

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

British Journal of Pharmacology is a broad-based journal giving leading international coverage of all aspects of experimental pharmacology. Its scope includes general pharmacology, molecular and cellular pharmacology, neuropharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology, gastrointestinal pharmacology, smooth-muscle pharmacology, immunopharmacology, inflammation, renal, endocrine and metabolic pharmacology.

Special reports provide rapid publication of new results of particular pharmacological significance.

Instructions to Authors

Authors are strongly recommended to read the full Instructions to Authors (Br.J.Pharmacol. 2003, 138, 717-724) and Nomenclature Guidelines for Authors (Br.J.Pharmacol. 2003, 138, 725-729) before submitting a manuscript for publication in the British Journal of Pharmacology. The manuscript should be checked against the following list before mailing.


Original Research Papers

Authors are now able to submit both Full Papers and Special Reports online; this will speed up the review process and is therefore strongly encouraged. For more information about the process of online submission please click here. Authors unable to submit online should send one copy of the manuscript and a copy on disk to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts must be typed in double-line spacing on one side of US letter or A4 paper, in type not smaller than 11 point, with margins of no less than 3cm. Please use one of the following preferred formats: Word for Windows, Wordperfect for Windows, Microsoft Word for Mac or ASCII. The text to be arranged in the following subsections:

Title - To have no more than 150 characters on a separate page, which should also include a Short Title (50 characters maximum) and the name and address of the author for correspondence.

Summary - To be arranged in numbered paragraphs (Full Papers) or a single paragraph (Special Reports).

must not exceed 250 words

to include aims, principal results and conclusions.

to include keywords (10 maximum) at end of summary.

to include non standard abbreviations after keywords

Introduction - To contain concise statements of the problem and the aims of the investigation.

Methods - To have a brief but adequate account of the procedures; full names of drugs (including those referred to by manufacturer's code), sources of drugs and statistical tests to be stated.

Results - To have no repetition of data in Figures, Tables and text.

Discussion- Findings and conclusions to be placed in context of other relevant work. NB Simple repetition of results and unwarranted speculation are not acceptable.

Acknowledgements - Sources of support. Sources of drugs not widely available commercially.

References - All references in the text to be included in the Reference List and vice versa. References in alphabetical order with complete citations; Journals publishing 'in press' papers identified. References to manuscripts submitted to other journals but not yet accepted are not allowed.

Tables - Each on a separate page and prepared in accordance with current requirements of the Journal.

Figures - Figures should be prepared in accordance with current requirements of the Journal (see Instructions to Authors, 2003, 138, 717-724)

keys to symbols and histograms should appear on the Figures themselves, and not in the respective legends.

'box style' figures are not in keeping with the Journal style; line drawings etc must have only left-hand and bottom axes.

preferred formats are TIFF and JPEG.

minimum resolution for production-quality figures (required on acceptance) is to be 300 dpi for colour Figures or black and white halftones and 600 dpi for line illustrations. For online manuscript submission, lower resolution files are acceptable.

please name your Figure files according to the convention "figure1.jpg", "figure2.tif" etc (using the correct file extension), and label the figures themselves with the name of the corresponding author and the figure number (jones_fig1, etc). The Figure legends should be included in the manuscript text file.

authors submitting by post should provide hard copies of all Figures together with electronic files on disk wherever possible.

Failure to comply with Instructions to Authors may lead to substantial delays in processing, review and publication and may even jeopardise acceptance of the manuscript.



The purpose of Special Reports is to provide rapid publication for new and important results which the Editorial Board considers are likely to be of special pharmacological significance. Special Reports will have publication priority over all other material and so authors are asked to consider carefully the status of their work before submission.

In order to speed publication there is normally no revision allowed beyond very minor typographical or grammatical corrections. If significant revision is required, the Board may either invite rapid re-submission or more probably, propose that it be re-written as a Full Paper and be resubmitted for consideration. In order to reduce delays, proofs of Special Reports will be sent to authors but essential corrections must reach the Production Office within 48 hours of receipt. Authors should ensure that their submitted material conforms exactly to the following requirements.

In a covering letter (or at the relevant stage of the online submission process), the authors should state clearly and briefly why they consider the Report to be of special pharmacological significance and should therefore receive priority for publication as a Special Report.

Special Reports can also be submitted online. For postal submissions, please send both versions as hard copy and on disk. Special Reports should normally occupy no more than four printed pages of the Journal. Two versions of each manuscript should be provided. The first version should be prepared double spaced according to instructions for full papers. The second version should be prepared in a two-column format as follows. Text (divided into Summary, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References, maximum of 20, all sub-headings in bold) should be justified and in Times New Roman (9pt). Columns should measure no more than 83 mm (width) and 250 mm (length). The Title (18pt bold), Authors (12pt bold) and their Affiliation (9pt) should spread across both columns. The Summary (9pt) should measure 140 mm (width) and should not exceed 150 words. Within this format there is no limitation to the number of illustrations (Figures and Tables, with legends) allowed. Authors must supply illustrations which are appropriately sized for direct inclusion in the Journal. These should be either 80 mm width (including axis labelling) to fit single column or 160 mm width (including axis labelling) to fit double column. Authors must ensure that sufficient space is left in the body of the text for these illustrations with their associated legends. All lettering in Figures should be in plain sans serif typeface (Univers, 8pt). Please name your Figure files according to the convention "figure1.jpg", "figure2.tif" etc (using the correct file extension), and label the figures themselves with the name of the corresponding author and the figure number (jones_fig1, etc). The Figure legends should be included in the manuscript text file. Please note that the complete manuscript (including text, Figures and Tables prepared as above) must not exceed the four printed pages maximum. Manuscripts which do not conform to these requirements may be returned to authors for amendment without review.



Authors are reminded that accepted receptor and associated terminology is laid out in Nomenclature Guidelines for Authors, as published in the Nomenclature Guidelines for Authors (Br.J.Pharmacol. 2003, 138, 725-729).


Business matters
Business correspondence and enquiries relating to advertising, subscriptions, backnumbers or reprints should be addressed to:
Customer Services, Nature Publishing Group, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, UK.

Last Updated 15 April 2002

Editorial Board

Editor:Professor Alan North


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