligation to assess and declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest. The decision to publish or withhold such information will be made by the Editors.

Acknowledge all sources of financial support. The first named author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have seen, approved and are fully conversant with its contents. The Journal accepts the criteria for authorship proposed in the British Medical Journal (BMJ 1994; 308: 39-42) and the COPE guidelines on good publication practice (www.publicationethics.org.uk).

If a paper has more than six authors you must justify the inclusion of all names. Results of multicentre studies should be reported under the name of the organizing study group. Methods of recognizing contributors have been proposed (Lancet 1995; 345: 668). The editors are of the view that those with a peripheral association with the work should simply be acknowledged (BJS 2000; 87: 1284-6)


IBM-compatible disks would be preferred. An accurate hard copy must accompany each disk, together with details of the type of computer used, software and disk system. Do not justify.

Please send us digital versions of your figures. Ideally these should be sent in native format or WMF if created in Windows. Files saved as PS, EPS, GIF and TIF may also be used, but please note that it may not be possible to modify them. Disks will not be returned to authors.

Rejected manuscripts and illustrations will not normally be returned.


Material relating to human investigation and animal experiments must comply with and be approved by local ethics committees. It must conform to standards currently applied in the country of origin. The Journal reserves the right not to publish an article on the grounds that appropriate ethical or experimental standards have not been reached.

Written consent must be obtained from the patient, legal guardian or executor for publication of any details or photographs that might identify an individual. Submit evidence of such consent with the manuscript.

Preparation of manuscripts

BJS subscribes to the policy of uniform requirements for manuscripts which facilitates resubmission of papers to journals without extensive recasting. Authors are advised to consult the New England Journal of Medicine (N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-15), or obtain "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" from The Editor, British Medical Journal, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR, UK (cost ?.95 per copy).

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their report including all statistical calculations and drug doses. When quoting specific materials, equipment and proprietary drugs you must state in parentheses the brief name and address of the manufacturer. Generic names should normally be used.

Original articles

Original articles should normally be in the format of introduction, patients and methods, results and discussion. Please provide a 200-word structured abstract. Lengthy manuscripts will be returned for shortening. The discussion in particular should be clear and concise and limited to matters arising directly from the results. Avoid discursive speculation. Randomized clinical trials should be clearly identified as such in the title and abstract.

Reviews and meta-analyses of randomized trials

The Editorial Board of the BJS encourages submission of review articles or meta-analyses on topics of interest. Any topic will be considered, but priority will be given to those addressing a major current problem. The author of each accepted review will receive an honorarium.

Before submission of a meta-analysis of randomized trials, authors are encouraged to consult the Quorum statement, designed to assist in improving the quality of the submission (Lancet 1999; 354: 1896-900)

Potential authors are advised to contact:
Mr J. A. Murie
Editor-in -Chief

Leading articles

The Editors commission leading articles that are 600-900 words in length and address controversial topics of current interest. They should be supported by no more than ten key references. Submissions may be subjected to external review and assessment by the Editorial Board before acceptance. The Editors retain the right to alter style and shorten material for publication. An honorarium is payable on publication.


The Editors welcome topical correspondence from the readers relating to articles published in the journal. Responses should be sent electronically via the BJS website (correspondence) or by post. All electronic communications will be reviewed by the Correspondence Editor and a selection will be published in the Journal.


Manuscripts must be clearly reproduced with adequate space for editorial notes. Present the text on one side of sheets of A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) with double spacing and 4-cm margins. Begin each section (abstract, introduction, patients and methods, results and discussion) on a new page. Manuscripts that do not conform to these requirements will be returned for recasting.

Title page

On the title page give: (1) the title of the article; (2) the name and initials of each author; (3) the department and institution to which the work should be attributed; (4) the name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers of the author responsible for correspondence and to whom requests for reprints should be addressed; (5) sources of financial support; and (6) the category in which the manuscript is being submitted (original article, review, etc.).


This must not exceed 200 words and should be presented in a structured format. Background: state why the study was done and its main aim. Method: describe patients, laboratory material and other methods used. Clearly identify the nature of the study, i.e. randomized controlled trial, retrospective review, experimental study, etc. Results: state the main findings including important numerical values. Conclusion: state the main conclusions but controversial or unexpected observations may be highlighted.

Tables and illustrations

Submit four copies of all illustrations and tables and attach a copy to each copy of the manuscript. Type each table on a separate page with a brief title. Line drawings are acceptable as clear black on white graphics, computer print-out or photocopies. Submit radiographs, photomicrographs, etc. unmounted in the form of glossy prints, original transparencies or negatives. Illustrations in colour are encouraged and will be printed at no cost to the author.

If you include photocopies, they should be of sufficient quality to enable the Journal's referees to judge their content and value. Label each illustration on the reverse side giving its number (to correspond with its reference in the text) and the name(s) of the author(s); indicate the top of the illustration. Include a measure of magnification of photomicrographs.

Include explanations of symbols and shading within the figure. Survival curves must be accompanied by a table giving the actual numbers of patients involved. Include in the legends to illustrations and the footnotes to tables brief but comprehensive explanations of all the information presented. Look at recent issues of the Journal for examples of accepted layout. Any table or illustration reproduced from a published work must give the original source in full. You must obtain permission from the original author and the publisher before submission.


Please try to avoid using abreviations. Terms that are mentioned frequently may be abbreviated but only if this does not impair comprehension. Abbreviations must be used consistently and must be defined on first use.

Numbers and units

Use the decimal point, not a comma, for example 5.7. Use a space and not a comma after thousands and multiples thereof, for example 10 000. Use SI units (International System of Units) except for the measurement of blood pressure (mmHg).


For detailed guidance on the handling of statistical material consult Br J Surg 1991; 78: 782-4. In evaluating a manuscript the Editors and statistical referees will consider the design of the study, the presentation and analysis of data and the interpretation of results.


Set out clearly the objectives of the study, identify the primary and secondary hypotheses, the chosen end-points and justify the sample size. Investigators embarking on randomized controlled studies may wish to consider the CONSORT statement (www.consort-statement.org).


Whenever possible use graphical presentation to illustrate the main findings of a study. The use of standard deviation and standard error should be clearly distinguished and presented in parentheses after the mean values.


Clearly describe methods used for each analysis. Methods not in common usage should be referenced. Report results of statistical tests by stating the value of the test statistic, the number of degrees of freedom and the P value. Actual P values should be reported to three decimal places, especially when the result is not significant. The results of the primary analyses should be reported using confidence intervals instead of, or in addition to, P values.


Take great care in your interpretations. Do not place undue emphasis on secondary analyses.


Type the references with double spacing in the Vancouver style (see Preparation of manuscripts). Reference to abstracts and personal communications is discouraged. Reference to unpublished communications will not be accepted. In the text, number references consecutively by superscript: 1 or 1-3 . References cited only in tables or figures should be numbered in sequence.

PDF proofing

Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat portable document format (PDF) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following website:

http://www.adobe.com/product s/acrobat/readstep2.html

This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. In your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.

Editorial Board
J. A. Murie
Edinburgh, UK
D. Alderson
Bristol, UK

J. J. Earnshaw
Gloucester, UK
P. R. O’Connell
Dublin, Ireland
M. Rothmund
Marburg, Germany
J. Svanvik
Linkoping, Sweden
Statistical Consultant
G. D. Murray
Edinburgh, UK
R. C. G. Russell
London, UK
N. J. McC. Mortensen
Oxford, UK
T. Bates
Ashford, UK
Company Secretary
O. J. Garden
Edinburgh, UK
M. Büchler
Heidelberg, Germany
M. Lee
Birmingham, UK
(Association of Surgeons)
N. J. Bundred
Manchester, UK
(Society of Academic and Research Surgeons)
S. Nicholson
York, UK
V. W. Fazio
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
H. Obertop
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I. G. Finlay
Glasgow, UK
(Royal College of Surgeons)
A. J. P. M. Overbeke
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P. A. Grace
Limerick, Ireland
L. Påhlman
Uppsala, Sweden
U. Haglund
Uppsala, Sweden
C. J. H. van de Velde
Leiden, The Netherlands
H. Ahlman
P. Naredi
R. Andersson
A. R. Naylor
C. G. M. I. Baeten
The Netherlands
M. L. Nicholson
R. J. Baigrie
South Africa
B. Niederle
J. N. Baxter
S. Paterson-Brown
A. R. Berry
A. L. G. Peel
J. Beynon
H. Sanfey
L. Cataliotti
M. Sasako
D. M. Dent
South Africa
A. Sitges-Serra
T. Diamond
M. H. Thompson
S. T. Fan
Hong Kong
H. W. Tilanus
The Netherlands
R. B. Galland
R. A. E. M. Tollenaar
The Netherlands
D. J. Gouma
The Netherlands
J. H. van Bockel
The Netherlands
S. M. Griffin
A. B. van Vugt
The Netherlands
T. Lehnert
E. Wahlberg
G. J. Maddern
T. N. Walsh
A. Montgomery
T. Wobbes
The Netherlands
N. Nagasue
M. G. Wyatt


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